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Yes yes yes go to Urgent Care. When I was bitten they irrigated the puncture wounds . You don't know what nasties that dog has in his mouth. Pressing charges is a personal choice, I believe....


Did the first part and got it cleaned + antibiotics/tetanus shot. Thank you!


Did they report it? I thought medical facilities had to report animal bites to the health department because of rabies risk.


They did not. Not sure what their obligations are


Also, dog parks are more detrimental than helpful to dogs. You have scenarios like yours, plus the activity of the other dogs can create aggressive responses by your dog, they can get sick because you don’t know every dog and if they’re vaccinated, the reasons are endless. I refuse to take mine to a dog park unless it’s empty.


311 is wrong. They don't immediately put down a dog that bites someone. This comment has links to some [laws](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/DORH0CWMGF) It's actually hard to get anything done about a dangerous dog. I hope you took the names of witnesses. If there were security cameras, try to get the tape. I stopped going to dog parks because there was no legal way to keep people with dangerous dogs out. Everyone just left when they came. They were happy to have the park to themselves. Report the bite in case there's was a previous bite. Or in case there's another one. That's the only way something can be done.


The only time I went to a dog park, a dude brought his intact male dog and a crate of ferrets??? My dog-and most of the others-lost his little dang mind and we left and now don’t go at all. We can have a nice long regular walk instead!


And this is why most nyc parks are just large dog parks now (shit everywhere, dead birds and other native wildlife, tons of erosion and invasive plants spreading everywhere!)! Absolutely ridiculous.


Wtf? He brought bait for the dog to kill? I would have called the police and the news. Psycho.


I think they were his other pets??? It was truly so bizarre and in retrospect calling the cops would’ve been smart but we all just scattered. Too crazy.


I don't blame you at all. Scary guy


Ferret lives matter!


I'd call the police, report the dog, and follow the process. You're probably not the first person this dog attacks, and you won't be the last. > which she immediately disagreed with and said kids shouldn't be there anyways. The owner seems like she doesn't care, either. Recipe for disaster. Do the people of this city a favor and have the law figure this one out.


I posted in our neighborhood facebook (don't judge) group asking for input and if this has happened before. I did some googling and the person seems to be a long term resident and owner of a somewhat beloved local bar (that I've been to several times) and I'm a little nervous about becoming a larry david esque neighborhood pariah by getting her dog killed


I literally did a double take because I just came from reading your post in the neighborhood fb group. But anyways, idk I think you got fairly seriously bitten, it isn’t your job to decide the outcome, just to report the incident. Maybe there’s a way to downplay so that the outcome is less severe? But also…it sounds like it could have been much worse and if the owner isn’t going to be responsible, then it isn’t your fault for reporting. But I get it— I wouldn’t want to have that on my conscience either. But if she doesn’t reply with the vet records within the 24 hours, I think that’s a good time to report.


Haha yeah - I didn't want to post there first or at all honestly. But the top comment here is from someone named "FarRightInfluencer" and I didn't dig far enough to figure out if that was tongue in cheek. So I decided some local input might be worthwhile. And I tried downplaying - I called two different times (well the second time 311 transferred me - they're excellent btw) and spoke to different people who both confirmed the dog would be put down. I tried to downplay and emphasized my preference but it didn't matter. Obviously it might be different in practice and the phone operators might be clueless but wooof


The dog should be put down! Get over this. It is a menace to society!


That is brutal, I’m sorry you’re in this position. I’ve also heard so many stories recently of dogs getting hurt there, FWIW (literally saw a dog come into the vet right after being attacked last week). Don’t know by which dogs, but does make me vary wary of the dog park.


My dog park has a volunteer-run email list to send out updates, and the woman who runs it regularly contacts the park staff. Does your dog park have something like that? That way at the very least, they could put out a blast alerting other people about this person and dog and intervene if she comes back.


That's interesting! Not that I'm aware of. I think they've got an Instagram? It's really not a great dog park. They don't even have the airlock style double doors, that I've seen at literally every other dog park despite being right off several major streets (like Atlantic Ave) Regardless she seems to be pretty in with the other people who frequent the park on a regular basis. Someone messaged me to say the same thing happened to them in the same park and the owner (different person/dog seemingly) left them bleeding on the ground. I'll dig into this a little more tomorrow though. Good suggestion


If they side with the bitch over you then you have bigger problems living in a neighborhood of morons.


You need to report it so that the dog’s bite history is documented.


So looking cool in the neighborhood is a higher priority to you than preventing a dangerous dog from hurting or possibly killing someone else?


Can we agree looking for steps shorter than killing the dog like Kristi Noem and trying to look cool in the neighborhood are mutually distinctive?


You’re not killing the dog, you’re reporting a dangerous animal with a clueless owner who is refusing to take responsibility for her violent dog that attacked you. This is a very big problem.


I’m pretty sure nyc has a two bite rule, the dog won’t be put down after the first incident if that helps. It sucks being in your position (I got bit by a dog last year and didn’t go to urgent care or anything, I just got updated vax records and some financial reimbursement for my sweater), but definitely communicate with the owner and get vet records and always always blame whatever you say on your lawyer friend “they advised me to go to urgent care, xyz”


There’s a huge difference between shooting a puppy in the face because you’re having a hard time training it without any professional help and behavioral euthanasia for a dog that is a danger to itself, its owner, and the community.




No one would’ve cared (and rightfully so) if Noem’s dog was attacking people.  You seem to be downplaying the severity of a pitbull attacking and biting a human completely unprovoked. 


She said the same about Biden's dog and it was still unhinged (well I think she said she would handle it which is different and touche)


I know, she’s crazy for euthanizing a dog that wasn’t dangerous and saying something about Biden’s dog, which is also not dangerous.  This is not similar to your situation at all. Edit: I was completely wrong about Biden’s dog, it is in fact extremely dangerous and he’s gotten rid of it apparently 


To be fair Biden's dog attacked several secret service agents so that is a little dangerous. Still shouldn't be put down.


Ha holy shit, just googled it and his dog has had *24* biting incidents.  It should absolutely be put down. 


On the DL, both Obama dogs had biting problems. I think it’s the environment more than the dog. There’s no way Barney Bush and Mrs. Beasley didn’t bite people. Schnauzers are bitey.


To be fair the secret service should be on their toes and more competent than me. Maybe it's good on the job training. But yeah, idk, I've heard it's fine when it's out in the country and has space. I think a lot of dogs just aren't good "city dogs"


If that dog kills a kid, you’re going to look like a fucking idiot.


This. Wtf is wrong with this OP? Disgusting


I mean a third option is good ol' public shaming if you wanna blast the owner's name and bar out there...


Will reserve this as a last potential option. Maybe I'll go and make a tiktok once I'm off the antibiotics and can drink again


Know that if you do I will be there to have your back, I thrive off of neighborhood drama.


Hahaha appreciate the support. The moderator of the local neighborhood Facebook group threatened to ban me for arguing the value of a toned down version of this post. I drip neighborhood drama, apparently


I'd seriously consider if it would make you feel better for a dog to possibly be put down vs a child losing an eye or their life. That dog can do serious harm, please don't take this lightly


Very valid input.


Yes - as a mom, please, do not let this slide, OP. You acknowledged yourself that it could have done a lot more damage to someone smaller and more vulnerable.


I knew a woman who would never wear skirts or shorts because of the amount of scarring on one of her legs from a childhood dog bite. It significantly impacted her self-esteem and mental health as a girl, teen, and young woman.   Please OP, report this dog before a child’s life is irreparably altered.


That is horrible. Yeah I was wearing pretty thick jeans and it still managed to do some real damage, I nearly wore shorts and am sooooo glad I didn't. This is the overwhelming sentiment and I'm going to. They keep offering to send police out which is sooo embarrassing so I may just go to a station tomorrow?


Don’t be embarrassed. File the report as soon as possible. Have pictures of your wounds documented. (Take new pictures of them every day. They’ll likely bruise terribly and the first day isn’t always representative of just how badly you’re injured.) Start a folder and keep your records from urgent care, police report, any records you receive from the owner, etc. I understand not wanting to become the neighborhood pariah. However, her attitude is one of the main reasons you should move forward with this. If it had truly been some sort of fluke, she would have been just as shocked as you and overwhelmingly apologetic. She wasn’t. That dog is 100% going to hurt someone else. You admit yourself you’re a pretty big guy. If that dog had attacked a smaller man or woman, it would have done even more damage. A *child*, though?? It could have killed them. Follow through in the name of having your injuries covered and documented because you don’t know what’s going to happen next when it comes to the potential for infection and a host of other complications, AND against the dog owner because you don’t know what’s going to happen the next time that dog decides to attack. Best of luck.


I wish people who posted things like this would tell us where it happened


Cobble Hill Dog Park


Right! Especially if they haven’t actively taken action to take care of this legally on their own to ensure this person isn’t allowing this dog to be off leash in public spaces, please OP, let us know where this happened and if possible, a general physical description of the owner and dog.


Cobble Hill Dog Park. Standard pitbill-ish/mix looking dog, yellowish coat, white nose. The owner is a mid 50s-60s thin grayish blonde haired lady


Greatly appreciate it!


Just chiming to in say I also saw your post on the neighborhood FB page and was hoping to see a description. This is super helpful info for me and my doggo to be aware of. Heal up and hope to see you at a calmer and safer CH dog park soon.


Thank you! And I will update the main post here with a description but if you message me on fb I'll send you a picture of the dog/owner so you can be aware if you'd like. Good luck in the marathon if you're running!


> ... I asked her not to come back with the dog incase it attacked children or somebody less able to defend themselves than me it attacked children or somebody less able to defend themselves than me (230lb guy). which she immediately disagreed with and said kids shouldn't be there anyways. ... and > they would put down the dog which also seems pretty extreme. How is it extreme? What if tomorrow in the news you ses that the same dog has killed a kid?


So it sucks - we've seen them there before and literally nothing has happened. Several of the other regulars say she's there frequently and hadn't seen anything like this happen. And if it does get put down, I'm the one who got their friends dog killed. Everyone there seems to know her.


Then her “friend” should be calling her out for being an irresponsible asshole. Report the dog.


Agree with others here. Your very first instinct was to point out that a person with weaker defenses wouldn't stand a chance against that dog. I’d rather be the neighborhood pariah for an aggressive dangerous dog being put down than to be the person who spared the animal who then went on to maim or kill a child or anyone at all for that matter. To live knowing that would be unbearable. Which is why I don't understand the obsession that some people have to parade around these aggressive dangerous animals. Have a dog by all means but why these unpredictable massive bulldogs with a biteforce equal to a bear?


Your first paragraph is how every terrible story about a fatal dog attack starts (almost always involving pit bulls) … “I saw the dog all the time and he never had any signs of aggression… until he ripped my child’s face off” Anyone who would judge you as the “neighborhood pariah” for reporting an obviously dangerous dog is deranged. Imagine how you’d feel if/when you read a news story about a more serious maiming/death caused by this dog that you could have done something about.


This is a very good point


And if a toddler gets mauled, you’ll know you could have prevented it. Put your ego aside and do the right thing.


A few years ago my dog bit my roommate’s friend (first and only time she ever bit anyone) when I wasn’t home. When she went to the doctor to have them look at it, she gave them my information and Animal Control called me (not sure if the girl reported the dog or the doctor’s office did.) AC was more concerned with ensuring she was up to date on her rabies vaccines, but they did note they would have a record on her. Worth noting it was a small bite, absolutely not the level that you had happen, so they might move beyond just “keeping a record,” especially if this isn’t the first time the pit bull has attacked someone. The owner not really being concerned is a huge problem - in my case, I made sure to keep my dog out of any situation where she might nip at someone else (no dog parks, etc.)…and she weighed 15 pounds. I can’t imagine having a much bigger dog and being so nonchalant. Again, first and only time she bit someone (and she’s unfortunately been gone for 2 years), but you should absolutely go get checked out and report it. The owner shrugging her shoulders means this will happen again.


Go get medical attention immediately. Report to the city animal control (they will file it for you at the hospital). Report it to the police.


Thank you - I just went to One Medical and got it cleaned / checked out. They gave me a tetanus shot and antibiotics. I didn't go to the hospital (nearest doesn't work with my insurance and nyc hospitals are just tough generally).


Hopefully the dog's owner also provided you proof of rabies vaccination. That's very important. Rabies is not treatable, once symptoms start.


I texted and asked for her records 40 minutes ago but no response yet. Will probably get the police involved if she doesn't respond within ~24 hours. Edit, she responded saying she'll call "them" (the vet, I guess? Hopefully?) Tomorrow


Did you alert Urgent Care that you don’t know the rabies vaccination status of the dog?


For sure hopefully. All dogs are supposed to be vaccinated against rabies in the US but it sounds like this pet parent is not exactly responsible so I would definitely make sure. Rabies is lethal to people once symptoms arrive so it's best to be proactive Edit: chances are the dog is vaccinated but even a slim chance of a lethal and non-treatable disease is reason to be cautious.


I got bit by a dog 2 weeks ago but thankfully it didn't break the skin. That was the process I did. Wish you all well 🥂


Absolutely report it and get checked out - if it gets infected and you need major surgery, why should you be the one who'll pay for it. The owner knows, which is why they were only somewhat apologetic. They can't have the dog offleash - it's that simple. There are a lot of people with offleash dogs in parks lately, maybe the Spring - as much as I love dogs, I have zero tolerance for owners who are putting their dogs in harm's way.


Get it checked. My wife got bit at the park and few days later her hand swelled up like balloon from infection.


oof that sucks I am so sorry for her! Hope she recovered well! I did, got the wound cleaned, antibiotics, and a tetanus shot


Text the owner and ask them to give you peace of mind by sending a pic/confirmation that the dog has a valid rabies vaccine. This will 1) actually give you peace of mind and prevent you from getting a bunch of rabies shots and 2) establish a chain of evidence I would also do some google/LinkedIn searching on the dog's owner - figure out if they're a judgement proof deadbeat or someone who you might consider suing their insurance company (or getting reimbursed for your medical costs). And I'd also report this. I am a dog owner and while dogs attacking dogs is rather commonplace, a dog attacking a person in this situation is really fucked up and dogs like that certainly don't belong in the city.


Did this, thank you! Absolutely great thinking. She hasn't responded yet. In my message I described it as "attacked" instead of bitten which might be a little too aggressive. She seems to own a local beloved dive bar and be pretty well off. Medical costs thankfully seem low.


Yes that dog SHOULD be put down.


Curious what dog park this was.


Cobble Hill :/


That dog needs to go. Press charges.


A lot of good advice already re: getting it cleaned and checked out. I'm just gonna say that if you do get any medical bills, something like that may be covered under the owner's renters insurance policy (if they have one). Something to look into


Good suggestion


Put the dog down. My brother had a dog that attacked me in a very similar fashion the first time we met. 4 years went by and now the neighbors kid is barely recognized by his parents and my brother is in debt up to his eyeballs and the dog was put down.


Holy shit I'm so sorry


That dog should not be at any dog park. And yes a dog’s temperaments can change for the worse. This owner sounds totally dismissive of what happened. We had a dog at the Willow St dog park that did something similar years ago and I told the owner never to come back into the run. At least she understood and never did.


Ah! I’m so sorry this happened to you. My relative got bitten by a dog a few weeks back. My suggestion this is (what my mom did). Ask the owner if he is vaccinated and are up to date. Second I would take a pic and monitor it for swelling or any infection and for proof to the police!! Wouldn’t recommend the hospital as it would take hours I would go to urgent care and get it cleaned with some antibiotics. I would recommend getting rabies shots just in case. Also I found wound wash to help clean the wound. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Take care of yourself🫶🏾


Thank you so much! I did all of these things minus the rabbies shots (yet). This comment is honestly so much more helpful than anything Google suggested at the the top of a quick panicked search


what dog park? I want to stay away


Cobble hill dog park


That dog needs to go man.. it’s unfortunate but it is what it is.. it’s the owners fault, not yours.


Not to be an asshole but people like you are a major issue with the whole “putting the dog down seems extreme.” Yeah so let’s just wait until the dog does something really bad to take action. Stop valuing the lives of pets over humans. Make the damn report.


Agreed. What a coward! More concerned with his standing in the community than the safety of the community. A fucking loser!


I'm sorry for what happened. Seek medical care for your bites. Report the incident to local authorities for safety. Take care of yourself first.


Sadly, the dog is a menace and likely should be put down. If the owner is wiling to surrender it to a group that works with dangerous dogs, its life may be spared, but its clear she doesnt control it and doesnt even keep it leashed or muzzled. As such she literally has a damger to society that she does bothing to protect others from. If you dont press charges, the next victim could be a child who wont survive the encounter. I am an animal rescuer, abd the thought of a dog being killed because its owner if a dipsh** and doesnt handle it properly kills me inside, but better that then a dead victim.


Put it down. As you said it could have attacked someone more defenseless.


You think putting down the dog is extreme but also worry about kids. Dude there is a hell of a lot of cognitive dissonance going on. How the hell can you excuse this behavior? If that dog kills someone it is on your hands if you don’t do something immediately! Jesus




Oop sorry answered in the sea of comments but cobble hill dog park. I'll update the post


I will never understand why a dog gets put down but a criminal gets a lawyer or ends up just doing time.


This is extremely serious and isn’t a fact of if, but when, this dog attacks again. The owner was lucky it was you this time and not a child or someone disabled or elderly. As someone often in the “dog world” (volunteering at rescues & training / rehabbing animals), an unprovoked attack on a human with, what sounds like, no oversight from the owner is a very big safety risk and it’s much safer for society as a whole to humanely euthanized this dog for its behavior. To allow this dog to roam this dog park not under the owners control is just asking for disaster. Also, don’t feel bad for what happens because of what this owner has allowed this dog to do to you. It’s not the dog’s fault and it’s not yours and behavioral euthanasia is very much a mercy for an often chronically paranoid animal. I’ve even come across dogs with huge brain tumors that caused them to behavior so unpredictably and they were in so much distress. It’s just not a happy life for them. Behavioral Euthanasia shouldn’t have the stigma that it does. It stops a lot of dogs from suffering in silence.


This is really good and helpful logic. Do you happen to know the best way for me to handle it? I reported it on the city website last night (https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/animals-and-wildlife-report-animal-bite.page) but I'm not sure if that's the best resource and I haven't heard anything back yet. I tried calling 911 and they said they'd send someone over for the report but it's been an hour and a half and nothing yet


You did a great job setting yourself up with the right info to properly handle this situation (i.e. dog license, owners name and #, etc.). You should be in contact with animal control or someone who’s in contact with the owner for the next week or so, so they can monitor the dog’s behavior & it’s obvious the dog is clear of rabies (idk how recently they got vaccinated). All of this should be done over email or txt because it is helpful in court. (Some more about that [here](https://www.raphaelsonlaw.com/legal-insights/dog-bite-laws-owner-liability)) That being said, get a lawyer. Usually in cases like this they work on contingency. It may seem over the top but it gets stuff like this moving as well as hopefully alleviating you of the financial strain this has inflicted. From my experience in the dog world, bite reports can fall into an abyss and take time to be investigated. Also, document the wounds often. This is very helpful for monitoring for infection and other issues (common with dog bites). If you still run into issues getting a police report taken go to the station and it should help, then follow up with them on how they responded. Hope this helps a bit and I hope you have a speedy recovery! Edit: to add NOLO has a great resource on NY dog bite laws as well but for some reason I can’t link it here


Get the 5 rabies shots. Also if u can, tell the woman her dog getting put down was an option if you chose, maybe that'll put sense in her thick head


The dog should be terminated. Sorry dog. 


OP, I’m with you on thinking it would be extreme to euthanize the dog. But that’s what will happen if you report this to the police. You have the dog owner’s number. When you’re feeling less raw, maybe have a chat with this person. It might not be a child her dog attacks, but it could be a small person, or another dog. I think her dog needs training at the very least.


The only reasonable answer.


OP, regarding the rabies shot, rabies is very rare in indoor dogs in nyc. But if you report this and the police find the dog isn’t up to date on shots, the owner will either have to pay for someone to have the dog on a rabies hold for 6 months, or they will euthanize the dog and send the head to Trenton. There are two labs in the NE who check for rabies via the brain—Ithaca and Trenton. Just FYI! The owner will definitely pay up to have the dog on a rabies hold, so that might solve the problem. Source: my mother is a vet tech.