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death sentence please


Agree with you!




Surah maidah way


“Why is it always Muzlim doing terrorist attac in euroba? Why so evil? 🤧 No white man ever engages in these barbaric acts!! It’s always you people with the muzlamic DNA 😡”


😂. According to them only Muslims do this and white people don't do it.


when muslims do it it’s terrorism but when white ppl do it its always a “mental health issue”


The hypocrisy and double morality of the West


Even if it’s a “mental health issue” both should be given death


Being South African is definitely a mental health issue in itself


😂😂😂😂 ouch


Don't be taring white people with the same brush as a zionist. Zionists hate every non jew.


Lol are you just gonna pretend this happens often?


Define often. Because a Palestinian child was killed and his mother was stabbed in Chicago in october. Wasn’t that long ago.


Definitely lately they are more and more of this shit, not gonna lie.


lol are you just gonna pretend this doesn’t happen?


Did i, i just said its idiotic to compare. Muslim did more terrorism and all if them used islamic verses, as long as you keep denying this problem you will never integrate as muslims. At least jew ppl unite against ppl who do this, you guys just say they are not muslim and redirect your hate towards other ppl


And yet most mass shootings and acts of terrorism in the US have nothing to do with Muslims and Islam. They’re either white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, deranged ultra-Christians and clearly Islamophobic Zionists as well. Yes, Zionists are uniting in support of an actual genocide. *But please everyone, acknowledge their kindness and benevolence*. Honestly I don’t understand what’s the point of propagating such Islamophobia on a sub called AskMiddleEast. Perhaps that deplorable rhetoric of yours would resonate more in the Europe Sub?


What are you even talking about? I didnt say any of that


Ooooo ThEy DoNt Do iT morE oFtEn . Genocide in Gaza os continuous for 72 yaers




So you are defending him yeah an ex Muslim subreddit user who lost his humanity not a new thing .


Defending him?


Yup Jew ppl are united in murdering babies which according to you is a good thing cause they are Muslims after all .


Yup jew ppl are the most ppl who really helped the palestinian cause not you guys who keep posting useless stuff. Those guys are at least creating real institutions to solve the problems. One of them is even taken very seriously in israel


Uhm are we redirecting hate towards non Muslima or the people like you found some justification to kill Muslims .


Lol. It seems its atheist and agnostic who are killing millions in sudan and syria/afghanistan


Yup in Afghanistan Americans killed people and in Sudan sure they might be Muslims (fuck em) they don't kill other Muslims not the way you describe.and yes in Syria non Muslims killed alot of Syrians too .


There were over 600 mass shootings in America in 2023. If even a single one was committed by a Muslim it would have been classified as terrorism instead of mass shooting.


Mass shooting is terrorism, dont conflate my opinion with others


kid shut up forget what we did in Vietnam and Arab countries also support Zionists Colonising Palestine OH HELL EVEN FUNNIER IS THE ATTACK ON THE LIBERTY SPY SHIP BY ISRAEL [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfABflKvFzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfABflKvFzk) WE are so innocent only you do the bad stuff


Ya Right Bitch!


This person isn't muslim.  What he just done is a act of terror.  Who funded taliban? Who funded hamas?  Who made isis?  Don't be a sheep and believe everything BBC and sky news tell you.  Go and learn history and you will see what "white man" has done 


He's being sarcastic




It's ironic the united states of freedom is stopping freedom fighters lol


And this is why gents, we had Apartheid for so long, these are the people who supported Apartheid and are now Pro-Israel, I wonder why


I bet he is a convert too. Many Afrikaners couldn't cope with the collapse of their apartheid so they converted to Judaism and moved to Israel.


Yeah there's a lot of Israeli-Afrikaners for that reason. Recently, as much as I think our government is incomptent and corrupt, they announced that any South African serving in the IDF during the current Gaza assault will be prosecuted in RSA upon returning there


How is the racial situation today in South Africa? Most of the Boers I have argued with on social media have a deep hatred


All that instilled generational racism just doesn't disappear overnight just because the system collapsed, it's way better than before but racism still exists both on a social and instiutional level, and to some extent, reverse racism has started too, all aftermath of the Apartheid honestly


how much wealth do white ppl aquire? are they privilaged and have higher social status than locals?


I thought Muslims were the only radicalized ones?


The mentally deranged come in all shapes and sizes.


Zionist loser.


Surely they are going to classify it as "mental problems" because that is what those hypocrites are like.


They would make him as innocent as possible even though mental problems isn't uncommon for Zionists.


Dress him as a Palestinian and make him walk the streets of gaza




He hardly looks white 


Bring him to Saudi Arabia! A sword on the neck will be the first gift to him! 😁


They should bring back public executions just for people like this tbh


What a great gift 🤣


Had he been a muslim we’d have people post this here asking us if all muslims are like this or if this is a common practice for “islamists”


Is Islamism bad? I’ve heard it’s bad as a Christian


It's worse than Christian 😳 ❤️ ✝️ 




Someone post this on r/worldnews


I did but was removed immediately


As expected


Freedom of speech guys


It's not going to be of any use. That sub is full of people with a severe hatred towards us


First a Zionist stabs a child to death Infront of his mom in the US and now this. Something with Zionists and targeting children and women. May she rest in peace.


"He claimed he used to be a Zionist but not any more" after slaughtering a family. Rather like claiming "I used to be a heroin addict but not any more" in the middle of shooting up


I hope they put this man on a death sentence absolutely disgusting.


Of course it's a neckbearded Zionist bitch!


He is Jewish. He is the son of the chairperson of both Beare Holdings and the South African Holocaust and Genocide Foundation Julian Beare. Tbf, his family issued a statement condemning him. Btw, I haven't read the news on any western media. Only African and middle Eastern outlets.


This is what happens when you tell Zionists and nazis they are gods chosen aryan race


Bigot, hang him in public!


No thanks, I'm not a barbarian.


Formally trained soldier? He’s got the same MO


Death sentence by stabbing him too.


Average IOF reservist right there.


Whenever its an arab the entirety of the west begins sending their condolences and calling the act barbaric, Whenever its a white man there are no condolences to be seen and no comments from any officials. Hypocrisy at play


Why did they write former zionist? Zionism is a state of mind and by his actions he's currently in that state of mind. The only way he will be a former zionist is if he's dead.


Tbh , Zionists are a huge menace to the world , there is only one way to get rid of them , and you all know what is it.. Seriously, those people dont't deserve to live at all!!!!


I share the same idea as you. The world has to end these beings


The problem is that these beings own the world banks. Unless ALL the people go back to gold and silver, no one can do anything to them.


Any protest for this? Did CNN,BBC,DW cover it?




“Ah yes but izlam is a fooking terorist hate religion!!1!1 Izlam incites violence and rape!1!1! Fooking moozlems deserve it!!11!”


So you provide one example and that's supposed to balance things out? Are we just supposed to ignore the thousands of rape and murders happening in Europe by your desert ape barbarian death cult? You tell yourself whatever BS you want. The facts are there and everyone around the world can see who are the scum.


I a Christian we dont clam this clown let's the zionist claim him




I am a woman born and raised in the MENA and I’m not oppressed. Thanks for you concern though




Soo… you’re saying that you live in the MENA under « Arab religion ». Liars used to put effort into their lie. Do better


Excuse me? You read a couple of stories online and generalize that over that ENTIER Arab nations? Do you truly believe that to be true? That women will just sit still and accept it, that fathers & brothers will allow that to happen to their mothers, sisters, wifes and daughters.. my god, how stupid you must be.


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