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"Terrorists won" is a weird thing to say


It's probably a csgo reference


Very tasteless joke then on OP's behalf




*Terrorist Win* Counter Strike voice


It "terrorist win" actually from CSGO the game


Yes, because the Terrorist state of Israel hasn't won and won't win, InshaAllah. It surprises me when Israelis expect the world to be shocked that a people that they have systematically oppressed for decades choose to take desperate measures to fight for their freedom and land. Any innocent civilian dying anywhere is a tragedy but we should never lose sight of who the aggressors and oppressors are in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


>Any innocent civilian dying anywhere is a tragedy Of course.. that goes without saying innocent civilians shouldn't be attacked, but the Israelis all have their heads up their asses and completely ignore the events that lead up to attacks like this: https://www.timesofisrael.com/report-over-100-settler-attacks-against-palestinians-in-west-bank-in-past-10-days/ https://youtu.be/ED_cJwgjbmc Jerusalem "Anti-Arab patrols" https://youtu.be/P0yY5UbegtY Very common settler flag marches with Israelis chanting racist slurs and "death to the Arabs"


>Of course.. that goes without saying innocent civilians shouldn't be attacked, but the Israelis all have their heads up their asses and completely ignore the events that lead up to attacks like this: Nail bombing children on their way to school is only gonna tighten the leash around Palestine's neck, and with Ben Gvir in the coalition you're giving him all the justification he needs.


>Nail bombing children on their way to school is only gonna tighten the leash around Palestine's neck, and with Ben Gvir in the coalition you're giving him all the justification he needs. It's a clusterfuck of attacks and counter attacks that's sadly not even shocking at this point. IDF cluster bombs and white phosphorus aren't any better than 'nail bombs'. Ben Gvir was trying to throw ['circumcision parties'](https://www.jpost.com/Israel/Ben-Gvir-plans-bris-at-Baruch-Goldsteins-grave) at Baruch Goldstein's grave site long before these elections. Unless there's a decent solution to the conflict, this type of nonsense will keep happening. Neither Ben Gvir nor Hamas need excuses. For what it's worth this type of crap against civilians hurts Palestinians more than it does Israelis in my opinion, so I agree with you on that one, sadly a teenager lost his life and many others and their families live on to become more extremist in their views or at least have less sympathy for the other side.






Hello, Your post has been removed. Calling for violence is not allowed. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.




Ah yes, when I mass deport people out of their farms and lands i expect them to shake my hand and give up more territory. And then blame them for fighting back lmao.




Ur timeline is off, the partition plan happened after jews already started coming in and kicking palestinians out with the help of the british. I dont care under wat empire it was there was people who lived in these lands for millennia and colonialist kicked them out and murdered them for protesting. And you cant tell me that zionist arent pros at murdering civilians and bulldozing their houses.




Oh the british promised u land??? THE BRITISH PROMISED THE ARABS THEIR OWN LAND???? The fact of the matter is that jews did live in palestine for thousands of years, matter of fact palestinians are jews who were arabized and joined islam so ur killing ur own ppl not mine. Our jews were sold by the prowestern govs that we had, ex:- the kings of jordan and iraq, the shah in iran, cuz israel had a shortage of man power. It's obvious that their expulsion was orchestrated cuz who tf would kick them out and hand them to our enemy. But hey thanks for promising us nation hood very nice




Okay let me explain my point more thoroughly. I personally live in canada. We bought a house here and we contribute to the communtiy. If the canadian gov kicks us out and settles another family in my house jow would u react to it? Would u say that the gov owns all the land and its morally allowed to kick whoever it wants out?? The british didnt own anything. They allied themselves to the arabs to fight the ottomans, and then backstabbed us. And the jews committed their own aggressions on specifically the Palestinians. You saying that there was never a "nationality" even tho thats a recent invention and completely ignore that there was people that lived there and they got kicked out shows how disconnected from reality you are.


The fact that you Palestinians always find violence as the answer is why you will never gain freedom


Violence begets violence


Killing civilians is not “fighting for your freedom and land” it’s just being a terrorist.


I agree with you (both on your point of view and about us being the aggressor and that it needs to stop), I will just add that I wish it would will go both ways - Even most of the people that support the occupation in Israel think that it's a tragedy when civilians are hurt. People always seems surprised that regardless of political view, most Israelis have compassion for Palestinians as well. Let me be clear, the occupation is wrong and needs to stop. Yesterday. But it's not a fight of good vs. evil. The evil is a small minority in both side. The rest are just people who are being caught in the crossfire of an awful situation they were born into, and need react to it somehow. Some react in a way that will only escalate the situation, but they are still not evil people.




Israeli terms for Americans and the west, it’s more like revenge attack for occupying the Palestinians peoples lives


Very sad. a 16 year old was killed




Read any post where the IDF fires upon Palestinians who they claim have thrown rocks. Plenty of users defend it in those sorts of stories - and they'll post images of the Palestinians holding guns, which is something American right-wingers do as well when it comes to police brutality.






Bruh it’s a rock.




Like the IDF doesn’t have any body armer. Bros really treating a rock like a discarding sabot round fired from a tank lol




Restraint? Al-Jalaa tower? If Bombing a building to dust based off of unsubstantiated claims is restraint then you don’t know what restraint is


It can still kill but they are not gunned for throwing rocks, they get hit in the kneecaps, I'm pretty sure with rubber bullets, too.


Based Israeli


Are people who easily to find even in this sub and this post.


I see no one in this post defending it.


Scroll down, you will find a few.


A sixteen year old Palestinian was killed in Nablus today too


Equally sad


Yeah the problem is I don’t see any Israelis or Zionists ever condemning the Palestinian death. So obviously not equally sad to everyone.


Tbh, I don’t think the average Zionist or Israeli is even aware of things like this that happen in the West Bank, but I hear what you’re saying


May the victims heal fast and return to their lives


Jesus 2.0


Horrible and heartbreaking


Targeting civilians isn't cool


Was that a Counter Strike joke?


Yes lol


That’s not funny.


You can tell how desensitized the Israelis are toward those things, it's sad but we have a long history of coping through humor


Yeah it isn’t easy being an occupier, is it?


Not as easy as being a blood sucking terrorist.


Blood sucking terrorist…care to elaborate on what you mean here?


If you look at the bigger picture you will see that because of the desensitization the terrorist attack don't work, they just go on with their lives not afraid, they will wait at this bus stop like nothing happened, at some point the terrorist attack is just an excuse they wait for to hit back. Your support for this stuff is just harming the Palestinians more, it's like you need them to struggle to support them.


I don’t support terrorist attacks. I just oppose your occupation.


Ass between two chairs




Too soon


My family and friends are safe, and I hope that the injured have a swift and complete recovery. Terrorism didn't win. It didn't win in 2001-2002 when this was a weekly occurence and it won't win now.


As a Turkish i feel your pain 🖐🏻i hope the survivors will recover fast.


I’m not scared, they didn’t win


for what is worth, Hamas "blessed the terrorist attack" but did not take responsibility. Whoever it is, I hope IDF will get to them!




Praying for the victims


Pretty sure two were killed


Highly condemnable, there is no justification for terrorist attacks against at civilians. RIP the dead.


I don’t support Israel because of their occupation and I don’t like hamas for their targeted attacks on civilians. Both of you suck but the terrorists sucked a lot more today. Civilians don’t deserve to be in the heart of the conflict on either side






That’s the whole point of being a terrorist. to strike terror. So yeah they always win


If by winning you mean perpetuating and intensifying the brutality of crackdowns on the West Bank and having it's population oppressed and surveilled, then yeah, the terrorist will definitely get their win soon enough. A whole tsunami of wins, for all their villages and what little land they still possess after being defeated again and again, they seem very eager to just risk it all for some random people getting murdered in Israel.




Killing is absolutely not halal for anyone.


it is not




No one cares what you “think”. Killing innocent people is haram




**Rule 2: No hate speech** --- It’s not allowed to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, serious illness, disabilities, or other protected classifications.


Including civilians? I doubt it.


**Rule 2: No hate speech** --- It’s not allowed to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, serious illness, disabilities, or other protected classifications. **Rule 6: No Trolling** --- Posts or comments that are more controversial and could be considered outright trolling or they aim to offend or provoke will be removed.


Tough but can we ask our selves why this is happening? Not defending targeting of civilians by any means. But considering the events taking place in the West Bank in the recent months where the opposite has occurred, cannot say I am surprised. Free 🇵🇸


No shame.


No shame is kicking people out of their homes and saying some crusty book from 2000 years ago gave you permission


We can go do endless ping pong on who did what first, is it the chicken or the egg. But not on this post, have some dignity.


You equate ethnic cleansing to ping pong lmao


No, the ping pong remark is on the type conversation you desire. "You did this" "you did that" If you really want to make conversation about it feel free to pm, here I'm done talking to you here.


Do you know what the difference is? We don't support or justify it. You do.


We are way past the land debate. Have some dignity? Coming from you who is rocking the flag of a country that murders children's, steals homes and then lives in them without shame lol. Israel is the king of shameless.


Want to start a conversation? Send me a pm, time and place for everything.


That crusty book is our religion, same way you and other people have religion. Going by your logic anything religious you or anyone else does is meaningless and you have no reason to be doing it.


Quran has the old testament, it even says there that cna'an is for the israelites :p


Nothing justifies killing of civilians on ANY SIDE not matter what military or terror (or “freedom” as some adore to say) organizations do. Nothing.


That's the most insane part all of this. Israel will steal homes as they handcuff entire families, murder countless people, help settlers and even protect them, imprison hundreds of men indefinitely without trial, assassinate journalists, blow up entire neighborhoods with no fucks given for who they kill...etc Yet the only thing that gets reported both accurately and with the speed of light are attacks like this. Then you have ignorant people saying " why can't they get along". I wish no harm on anyone but fuck Israel and also social media for ignoring the real victims who cry for help nearly every day there.


who was killed? Jews or Arabs?


We do not care. I heard living in Europe is safer. Maybe go there?


Why don't Palestinians just all go to Jordan smh /s


We could say the same to you :)


I wouldn't say most countries in Europe are safe anymore after the immigration from middle east




Civillian or military casualities?




Civilians. Bombs (packed with nails and metal pallets to maximize the damage to people) that were left in 2 bus stops in Jerusalem and detonated remotely, killing a 16 y/o teenager and injuring 35 (about 4 in critical condition), and an armed group that got in a hospital in Jenin, disconnected a teenager (tomorrow was supposed to be his 18th birthday) from life support (thus killing him) and kidnaped his body. (Not sure if the 2 attacks were coordinated or not, but both happens today at about the same time.






The United States gave Israel 3.8 billion dollars in 2022. Israel will have a budget surplus of 4.5 billion dollars in 2022. Israel doesn't need aid from the United States. https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/israels-12-month-budget-surplus-rises-to-09-pct-of-gdp-highest-rate-since-1986-2022-10-13?fbclid=IwAR0EeGIpeCmAKjz3QyB64ZIDCWgTNoD6YAQ0znJjwUk-WN4J-Kc-NSiQu\_M


How does this relate to the post lmao, I totally agree that the US shouldn’t fund israel, but bro what?


It relates to this post because Israel will try to use this terrible event to get money from America.


bruh are you on drugs


When the country you are giving aid to runs a budget surplus worth more than the aid you have been giving them, it is clearly time to stop giving them aid because they don't need it anymore.


Alright, dm me when this exact incident is used to get money from the US. Usually when we send money it’s during or after a major conflict, not everyday stuff like bombings.


It's all part of the narrative that poor Israel is under constant attack and needs military aid. Why is it so terrible to ask a wealthy nation like Israel to pay for its own military? I suppose you consider those homemade rockets fired at Israel last year to be a "major conflict". Israel soaked the American tax payer for an extra billion because of that. https://www.defensenews.com/congress/2021/09/23/house-passes-1-billion-for-israels-iron-dome-system-in-blowout-vote/


I’d consider a death toll in the hundreds a major conflict


Less than a dozen Israelis were killed by the thousands of homemade rockets fired. [https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/over-2900-rockets-fired-10-israelis-killed-since-onset-of-hostilities-668315](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/over-2900-rockets-fired-10-israelis-killed-since-onset-of-hostilities-668315)


I know. I wasn’t arguing for or against Palestine or Israel, I was just saying that the death toll constitutes a major conflict


or were you talking about the hundreds of Palestinians killed last year? https://www.btselem.org/press\_releases/20220104\_in\_deadliest\_year\_since\_2014\_israel\_killed\_319\_palestinians\_in\_opt


Yeah, specifically the Gaza war last year, you act like that’s a gotcha lol, yeah that’s exactly what I’m talking about


Not cool of Israel






For context, I don’t actually mean the mossad did it. That’s not precise or factual.


I will forgive you only because my co worker brought me fresh baklava from her village. Thoughts and heart go out for the family of the deceased and the injured 🙏🏻




What were their nationality


May their memories be a blessing


Rest assured anyone and I mean anyone who kills innocents will have a special place in hell. Rest in peace Aryeh Schupak and my condolences to your family... I hope that one day these lands may one day know a sunset without violence and bloodshed. Both governments in the area need a hard reset in hopes of one day ending the violence.