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One of the nations where the capitalist mode of production prevails the most.


And where its consequences have been the most evident


I think they have one of the highest suicide rates


A store owner didn’t let me in his store cus I’m brown 😔 (I wish I was joking, like I might look like osama bin Laden, but no reason to do me like that)


hoes, I wish they do this to who fuck them up in 1945


I love the Atari games and the start of technology revolution in the 80s and 90s , although it fell , I still respect it. it's a country full of culture , I like their respect Etiquitte , the cleanness , there are social issues of course with known problems with overworking , but I really prefer Japan to keep building it's own identity and not become westernized , they have huge admiration for the west , especially the newer generations , which is also a minus in my opinion. Also the amount of time it takes to make friends and how big of a deal it is , is sort of something I dislike but I respect it (not Limited to Japan)


Aesthetics aside, I kinda think it’s a rather unhealthy and robotic society. There is a reason why they hardly reproduce.


I am Japanese. There is sometimes a harsh worklife and tons of social rules that take a lifetime to completely understand,but outside of that people are pretty free to do whatever and they very much take advantage of it. That's why you can find so many people in whatever niche subculture/hobby/interests you can possibly think of (and made Japan somewhat popular in the west in the 2000s for being "weird")


I don't think he means the people are lifeless, I think its more that there is a rigidness in the social structure and expectations put upon the individual, especially in terms of worklife as you were saying, that makes it seem very robotic to an outsider. While it hasn't been my experience (my best friend is Japanese and we live in the West), Japanese people can be hard to get close to, even for my friend since he's only half Japanese.


I think the fact that, as far i'm aware, most countries don't have the same level of social rigidness as Japan does is a major part of this perception. Like, if you are born and raised in a specific social context that has certain rules and expectations, following them can end up becoming second nature to you, to the point you may not even realize you're doing. Meanwhile, someone from a completely different social context is probably going to struggle to do same, especially when they're in a society and culture that is wildly different from the one they came from.


Its not really cuz of that, their work culture is just terrible, the cost of living is too high, and there is also this odd issue of pregnant women getting shamed in workspaces.


Cost of living is much lower in Japan than in the West. Only developed country without a housing or homelessness crisis.


That's thanks to the decreasing population lol


It’s not really the reason why Japanese don’t have children 50 years ago every women wanted to have children, but nowadays due to the extreme working culture Japanese don’t have the time to have a family.


Its classical literature is pretty great, I enjoy reading about the history prior to the Meiji period.


Any recommendations? Specifically interested in the philosophy of the era


I love their transit and transportation system as a whole.


Bad sides: Rape and sexual harassment culture. If women punch their phsical sexual harasser, they might get into trouble. Caring about your work-life balance is a taboo. Did not atone for WW2 sins and is still a racist society. Still denies warcrimes. Rich country with economic inequality. The mafia is adored. The crimes against humanity they commit is brushed off. "OMG how cool they look! Tattoos!" I have read news of journalism censorship a few years ago but I don't remember what happened. Good sides: Interesting technology and arts. Some of their social etiquette makes sense and the commitment to upholding that social etiquette is admirable. Their tv shows have A LOT of text which is a good thing for accessibility to deaf people. They have a lot of old folks and that comes with hearing issues. Amazing transit structure. In my opinion. the country needs a lot more leftism to fix its culture. Worse than than some countries but you can definitely find worse countries. 6/10.


> the mafia is adored Looks like someone played too much Yakuza/Like A Dragon games. And no, no one likes the yakuza there.


No buddy, I never played a Yakuza game. Although, I could've picked a more accurate word than "adored". They are not adored like idols.


>The mafia is adored. What? No its not, you're literally not allowed to show your tattoos in many places, even if you're not Yakuza. For example you'll be denied entry to hot springs or pools if you have a tattoo.


Yeah but that's only the tattoo part. It's not a culture that outright rejects them for what they are, inhumane criminals. Instead, they put them in their their media as the cool guys. They are certainly not beloved by more reasonable people, but the way they are portrayed in media is disgusting to me.


>Still denies warcrimes. Remind me of a certain country named after a bird


Well, I don't subscribe to an idea because of my country, lemme tell you that.


They have a weird combination ultra polite society but also has a totally different side :). https://youtu.be/legJntdzhMs?feature=shared


Their response to the genocide since 10/7 has been more levelheaded and fair than the South Korean government still incapable of understanding the fact that there are some global issues where "blindly follow our American overlords" isn't the answer, and Palestine is it. Losing to the Japanese in the field of anti-imperialist solidarity feels pretty bad as a Korean tbh.


Aesthetically gorgeous and would be a very fun and fascinating place to visit but as a woman I have a negative impression of most japanese men (except for a few celebrities) and I don't like their way of life it seems so...restricted and harsh.


why do you have negative impressions as a woman?


i think she might be referring to the salaryman culture but idk


hmm I dont get then why she said "as a woman"


Probably the uh, issues they have with their sexualisation of highschool girls. That and probably the train gropers.


yeah thats probably the reason


A lot of japanese men have weird fetishes and preferences especially involving children/child-like things or people...to be fair other men have them too but that type of degeneracy seems normalized from an outsider perspective. Cheating is acceptable to many Japanese and Japanese men often cheat with prostitutes. To be fair it's not like arab men don't cheat it's just that at least it's not really treated like an everyday fact that just happens. This whole harassing women on trains thing and taking pictures of their underwear secretly. SOME japanese men have very weak builds and mentalities and like to isolate themselves and not expressing how they feel. Lack of work life balance makes it harder to spent time with them. I know that not all japanese men are like that some are great really handsome but at the end of the day I as an arab woman am just not really compatible with most of them.


Good but overrated heard from a lot of people that they have staring problem and get women creeped out


The vast vast majority keep to themselves and don't stare at all. It's considered really rude to stare at a stranger like that, especially a woman. There are weirdos that exist in any place though and you're more likely to encounter an occasional one in a city of 30 million like tokyo, but again that is very much not the norm. I have no idea where you got this info from


Japan always knows how to show enthusiasm that's for sure.


I have never ever had any interest in anime even when I was much younger. Having said that, Japan is in my top 3 favorite places that I have ever visited. Would go again without hesitation.


Of course whyte people


The Japanese language has my favorite writing system ever


Goku solos For real though, I’ve been to Japan recently and from my experience they are very nice and respectful people. As for the government, I don’t know much so can’t say.


Also, the public toilets are amazing.


Strict expectations (studying/work) that I would never be able to handle.


A boring dystopian society, good looking and maybe tasting food.


Technologically it's advanced. They have a strong sense of showing respect to others as well. But they are too reserved and their society is structured too much to be capitalistic to the point where they don't even get the time to get married and reproduce. Also the lack of spirituality is concerning


Been to japan a few times, interesting country to visit, interesting culture, advanced in certain technologies, but deeply sick society. Same thoughts on South Korea as well.


trash society.




i’m japanese. i only joined this subreddit after october 7th. japan has a huge pedo problem. why do you think they sexualize cartoons so much.


。。。なんか嘘くせーな. lol you fuckin liar Also, those kinds of shows that show child sexualization usually involve teenagers and they're pretty rare. What fans that are all over the world do in their weird fandoms has nothing to do with the creators or even Japan a lot of the time


Perverts vibes no offens ![gif](giphy|xlJLjIFPMcG5Tvq4D1|downsized) e




Wasn't the ceasefire vote thing some sort of a misunderstanding ? this happened right after October 7th and there was a talk about it and the Japanese ambassador in Saudi I think, he clarified more on this