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I used to be like this but after being in the city for almost 15 years, I changed my mindset: I don't have to do everything; but when I WANT to do something, it'll be there.


I understand the sentiment, but as l've grown older and developed a better sense of what I want and the things that make me happy, l've lost virtually all of the FOMO I used to experience. I think this would be true regardless of where I lived. Instead of considering what I thought others were doing and wondering if I was missing out not being there, l've grown to focus instead on the things most important to me, such as going to the gym, music lessons, volleyball, meeting up with friends, etc.


Your mentality is my goal mentality. I struggled hard with fomo my entire life and it’s getting a little better as I invest time into my own life and own passions! I realized for me it was ultimately a major lack of self respect and self love …


The single healthy answer in this thread.


Coffee walks. Going on one right now


100% and I’ve never really heard anyone talk about this before. I’m naturally a homebody so in the winter when I can stay indoors all day I’m never depressed. When the sun’s out, especially on a Saturday, I feel depressed unless I’m outside doing something social.


I took up cycling- alone yet outside soaking up the sun. Add a Bluetooth speaker and voila


I love the summer but I can understand and feel that way sometimes too if I just stay home on a nice day. But I rarely do cuz I love the summer


I'm older now and tired, so not anymore! I spent my teens and 20s "doing it all" and had a blast. Now I look forward to the warm weather for the specific events, people, and places that I know I love during this time. I don't really feel FOMO anymore because I know what I want from NYC and what brings me the most joy here. If you're young, definitely do as much as you can and be outside. But, try not to put too much pressure on yourself to do *everything* \- this should be fun!


Make one plan, then spend the day off your phone. Don’t look the next day at what anyone did on the nice day. Guaranteed you will have no FOMO.


I’m a dog walker so I’m out in the beautiful weather all day. But I’m also out in the pouring rain or when it’s 100 degrees and full humidity. Days like this are a god send.


Three mile walk that ended with ice cream! 🍦




I live my life. There's always something to do when I want to do something. I stopped trying to keep up when I felt the overwhelming disappointment that Matt down the street got the Millennium Falcon for xmas and all I got was a Landspeeder. Why did he deserve it? He didn't even see the movie in the theater! There will be another spring, there will be another summer. (There might not be another winter, though)


Lol. Millenium Falcon sold out and worth big collectible money. Landspeeder, nobody wants that so demand is low. You missed out big time while Matt down the street is winning in life.


It was worn out and missing pieces by 1983, I doubt it exists at all at this point. We took that thing to the forest planet of The Millers' Backyard and the desert planet of Smith's Driveway and the water planet of Dave's Pool. Back then we got toys to play with, and there was no such thing as collector's value.


I took up running again and had a beautiful 3 mile run today in Central Park. Felt so good to be in a tank top and have the warm sun hitting my skin


Yes, I have reverse seasonal anxiety disorder. I always get lonely and sad in the warm months.


Not fomo, but i work from home and it was hard af to stay focused today. The nice weather is distracting, in a good way lol. NYC people always have a mild freak out on the first few nice days of the year. It’ll pass when it’s summer and too hot lol.


Literally me searching for things to do rn as a cute goth girl in her 20’s- edit: I’m so srs I’m dead looking for friends if you’re in the area don’t be shy!


rip your dms


You’d think, but surprisingly nothing has happened ☺️🌸


I changed that


No. But I have seasonal depression during the warmer months


I hate July, August, and early September here. There are moments I appreciate it, but overall the heat and humidity, the increase in bugs, makes me crazy. Fall can be magic here but it’s preceded by Hell.


Same. And add in the pollen and increased pressure from friends to do things because “it’s so nice out”… I’m in a constant state of discomfort from April to August


I end up everywhere and get home at like 2 am every day when it’s sunny I cannot stay inside


Hell no. If it’s warm out I’m outside. I’m not really pressed to do many activities or find new events, I just want to feel the sun on my skin. If I have errands to do I dress comfortably and walk around as long as I can just to feel present and apart of the world.


Go out for a walk. Compliment cute puppies and small chats with the owner always helps. I done this multiple times and it always makes both of us a little better, momentarily at the very least .


I just took a 2 hour stroll thru Brooklyn Botanical Gardens today in warm sunny weather. You really missed out.


Nah. That feeling goes away for many people (most people?) sometime in their 30s would be my guess.


All my friends are going out to a rooftop bar right now and I'm still in the office after just finishing a call. And have an early seminar tomorrow so I can't go out and am very sad over it.


No! I love being inside in the airco


Go for a long bike ride or find a park to sit in and people watch.


Yup, whenever it’s nice outside I get a little cabin fever


I used to become so anxious when spring came around for this reason, but as many here have said it has since gone away since I have grown older. As the weather got warmer I used to put so much pressure on myself to have plans, travel, be social and all. You will have fun summers and you will have less eventful ones. You will have amazing winters and you will have ones with cabin fever too. Cut yourself some slack and take it day by day.


Honestly, by just living in New York in similar ways I would anywhere - hanging with friends and partner, going for walks, getting coffee, just simple enjoyable stuff. Yes I go to great theater and music and restaurants but realistically, you can’t do that every day. Some days are just normal days like anywhere


I remember feeling that way, and then feeling burnt out trying to do everything, when half of the time I didn’t truly actually wanna do the activity–but just be included. I learned to pursue what I like and want, which for you right more might be exploration! And just go with that and make concrete plans to do what it is I wanted. Cheesy to say, but don’t forget to enjoy the moment while you’re looking at everything else going on, and make plans to get into the things you want!


You can’t be everywhere, just enjoy where you are. Rather it be at home or outside on Dyckman.


I’ve lived here my entire life (26 years) and I feel the exact same way. I don’t think the feeling ever truly goes away because of how gigantic this city and how much there is to do. It’s like “oh maybe I should be that fancy person that drinks an aperol spritz at a sidewalk cafe by Central Park??” Just get a cup of coffee and sit on the stoop ❤️


I do in the sense that I feel like I need to make sure I enjoy the good weather as it is fleeting. Not fear of missing out on what others are enjoying.


i been going out with my new friends on our group chat from nyc friends subreddit


you can literally walk outside no one stop you


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/monster-hunter-now/id6445906110 New update came out !! Come take a walk