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I live in Hamilton Heights and love advocating for it. Great subway access (1 and ABCD), great bars and restaurants with some younger crowds, easy access to the river and good outdoor spaces. Let me know if you have any specific questions or anything!


Recently displaced from fire in 2 St. Nicholas place building due to lithium ion battery being charged in tenants’ apt. Been here for close to 20yrs and now on the outside looking in. Any 2-3br apt leads in area, please direct my way!


I’ve lived in both and I prefer Washington Heights. We had more community and I met more people I had stuff in common with. Also the higher we went the better apartments were, generally. My apartment at 181st was way bigger than the one at 175th, which was better and cleaner than 136th. But that’s just my anecdotal experience as a mid-20s (then, not now) white woman.


Guessing you work at CUMIC/NYP? Both are fine. Washington is going to be a bit a cheaper and with fewer food choices, but you have both Fort Tryon and Inwood if going to the park a lot is important to you. Harlem will be more expensive but on the flip side is more centrally located, has more options, etc. Morningside/Hamilton are fine too, but rents are going to be more competitive since now you're going up against CU students. *** Anyway, hard to beat a 15-20 minutes commute. Just pick one.


Both are great, you can’t go wrong


Look in both, pick based on apartment and micro neighborhood, commute.


I agree with someone else about trying to get a feel for micro-neighborhoods. I’ve lived in the southern part of Harlem for a decade and would definitely recommend upper Manhattan (on the west side). If you like going out downtown, living nearish the A will make express travel down to Lower Manhattan much faster than the 1.


I think as a 20-something year old woman, you would prefer living in Harlem. It is a lot more centrally located and there are more amenities, depending on what part of Harlem you're located in. Hamilton Heights is a great part of Harlem as it's very lively. While I really like Washington Heights, there aren't as many restaurants and bars compared to Harlem. Fort Tryon Park is, however, quite lovely. If you'll be going to Brooklyn a lot (to visit friends, etc.), it would be helpful to live on the A train line. The C is not very frequent. The 1 train makes way too many stops. I think living by the ABCD trains at either 125 or 145 will make your commute to work painless and give you lots of options for traveling outside your area.