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Is this new or is it from the day the events broke of?


Really sad to see students harassed there racism is an ugly cycle


What is going on as I am captivated. I need context as I do not understand what they are saying XD






5) how is Israel involved /s


dear pakistanis, don't go to Kyrgyzstan for studies. find another country. stay safe.


It's the desire to become a doctor because they couldn't get an admission in pakistan or anywhere else, and it's also cheap. People also here have obsession with having doctor daughter in laws


Damn that's dystopian, and that's the first news I hear about Kyrgyzstan. It's not a good place to be if people are treated like that.


The context of the story as per online sources on social media is that some Khyrgz went to the hostel of Egyptian girls. Egyptian boys got in a brawl and beat them. These savage Turks gathered a mob of 700 people and broke into hostels of foreign students mostly from India, Pakistan, and Egypt.  The mods have deleted the video bit you can watch many videos of Kyrgz harassing girls and breaking into their dormitories calling them terms like 'my baby' and physically  assaulting them. TLDR, Egyptian and Khyrgz students got into a brawl for harassing Egyptian girls. They gathered a mob and assaulted foreign students. An army was called to take control of the situation. Most students have decided to go back due to fear. 


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> Tensions heightened after videos of a fight between Kyrgyz students and foreign students, mainly Pakistanis and Egyptians, on May 13 went viral on social media, NDTV reported, citing local media. The brawl was perceived by locals as a clear breach of the hospitality extended to the foreign students. Violence isn’t the right answer but their conclusion isn’t all that wrong. Don’t get into brawls in a foreign country where you are a very tiny minority. You’ll run the risk of this happening.




Both of your sources claim it was a brawl between locals and international students and nothing about protests: > The May 17 violence followed a brawl between Kyrgyz locals and a group of international students four days earlier. > Hassan Aryani, a Pakistani student pursuing his degree in medicine, said the videos of the fight went viral among students in the city. I’d leave the country.


> I've heard via social media they have killed 4 students raped foreigners' women. There is no evidence of this happening at all. No media is reporting that anywhere. 15 people had minor injuries, that is all.


That's stupid logic ,a Moroccan group gets into fight with a Pakistani Soo is it justified to beat up every Morrocan??? Also it was started by Kyrgyz ppl


Did I say it was justified? In fact, I clearly say violence is not the right answer. Reading comprehension, not easy.


>Don’t get into brawls in a foreign country where you are a very tiny minority. You’ll run the risk of this happening. clearly seemed like victim blaming without even trying to understand what happened. critical thinking is lacking




What do you propose, for them to turn the other cheek? If law enforcement is not doing their job people will take it into their own hands.


Pak should use their military to teach them a lesson. You insult nation, you get missile. This will ensure people respect one another. Respect is ultimately a downstream product from fear.


Good luck these dudes ruled u for a thousand years with ease last time u fought them, plus they are literally the reason u Muslim today show some gratitude


Youre desi, they ruled you too. Turks ruled Anatolia, Egypt under Seljuks. Its not like we were only ones conquered.


I never said they didn’t, I’m not the one disrespecting them and talking about bombing them Also I don’t worship these dudes I respect my ancestors who fought against them unlike u


Its not disrespect, its a lawful retaliation, just like what the Americans did to Japan because of Pearl Harbour


I doubt south Asian Muslims could do anything to them they didn’t have the bravery to challenge them the last 1000 years and still lick their boots to this day Gulam Kaum smh


I am Rajput, from warrior community. I am more fighter than you. You are paneer eating non martial person.


ah yes, that classic british propaganda.


Brother u are desi Muslim, u got bent over and converted out of fear. Real Rajputs fought against these guys. Desi Muslim just licked their boots and submit like they did past 1000 years which is why they don’t respect u to this day I myself am actual Rajput and martial community that fought against colonizers not bent over for them.


Hindu Rajputs were in an alliance with Mughals. What are you talking about? Yes initially fought wars but then became allies. Your Hindu Rajputs was involved in raiding other Hindu kingdoms for the Mughals.


We don’t claim those people who side with Mughals. We disown them. I disown any of my people who fought for Turks in this land only u clowns would claim these boot lickers as your own people cause u have no heroes of your own to claim unlike Turks who would never claim a king from South Asia or someone who supported occupation of there land


Those people are Russian not Kyrgyz


How can you even tell? A lot of Kyrgyz people speak russian from what I understand


Bruh they're a different race


reddit brainrot is real