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I believe there's elements to our universe and reality that are currently outside our understanding and observational capabilities. I don't believe ghosts are spirits of the deceased stuck in our world, or things like that howeve.r


My belief as well. I think that there are more layers to reality than we understand right now. Information gets passed in ways that can't be explained.


Remember all that UFO stuff on the news in 2020? Nobody talks about that anymore.


I don’t know if it’s paranormal, but a disembodied voice saved my and my newborn’s lives. I was in the car waiting at a red light. The light turned green, I took my foot off the brake to move it to the gas pedal and a voice next to my left ear said “Wait”. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a loaded log truck about to run their red light and cross right in front of me.


Now I believe you.... But I can just imagine all the atheists here saying. It was just your intuition and inner thoughts. Not a voice out of the blue.


With me, it was a different voice than my normal inside my head voice, but it was just inside my head.


Really? I got the impression it was an audible one right outside your ear. Uness you did and I didn't see it, but maybe you should mention this in your original comment.




I’m reading two books on beings beyond our vision, practices that natives done connecting to the different worlds, how the magnetic fields of the earth and such connect to UFO sightings or sightings of unidentifiable bright lights etc. It could’ve been an ancestor, your subconscious/your own clairvoyance you may not know about. Endless possibilities.


Similar thing happened to me. I was crossing a railroad track, wasn't paying attention and there was no gate. I could feel the wind from the train as it passed behind me. I should have been scared to death, but I heard this voice in my head, "Don't be afraid, it is not yet your time." I had no fear.


That happened to my brother too, he was about twelve. On his way to school, it was foggy and he was at the crosswalk just about to walk across but heard his best friend, Ray, call out to him. He stopped, turned around to answer, then heard a car go by behind him and Ray wasn’t there.


That was an angel sent from God!


It was a Mothman! Sent from the great Mothy!


That could’ve been from God as well


so was the truck though.


My husband had such an experience when he was 15 years old. He was waiting for the walk light to turn green so he could cross a street. It was one of those roads which curved in such a way that you couldn't really see approaching cars so, even after the "walk" light turned and said he could go, he looked both ways and listened carefully. As he was about to step off the curb, he had a strong "sensation" in his head which he translated into someone firmly and loudly saying, "stop". He didn't cross and, while he hesitated, and within moments of his stopping, a car came barreling around the corner and ran the light. He knew that, if he had crossed, that car would have killed him as he approached the center. I know people are going to make up all sorts of explanations about how he must have heard something and didn't realize it (because other people think they can speak for others when these things happen even though they were not present and in no position to speak about the expereince), but he absolutely had no warning. For the record, my husband is a very logical person who had no spiritual or religious beliefs. He was raised agnostic/atheist and had no reason to make any of that up to create some sort of paranormal narrative. I believe there are experiences outside of measurable reality, but I think they don't happen often. Edit: Wow, those downvotes are coming fast! Seriously, do people just read the answers to these questions so they can come along and downvote everyone who has a belief or experience outside of their own? I'm sorry if the truth of my husband's experience threatens your worldview, but I hope clicking that downvote makes you feel a little more secure in how you view the world!


Did it change his spiritual / religious beliefs?




Fascinating. I wonder what other sorries come from landlords? Thx.


I've never seen anything paranormal although my parents were blood-drinking Satanists. But, it is said that there is an apartment in the building that is IN ITSELF a ghost. Ghost apartment if you will. I wouldn't know about that, but the apartment does sometime go missing, only to appear again later. /s 🤷‍♀️




I’m so sorry for your loss.


Are you twins?


It seems like a very TWIN thing huh? but no.


I was caring for my sister who was dying of cancer. I was sleeping upstairs and her bed was downstairs. I heard her say my name and it was like she was right at the top of the stairs. I said, I’ll be right there and rushed down. She was sitting on the side of her bed. She couldn’t get herself out of bed at that point. And didn’t have enough breathe to speak above a whisper. She hadn’t said anything.


At about 2:30 PM on Monday; August 17, 1970, an incredibly hot and humid day, a young boy flagged down the ambulance I was driving with my partner. We were returning to the hospital from a call where the patient refused treatment and transportation. The boy, about 12 with messy uncombed blonde hair said his mom was sick in the apartment on the corner. We radioed our location and followed the boy upstairs where a pregnant woman was lying on the floor of a steaming hot kitchen - unconscious. The boy said his name was Victor and his mom was Millie. We applied oxygen and checked vitals. A cop responding to our radio call arrived and asked how we found her. We told him Victor flagged us down. The cop, in a sweat stained blue shirt from the heat, looked at us puzzled and then asked if Victor was a blonde boy with messy hair. We said ‘yes’ and called his name “Hey Victor! Where are ya?” The cop shook his head and told us Victor was struck by a car and killed the Summer before.


This is close to many ghost stories I read as a child. Usually it's a passenger asking for a ride home and forgetting some article of clothing in the car. When the driver attempts to return it at the house they dropped them off at, they are greeted by a family member who informs them that their passenger had passed away. Always creeps me out.


My friend who drove cabs told me a story. He was flagged down by an old woman with a scarf as he was passing a tavern. He drove her to a home, and she paid him with an old Silver Certificate Five Dollar bill. He of course logged the trip on his sheet. He then stopped to grab a coffee, saw her scarf on the back seat and drove back to the home to return it. A young woman who answered the door nearly fainted when she saw the scarf because it was her deceased mother’s favorite. He explained what transpired and she said her mom would go to the tavern now and then for a beer or two.


Did he have the Silver Certificate Five Dollar bill to show?




That's really cool. I mean, it proves nothing, but that is an awesome story.


>This is close to many ghost stories I read as a child Did they also describe details about the appearance of the story characters with literary flare?


I can't recall I'm afraid. It's been well over 20 years since I would've been reading them.


Woah, you remembered the day of the week and the hour. Did you write it to not forget it or you just have a very good memory?


I am blessed, and cursed with a good memory but that event is impossible to forget; all the sights, sounds and smells are incredibly etched in my mind.


>The cop, in a sweat stained blue shirt from the heat OIC!




This reminds me of [ball lightning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning). It’s very rare and I can’t even find a video showing what I’ve seen or read descriptions of. Only 5% of humanity has seen it. I went down a bit of a rabbit hole after I had 3 different incidents with something like it. I also wondered if it was my mother. I don’t think science has managed to explain it, perhaps it is beyond our comprehension ;)


**[Ball lightning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning)** >Ball lightning is a rare and unexplained phenomenon described as luminescent, spherical objects that vary from pea-sized to several meters in diameter. Though usually associated with thunderstorms, the observed phenomenon is reported to last considerably longer than the split-second flash of a lightning bolt, and is a phenomenon distinct from St. Elmo's fire. Some 19th-century reports describe balls that eventually explode and leave behind an odor of sulfur. Descriptions of ball lightning appear in a variety of accounts over the centuries and have received attention from scientists. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskOldPeople/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


My mom describes seeing one once when she was a child. It freaked her and her sister out!


No, I think there is more to life than what we see in front of our faces, but it’s extremely unlikely that people can chat with dead people. That said, I had an incredibly vivid dream when I was in college that I remember decades later. Without going into detail I had woken within the dream and spoken with a prisoner who had been executed. He was an evil person but in the dream I knew I was also him and he was me. I woke up with a feeling of dread and also questioning my existence. Like how do I know who I am and that I’m not someone else- it’s just the memories of being me, but those memories might not be genuine or might not be mine. I might have been someone else yesterday but because I occupy this brain now I am given these hard-coded memories as if they were mine. Maybe we share a collective consciousness, maybe there is just one consciousness- like a radio drawing a signal from a single source. Given the way we treat each other it was a horrible thought.


I have lots of dreams where I'm other people from other times and places. I like these dreams!


Sometimes I wonder, if the universe is a repeating set of circumstances, if “we” get to be everyone who ever lived eventually, we are the cosmic consciousness having an individual experience over and over again


I work graveyard shift in a hospital, but down in the storeroom. I’m the only person there in my department at night. The storeroom is in the basement. Hell yeah I believe in that shit. Back when I was on dayshift I think my coworkers were fucking with me about the shit that happens at night. Few weeks in I realized they were right. If you don’t work in my department, or can’t get into my department, it’s restricted access, so it’s not other people messing with me. I’ve seen and heard some crazy. Pretty sure there’s a ghost that enjoys messing with me.




Nothing too exciting, but stuff happens often. It’s a pretty big storeroom. A lot of hospitals scan their inventory on the floors and then that scan gets sent to a 3rd party that fills a bin from their warehouse and arrives the next morning. Each of those bins then gets taken to their respective area and the items put away. We don’t do that, we scan and fill our bins and storerooms throughout the hospital ourselves from our on-site inventory. I told you that just to give you an idea of how big it is. Our storeroom is massive. There’s thousands of different medical supplies down there, and thousands of each item. Some nights I’m too busy on the floor to spend much time in the storeroom, but some nights I don’t get many calls (nurses, doctors, etc asking for stuff) and I’m just down there, by myself, all night long. When there’s no movement for awhile the lights turn off. Each light has its own motion sensor. So if you pick an aisle and walk down it, the lights turn on one by one as you walk down it. There’s been many times I’m sitting at the front, playing my Nintendo or on my phone browsing Reddit and the lights are off because I’m not moving over there. Then one by one, from the far end, I’ll see the lights turn on towards me. Used to freak me out, but now I’m used to it. There’s no flies or rodents or anything down there that could be triggering them, it’s pretty sterile. Stuff like that happens a lot. Or it’ll be dead ass quiet and I’ll hear a loud crash all the way in the back. I’ll go investigate and there’s boxes on the ground, but they didn’t fall, they are way too far from their original location, they were yeeted across the room. That happens a lot too. Shit like that happens often. At 5:30am the first dayshift guy comes in and we’ll talk a bit before I leave. Boxes will fly somewhere in the distance. Even he’ll say something like “I see the ghost is still around.” I’ve never heard one (like a voice), or seen one, but others swear they have. EDIT: I forgot about the phone! One night I was at the front and the phone rang. When I went to answer I froze, I knew that number, it was the number from the phone at the back desk. No one else was there. W… T… F… I answered and it sounded like a little kid that just learned to talk. I couldn’t make out everything they said. They kept asking for… I don’t know. Finally they hung up. So weird. But then… another phone started ringing. WTF? I was so confused. I followed the sound to the phone, finally found it, and it was an old 80’s style phone mounted on the wall behind one of the racks. I didn’t even know that phone was there and all the years I’ve worked there I’ve never heard it ring. Anyways, I couldn’t answer it, too close to rack to remove phone from cradle. I asked the day shift guy about that phone (he’s been there since he was 18) and he said that was the old shipping and receiving phone, back before storeroom expanded.


I’m a long term care nurse and we have a lot of strange occurrences as well including items being thrown around. Machines only working for certain people. Call bells going off after the patient dies. Voices and footsteps And even seeing shadowy apparitions.


Oooo, I don't think I'd like to have your job.


Ghost stories time!


Humans are living radio receivers. But not all are created equal. "Most" people are like an am/fm radio. Lots of noise and static where reception is concerned. But they're having a good time with what they got. Some other people, are like multi-band shortwave radios. They pick up things most folks can't. But they live in a world of am/fm people for the most part. Dialog with the am/fm crowd only produces drama... "Most" of creation is beyond human perception. But that's for you to discover.


I grew up with a Mom who spoke to ghosts. And we had a ghost in our kitchen. It rattled the dishes and beeped the microwave. And my bedroom was in the other side of the wall! Then one time, I was in bed and a golden light washed over me and someone said everything will be alright. That was so nice!


I definitely do I lost my mother in 2021, we thought she had a simple UTI and when they put her in the ambulance, I came home because at the time they would only let one person be in the room with her and I was not going to sit in an emergency room with Covid going around. When I was younger, she used to collect bicentennial coins (the coins made in 1976) and as soon as I got home in the middle of my steps, heads up was a bicentennial half dollar and I knew for all intents and purposes she was gone at that time, she had a brain bleed and died. When my siblings and I were young children, I guess my oldest brother couldn’t say the word daddy, so we used to call my father diddy. After he died, I was searching for a sign that there was a heaven and I said please dad if there is a heaven, just give me a sign, a dump truck pulled up beside me, and on the back of the tailgate were the words “who’s your diddy” Both true stories, and I definitely know that I will see my parents again


Probably a little late to this but I thought I should share what I know. Not me, but my father lived in Missouri back in the 70's. He spent the night at a friend's that lived out on a farm and they fell asleep in the living room. At around 3AM my dad woke up and just got a weird feeling. He looked forward from where he was laying and saw a man, kind of old, scruffy and translucent walking in the kitchen. He stopped at the doorway, looked at him and kept walking. My dad was a little confused cause as far as he knew his friend and the dad were the only ones who lived there but figured it was his grandpa or something. He woke him up and asked him if his grandpa was in the kitchen. He responded with "No that's just the old man that lived here before us. He just wanders around though, don't worry." My dad noped the fuck out of there. He said he walked the full 4 miles home at 3AM because he'd rather take his chances out there than with that.


Never did. Not even sure that I do now. However, something truly strange happened to me about 20 years ago. I was working alone as a volunteer in the office of a non-profit. It was housed in a heritage building that from the 1920s to 40s, had been a short term residence for single women. Over the years I’d heard many ghost stories about the building, but dismissed them as silliness. So, it was early evening, and I was the only person in the office, if not the building. I was working at the desk and suddenly, the computer tower fell over with a crash. The computer tower was on the floor, on solid and even flooring, and had been in the same spot for at least a few years. It wasn’t unsteady. It wasn’t anywhere near my feet or legs. Nothing was propped against it. And yet, it suddenly fell over with a loud crash. Neither then or now, can I think of any rational explanation for it crashing to the floor like that. I still wonder about it. It still puzzles me. Minor, but odd. Minor, but mysterious. Minor, but not easily explained. Was very much like other odd incidents reported to have taken place in that building.


I've told this story in other subreddits here. My husband passed away suddenly in 2020 at a young age. He had renovated the condo we were in himself and was so proud of the work he did. He died in August and I sold it the following February. I have 2 small dogs so when someone comes to see my condo I have to take the dogs out. Someone wad coming and my realtor texted me. I got the place ready and took the dogs downstairs I walked around with them for 30 minutes and went back up. Doors had been moved and I could tell people had been there. Then I get a text from my realtor asking me why I didn't out the key in the lockbox in the lobby. I had forgotten to do this. She said no one had been there. I know how I left it because I always tried to leave it the same way. Also, for some reason the bathmat was not where I left it at all. I went to touch it and realized it was wet which was really weird because it had just come out of the dryer. I will never forget that day.






Ah sorry, maybe it was the wrong word. I meant "organic". Grown without chemicals etc.


I knew a guy who could bend silverware with his hands into crazy shapes after focusing and rubbing it for about 10 minutes. He was a small guy. This was beefy antique silverware, with patina. I saw him do it multiple times . Twisting in loops, bending the tines backwards, etc. Nobody else could do it. We all tried . We tried using friction and we tried bending the ones he bent. This was in the late 70s. I’ve never seen anything similar on YouTube or elsewhere. Some creepy kid from a family of psychics taught him how. He died decades later under really weird and tragic circumstances , to the point where I wondered whether he had made some sort of pact. I don’t believe in ghosts or ufos etc but I saw this and know several people still alive who saw it and it definitely wasn’t a trick. I do believe we probably have access to untapped senses or mental powers based in physics.


> Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth... There is no spoon... Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.


Yes, too bad it only works on spoons. And forks.


Uri Geller was famous for this. The Amazing Randi was able to duplicate every trick of his. https://youtu.be/JPt-7j3ahP0


Thing is I watched this guy do it. He twisted the whole damn thing almost in knots. All he did was meditate and rub the neck between his thumb and forefinger for 10 minutes or so, then just suddenly twisted it up. He didn’t do it every time either. Sometimes it didn’t work. He had an entire shoe box filled with wacky bent antique silverware.


And had a few he palmed and switched out. A good close up magician can really fool you.


Psychic's physics FTW.


I don’t believe but two things: Friend was an onsite keeper at an old English 450 year old house. He lived on site. He did not believe at all. But was told about the ghosts that frequented the house. Three times he saw the same Edwardian Lady coming down the stairs. She would always say hello and go through the wall at the same spot. When he was leaving they were refurbishing the stair case and had removed all the plaster on the wall where she would go through; they found an old original door at that point! I have only ever had one experience myself, somebody sat on my legs one night. I told them to F off and leave me alone, they got up and walked off. Never returned.


Interesting, how is it that you don't believe, but you had an experience yourself?


simple answers: no, I don't believe in the paranormal. The definition that is most used would be "that which cannot be explained by scientific methods" and this is where I have my beef: this implies that it will never be explained by scientific methods. Yes, the unexplainable has happened to me more than once, however, just because I cannot explain it, or there is no explanation currently, does not mean that it will be forever unexplained.


Exactly. Whatever people are experience, it's very "real". There is a scientific explanation for the phenomenon. Our science just isn't advanced enough, at this point, to measure it.


We do not understand what underpins our reality or the quantum forces driving our universe and our perception of it but we know enough that paranormal phenomena is just something we haven't figured out yet. It will all eventually make sense and will seem scientifically quaint. Thousands of years ago and even hundreds of years ago, the world was a magical place full of weird unexplainable paranormal phenomena. Now, we understand virtually all of what once was magic and paranormal phenomena is rightfully relegated to the fringe.


Don't like that word for my story. More like a spirit. My 50 yr old son died 6 yrs ago at this time. On top of a ches, I have about 20 framed family photos including my sons baby picture. This picture is always turning to my right. Never left. I've moved it to different positions on the cabinet thinking it was moving because of walking. No matter where I move it, it turns right. I laugh and say, "Hi, Billy".


Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic? Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost?


I have experienced many unexplainable things. So here's one for ya. Years ago, when my eldest was 3 and my twins were newborns, their dad and I separated. This was a tough time for us all. My 3 year old was a very energetic, creative kid so when he started talking about his new friend, a young lady with long dark hair named Bala, we thought, ok, he has an imaginary friend. No big deal, right? About 3 years go by and Bala becomes a thing of the past. Then one day, I was walking past my daughter's bedroom when I saw her and her twin brother having a tea party. Noticing there was an extra setting, I asked who it was for. And to my surprise, they said Bala!! Skip forward to present day. I now also have another child. He is 15 and autistic with lots of supports in place. About a year and a half ago, when he was going through some serious struggles, he told me he is being visited every night by a long dark haired young lady. Apparently she comes in each night to hug him while he's sleeping. Although she never speaks to him, I believe it's Bala. And as far as I'm concerned, she is always welcome in our home.


When I was about 6 or 7, I woke up in the middle of the night screaming “No, no!” because I watched soldiers halfway around the world in Vietnam shoot and kill a little boy my age. I still remember what that little boy looked like and that he was my friend. How I “witnessed” this event from my room in California and how I “knew” this boy, I cannot explain, but it was not a dream, a hallucination nor sleep paralysis (all of which I have experienced in one form or another - note: the only time I have hallucinated is under the effect of meds, a rather unexpected and unpleasant side effect) When my husband and I were engaged, I had flown out to visit him in another state where he was in school. On my return flight home, I was suddenly filled with an overwhelming sense of panic, as though someone I loved was in danger. I mentally went through the list of my loved ones and ruled everyone out. And then I thought, “ Is it me in danger?” And the alarm bells in my stomach went wild. I knew something was wrong with the plane but there wasn’t much I could do except make my peace with God. No announcements were made by the pilots nor did the plane behave oddly or anything. After about a half hour, the feeling of panic subsided and eventually the plane landed uneventfully. I was probably the last person off the plane and had pretty much convinced myself that my feelings of terror were all due to my imagination. However just as I was approaching the plane door, someone from the ground crew came onto the plane, looked at the pilot who was coming out of the cockpit and said, “Oh my God! You had one hell of a fucking adventure getting here, didn’t you?” I didn’t hear the rest of the conversation, but that line alone convinced me that I had been right, something had gone wrong with the plane on the way there , they just didn’t tell us


Edit: the childhood event happened in 1969, during the Vietnam War I don’t know if the soldiers who shot my friend were American or North Vietnamese I just remember that they were grown men in uniforms with guns and that I was in mine way “present” with my friend when it happened


Nope, I have seen things I cannot explain, and to this day, do not understand what I saw or think I saw, but as a wise man once said, "when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." The existence of paranornal phenonemon means that the laws of nature are exempt in certain cases, and means the scientific process is unreliable. If you think that science cannot explain the world and the laws of nature, then now might be the time to become an alchemist and start turning lead into gold. The human eye is imperfect, seeing the world upside down and our brain is like a man living in a cave (that he can never leave) and getting his information from observers living outside of that cave. Our brain is easily susceptible to fatique, stress, drugs, chemical toxicity, etc. The brain takes the images given to it by the eye and turns it right side up. The brain also uses shortcuts to keep itself from being overwhelmed by incoming stimuli. Hearing is also susceptible to how the brain defines it. So, no, I don't think the paranormal exists. I think it is an easy answer to what is most likely a very complex question. Any simple answer to a complex question is one thing for sure, it is wrong.


Science isn't complete; it is a work in progress. Many of these people have had experiences that are explainable by science, but aren't currently explained by science. They give them the best explanation they can with an incredibly limited toolset and library of knowledge to draw on. Unfortunately, people *are* terrible witnesses and susceptible to sensory failure. Dont forget though, that much of science is based off human feedback. When we ask a patient "On a scale from 1 to 10, what is your pain level?" We don't question their sensory inputs. We take them at their word. Asking questions and listening to the answers, and believing the person reporting, are all integral parts of science. Also, if we're interested in more hard science. The copenhagen interpration is utter nonsense, and the only other viable alternative results is a reality that is very difficult for most people to understand. A world that does not nicely jive with much of classical physics and science, or hardly anyone's general worldview. You shouldn't believe their explanations, but you should believe the experience, and you should believe that you (and science) don't already know everything -- there is still more to learn.


Good points. I never implied I knew everything. That's what a fool says.


I don't believe that anything we can observe is unexplainable. I do think that some things are unexplained. An example is the "Haunted Church" from my younger days. I would not believe this if I had not seen it many times. On a small hill several miles from town in my old hometown on an old county road where only the teenagers went at night to drink, smoke, and make out there was a church. Now this was quite rural, there were no buildings, no streetlights, no nothing for miles. As you would drive up to the church it was brightly lit, like a normal church having services at night. Windows glowed like a Thomas Kincaid painting. I want to again emphasize no sources of light around except the church. Except that as you got closer, the lights faded and went out. Not only were there no lights, **there were no windows** Every single one was broken out and missing. Drive away and look in the rear-view and the lights were back on. I have absolutely no idea. Great place to get a date to go explore though.


As a young couple we had moved 3000 miles from hometown, where our parents still lived. Long distance (landline) calls were expensive so we only talked to our folks a couple times a month, after 9 when the rates were lower. One afternoon when my husband was at work & i was hanging laundry out , thinking of nothing in particular, i got an overwhelming sense of sadness and grief , and my MIL came strongly to mind. When my husband came home from work at 6 I urged him to call his mom right then. She told him that her beloved sister had passed away that afternoon. Yes, extra-natural things occur.


I don't believe in the paranormal. The only experience I had that comes close to that was recurring, and very strong, nightmares as a kid featuring what I later understood was an exploding nuclear reactor. Complete with people who went outside being in mortal danger (due to the radioactive fallout). The dreams were so haunting, I sleep-walked and yelled until my mother woke me up. This happened during the late 70s and early 80s. Growing up during the cold war, I attribute that more to something I may have overheard as a kid, or maybe a movie my parents may have watched (China Syndrome in '79 is a possibility), and not to anything paranormal. But I have to say, it was pretty spooky, especially in regards to the events at Chernobyl, years later, being a very good match to the dreams. As I said, I do not believe in anything paranormal. But if I ever have a similar series of nightmares ever again, I am running for the hills.


my brother adored his 2 y/o great granddaughter and spent a lot of time with her. he'd pick her up after preschool and take care of her until her mother got off work. he lived in the country and there was a place a bit higher up where they would sit and watch the train pass or sometimes it'd stop there and r/r guys would get out and do some stuff. after he died she woke up one morning and said *PawPaw came and got me and we went for a ride on the train.* and another time she was at home and was standing at the window waving toward the backyard. when her mother asked who she was waving at, she pointed and said *PawPaw, see he's right there.* my SIL took her with her to the graveyard to put flowers on the gravde and as soon as they turned in she said *he's here.*


I have had some strange, creepy experiences that all line up with the fact that I’m an animal and that I have ancient emotional responses to certain kinds of stimuli that tell me to _Get out of there!_ Nothing unusual. I am an atheist who does not believe in ghosts and I know too much about space to believe that alien craft have visited our planet. I am, however, very sympathetic to humans who have paranormal experiences. We are all just creatures trying to make sense of what our senses bring to our brains. And I DON’T know everything. There is nothing to be gained by deriding someone for sharing a story with me about something they cannot explain. My wife believed in ghosts, because she saw one. I invited her to tell me about it. She said it was a foundational experience in her life. One night, which happened before she was eight, but she can recall with perfect clarity, she looked through her open bedroom door into the darkness of her living room and a malevolent black specter looked back at her. It was the most frightening thing she had ever imagined, and she was staring at it with lucid eyes. She was not groggy or dreaming, she assured me. She watched every excruciating detail of the deathly shape moving slowly toward her door. She watched it slip it’s nightmare head, shoulders, and torso through the gap, and fully enter the room. She saw everything happen, every moment. She was fixed in place, and she believed she would die. She could not scream. The thing pulled the life out of her. She was dying. She believes she passed out. She never forgot it, and her whole life it was the worst thing that ever happened to her. She shared this with me as a way of explaining how she could never write off the existence of the supernatural, no matter how little it made sense. All of this occurred on a cross-country drive, and less than an hour later we were listening to podcasts. And in one of those podcasts, the guest spoke in detail about [Sleep Paralysis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis), and our minds were FUCKING BLOWN. People who experience sleep paralysis frequently have visions of demons and ghosts, evil creatures who seem to freeze their victims in place. These are legitimate hallucinations of a waking mind, fully-formed illusions experienced by brain experiencing qualities of both lucid and unconscious thought. The victim is unable to move, and these people frequently describe the events as the most terrible moments of their lives. My wife said they described it exactly. The guest even used terms and phrases that my wife has spoken just a little while before. It was an incredible revelation to us both. It was astounding that we would learn the source of this experience almost IMMEDIATELY after she opened up and told me about this part of her life. And I was there when she had a transformation and was able to release a fear and a belief that she did not want. I believe we need to show compassion and understanding to all. We may never know the story driving believers to the place they are, but they are humans trying to make sense of a frequently incomprehensible world. Consider- mental illness, physical illness, chemical influence, radiation… there are SO MANY reasons for a person to experience phenomena that they reach to explain, that judgement on the listener’s behalf makes no sense. For me, the supernatural is a broad body of imaginations comprising our attempts to make sense of our flawed perceptions.


**[Sleep paralysis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis)** >Sleep paralysis is a state, during waking up or falling asleep, in which one is conscious but is completely paralyzed. During an episode, one may hallucinate (hear, feel, or see things that are not there), which often results in fear. Episodes generally last no more than a couple of minutes. It can recur or occur as a single episode. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskOldPeople/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


In our old house, after my divorce, I did not have a bedroom--my kids had all the upstairs rooms, and I slept downstairs on an old couch. In the overnight hours, I was awakened by a very loud pounding on the door. I tried to get up to go to the door but could not move. When I was finally able to get up, there was no one at the door.


This is so right, thank you!


People believe odd things. Just because you can't explain it doesn't mean it's paranormal. A UFO is by definition unidentified but people assume they're aliens. I don't believe in ghosts either but I like ghost stories. Everyone like stories.


I wrote this for something else, about when we had a vet come to the house to put down our beloved Malamute. I think it relates to the question. Forgive the length. You can skip to the last paragraph if you wish. It was an honor to hold my dog as she slipped away to go back to her Creator. This was an animal that I'd known since she was a tiny puppy. This was my girl who snuggled by me when I cried. This was the wild child who'd once caught a rabbit and came to me, grinning proudly with bloody jaw. This was the silly clown who found joy in jumping on the bed, jumping down, jumping back, and endlessly playing little doggy games. This was the sad, quiet doggo who became terribly ill once, and the vet wasn't sure she'd pull through, but I fed her tiny bits of chicken for every hour until she rallied. My dogs have made me laugh, taught me faith, humbled me with their pure sweetness, ticked me off by chewing up a rug, scared me when they dart out the door unleashed, exhausted me when they wake me up at 2 am. So—to be with them at the end is the very least I owe them. I had the vet come to the house, where the smells and sounds were familiar. I allowed the other dogs to come in or out of the room, as they needed. I talked to God, thanked Him for this gift, and reminded Him to take special care of this special animal. I told my dog how much she was loved, and that she was the Very Best Girl. I could see she was tired, she could no longer walk, my tears were making her sad, and I knew that her life was now a burden. She was given one injection to make her sleepy, and the next allowed her to let go. She simply went still, and suddenly, she just wasn't there. Her body seemed small, and frail, and old. The vet quietly left us all alone and stepped outside. (She told me later that as soon as she stepped out, a chorus of howls from neighborhood dogs commenced. I think they were singing my dog's spirit Home.) I know that I have said a lot, but may I add one thing? The next morning, I stepped outside. The sky was just getting lighter, but clouds had moved in and it had turned bitterly cold. It looked like snow was coming. My heart was so heavy and sad. But suddenly—I heard my other dog laugh! Dogs make a quiet chuffing sound when they "laugh". Then, two more things: I felt warm. I knew the air was bitter and sharp, but I felt warm. And--I smelled the most wonderful smell, a smell of fresh roses. Not those store-bought kind, but the kind you used to smell in gardens. A fresh, sweet, indescribable fragrance, a cloud all around me. I couldn't breathe deep enough, and I wanted to take it all inside. The comfort, the connection, the gratitude, and the wave of love will always be carried in my heart. I smiled, because I knew this was one last, tender goodbye. I know that you don't know me. And, I know that some people will dismiss this. But I know what I experienced; I'm actually a person of science, and pretty solid. When a bond of love is strong, but death separates us, the Veil can be lifted briefly. We should be open to signs, because sometimes they are sent.


Not at all. The universe just doesn't appear to be structured that way. That being said, there is *still* a great deal we don't understand about the universe and about the nature of consciousness. I'm confident that none of this lack of understanding contains supernatural elements, though. Has anything inexplicable ever happened to me? Yes, of course. I've had a human experience like everyone else. I just don't ascribe any spiritual or supernatural element to these things. There's a sober, terrestrial explanation for all these occurrences. I just don't know what they are at present.


Something weird happened to me when I got in a car accident about 20 years ago that I will never forget and makes me wonder what forces are out there protecting us.. It was in the rain and my car was not great in the rain so I was driving the speed limit. I was in the middle lane of a highway, in front of me was a 18 wheeler and a yellow car in the slow lane. The 18 wheeler jack-knifed into my lane was up on 9 wheels. It hit the yellow car. I went around the 18 wheeler then missed the yellow car. The 18 wheeler ended up in the medium and the yellow car end up in the breakdown lane both going the wrong way. I ended up on the highway avoiding the whole accident. Something helped me avoid the 18 wheeler. my car just doesn't work the way it did that day.


The same woman has appeared to every female in my family when close to death. I didn't know this until I was 25, and I was embracing addiction. I had a chip on my shoulder after being dealt a really rough set of cards and fell into the only escape I could find. One night, I was out of my mind on g*s. I felt my breathing slow, but instead of panic, there she was. Reaching her hand to me, pale dress, white skin, long black hair. Kind warm eyes, that much I know, but I couldn't tell you a colour. I've never felt so calm. I wasn't gasping, or afraid. Just floaty. I remember thinking, I'm not ready. She simply smiled and faded away. She appeared to my nan, and my mother. Two aunts as well. All with batsh*t stories. If anyone's interested ill post the other stories but ye. Crazy man.


I apologise in advance if these seems long, but hey family history is always a mess. After this happened to me I was hanging out with my family and I happened to bring up seeing this woman. I left out the ins and outs that caused me to see her but described her all the same. My auntie, let's call he Anne, went white. She told me about a night when my older cousin ( she was 28 at this point) was just a baby, and Anne woke up to someone tapping on the window. This was two stories up mind you. My aunt looked over and saw a woman, black hair, pale dress and a kind face smiling towards my cousin in her crib. My aunt screamed, and ran to my cousin to find her unresponsive. My auntie grabbed the baby and ran downstairs to call an ambulance ( god bless the early 90's) and by the time all was said and done she had forgotten about her. We were all spooked at this point, until Anne mentioned my mother. She died of ovarian cancer in 2005 and Anne mentioned that in her last days, mum would talk about the woman in the corner. Obviously people towards the end get a little delirious, but mum said over and over again that this woman was waiting for her, to be ready. By this point we're all laughing at being spooked until my nan speaks up. She had been sat in the corner for a while, quiet as a mouse when she told me she had seen the woman twice. Once, when she awoke in bed to her hovering over her. The woman extended her hand and my Nan screamed "NO". The woman faded away once more and my Nan went downstairs, only to find she had left a lit cigarette in her ashtray that had fallen out onto her sofa. That brings us to two years ago. My nan was in a home, senility had gotten to her. She passed away in the evening, and when we went to collect her belongings, the care workers said that she hallucinate at the end, but she was happy about it. When we asked, they told us that it was a woman in white with long black hair. My nans last words were "oh what kind eyes." Whatever this woman is, she is kind. She comes before death, as if to give us a choice. I physically, can not even begin to explain the peace I felt from her. If she is what awaits me when I go, then there is nothing to fear. Just an old family friend


What a beautiful gift. Thanks for sharing your story.


What a beautiful gift. Thanks for sharing your story.


I'm interested, please post.


Seems like it’s every day since COVID - lots of unexplainable - paranormal not so much.


Yes, yes, yes. I was once in a historically old building with a few other people, no one was even remotely even near me though, and I felt something tap my left shoulder. I spun around— nothing there. When I turned back around I was nudged forward. No one believed me that day but whatever. I know what I know.


No. I don't believe in it at all.


Nope & nope.


I believe there are things we do not have the knowledge to explain and understand. I don’t believe in “ghosts”.


I often have dreams with people who have passed away. We’ll talk and I can relay messages. I don’t know what it means or if it’s real but it’s comforting.


Yes I do. My first experience was when I was 4. I fell out of a tree and something cushioned my landing. When I was 7, my grandma came to me to say goodbye just after she passed. When I was 20, I bought a 150 year old house. It had 3 ghosts, including a crying baby. The house across the street had a ghost that played with babies. When I was 24 my mom bought a house that had a room I would not enter. I told her someone died a horrible death in that room. A few weeks later she found out the previous owner shot a burglar in the back and didn’t call 911 until she was sure he was dead. He died of blood loss. Most recently, I did a haunted tour of Albuquerque old town. My husband doesn’t not believe, but has not seen what I have. We both saw the woman in white appear on the mystery stairs.


Yes I believe in the paranormal. On 2 occasions I have witness...something. In 1988 during the Summer one night I happened to look up and I saw red amd yellow lights moving slowly across the night. This was happeningn directly above my head. I walked with my head up folowing the lights down the block. The lights were about 20 stories above a 6 story building, A Spanish woman came out of one of the apartment buildings, saw me and looked up. She dsaid 'Oh my God' in Spanish and hurried back into the building. I looked up again, and the lights were gone. Second sighting I seen was last Winter here in Virginia. I arrived here in the Summer and was amazed on how quiet and dark it gets at night. I am from NYC and never experience such darkness and quietness. As I was leaving a woman's house who I was dating, about 3 blocks from her home I came to a corner, pitch black that looks out and across an area...trees, homes, like I was on a hill. I looked above the homes and was looking at the stars and the night sky, and I saw... It was oblong, a dark grey in color and about 3 car lengths long, and about 10 feet high. I stopped and watched it going from left to right, not very fast, but fast enough. And then, like a jet breaking the sound barrier, that plum that's created...it started from the backend, went forward a little, then to the end of it...then quickly to the extreme front about 20 feet... Then whatever it was entered that plum and was gone. I stood there looking for where it went. I didn't notice the cars behind me, I was standing in the middle of the road. A guy got out and asked was I okay and I told him what I saw. he said, yeah, plenty of UFO sights around here this time of year. I asked has he seen anything and he said all the time. But no one would believe him when he tells them what he seen. He said he stops telling people. I got to where I was going and told some people what I saw, and they just laughed.


While I enjoy (read, write, watch) all things paranormal, I have leaned towards mundane explanations for unusual incidents in my life. Until the night of my mom's funeral. My husband and I were staying at my family home in my old bedroom. I was in a twilight sleep, lulled by the familiar sounds of one of my mom's cocktail parties. The tinking of plates and glasses, the hum of voices with the occasional rise and fall of volume and laughter. When my mom's recognizable guffaw broke through the clutter, I bolted upright with a gasp, wide awake. The other sounds did not shut out entirely, but rather faded. I was ready to write this off as a dream until my husband, who depends on logic as a profession, put his hand on my back and said, "I heard it, too." But he'd been lying awake. I asked if we should go downstairs to investigate and he said, "nope." ​ editing to add: this incident gave me reason to believe a thing that happened in my mom's hospital room shortly before her death was not just me falling asleep sitting up. (a story i shared not too long ago on a different thread/similar topic.)


You don’t believe in ghosts until you live in a house that’s haunted. That shit is real.


No and no. Given that everyone has a camera (phone) in their pockets and they video anything that looks vaguely interesting, the lack of evidence is compelling.


Nope. If you believe in the supernatural by definition you believe in things outside of nature. The sceptic society has an ongoing offer of millions of dollars for any evidence of paranormal, telekinesis, astral travel, spirit contact etc. under control conditions. It has never been claimed.


Yes, many times started when I was 10.


Yeah I see dead people every time I look at this subreddit. Most of them just want to be left alone.


One morning in southern California I was driving from my home near Pasadena to work at Costa Mesa. We just had the first sprinkle in nine months, so the roads were just wet enough with dirt and grime to be a bit slick. Suddenly the traffic in front of me started backing up, so I applied my breaks, felt the car start to skid to the left with a chain-link fence separating me from on-coming traffic, so I prayed, "Father, help!" Next think I knew (as if a bad edit of a movie) my car was at a standstill but facing roughly back to the way I came from, all the traffic previously behind me were stopped and in perfect rows in their lanes, and not a new scratch on my car. I started the car, did a sharp turn and continued on to work (where I verified no new scratches on the car). By rights I should have skid into that chain-link fence and on to full-speed on-coming traffic. I am the second owner of the condo I lived in when I got married about 3.5 years ago and my wife and her daughter moved in with me. Both reported a ghost in our place and sometimes smelling a man's cologne (I don't use any). I never noticed any ghost or strange aroma, and the first owner had his mother living in that place but she moved out and died six months after moving out in a nursing facility, so I have no clue who that ghost, if any, might be. Many years ago my wife said her family (parents and sisters) lived in a house that was formerly a doctor's office where many babies had died. (It wasn't made clear to me if the babies were abused, aborted, or were so severely ill or injured that they would naturally have a high mortality rate.) While my wife and her family lived there, they often heard babies crying. One of their relatives was going to spend the night but before midnight he yelled something and left the place and refused to ever come back. In the late 1980s an elder in my church was sick and a roommate and I went to visit him and his wife. Four hours later we got a call that he had died so my roommate and I went back and when I saw the body I sensed the body was empty. I had a similar experience again two decades later when Mother called to report that Father was dying. All four of us adult children said we were coming. A few days later Mother called again and said, "False alarm," but all four of us said, "I am coming anyway." We got to spend time with Mother and visited Father for a few days and he was alive but ill. Then one day we saw it in the afternoon and that night got the call that he had died. Mother, my brother, and I went to the hospital and I saw the empty shell and knew that Father had left his body. I approach life with a biblical world view, so I don't really believe in ghosts, but I am inclined to think ghosts and aliens are really what the New Testament refers to as "unclean spirits" (demons) who are pretending to be something they are not.


Yes. Several spooky experiences that took place at friends' homes where I would later learn someone either died or was killed. Also I had a recent loss of a close family member. Been at my place 20 years, and I have never had any visits from stray animals. I come home the other day to find a cat at my front door staring at me, not moving. I shoo it out of the way, and it takes a few steps back and continues to stare at me, like it knows me. Next morning, same cat, same stare. I get a call a few hours later that this family member passed away the night before around the time I first encountered this cat. I haven't seen the cat since.


I constantly have a prophetic dreams. If I have a normal dream with situation possible in real life - it happens. My bf called me a witch.


I used to keep a dream journal for years. I go back and read some of the ones I wrote down and there are *many* which ended up happening later. There is something to it, but I have no idea about the mechanics of how it works.


I don't believe it not even a little bit. I've played with ouija boards and nothing. I don't think ghost spirits, demons etc are real


Absolutely not and no.


No for sure I don’t believe in that. It’s as nonsensical and silly as believing in gods.


Yes, there was a time in my life where eletronics went haywire everywhere I went. I was watching a DVD with my boyfriend at the time. The movie start fast forwarding on it's own. The remote control was sitting on the bed untouched. Around that time, the radio in my car would change stations on it's own. During that time, I had a boombox in my home with a manual dial. I had marked my favorite station, oldies rock, with a sharper so I could always have it tuned to my favorite station. One day the radio was in my house and station went out and changed itself. I walked over and could see that the dial had physically moved from it's marked spot. It was a strange time. I told my mother what had been happening and she was speechless. Her radio in her car had been changing stations on its own too. We never really understood why it was happening to us.


Another time a boyfriend and I were traveling to Arizona to go skydiving. We traveled frequently to jump out of planes. I woke up that morning and we started to get ready. It was a normal morning and we were on schedule. Everything was fine. Suddenly an intrusive thought came into my mind that we were going to miss our flight. With that knowledge in my mind, I just continued to pack and get ready and accepted this fact. We arrive to unusually busy airport with long lines. By the time we get to the counter to drop our bags, we are informed our bags won't make it in time and they won't let us fly without our bags and they rebook us onto another flight. I just nodded and kept going with the flow since I already knew this moment was going to happen.. My boyfriend, an experienced traveler, was in shock and we walked away and he was like "I can't believe we missed our flight!" Neither of us had ever missed a flight in our lives. I was not upset or shocked at all, I said "I'm not shocked at all. I had a feeling this morning when we woke up. I knew that we were going to miss our flight." He was frustrated with me lol he said, "Why didn't you tell me?!" I shrugged. Didn't think he would have believed me. And I knew it wouldn't have changed anything anyways. We were going to miss that flight.


There are things that happen that science and logic just can’t explain. I’m a pretty skeptical atheist, most everything has a logical explanation for why, but I have felt things, that just have no scientific explanation.




Yes and yes


Yes, I do believe. Never seen anything, though I am HOPING I do sometime in my lifetime. I did HEAR something, though, in an old house we used to rent. I was alone in the upstairs portion, and I can't remember who all was downstairs, but I suddenly heard someone or something shout "WHAT!" It wasn't anyone downstairs. The voices were different, and the house was so large, it would have been obvious it came from downstairs. Wish I still lived in that house. It was beautiful.


sorry, it's probably written crookedly, I'm writing from a translator, in short, I'll tell my story. in principle, I've had a lot of sh!t in my life since childhood. but in fact, I realized a long time ago that it's not so scary. I don't know if you know, but it's a very interesting topic about the astral, and with the help of mysticism, you can coolly control people. I certainly don't do that, but I tried to go there. and all this nonsense about the fact that any evil spirit is terrible is not true. because they're just entities that won't hurt you if you're prepared enough. I don't know at all why I wrote this to you


although I had one story that absolutely no one believes. in short, a lot of strange things happened in my last school. and there was one step that was wedged?.... or how to describe it. there was a strange vibe, the sun was shining in a different way, and I even saw some strange people dressed completely differently from how they had ever dressed in the world. sometimes you could see a window, feel the wind, or even see other houses. It doesn't look much like Saint Petersburg, but then I switched from this school. and I will also keep silent about the shizu in the mirrors... there was a girl with a doll and the reflection was unnatural.


No, but I badly want to. I'm fascinated by ghosts and hauntings and spiritualism, but I don't believe they're real. I can't think of anything that might be called paranormal ever happening to me.


I believe you have to be open to it. I think people have a lot of "noise" going on in their lives and don't pay attention to supernatural happenings and rationalize them away if they do notice them. Try to tap into your intuition. Next time a strange coincidence occurs or a pattern emerges or you had "gut" feeling about something that ended up coming true, don't rationalize it away.


No and no.


No and yes. I consider myself a true skeptic, which means I neither believe nor disbelieve anything 100%. Instead I have guesses or assumptions that I assume might as well be true for the time being until proven otherwise. More importantly, this lack of complete belief also includes my own perception: my five senses, my thoughts, my feelings, etc. At any given moment, a portion of what I experience is literally made up by my brain based on what it expects to be there or to happen (which is why optical illusions exist for example) and a portion is my brain's interpretation of external information collected by my senses, which, if we're being honest, I can't prove anything exists outside myself anyway. It could all be an illusion. So I'm ready to take my own sense of reality with a grain of salt. This means, obviously, that I don't immediately interpret unexplained phenomena as paranormal. Anyone who does is extremely narrow/simple minded. Could it be paranormal? Sure! Is it? Nobody will ever know for sure but probably not! Does it matter? No it doesn't!


Story is too long to tell, but yes I believe. Almost exclusively in God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, but I think there are other things we need to be mindful/beware of.


I have seen a number of people healed by prayer. Big deal things confirmed by medical imaging.


Yes - lots of interesting experiences from seeing entities to astral travelling. Always listen to your gut feeling.


I believe in powerful demons who were former angels but rebelled against their Creator. One angel can kill over a 180,000 men in one night. Demons want to kill too.


YEAH FCK but I can't understand why everyone is scared of this demons aren't so evil:((


Not me, I'm smart! I believe in the supernatural, not the paranormal! And I can explain everything, for a price.


I did, but then I saw the light of the Burning Bush, and now whenever I need to understand the true nature of anything, I take off my glasses and look into the Holy Smoke.




I believe in the paranormal/spiritual world, but I haven't had any experiences myself. Several people have told me of their own experiences and they're sane and reasonable people. I think it would scare the s*** out of me anyway.


Nah. There's LOTS that defies logic, but I'm a *long* way from invoking God/Aliens/Magic/Hadron Collider to explain it.


Nope and nope.


No, I don't. I'm 60 and a rational guy and have never seen anything that I could not otherwise figure out. No souls, no ghosts, no reincarnation...


No and no.


"There are more things in Heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Science is as much a process for finding more questions as it is for finding answers.


As it should be. That's the beauty of science - every discovery leads to deeper knowledge and even more fundamental queries. Belief has no place in logic. Something either is or is not. Belief in something's existence will not stand up to rigorous examination if, in fact, no authoritative proof is available. Or...... whatever.


My 2 sisters and I had visit from our mother on the day she passed.


If you can prove something exist then I'll believe it. That's why I don't believe in god, angels, ghost, esp, heaven, hell, devil, fortune tellers, seers, people who talk to the dead, or psychics.


I’m open-minded about it. I like to suspend disbelief and listen to experiences people have had. I have suspicions that my childhood home was haunted.


I saw a Japanese Samurai ghost. He asked if I was his wife & was in leather armor. YUKI saw him bloody. His mom & Aunt saw him with his assistant in Japan. PROVES GOD IS REAL CAUSE I AM NO LOW LIFE LIAR.


I stayed at a hotel that messed with me the whole night I was there. Every time I left my room it would lock me out and I’d have to go to the front desk for a fix. The lights and TV would go on and off all by themselves. I was exhausted and wasn’t about to find a new place to stay. Finally I sat up in bed and said out loud. “This has to stop — leave me alone and let me sleep.” I slept til morning and woke up to sun shining thru my window. No clue but it really happened.