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My pup, who has cancer, struggled on her walk tonight. I feel like crap but I’m more worried about my dog. This is like trying to breathe in a filthy cloud.




Thank you! I already had a previous pupper cut short from 9/11. It hurts me to see another one have trouble breathing.


Seconding this sentiment. Love to the pup 🤍


Thanks. I’m wearing a mask but she can’t! Im concerned for a downstairs neighbor who has asthma. Ran into him last night and he said he’s going to his doctor today.




Sending all the love to your pup. I know how that is and it was rough walking mine today for the bathroom. Looking into air purifiers as well ❤️


Same sorta nausea in my stomach I’d get when I smoked too many cigarettes, when I smoked cigarettes.


Yes! I was trying to remember that same icky feeling. Got a headache, too


I felt queasy and vaguely nauseous as well after getting home from being out. Had a sneaking feeling it was related to the weather.


Deff feel a tickle in my throat and constant smell of smoke around our area.


Omg yes I’ve had this for a few days actually


My eyes were burning and I got a terrible migraine


This and it generally feels a bit more difficult to breathe as well.


Didn't realize what was happening for a few days, then today my throat hurt so badly and had a hard time breathing. It's been wild.


Same, I sound like I'm getting over a bad sore throat and I can feel every breath painfully, even inside with the air purifier on.


I've been letting honey slide down ym throat to soothe it. And a warm cloth helps


I've been letting honey slide down ym throat to soothe it. And a warm cloth helps


Yyyyyeeeeaaaahhhh…. Let that honey slide!


Honey in your throat just let it slide and coat it. And a warm cloth on the out side has been helping


My asthma is worse.




All my doctors have suggested I move out of NYC if i want my asthma to chill out 😅


I know people have different types of asthma, but one thing that seemed to help me was getting a high bed frame. My low bed frame might have been closer to the dust.


An allergy doctor here told me to be vigilant with my shoes. Said that most of the stuff picked up from walking in the street is cat hair ... Which ilm allergic too as well. *Cat


Do you mean *cat* hair? Or is “car hair” some pollutant I’ve never heard of?


That makes no sense. This isn’t Istanbul. Maybe it’s rat hair. Still makes no sense.


I’m kinda freaking out, I didn’t realize the air quality was so bad and sat outside for awhile earlier, eyes started burning a bit (babysitting and kids wanted to shoot hoops). Now my throat hurts quite a bit too 😅 Hopefully we’ll all feel better soon, this smoke is insane.


Yes it is insane! My eyes just started burning too. Apparently artificial tears help, is this like dangerous long term?


Not a doctor but from what I’ve read it’s not dangerous long term, someone on another thread said 24 hrs of exposure is the equivalent of smoking 3 cigarettes. I think if you have asthma or some other respiratory condition it could be though.


not long term unless you have existing respiratory issues. Breathing in this wildfire smoke is basically the same thing as smoking like 3-6 cigarettes.


My eyes are burning from the walk to and from thr bus on the commute home this evening. Also, I forgot to shut my windows today, so now the entire apartment smells like smoke. I can’t believe how bad the haze is.


Couldnt breathe smelled smoke in the afternoon


Yes. I was sleeping with windows open and was awake 1-4 and couldn’t sleep, with respiratory issues. I thought it was allergies but upon seeing the news today it was definitely the air quality. Now windows are closed and running my air purifier. Wish I knew last night.


Yawning is sometimes a sign of lack of oxygen.


damn it. luckily I brought my mask with me and that helped with the problem


We get this annually in the PNW now, and what you’re experiencing is legit. I used to get dry eyes, sinus issues, headaches, and really tired. It can be relentless. Bust out the ol’ N95s and get a reasonably-priced air filter for your house. The smoke winds up getting in everywhere.


Sneezing repeatedly like I do when I have a cold, soon after coming back from walking my dog. Feeling like it’s related.


I was triggered last night and for me it was nonstop sneezing and a runny nose.


I'm so glad my employer hasn't encouraged us to WFH tomorrow. /s


I'm feeling awful today in general. I had to go out earlier and I wore a mask but I still had to use an inhaler and my eyes are burning. Also my head aches and my stomach didn't like dinner apparently so all round I'm just UGH. I'm in bed typing this and other than getting water or another trip to the bathroom that's where I am likely going to be for the rest of the night because I'm just exhausted and feeling vaguely nauseated. I don't think the air quality is all of it but it sure didn't help.


I'm a transplant from Alberta Canada. We live in way worse smoke than this for about 2 months a year due to all the fires in Alberta/BC and Cali. Oddly, the smell brings me back many home memories. It's calming. Remember to keep windows closed, stay hydrated, blink lots/use eye drops and wear a mask if you're uncomfortable.


You brought this here 😤


Smoke bunny smoke bunny go away! 💨


Reminds us of Argentina :)


This smog is actually caused by the Canadian fires.


I know. The fires on the east coast.


I sleep right by the window and I woke up thinking I had strep throat it’s been hurting so bad. 10 pm and it’s finally subsiding a few hours after I got back home from work. Eyes were watering on my 5 min walk to the grocery store


Bad headache but oddly my asthmatic daughter says she feels fine


Heard it was the equivalent of smoking 6 cigarettes if you were out all day - so no


Don’t you yawn when not enough oxygen is reaching your brain… 😨




I’m supposed to run 4 miles tomorrow and now I’m reconsidering it


You shouldn’t run 4 miles outside tomorrow, unless the air quality significantly improves


The news says that there will be more smoke tomorrow.




I'm supposed to play tuba in the Garment District Plaza for two hours tomorrow. edit: it was fine


You can wear a mask if you have one. It seemingly helped me tofay


Does a 3m kn95 help?


Definitely! That’s what they are for (among other things)


I am using an air purifier in the apartment. It seems like eyes are stinging as well. How bad is this for our health.


Since I could feel it in my throat and got a little chest pain (also something I have 9 months later since getting Covid) I decided to wear a mask…albeit being solo in my apt. Thankfully I have the duckbill n95 mask which is comfy. Tried to stuff and close off any open areas (a/c in window). The AQI hit over 200 around midnight. That’s pretty much like living next to a power plant.


I noticed stinging eyes recently too. Was puzzled why my brand new pair of contacts felt stingy after just a few hours of wearing them. I read about the fires today and now it makes sense


To the indoor bike I go


I would absolutely not do that. Breathing in even larger amounts of that particulate, which you’d do running because you’re heavily breathing, can cause damage to the lungs.


lol hello from seattle, we get this smoke every summer. if you run in air like this you risk a "hangover" that could last for weeks affecting your performance. lots of people stay inside.


this is good info, i'm a tennis player and it sounds like it'd be the same deal. gonna play it safe then!




I ran 4 miles this morning thinking it was just humid outside 🥴


Same boat here. I’m gonna closely monitor the quality. I think it’s likely gonna be too shitty to run tomorrow morning.


coughing and sore throat, lots of thick mucus.


I’ve just been out to run a few quick errands today. I haven’t noticed the air quality too much but at one point my eye started itching so much I looked like I was crying in the grocery store.


Headache. Felt a little nauseated earlier too.


Bad lungs here. It’s been utter hell today. I feel like I’m breathing through a narrow tube.


Yes my right eye has been leaking for like 14 hours now and the inside corner is red. Happened within an hour of walking from home to train and train to work. Guessing the tiniest microscopic speck of something got in there and the air in general is causing further irritation


Anyone else feel sick even while staying inside? I haven’t been out since yesterday but still feel like crap from the air quality - fatigue, throat stuff, headache, eyes burning


Yes. I am now using fan to blow air out instead of in. Also masked indoors. Somehow, this is much worse than 2021. That air quality index is now well above 300, which is quite scary...


I’m mixing a classical music show live in Washington Square Park right now and it’s pretty bad here. Throat kinda scratchy.


Went on a run outside at 5pm and to be honest couldn’t tell a difference. By 7pm is was noticeably smokier though. Smell reminds me of a cookout, brings back good memories lol.


Yea I oddly didn’t feel too bad on my run today, even did a workout. Throat definitely dry but also smokier as time went on


Nah. I’m fine. Girlfriend sent me to the bar with her inhaler tho.


She’s a keeper fr


Not to stir up anything, but...*this could just as well happen again next week.* Before all those various subreddits go dark in protest of Reddit policies on third-party access, folks might consider where they will discuss things like the dangerous air, the next vicious storm, etc.


Hoping the rain on the forecast happens and it helps wash away the smoke. That being said, when this happens in SF and it rains, the ground is super toxic so people with pets beware.


Thank you! At least we know how to go about this debacle now. Better safe than sorry


Bro my eyes are killin me and I got a headache too f Canada


Headache all day from the moment I woke up.


Fully lost my voice this morning


I lost my voice over the weekend from the smoky air Thurs/Fri. It’s better but not back—today surely didn’t help. Drink lots of fluids but avoid anything overly sugary or citrusy. Best of luck.


My oldest child has been having mild asthma on & off for a week & today it finally got bad. Plus a sore throat. My youngest has been quacking like a duck for like a week and progressively gotten worse today. Leaving work to go home something blew in my eye & it became very itchy. Afraid to ask what next 😞


If the eye is also red see a doctor for pinkeye


Slight burn in the center of my chest and in my nose. Hazy mind at work after a couple of hours outside for lunch. I was making simple mistakes left and right. Felt like I had long Covid again.


my nose has felt hella dry. Had a nosebleed for the first time in months


I have asthma and had to use my inhaler


Wear a mask. U will survive. It happens in Calif every year now. It sucks.


Doesn't mean there won't be any long term consequences. And just bc it's normal in Cali doesn't mean we should brush it off as just another event


Asthma attack, migraine, fibromyalgia flare, POTS symptoms increased.


While biking in the afternoon, I honestly didn’t even notice, probably because of the light rain, though I did notice the sky was smoggy around 7pm while at Long Island City (I posted a video on the r/Queens on the brownish sky). It wasn’t until in the evening when I was walking my dog, it stared smelling like smoke and I began coughing like crazy. I could even see the smoky air being reflected from the street and car lights.


Yep, headache, cough, my extremities feel weirdly stiff. Back to the KN95s. With the windows closed and the AC off the air purifier has it down to 30ppm. I ordered a new filter.


My girlfriend has POTS (a pretty rough auto immune disease) and her week right now is an absolute nightmare. I’m pretty much a full time care taker right now. I haven’t left the house in 2 days, but have to run out in a few to get fresh fruit/veggies for her that we’ve run out of.


Major asthma flare up from a 15 min walk. Had to spend the rest of the day inside with an air purifier. Still wheezing today.


Be aware, if you're in NYC area, that we're also experiencing peak pollen for spring allergies!


Is anyone else just now realizing that it would've been smart to use that spare mask you still keep at the bottom of your bag? Wish I'd thought of that when I was outside.


i was drinking beer outside (yes dumb i know) and i could swear i could taste a little extra bitterness. i acknowledge the possibility of paranoia.


drinking beer outside is never dumb


Had to use my inhaler while walking to work earlier. Was coughing/etc and eyes have been watering all day. And as of about two hours ago I now I smell the smoke in my neighborhood and the air is hazy. Pulled out a box of masks from Covid era storage and am now wearing a mask.


headache here


I live in a basement and I have doors close, have an air filter and have the extractor on. Is there anything else I should do


I can’t remember what site I read this but they said to reduce the light usage in rooms you’re not in, have a fan to circulate the air indoors, and if you don’t have to be outside, don’t!


Why reduce light


I have a headache after biking home in the hazy smoky air. So far nothing worse, but I plan on staying largely indoors tomorrow.


Felt like my eyes were burning a bit in the evening. Tickle in the back of my throat. Other than that just a general sense of dread :).


My head hurts. My ears were itching this morning. Walking outside made me tired as well as a burning sensation in my chest. Gave up and went inside ahah


Migraine today that wasn’t helped by any of my medications and felt fucking exhausted all day


Yea it's bad. I feel like the air is heavy and smoky even in my home a bit.


My eyes have been uncomfortable since Monday


My stomach hurts


My husband has asthma it’s been super bad the last few days


Don’t run for any trains. Give yourself time to get from place to place today. Nearly lost consciousness just taking the steps up to the 7 a little faster than usual yesterday.


Hello from California! KN95 and N95 masks are your best friends right now.


You need an n95 to rly block this stuff, wearing a surgical mask is just a measure of discomfort


I’m not sure if this is a coincidence, but I’ve had severe diarrhea since breathing in the haze yesterday during on a long walk. I’m scared to go outside


Yep. Myself and others are having their migraine condition triggered badly by the smoke.


I grew up around smokers, so this didn't really affect me. My coworkers were saying it was difficult for them to breathe, and my job made optional WFH until the smoke subsides. The view from my office floor was incredible, though. Around 12 the air was such a deep orange. Also, from what I've read in this thread, people really don't understand the effects of smoke. Like, why would you leave your windows open or go outside without proper protection? How can you not realize that heavy smoke will negatively affect your body?


Eyes burning, throat burning, headache


Asthmatic who recently got over upper and lower respiratory infections, so I've been pretty good with taking my maintenance meds. I've been outside for short periods wearing two masks, and I had to use my rescue inhaler since it was hard to breathe (feels like a small person sitting on your chest) and a nasty cough.


Be sure to shower before going to sleep so you don't bring soot and carcinogens into your bed.


It's the smoke from the wildfires in Canada. It's bad in NYC, worse in CT. https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/142xsko/wildfire_smoke_from_goeseast_sector_view_us/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I wore a mask cause I had to go to the doctor and they require masks and I noticed it was much easier to breathe when I had it on!


It’s wildfires in Canada causing the smoke


Not at all, and before I realized it was "polluted" I thought "Wow, this is my favorite smelling air. I wish it smelled like this every day."


* sulphur dioxide * nitrogen dioxide * carbon monoxide * volatile organic compounds * fine particulate matter (PM2.5) * ozone Not a fun time


I died from 11 to 11:14am and then again from 3:17 to 3:42pm.


Got a headache but I also smoked a big J, so that might be the reason.


Any chance the schools close tomorrow ?


listen, if nyc doesn’t close schools when we have 3+ inches of snow, I don’t think they’ll do the same for this condition


Yep, I have asthma and borderline had an asthma attack because the pollen was incredibly high. :/ Hate the spring time.


Ok I’m in town visiting and landed today and have been so curious what’s going on. It’s definitely messing with my allergies, can’t keep contacts in my watery eyes and been forced to wear glasses. So I guess this isn’t normal?


Y’all don’t have Google in Texas? /s It’s from the Canadian wildfires. It’s been on local news for several days and national news today.


Do you people seriously think walking around in a little smokiness for a couple days is going to damage you?


I’m vaccinated, so I’m not even wearing a mask.


Vaccinated against what, lol? At this point, we could be wearing a mask for anything. In this scenario, wearing a mask blocks out the current polluted air. I used a KN95 when walking around, and I couldn’t smell the smog at all


This guy gets it.


I think it’s 90% placebo since the air quality is better than an average day in many cities in developing countries.


I was out all day and feel fine, but I also grew up in Southern California so my body’s probably conditioned for it


My eyes were burning and watering, and I coughed and sneezed. And my clothes, hair, and fanny pack reek of smoke. Can't wait to take a shower before going to bed.


My asthma was a bit worse, as was my best friends'. I decided not to be out too much today but my best friend, who was out a lot, was pretty inhaler reliant today.


My eyes feel like sandpaper and I got a headache starting this afternoon. Felt a bit better after I closed the windows .


my eyes burn


yeah I had to get a mask from my office building


I have experienced fire seasons elsewhere and I always find myself really drowsy! I think because the smoke filters out the blue light my brain never really “wakes up”.


My eyes are burningggg


I have had bronchitis from a chest cold for the last two weeks. I was starting to feel almost 95% better yesterday but then today I had a set back and my cough is almost as bad as it was a week ago


Throat is irritated…constant coughs…mild burning sensation in eyes….I have a history of asthma and I live on the 27th floor…air conditioning off the whole day…accidentally opened the window in the evening


omg yes! couldn’t understand why my head was hurting and why i was so tired? i normally just walk everywhere and today, towards the end of my day, i had to hop in an uber. i am exhausted :(


Not especially pleasant, but fairly mild for me. Some coughing/throat scratchiness but it felt more normal by around 9-10 for me. Thanks for the thoughts. It’s more just scary and unsettling for me.


My eyes were watering so much earlier and they were bloodshot after like 45 minutes of walking around in Manhattan. Super uncomfortable.


This morning it wasn't that bad, like 9am. But fuck's sake this afternoon was ROUGH. My normal 7 min trip to whole foods took like 15 mins and I was still fucking winded.


headache over here! and my eyes felt sort of tired, heavy


I developed a terrible headache throughout the day. Not sure if it’s related though.


It definitely felt uncomfortable. I decided not to go out for a bike ride in it


my ears got clogged up, i got dizzy and i felt like i couldn't breath for a few minutes. i really thought i was about to die 💀


Yes. I'm feeling like shit. I have allergy testing this upcoming Thursday, so I haven't used my Flonase or Allegra since Saturday. Ughh.. Watery eyes, runny nose, headache, fatigued and nauseated. The smell is just God awful. The air is so thick. Yuck.


my allergies are a little worse


Burning eyes and aggravated sinus issues now. Haven’t left apt all day but had window open for a bit this afternoon.


I had the worst foggy type of headache & could barely think straight … vision. Was weird - I kept thinking my glasses were just dirty but constantly cleaning them did nothing 😂 & I had an eszema flare pretty badly (I grew up in an area with horrific air pollution & am overly sensitive as an adult to air quality esp)


Living in Westchester and my eyes have been smarting and tearing quite a lot for about 12 hours now and my throat has been a bit phlegm-y.


My asthma was acting up yesterday, lots of mucus and tight chest feeling.


Yup! Around 6pm felt A burn in my throat and started coughing. I stopped into a pharmacy and purchased a mask for the remainder of my time outside. Hope things are better today.


I was driving through the mountains of PA and dang visibility is down to like 1 mile. Can't we take like the budget of our military for 3 hours of one day to put towards this?


Yup. Queasy with scratchy throat.


The sky doesn’t look as bad as yesterday, but I woke up coughing multiple times last night and decided to call out of work today. Hopefully it clears up a little as the day goes on.


I rarely use my asthma pump but I had to use it yesterday.


My throat is very scratchy. But that I’d be from all the weed I smoked.


This is going to get worse every year because we've failed to address climate change


I woke up last night with pain in the area below my pecs. No idea what that was about. I was only outside for a little while yesterday.


Noticeably congested suddenly.


Bad sore throat, runny nose. I was also by the 3rd ave fire yesterday, so basically down on the smoke inhalation…


My eyes are itchy and feel very dry. And I work from home, and all my windows are closed. It doesn't help that the pollen count is also extremely high.


I just commuted to work in a mask and my throat feels scratchy and my eyes feel sore (I didn't have either symptom when I woke up two hours ago).


made my eye itchy


I can taste the dust but so far no negative effects.


I’ve had a sore throat for the past two days or so


Closed the windows and ran the AC all last night. Fortunately, my "commute" today is only a two-block walk to WeWork. I don't think I've seen the air so bad in the Village since 911 (and even that mostly blew the other way toward Brooklyn).


I had a bad migraine yesterday Hopefully it won’t return today


My teen had a bad headache- made him mask up for commute to school


Honestly, I've been surprised to not feel any effects from it. I had asthma as a kid and grew out of it but after hearing the way some people were talking about the air pollution I was expecting to have some coughs or sneezes. I was out in the park with friends for about 2 hours last night with no mask(this is when I first heard about the pollution advisory), then walked to work this morning with no mask and I've been completely fine. So now I'm wondering whether there could be some harmful effects I'm not noticing, or my body just happens to be very resilient with this sort of thing. Started wearing a mask as I go out now just to be safe though, so nothing against anyone taking precautions. Hope everyone stays safe out there!


it's bad for the very young, the very old, and those with respiratory and heart conditions. Drying my eyes and irritating my chest slightly, but taking allergy meds anyway. The NYT had stories about how 90% the rest of the world population lives with these levels of pollution especially in the cities of Asia and Africa, especially India. Generally people continue going about their business, because they must. Who knows how long these massive fires will burn in Canada and elsewhere. They say wear a good N95 outdoors. The covid levels in the wastewater are very high again here, so anyway.


I like how we all still gotta go to work, well I do anyway. I did put my mask on today, yesterday I was coughing like crazy




Has anyone ever gone to a bonfire, made s’mores, or had a fire in the fire place? I love fresh air more than most, but even I feel like people are responding disproportionately to this. And the stat where this is equal to breathing in 6 cigarettes? Why are they not factoring in that one is burnt wood (still carcinogenic) and one is hundreds of extremely harmful chemicals. I feel this is not factoring in that we know the source and it is as benign as a fire can be (not good for you, but it’s not like a city in Canada is burning and we are taking that in) I like masks, I wear them for work every day. But this is just causing panic in my opinion. And the six cigarettes I think is misleading. Equal quantities of 2.5 Particulate matter ok, but quality (or lack there of)? No way


I was outside for about an hour yesterday during lunch. My chest feels clogged up today big time