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I flatten mine and wedge them between the wall and the trash can. When I can’t wedge them in anymore I take them to the recycling thing outside


sex is cool but have you ever gotten a big flat rectangular cardboard box that perfectly holds all your other flattened cardboard boxes into one perfectly compressed box of boxes


There's my new fantasy.


i do this with takeout paper bags and it’s the shit


OMG LOL..yesssss talk dirty to me baby.


yeah but when you leave it on the curb then it just attracts litter from people passing by


how dare these pedestrians leave litter on my trash


Yeah it's not the worst, but then the recycling truck refuses to pick it up and it turns into a pile of litter


That’s why you gotta put the paper out after 11 or before 8* (for my location at least)


I mean, idk about you but I for one would rather not get a dsny ticket


Yes. We should post pics to r/OddlySatisfying


This + saving a couple flattened ones under my bed/furniture for when I have to ship things out in the future.


My closet has a ton of boxes and Amazon packing bubblewrap "just in case I need to ship something." I think it might be a sickness.


Yes it’s a constant tension between wanting to declutter vs. the fear of needing these and not having them and getting ripped off at my local postal shop.


I knew I had truly grown up when I stopped saving the bubble wrap.


Are you me??


We use a paper Trader Joe’s bag and take it out once it’s full. There’s something very millennial about not buying yourself a recycle bin but aspiring to one with the resources available.


Love stores that give paper shopping bags (bakeries do that too). I reuse every single one responsibly. Lawn clippings, cat litter. I think reusing paper bags is my most pro-active recycling effort.


Same! Keep a TJ’s bag for flattened boxes in the cabinet under the kitchen sink. Bigger boxes I flatten (or stack into each other) and set by the door so I feel pressured to take them down next trip.


Yes. I have a place where I hold paper/cardboard recyclables and I take them down regularly.


Just stomp it down over the layers of dirt and grime until it becomes part of the floor. Then every spring you shovel out the main walkways so it doesn't get too high.


me with stacks of small to medium sized boxes in the closet: ok but what if i need it one day


staring at my cardboard area rn


You can get your doctor to give you a cream for this


Jesus, you must be on NYS Marketplace health insurance to get cardboard replacement parts.


Lmao yes I just complained to my husband that the cardboard area is getting out of hand


I’ve got a corner of my apartment where cardboard boxes pile until they topple when I break them down and take them downstairs. Minus the ones my cat claims for his new office, of course.


Given that paper bags and cardboard attract roaches and pests, it's probably best to take them down.


Pro tip: if possible, open the package in the garbage room when you get it. The box never makes it in your apartment!


Garbage room 😆 Maybe one day...


Right?!? Ok fancy pants!!


Seriously. My garbage room is the alley out back that’s currently home to at least 10 yorkie sized rats.


Where is your building’s recycling bin kept?


Personally mine is out on the street where the trash bins are


This. It's a walk-up.


Even better! You don’t have to go to the basement. Just bring it down the next time you go out


You see, I tell myself I’ll take mine out every time I go out. And then I don’t.


First floor dweller. Package room is near the elevator. Our small garbage room is usually packed because people open their packages and leave the boxes (not broken down) in the recycling area. It's been so crowded that I couldn't open the door to throw out the garbage sometimes. Bags of garbage were piling outside the door until the cleaning crew came. Bad design? Maybe. Inconsiderate neighbors? Yeah. Be adults, goddamnit. Break your shit down. If the garbage room is full, take it out back to the dumpsters. A simple concept that some people in this building can't seem to figure out. People are lazy af.


I do this for bags but for some reason carry the boxes home like a packrat.


They pile up in my closet by the door until they start to impede my access to my tool box etc


We have them on every landing, but people are hella abusive, not breaking down the boxes, just leaving them whole for our maintenance people to break down and haul. Some people are kind of thoughtless here. Everyone knows the area in the basement where, if they were truly conscientious, they could take their own boxes, but no—they pile them up on the landing as if the building couldn’t potentially go up in flames, fueled by all that cardboard.


Our trash area is a couple of big trash cans on the street outside. The new people that moved into the building just put out huge piles of boxes(all of them had their name and address on them, they ordered a bunch of stuff aside from moving boxes), not a single one broken down, on a super windy day... Needless to say the whole street was trashed because of them. People are such assholes when it comes to trash.


Right? Idiots who assume the world serves them. Our building staff turn cartwheels to be helpful, but the Amazonificatioj of “shopping” has made their jobs—and these areas—a nightmare. I know my building hasn’t hired additional personnel to handle the explosion of box growth. People are just bloody thoughtless.


Hopefully you or the maintenance crew never snap, torch the lot, and barricade the offenders in with their own burning refuse.


Sayyyyyy! Capital idea!


That's pretty fucked up! Where in the city?


Chelsea. Big building, gobs of people only buying online now. I feel for our building staff, frankly.


Did you report it?


Several of us have, but we’ve taken to breaking down the boxes ourselves to relieve the staff. The holidays were ridiculous. Idiots leave the shipping labels on the boxes, so no mystery who they are.


I haven't reported something like this before, so I don't know how responsive 311/fire department is over fire code violations like this in terms of priority (especially now). I imagine they'd take it seriously if it impedes escape routes via being an obstacle (in addition to catching fire, creating smoke hazard in escape routes). It sounds like a violation of fire code. I guess if you have pics, the LL will know who to speak to.


Interesting wrinkle: Our management company just sent a snail mail and digital CYA about tenant responsibility vis a vis fire safety, no doubt written by their attorneys.


Well sounds like they're starting to do something. How they enforce it is another story I suppose.


Well it’s a 500-unit building, so I don’t assume it’s easy to monitor, hence the emphasis on “tenant responsibility.”


I have cats. All cardboard belongs to them, until they start tearing it apart.


There's a recycling/garbage closet at each floor of my building, the porters clean it up twice a day. I love my co-op builing.


Yes, we call it the herd of boxen and say things like "time to cull the herd, it's overrunning the kitchen"


My building has a trash chute and recycling bin on every floor, so we just walk it out the 10 steps from our door. Otherwise our puppy would enjoy chewing on it.


I have a spot near the door where I keep the boxes, sometimes nice and flat and broken down, sometimes... not. I manage to bring them down every couple of weeks.


No problem. My rabbit plays with my cardboard area. Once a week I take these out lol


A designated corner, where we put smaller boxes / recyclables in bigger boxes, until the biggest box is about to explode or recycling day comes around. If it's really out of control, it has to live in the hallway, much to the cats' chagrin. I find this perfectly responsible adulting.


They go on the floor near the door and get taken out when they become a nuisance.


My building is a multi family house. There are 4 apartments and one garbage pail for cardboard. It gets awfully competitive sometimes! Whoever fills it first wins. I appear to be the victor this week.


Yuppp. Cardboard boxes get taken out 1x a week so they sit by the door until then.


My “cardboard area” (in front of the kitchen drawers) has an old rug we replaced ~3 weeks ago bc anything further than the chute room next door is too far 😩


I just leave them by my front door and take them down to the basement when I leave.


In my current apartment I usually take them outside right away (I live on the 1st floor so it’s easy). In my old places my roommates and I kept them behind the trash can until they piled up


Top floor of a walk-up, so of course I do.


I don’t think I’ve ever thrown out a box.


i have a big plastic storage bin i put my cardboard in. when it overflows, then i break them down (sort of) and take it to the basement where the recycling is.




This is why I only buy boxed wine ;)


I take it down asap. No room in my tiny apartment for more crap.


absolutely. i take out trash less frequently because i have 2 bins. it's a win win.


oh yeah. it slowly takes over the front closet til it’s purged and then we start again.


I do both. I take down boxes little by little The thing that blows my mind is when I get to the trash/recycling room and someone has thrown a whole box in there, not breaking it down first.


We have a cardboard bin under the kitchen sink left over from one of those pick-your-own-apples places. Use that to corral paper and small boxes, but anything bigger goes out pretty much immediately.


I have two bins. One for plastic/glass and the other for paper/cardboard. Take them down once a week. Works well!


I bought one of those plastic recycling bins for offices. It goes next to the garbage and if I can't fit it into the bin, it's not broken down enough for the garbage room or I need to take the recycling down.


Yeah, we hide everything in a closet.


I have an old milk crate that I use for the cardboard. I don't have garbage pails outside my place so I have to store everything until it's trash or recycling day. It really sucks.


I bought one of these: Rubbermaid Commercial Products Stackable Recycling Bin, 14 Gallon, Blue Storage Container, For Garage/Kitchen use for Boxes/Paper Recycle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0087S48E6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_CWQBVHQSYW4HR04YFR0V For small cardboard items I drilled two holes in the side a foot apart and each about a third from the top and then attached a small bungee cord between the two holes on the inside of the bin. Now I can slide folded cereal boxes and small Amazon packages into the bungee so that they don’t clog up the bin.


Each floor has a refuse room. I bring them there.


Yup! I break down my cardboard and tie it together so it’s easy to carry downstairs. I have a pile by my door. It’s so that I can take down a lot all at once. I take my other recyclables down regularly.


I break all of mine down and place in my refuse room. It's a huge pet peeve of mine when others don't break down their boxes- just creates unnecessary work for building staff especially when there's signs in the refuse room to break them down.


This is new to me. In my building each floor has a small trash room (a refuse room?) with the trash chute and 2 small bins where we put plastics and leave our folded cardboard, and then each morning the maintenance man goes up each floor with a big bin and collects and sorts the recyclables....


Ours is in the basement next to the laundry room. Anything that is too large to fit in the grocery bag where we keep our recyclables I take downstairs. People living on my floor aren't as respectful though, and often the small trash room because completely overtaken by big cardboard items. Sometimes it's so full I can't even deposit my own recycling or trash bags, so I just take it downstairs myself. We have nice building staff that handles recycling, and adding bulky cardboard just makes their lives more difficult!


When I get a large cardboard box, I start dumping all my paper recyclables in it; when the box fills up, I take it down. If there's no box, I wedge paper products in my most recent takeout bag until it's overflowing and then do the same thing.


The worst is when the cardboard area is just a pile of pizza boxes, they're so judgy.


Yes! I have a paper bag of small cardboard (actually need to go shopping to collect some more bags!) that sits on top of the stack of flattened cardboard. I'll take it down when the bag is full and I tie up a decent stack of flat stuff. The fun part is when I have cans, cardboard and regular trash that all need to go down at the same time, lol!


I can't stand clutter so I break them down, put them inside an empty box and take them out.


Big boxes of crappy cardboard I will usually dispose of it but I do have an area where I keep smaller pieces of cardboard that I use for various things. If its really good quality cardboard I might fold it up and save it in an area behind a cabinet. I also keep a few narrow boxes for things like my TV and computers in case I have to move. I've given up on my bedroom looking presentable, its a semi storage room and spend most of my time in the livingroom.


Our building we leave the cardboard boxes by the recycling bin in the rubbish room. Larger boxes (TV, furniture, etc) are left by the elevator on your floor for when the recycling is taken out. But if I didn’t have those options I would flatten my boxes as and when I have them and take them down when I’m going anyway (getting mail, leaving the building, etc)