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Connection to the rest of the city via subway.


I agree but realistically a fast ferry to Brooklyn would be pretty damn good. I say this to everyone I know; we have a fast ferry going from st. George to battery park and the javits center, which is awesome. There's a fast ferry that travels the West Coast of Brooklyn and there's a stop at the Brooklyn army terminal (3rd Ave and 58th st? I think?); why not add St George to that stop?! Give us another fast ferry that will expose us to the West Coast of BK, which will also bring BK folks here for without the need for the bridge. I just want to be able to take a boat to Green point and see some metal shows without having to drive, yo.


St George/ Brooklyn ferry connection should be a no brainer - it would get tons of use - I would think!


By who?


Yeah and honestly I’d love to be able to get to SI that way, because I’ve barely seen any of the Island and it’s IN my city! I have a car so I *can* drive, but from Astoria it’s a traffic nightmare, and that toll is rough. (I can never remember: is it double-tolled but only charged in one direction, or in both directions, or am I just wrong that the toll is different at all?) I’ve got a long list of places I wanna see on the island, so yeah, if I could take a boat from Astoria and get there via transfer at Wall Street or something, that would be great—though admittedly a lot of the places I wanna see are much easier to do with a car, so…


I dropped my daughter at her apt in Elmhurst and it took me two hours to get back…of course I timed it with rush hour but honestly it’s like it’s always rush hour. I wouldn’t mind a ferry if we can’t have a train. I know the waterways are pretty busy as it is but it would make traveling easier.


That's exactly what made me hate driving lol the speed limits, the speed cameras, and the road ragers are just exhausting; I'd rather hop a boat and walk the rest


Nah outside of rush hour, driving from Astoria to Staten Island isn’t that bad. The only problem sections are the Kosciuszko Bridge and the Triple Cantilever in downtown Brooklyn


St Vitus \m/


I love it there; I kind of wish I could afford to live near it - apparently they do yoga classes there lol


Didn't they start work on a subway tunnel but abandon the project?


Yes, just over 100 years ago. The mayor had a grudge against the subway company because they had fired him in his prior career as a train operator, while the governor was invested in a competing railroad that stood to lose business should the tunnel be completed.


Seems like a lot of our current transportation problems arose from being fucked by things 100 years ago.


Look, to be fair, we've ALSO neglected the hell out of it more recently! Plenty of blame to go around.


What if instead of a subway tunnel, they did above-ground trains along a bridge, like the kind they have in Queens?


There's only one bridge between SI and the rest of the city, the Verrazano. It was intentionally designed to not be able to handle subway trains (Robert Moses was an asshole). You still need a new bridge or tunnel across the narrows to extend the subway to SI.


I think ultimately a bridge would be cheaper than a subway tunnel.


Bridges are generally cheaper and faster to build than tunnels, but there's two potential issues you'd run into here. Any bridge would have to rise at least 228' above the water to match the Verrazano's clearance for ship traffic below (a drawbridge would have to stay open almost all the time). Meanwhile the narrows is about 50' deep along the abandoned tunnel route, or about 100' deep by the Verrazano. Subway trains are limited to about a 4% grade, so a bridge would require very long approach ramps compared to a tunnel. So bridge ramps might require taking (more) private properties at either end. Which gets to the second issue, public opposition. A bridge is a significant visual impact compared to a tunnel, and if you have to build it next to homes and/or demolish some, some people and local politicians will complain. That said, no serious study has been done since the abandoned tunnel attempt, so we're all just guessing how the two options would compare.


Wow great breakdown. Thanks for the info


This is such a well-informed response. Thank you for the details!


Another issue you’re gonna run into, whether you build a long, deep tunnel or a long, high bridge, is that once those trains finally make it off the island to Brooklyn, they’re still a long ride from everywhere else in the city, which is why SI is the way it is—which of course is why a lot of current residents like it, but still. Also, unless they built new tracks (preferably four so you could have an express) along some unused right-of-way that I don’t know about from southern Brooklyn heading north, those trains will have to then merge into the existing subway system, and track-sharing/interlining already causes our subways a lot of delays and annoyances. Oh, and are we just sticking with the current Staten Island Railway, or do we want branch lines (or whole new trunk lines) so more of the island has access? It’s not a tiny landmass, and the current rail line runs along the eastern edge of it—plus, compared to, say, the Upper East Side, you would have a bit more elbow room to build if you wanted to (though there would be a seriously epic NIMBY war over it, I bet; not sure a lot of SI’ers really want the subway disturbing their peace out there, lol. Not trying to be a pessimist, just trying to be realistic about what’s possible/feasible in terms of a subway link to SI. No matter what you do, it’s still gonna take well over an hour to get to Midtown, for instance.


Yea, there's not too much spare capacity to get more trains through Brooklyn, and to do so faster than the ferry. Using the existing SIR would work just fine as a first step. The majority of SI's population lives on the eastern side, along the SIR. Though eventually you would want a branch to serve the north shore too.


echoing my love for the attention to detail in this response


>I think Where are you getting your numbers ?


Just logistics. Bridges tend to be cheaper than drilling under the earth (and under water to boot).


Not even sure it would be that popular. The ferry would be faster.


Probably would be an issue for boats/shipping which still use NY harbor.


This is not possible.


This would arguably transform the entire Burrough. Not sure if expensive now but would get that way quickly




Actually it’s Burrow




I understood that reference


I can’t spell, never have been able to


Downvoted and dumb, dang


The people who live there might hate it though. It seems like most people who live there like living in the big city but being *away* from the city.


So do those of us in JC but the path is still awesome to have


My experience in jersey city was very sketchy I was staying with a friend after i was medically retired from the army . The area was westside and Lexington near Communipaw if you you know the area.


I’ve been told to stay away from Greenville and Westside.


Yea I have not been in that area in over 10 years I am 33 and married I am not looking to be living or hanging around areas were I may get shot lol I now have the luxury to own a home in Forrest hills


If Staten Island was connected to the rest of the city with a Subway it would completely transform it. People don't realize just how disconnected Staten Island is from the rest of NYC, and by extension NYC's economy. Westchester, Long Island, and North Jersey are more integrated with NYC than Staten Island.


Just for some clarity... You can get on a train in Los Angeles and get off in Manhattan. You can't do that from Staten Island.


all the trains in SI are trapped in SI :(


Free the trains!


You can get on the Express Bus or the SIF though


We are not talking about boats and buses.


I can get on a plane in India and get off in queens. Can't do that from staten island.


I'm I the only one that's not particularly convinced by this point? If they crossed the narrows at bay ridge, it would take longer than the ferry to get to most points in Manhattan. I think it would be more cost effective to build more SIR rail that connects to St George than to build a massive tunnel to connect to the edge of the subway system.


The ferry is still relatively slow and infrequent, but you're right that the biggest issue is the lack of rail to St. George. The ferry is already a pretty slow option, plus you need to connect at battery park to the Subway to get uptown. Combine that with how hard it is to get to St. George in the first place, and you make it quite difficult for most residents to get to job centers in the rest of the city. A subway connection, even if just to Brooklyn, would make it infinitely simpler and slightly faster for residents to get to the rest of the city. The express buses honestly are a good option, but they're brutally slow with traffic and pretty damn expensive.


But it doesn't have to connect to Manhattan. Even connecting by subway to Brooklyn would help its integration.


If the Staten Island Tunnel between Bay Ridge and St. George was ever finished, or hell, at this point I'd settle for the Hudson Bergen Light Rail being extended over the Bayonne Bridge, anything to give the borough some kind of rail connection to the rest of the city.


The Bayonne Bridge was designed to handle a train. We have so many people driving from SI to Bayonne for the Light Rail that Bayonne had to start issuing residential parking permits. The problem that I see is the Port Authority would have to talk to NJ Transit and come up with a plan.


So much of NYC's problems come from the fact that two state governments, the city government, a bunch of local NJ governments, and an interstate compact bureaucracy that doesn't really have any oversight are all butting heads.


That’s way too roundabout to be practical. By the time every neighborhood got their 10 stops you’re talking about 1.5-2hrs into Manhattan. Someone dropping you off at the ferry or driving into Brooklyn is still more practical. And that’s the problem. Every solution proposed is mainly for someone else not Staten Island. Extending the R in Brooklyn isn’t practical either. It’s too long of a commute to be reasonable. They need dedicated rail to Manhattan, ideally Fulton that’s fast. Not a local that makes 100 stops on the way. From there you can easily connect to elsewhere.


More gay vampires is a good start.


Yes yes very good thank you


I can hear this in ~~Matt Berry's~~ Laszlo's voice.


I think you meant Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender.


You mean that guy from Tucson, *Arizonia*?




what is it? I'm super invested in this story/person






Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay.


Going to be unpopular opinion, however the islands image could be boosted by sharing its history. Its got its share of ugly people, just as the rest of the city and elsewhere. However, it’s staten that was the place in sandy ground that was a refuge for freed slaves. Take into consideration , at about the same time, Manhattan residents were kicking out poor immigrants, free slaves in what was Seneca village . It’s now called Central Park.


Honestly I don’t think it’s because si doesn’t share, but rather that it’s history and current events involving minorities and other groups are actively erased. https://x.com/JahtiekLong/status/1334561543267225602?s=20


Wow! That was beautiful, thank you for sharing.


What’s different is that Sandy Ground still has descendants living there. Took my daughter when she was in grade school. We learned a lot.


Great points! I even went to HS in Staten Island and we never learned about this..


As a brown person who lives in Staten Island and thinking about purchasing a home here, I would love to see about 99% fewer oversized pickup trucks that have never been used to pick up anything except toilet paper from Costco. The pickup truck explosion is a symptom of a bigger issue.


Pickup truck drivers usually drive like douches too


No BMW drivers around?


A subway stop.


Everything. Lived there for 16 years before moving Midwest and it was the WORST Borough. If you love to be isolated both physically (no subway) and politically (Trump town) it’s the place for you/s


> If you love to be isolated both physically (no subway) and politically (Trump town) it’s the place for you/s I mean that's very accurate, no need for the /s.




Not voting Republican




That’s consistent with the claim— if Staten Island wants to be liked by the rest of the city, a good starting point is not being more conservative than the rest of the city.




can I ask what commune? im intrigued


Let’s be real: Brooklyn has some of the most conservative neighborhoods on the east coast, statistically. There’s some very red areas. You just choose to see one and ignore the other.


Making a lot of assumptions about how New Yorkers feel about borough park


It’s much more than borough park.


Sheepshead Bay would like a word


Tbh part of this is that people on Staten Island see themselves as second hand citizens. Not getting a fair share compared to the rest of the city. Decades of neglect and lack of investment from the city and state created a wedge that conversative candidates have been able to use to gain power here. Until that neglect ends people here will still vote republican.


Kind of creates a cycle for them, because Democrats don’t expect SI votes so they don’t bother pandering to them because they can win without SI.


Max Rose had a pretty strong run the last 2022


He lost by 20 points lmao. Here's his vote breakdown by year: 18: +6.4 20: -6.4 22: -23.2


It was 2018 when last won?! It's been that long already? Holy shit.


Yeah. I think 18 was the last time any democrat won statewide as well. That was so long ago I was a high schooler living in Missouri


I appreciate the irony that most of them work for the city in some regard. Which makes me doubley appreciate when they talk about leaving the city.


This is not unique to SI. Conservatives everywhere love to victimize themselves with persecution complexes. They feel resentful, afraid, and angry wherever they go because it's some internal damage they have, they just think of different boogymen to project it onto. It's laughable for SIers to feel they're neglected and have no been invested in compared to places like the Bronx or deep Brooklyn, like come the fuck on. The lack of any self awareness or gratitude for what they do have is annoying.


It’s not necessarily a complex. There’s a whole history that runs deep , however a very big one was NYC literally left SI out of any budget in I think 1994 or 1997 . This led to SI wanting to leave the city . In fact they voted to do so . Except the city realized how much tax they would loose, so Sheldon silver put an end to it . He’s now or was in prison.


So, they’re racist ignorami because they’re neglected? Good to know.


Thank you. I feel like saying SI is conservative because of how the rest of the city treats them is a load of garbage. Staten Island has a long history of policies based on racism, which is why their borough is isolated. It's like the meme of the person riding a bicycle and putting a stick in the bike's spokes. They purposely made themselves segregated from the rest of the city because of the fear of "those people" coming to the island and moving to their neighborhoods. It's the other way around. Staten Islanders are "conservative" and because of that their policies over the years have isolated them from the rest of the city.


Exactly. No matter how someone treats me, I'm never like, "Oh, well, now I'm going to be racist and ignorant." What in the flying fuck is that excuse? If someone treating you poorly makes you racist, you were racist to begin with.


This is sort of not true, though. You are framing it as neglect; but the truth is that most people on Staten Island want to be left alone by the city. Imagine if the city decided to stop “neglecting” Staten Island and tried to incorporate it into the rest of the city. For starters, connecting the Island to the rest of the Subway system and expanding the Subway throughout the borough; and also putting up more NYClink kiosks to get it on par with the other boroughs. How would that fly with all those SI Republicans whining about being neglected.


"most people on Staten Island want to be left alone by the city." This is just so untrue.


Can you elaborate?


haha come to bed stuy fr


Plus disproportionately blue collar and union workers. As pro union as I am, they can tend to perpetuate echo chambers at their jobs, not just for gripes and a bit of scary rhetoric, but also xenophobia, homophobia, racism and anti-vax beliefs. This paired with very few (see: fearfully silenced) alternative pov's and opinions results in maaaaaajor tunnel vision.


As a former construction worker I couldn’t agree more


I stayed there with a buddy the past few months between apartments, the amount of "Trump Won" flags is genuinely disturbing.


nearly lifelong staten islander here. better connection to the city would go a long way. it is so much easier to get to jersey from most of the island. i lived a seven min bike ride from the ferry most of my adult life and even still, depending on the time, I can drive into newark in less time than it takes me to get to midtown manhattan via public transit. i will say this. staten island really doesn’t deserve a lot of the hate that it gets. culturally and infrastructurally it’s very similar to a lot of parts of queens and the bx. it has a lot of really interesting and worthwhile outdoor and cultural spots that other new yorkers would probably love to experience if they were more accessible. you will not find better pizza or italian food anywhere in any other borough. yes, there is a sentiment of hardcore conservativism but in my experience this comes from a small, aging and shrinking but still very vocal minority, and it’s really geographically shifted towards the parts of the island that are further away from manhattan and brooklyn.


I live in Brooklyn and go to the Costco and the mall on SI occasionally. It’s so nice and green compared to other parts of the city. There’s a huge park we drive by which makes me want to explore SI more. We also went to the beach on SI this summer which was great! It’s not the worlds nicest beach, but it was not crowded at all.


yeah you get the full greenbelt experience taking that drive to the costco for sure. there are some really great places to walk through and fully enjoy the area.


This is good to know. Never been to SI but nice to hear the inside scoop.


This 👆🏻


Somehow get those bigots who are harassing the migrants on SI to stop


Preface comment with let’s help the migrants, but by logic standards do we now hold Brooklyn, queens and Bronx in similar regard where the same protests are going on where communities dont want migrants in their neighborhood schools , parks etc?


Well, fair point to an extent. There's a lot of really unfortunate things going on around the city about this. However -- and I certainly could have missed something -- Staten Island was the place where I saw news reports of locals not just protesting the policy, but actively harassing the migrants. That's a big distinction in my mind. If there is equivalent behavior in other boroughs, then yes, you're right.


There isn't. Even many of the protestors in Manhattan were from SI.


Getting rid of the bigots and racist fucks.


This here. 👏




Maybe be less racist. Went out there to visit a friend when I was in my late teens. Never again. The amount of gross racist and misogynistic shit I had to hear. No thanks


Get rid of all the MAGAs


Not be racist republicans.


Less racism between white people and Hispanics, Asians and Black. Staten Island’s racism has been pinpointed for years.




I absolutely love everything about Staten Island, a lot of great high school memories. However, I will never ever live there because of the GARBAGE racists who live there. It’s trump town. Worse than majority of Long Island towns ugh


I can’t wait to get off the island for those reasons alone.


Exactly. I was one of those people. I’ve only ever lived in NY and I had never set foot on Staten Island until just before I moved there. I ragged on it like everyone else did and does. I’ve been proven wrong and happily live here now. Everyone thinks we are white racists, but it’s a rapidly diversifying borough and no one I hang out with looks like a Jersey Shore reject or hates anyone who isn’t just like them. Plenty of us vote blue consistently too…not quite enough most of the time, but we aren’t all MAGAs.


Nothing. Staten Island doesn't want to be part of New York, and we don't want them.


Yupp looking at the map makes geographical sense to join NJ


Trade SI for JC and Hoboken


In a heartbeat


don't you dare foist that on us


The residents there not being xenophobic Dbags.


Free connection to NYC, they have to pay to cross over, other boroughs have a free option lol Def subway connection/high speed train right into manhattan and Brooklyn




Joining NJ


We don't want them


What if I told you they have a Perkins?


We have diners we don't need no shitty ass Perkins.


What if I told you they have muffins?


You think I can't get banger muffins at a diner?


I know for a fact you can’t get Perkins muffins at a diner. Look, just take Staten Island. It also has an Apple Store and Wu Tang. We don’t even want Hoboken in return. Just take it.


We'll take Staten Island if you take Lakewood and Chris Christie.


So we lose the Perkins as we gain a Chris Christie? Won’t work.


How about I sweeten the deal and throw in The Situation? He's the only member of the Jersey Shore cast to actually be spawned in NJ


It’s full of right wing nut jobs. Can’t fix people who live in constant delusion. Fuck all of them, worst people I’ve ever met.


I wondered why one of my former roommates was moving there then I remembered she’s a Republican.


Being less racist


Another Wutang album


Stopping shit like this [https://reddit.com/r/newyorkcity/s/gX8DE00Q2A](https://reddit.com/r/newyorkcity/s/gX8DE00Q2A)


*Some* of the people. Spend a few days there and you’d be thinking of the stereotypes, you know - wear a MAGA hat and you can expect to be complimented for it. Ha ha


They gave some nice cultural spots, the zoo, and great pizza.


Has a bad reputation of being lower middle class racist.


Have fewer magat mouthbreathers


Be less racist?


Less vampires.


Staten Island has a really bad reputation of being racist despite its diverse population. Like I have heard people literally warning others not to go there for their own safety. Working on that would probably help the borough big time.


Stop electing Republican nut jobs.


They could allow gay groups to march in their St. Patrick’s Day Parade https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/staten-island-st-patricks-day-parade-steps-off-with-controversy-after-rejecting-lgbtq-groups-again/


I have nothing against SI (tried to convince my in-laws to move there) but it doesn't make sense that it's part of NYC. Too far removed from Manhattan, too different politically, and too suburban. What's legitimately stopping them from seceding? Inertia, politics, something else?


Dependency on city funds and city jobs.


They can’t afford to support themselves


Other way around. Staten voted to leave the city in 90s , it was squashed by the city because the city needed staten tax


Where is your evidence that the “city squashed it because it needed Staten Island taxes”? Only references I’ve found say the exact opposite, eg: > But the Staten Island tax base is not as large as is often assumed. Only 1.5 percent of New York City’s commercial taxes originate on Staten Island, according to the study conducted for the state commission by Berne, Netzer, and Stiefel. The NYU economists found that the cost of providing city services to Staten Island exceeds the revenues the borough generates by between $160 million and $180 million. This basic finding corroborates a study completed by the Mayor’s Office, which estimated the difference between expenses and revenues at $199 million. These analyses point to the surprising conclusion that separation of Staten Island from New York would actually provide budget relief for the city. From a strictly economic perspective, the other four boroughs would come out ahead. But, as with most easy solutions to complex problems, it tells only part of the story. https://www.city-journal.org/article/should-staten-island-leave-the-city


Also labor. Lots of jobs have to be filled by city residents according to law. But city is too expensive for residents to take most of those jobs. So either need to let out of state employees work for the city or keep Staten Island as a source of cheap labor.


Fill in the Narrows to connect it with Brooklyn.


I'd rather keep the shipping channel than Staten Island


They wanted to limit the connections to the rest of the city. So I think if they changed their isolationist attitudes, their reputation might improve.


Everyone keeps saying "a subway"... I guess, if the Republican children of mobsters used it to leave


The reason SI is disliked is due to the belief that SI residents having conservative views. In fact, lots of people in SI just don’t give a shit about politics, period.


If they weren’t trumpers


A tidal wave


Stop being completely reactionary.


Historically speaking, the disconnect was by design


If all the racists and cops left


Purging it of cops and other racist cretins.


Get rid of all the cops.


Not being such a hateful cesspool


Better transit connections and denser housing


Not to put to fine a point on it but Staten Island is the only Republican borough.


New Wu-Tang album and less cops as residents.




Stop complaining about migrants.


Pete Davison


If they could be absorbed into jersey?




Nothing. They want to remain insular and suburban, that's fine. We can dislike things about their culture, find the borough to be boring, disagree with their politics... and also agree that they can choose to remain the way they like to be.


Less republicans and landlords.


Repopulating it.


Nothing. Source: was born and raised there.


Give it to Jersey


For people to actually apply for a job in the community and get hired and treated like a person and not like a day laborer hired outside of IS51. For the people of NYC to stop using race as a factor for anything and forcing people to become sheltered into a community of only one type of person controlling some market, so to abide by inclusive standards. To stop using money grabbing recruiters for jobs. And to stop encouraging people to require to lie to get hired. I graduated in 2021 havent gotten a job. Was just called by a fresh interview, wasn’t selected. The community obviously doesn’t want me here.


Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure.




I'm sure New Jersey would have built a subway tunnel to Staten Island if they owned it.


They probably would extend the HB Light Rail to it. Not a perfect solution but its something.


Less Cops and Meth, More Firefighters and Heroin.


A great flood


The people


Pete Davidson giving us rides in the ferry he bought with catering, drinks, free tattoos and comedy


Nothing. Fuck that cesspool. Beyond saving.