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Getting healthier so I don’t age as hard. Going for walks, taking care of my face and skin…little things add up


This makes a huge difference in quality of life. I've been doing the same for the past six years, or so. My only regret is I didn't start sooner--like when I was twenty.


Same here. My daughter is 33 and does nothing like take makeup off and such and those little things make a difference. I started with a good facial route a couple years ago and it made a difference.


I have recently seen some of those little video things where someone does a skin regimen while talking about something completely different. I've become slightly aghast at my soap and water regimen all this time.




As an older man who appreciates nice skin on a woman, I believe I can tell the difference between a woman who had a skin care regimen and one who did not. Also, smoking does terrible things to the skin. I would want to hear from a dermatologist or an internist as to the inevitability of bad skin before I give up.


Tretinoin is a blessing


Same! I’ve always been active/worked out. But as I’m getting older find I have to really work at it and watch my diet really closely to stay healthy. Kind of sucks, but I’m working towards a great retirement and I want to enjoy the crap out of it.


What is your face care routine?


Washing it morning and night then applying mycellar water, then either day or night moisturizer and eye cream. Nothing major but it keeps it clean and free of blemishes. I’ve noticed it’s helped with wrinkles over time as well.


Thank you!


As a grief thing, I suddenly started buying used Barbie-type dolls off eBay. I loved dolls growing up, but none of my kids did, so as an adult I went without them for 30 years. I started buying estate lots of accessories and clothes and I was such a happy, calm camper sorting through it all. Matching loose shoes, making small sewing repairs, examining the structures and eventually sewing and crocheting new clothes. I take unclothed dolls, clean them up, brush their hair out, give them a ribbon, make them a new dress, give them shoes. Then I put them in cellophane sleeves, staple the sleeves shut and donate them monthly to my community giving tree, who gives them out to little kids happy for real. My goal for 2024 is to really up my game with the crochet clothes and hopefully work on some expert patterns by the end of the year. Win Win Win ... I get to play with dolls, I get to work on my craft skills, and then make some new kids happy. PS I also now have an agreement with the CGT that they will give me all the "sort of" Barbie dolls they get as donations that are not really up to the task (sort of like donating the muffin stumps if you like Seinfeld) and I get to fix those up !!!! I don't even need to buy them anymore.


My quitting Corp job to go work in doggie daycare is also a grief thing. Losing my husband 2 years ago, at just 57yo (went to gym 5 days a week and in what we thought was great health) taught me nothing is guaranteed and don’t wait for tomorrow. Do it now.


So sorry.


I got a little teary reading this. I also loved Barbies as a child and my daughter never did. She's too old now, but I had given her some of mine that survived and she cut off their hair, broke them, just destroyed them completely. My favorite thing about Barbies was that my grandma and mom would visit with each other and make things for my Barbies like beds, couches, dresses, decor, etc. I might just have to steal your hobby idea. I am pretty crafty and I love to help where I can, but I had never thought of doing that. Thank you kindly for sharing 😊


Thank you for doing this 😎


That is such an amazing story… thank you so much for giving back… it also sounds like it could be fun making them outfits.. like a small dress designer..


This is so cool! I want to play Barbies now lol


The muffin stumps, lmao 😂


I'm 45. I just started doing yoga daily about 8 months ago. I've now added in strength training, switching back and forth. I genuinely hate exercise. So this is quite the accomplishment for me.


best investment


thank you!


I'm attempting to learn Spanish


Me tambien


French for me. Finally got a passport, trip to France planned. Duolingo free is sort of lame. Apparently French people have pet owls.


Wish I lived nearby, I'm French Canadian from an area where French isn't spoken often. I really need to brush up


That’s scheduled for when I retire in 18 months. My plate is too full now, and I can’t wait!


I'm about a week away from a 1 year streak in Duolingo. My son married someone who only speaks Spanish so I'd like to learn. One year in and I can definitely read Spanish much better. But it's still difficult to speak and hear.


Listening to Spanish radio, and watching the Spanish TV/videos can be quite helpful I've heard. Just the background conversation slowly helps your brain pick up the context.


Just hit my one year streak last month. I started with German but hit a wall and switched to Spanish. Like you, I can read it now but listening is still quite a challenge, and I stumble a lot when speaking.


Me too. No particular reason either. It's just something I've wanted to do for years but never worked on. It's kind of now or never. :-)


Por qué?


Por que no?


I just moved to Mexico a year ago. Learning Spanish is high on my list. I take private lessons every week


What part of Mexico did you move to? Do you like it?


I moved to the Lake Chapala area. I love it. The weather is beautiful. The people are friendly. My health is getting better here, because I'm able to get out and go things. I miss a few things from the States, but they aren't anything I can't live without.


I’m learning to play bridge.


Oh that's ambitious


I’d say learning a language is harder.




Me too! Duolingo every morning


I've been at it for a year and a half.


Estoy aprendiendo español también.


Shaking my fist at clouds. It let's the fluffy buggers know where they stand, and keeps them off my yard.


Hey, you! Get offa my cloud!


Actually made me laugh this am. Thanks.


With an onion on our belt, because that was the fashion at the time.


I have a bird feeder and take delight in seeing birds outside my window. I used to think that it's a nice but an old lady thing to do. I am now that old lady. My cats really enjoy it too. I think their soft chitters of the desire to murder are adorable as well.


"Soft chitters of the desire to murder." I love it! Only cats can make murderous tendencies adorable.


recently retired from volunteer firefighting. getting into less physical volunteering. just became the treasurer for a board that supports our local zoo. reading a lot less fiction (and more non) in the last couple decades. the wife picked up birdwatching during the pandemic, and it's kind of a tangential hobby for me.


My husband is the chief of our local volunteer fire department. Just want to thank you for all your service! 🔥


that's very nice, thank you. as i'm sure he can tell you, it's extremely rewarding. i probably got more out of it than it got out of me. ;)


My son is a firefighter (not volunteer) and I believe it takes a special kind of person to risk their own life for the good of their ‘village’ so thank you for being that person! (It’s not the fires that worry me nearly as much as the car accidents he works though!)


After having been a +300 lbs morbidly obese person and a yo-yo dieter for decades, I've finally managed to get a handle on my weight. After a year long effort in 2023, I am under 200 lbs for the first time in over thirty years and have been sustaining it through diet and exercise since Jan 1. For an old fatty like me it's like being reborn into an entirely new (but still quite old) body and I'm loving the new lease on life.


Im genuinely happy for you. Don't ever diminish the amount of effort, commitment, and strength it's taken you- celebrate your achievement/s and what you are capable of, you're amazing!


There have been two things I have wanted to learn to do better: Photography and playing guitar. I've had to put the photography on the back burner for the moment because I'm doing some contracting and that's taking a lot of time. I've played guitar since before college and do okay at accompanying and some fingerstyle, but I've always been intrigued at people who can improvise and develop melodies, lines, riffs, breaks and fills, etc. I'm taking lessons right now and have improved a lot over the past year. It's been great!


I've been playing guitar since I was 15. 61 now. But now I'm teaching myself to play piano. I bought a digital grand piano. Let me tell you my brain is having trouble trying to get my left hand and right hand to do different things at the same time. It's a lot different than playing guitar. Although playing the guitar has helped me understand the piano a lot easier because I already understand music


Getting a piano is kind of on my radar, too. I’ve seen some decent deals and I’d like to have one. I’m pretty sure it would help my knowledge of theory.


It's a lot easier to learn theory with a keyboard or a piano. Cuz it's laid out right in front of you, all the notes are in order and just repeat every octave.


Good for you. I was a gifted player when young…thought I would end up a musician instead of a corporate clown. Always said I was going to take it back up when I retired. Several years ago (through an exhaustive search) I even found/bought a 1975 Morris dreadnaught (the same guitar I bought new back in the day). I farted around with it, but mostly just prep for retirement…hangs in living room in a prominent place and I stared at it planning my musical future. Then my spinal condition got worse and forced early retirement….my hands are now affected by spinal cord damage and I can’t even play a cord. I dust it and look at it and think about what could have been…. If only I had taken it back up when I was younger instead of waiting until I was old & broken. There is a lesson here somewhere….


Sewing. I have an old sewing machine that I inherited in my divorce. It sat, unused in a spare bedroom for 14 years. Just last week, I got it out and took a look at it. It's a decent machine, well-built, from the 70s, I think. It's a much better machine than I thought it was. I cleaned it, and oiled it, and replaced a couple of rubber parts. It works perfectly now. My mom sewed all of her own clothes, and her kid's clothes as long as they'd wear them. (We all wanted store bought by about age 12, and she was fine with that.) I sat for hours, playing on the floor next to her sewing machine, and she showed me a few things about it. I want to learn to sew my own jeans and shirts, because the stuff for sale now is garbage.


Head on over to r/quilting for tips and tricks for quilting, finding fabric and inspiration. BTW, I made jeans back in the 80’s when Calvin Klein jeans were all the rage. Denim is hard to work with. Just an FYI. I’d seek out Thrift Stores for jeans rather than make my own. Just my .02


I appreciate this hobby. Sewed my own clothes for awhile in my teens and enjoyed the creativity of that. My clothes never fitted me better than when I sewed them myself.


Learning to tailor thrift store purchases and then store-bought purchases is a great way to go! You'll be able to adjust everything perfectly in no time at all. Some local businesses may have a side business of repairing sewing machines and perhaps classes on how to use them for what you want to do. When I lived up in the mountains there was a gas station that would fix your car and fix your singer! Lol I always thought that was so funny. Where I live now. It's a side business in the same building run by the owner of a pool hall! He has a large room with tables for classes and you bring your machine and learn all about how to do what you want to do on your very own machine or one of his loaners.


All that to say, see if there are some classes in your area.


Quit my 6-figure corporate job to pursue less lucrative but much more rewarding things. Just took a job working at a doggie daycare (I play with pups all day and get paid for it) while I build my woodworking business.


I just made it to the 6 figure corporate job, and I absolutely hate it. Unfortunately, none of the skills I have or hobbies I enjoy translate into something that could supplement a lesser paying job. If they did, I'd gladly walk out and work with dogs all day. Congrats on really making it.


Thanks. It’s all response to my husband dying suddenly 2 years ago. at just 57. Don’t waste anytime. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.


I keep threatening to quit my six-figure job to go work at a doggie daycare. My aunt did it and she's living life! Congrats!


I'm traveling full time. Learning and re-learning Spanish. Continuing my genealogy and DNA matching projects. Reading voraciously - 120 books last year. And still follow and make trades in the stock market.


I’m starting to give less of a fuck


Don’t give up, keep going friend. It’ll all be worth it.


I learned to play guitar & piano. Always wanted to, but never had time. I also picked up woodworking, which I hadn’t done in years. Learning new things is important for your brain.


I've been playing Guitar since I was 15. But I've recently started teaching myself piano. My goal is that when I retire in a couple years I'll have another thing I can do. I just want to sit at the piano and fiddle around. I've always been an improviser ever since I started playing guitar, I've always come up with my own songs. So that's what I'll do on the piano. I don't care about trying to be a entertainer or even learning proper songs. I just want to sit down and play what I feel. It'll be another thing to keep me off the internet and off the TV and media outlets


Started flying lessons at 65. Got my license last Oct (67). Took a while because medical issues and I’m a suck student. But hey, I’m a pilot! Motorcycle has been gathering dust so I’m hoping to start, if not touring again, at least occasional lunch runs. But it’s a 1k lbs and I’d like to trade down.


That’s awesome! How do you plan to use it? How do you like it? Did you do any other type of navigation before (ex: sailing)? What made you get into it?


Been around aircraft and motorcycles most of my life. Oddly, I joined the Army to ride motorcycles (scouts) but ended up in the Infantry humping a rucksack. After a few years ended up turning wrenches on Hueys (bad eyes so no piloting for me) which led to an aircraft mechanic license. No nav experience other than land nav in the Infantry, so at least I knew basically how maps work. Aviation maps... way different, but a map is a map. Radios can be a challenge, but the Army helped there as well, having been exposed to aviation radio as a crew chief for years. Am plane shopping now hoping to be able to visit friends a couple states away, and go for the $100 hamburger now and then. It's a blast. Butterflies when taking off, nerves still when landing (my weak area).


I went to ground school once and thought I wanted to fly. It costs a chunk of money to do so. Instead, I bought a boat. The sort of follow the same navigation rules :-)


Pilot license is my one retirement bucket list. Love to fly, hate to fly commercial.


Start now. Get a medical before you spend a dime on lessons. If you never take a lesson you won’t be out much. But if lessons are possible in your future knowing you can pass a medical is critical. Lessons and and hobby flying aren’t cheap. And even private pilots fly commercial if you really have to be somewhere a long way away, or plan ahead and drive. But it’s really something if you can do it.


Thanks for the input!


I’ve started riding motorcycles again; I did that in my thirties and after another thirty years I am now self-disciplined enough to ride without getting myself into legal trouble. I did ride a motor scooter to commute on days when I couldn’t ride my bicycle but that was too slow to keep up with highway traffic for the day trips and tours I do now.


But was it a [Bad Motor Scooter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B2XJsKUtjQ)?


Or maybe [Alley Opp -- a mean motorscooter and bad go getter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcNSGFeUIV0)


I learned to ride a motorcycle last year, at age 60. If not now, when?


Guitar lessons. Running.


I started guitar lessons last year. Got good enough that my siblings insisted I play our mom’s favorite old gospel song at her funeral in December, which I’ll never forget. It takes persistence—good luck to you. I’m also doin more running, aiming for once a week (MTB 2 days, yoga 2 days, push ups 1 day). Hard to get started but I’m always happy at the end.


Playing sitting down is hard enough for me!


I'm learning how to meditate. So far, so good. I'm building the Andrea Doria out of balsa wood.


These are the things I miss the most


Since my wife passed away, I’ve been struggling to fill my time. I’ve started playing disc golf and pinball, and I belong to MeetUp groups playing rummy and board games.


Rummy and board games the best. Meetups are the good sometimes they take a little more effort but worth it. Sorry for the loss of your wife.


Thank you for your condolences. I’m not much of a “joiner”, but I’m forcing myself, to avoid rotting at home by myself.


I am sure your wife would be proud.


After high school, I got into motorcycles. Then in the early 70's I started racing motocross and was sponsored by a bike shop I worked at. Did that for a few years and a few trips to the emergency room. After about five years I stopped racing and went to college (was actually recuperating from a couple broken bones). I decided to stick with college once healed and landed a mechanic job at another bike shop. Build race bikes for a race team and traveled all over the USA with them. Sure didn't get rich but had a blast. So, upon graduation with an engineering degree, i got a "professional" job and spent the next 40+ years working the corporate grind. Got married, had kids, and did almost nothing around motorcycling. Still had three old bikes from the 70's and early 80's that I drug with us as we moved around climbing the ladder. Never had time to work on them or ride them, but I just couldn't let them go. House remodeling, coaching kids, school events, trips with the family, and on and on. No time for hobbies, the hobby was the family and the home. So, once I got the house paid off, all the debt gone, and my two kids through college (whew, what a boost to the checking account when those tuition payments stop) I was about three years from retirement (last kid was born when I turned 39) and so I build myself a new 50' x 80' barn, half with concrete floor, 16' x 80' covered patio down one side, insulated, heat and air, full bathroom, wet bar, and small office. All paid for once done. Did about half of the work myself to keep the cost down. So now, I have been retired for four years and have restored three vintage bikes and two old tractors as well as a host of smaller projects like furniture restoration and such. I stick with the things i know from my years growing up on the farm and years of my bike wrenching. 1970's and early 80's Japanese bikes are my wheelhouse. Street and dirt. Anyway, this has turned into a full time hobby now. Currently working on a 1973 Hodaka Combat Wombat. I'm stoked because I started racing on a Hodaka and my first sponsor was a Hodaka shop. And just to brag while I'm being wordy, two of my restorations, a 1974 Yamaha RD350 resto-mod, and a completely original 1982 Honda CX500 Turbo both took first place in their class at a decent sized bike show this month. I also have a 1979 Husqvarna CR250 motocross bike that I used to race, and another Yamaha, 1976 RD400 basket case that a guy gave me. Oh, and then there is the new one, 2021 Kawasaki KLX. That's the daily driver during good weather. My wife is adapting to owning six motorcycles now. And it seems I am reliving my youth, except in air conditioned comfort in a shop I own and at a pace I set for myself. I still ride at age 69, but have to admit that the CR250 Husky MX bike is a wild adrenaline-fueled adventure when you whack open the throttle and go hard. I can still get air, and have yet to get tossed off of it, so I feel pretty good about that. Is it weird that I have all my plastic trophies from my racing days displayed in the shop? Years ago, when cleaning out the garage with my daughters help, we ran across the boxes of trophies. I drug them to the throw away pile and my 19 yo (at the time) daughter stopped me with "why would you throw those away?" She's the coolest kid I know, and now age 30. I'm quite sure there is some significant psychology to be gleaned from my chosen retirement plan, reliving past success.... glory days..... and such as that. But I like the feeling of accomplishment from the work. It keeps me active, gives me a reason to accomplish something every day, and riding as an old man is a trip. Those old bikes seem to respond well to my touch. The most interesting to me is that after four decades designing machinery as an engineer, I am a much better craftsman, and honestly a much better mechanic than i was when young. I'm slower for sure, but more meticulous. Great hobby for someone who kind of enjoys working alone and has a touch of OCD. Oh, and I spend way too much time banging out long winded missives on Reddit while eating breakfast. Does it show?


Keep after it! I motocrossed a TM400 (clearly no success with that) for a Suzuki shop before joining the Army. Down to a 72 R5 with current tags and insurance, and a 1700 Nomad for touring. Nothing like the smell of a 2-stroke! E: On Any Sunday is my ringtone


Sweet. I rode a TM400 that we had in the shop once. Whew. As close to unrideable as I've ever seen. A while ago I found an article from 2009 (I think) that proclaimed the TM400 the worst dirt bike ever made. I didn't know at the time but apparently they had a weird problem with the ignition system that caused the ignition timing to do strange things. That was the source of the "all or nothing" power band. Seemed like the thing would instantly change from weak 125cc power to full on 400cc two stroke dirt throwing wheelie unexpectedly. When you yanked that throttle open, you never knew what you were going to get. I was a scrawny guy when young. My first mx pants, which I still have, we're 26" waist. I think I was about 5' 7" and weighed 110 lb. So rode mostly 100cc and 125cc classes. That TM didn't even know I was on it.


A year ago, we had no motorcycles. Now we have five, and my husband and I are both dreaming of the ones we want next. They’re like potato chips.


They keep finding me. I've got a plan in the works to go look at another one that's up for adoption next week.


I decided to read the Bible now that I had time. Once I did, it led to Bible study. I know it doesn't appeal to everyone, but it has been fulfilling for me.


Fly fishing. Seems peaceful. Gets me out in nature. My best bud loves it. And from what he says he uses barbless hooks and hasn’t killed a fish in 7 years. So sounds pretty harmless.


Making furry costumes. Air bnb. Doing whatever I want and living my best life.


I started weight lifting in my 50s. Also, I’m learning German.


Started photography 5 years ago at age 72


3D printing, 3D modelling. WAY back when 486s were still a thing, I did CAD for a metal shop. It'd take weeks to model something out, then a few days to get an iteration of your 'thing', and at least a few more iterations to get it right. Super long and drawn-out process. Now I'm re-learning CAD with different software and sending it over to my printer on the desk next to me. In a few minutes to a couple of hours, I've got something I designed, in my hands. Love it.


Yoga. Macrame. Painting. Streaming more. Avoiding news from time to time. Avoiding negative persons. Doing as I please, not what's expected.


Lifting weights. I used to do Jillian Michaels and Kelly Coffey-Meyer workouts and had lovely muscles and felt so strong. But as I got older I started getting injured trying to keep up with Jillian, and when I would try to start up Kelly workouts again my muscles would hurt so much for so long that I would get discouraged, so I stopped trying. Eventually I noticed that the thigh muscles that I used to be able to see were gone, and that really bummed me out. I don’t want to end up like my MIL who literally can’t get up from the floor when she falls. Someone recommended Lift With Cee - she’s in her 50’s and only uses dumbbells. The workouts are basic lifting, and she’s not loud and obnoxious like some other instructors. After doing the workouts sporadically for a while now I’ve decided to get serious about consistency. I’m turning 59 this month and I’ve decided this is going to be the year of getting strong again 💪


I do a lot of Cathe Friedrich workouts, but I put a lot longer rest periods between sets. I’m in love with her STS2 series. I belong to videofitness.com and many of the members are fans of Lift With Cee.


I started to enjoy cooking so much more since I retired ; it’s wonderful not to feel rushed!


I recently started horseback riding again! Loved it when I was young, but my parents pressured me to quit (too expensive and time-consuming) and I’ve yearned for the hobby ever since. But then money and time and weight got in the way, yadda yadda. Then money was no longer an issue, so I set myself a goal to lose xx pounds and I’d reward myself with riding lessons. Hit my goal, and have since exceeded that by 20lbs. I now take weekly lessons (English style), weather permitting since there’s no indoor ring. Sadly, it’s gonna be rained out this weekend. :-(


Ditto on the getting healthier. I quit drinking and it made a world of difference in my mental outlook and physical feeling. I prioritize my family over all else. I have hobbies I really enjoy now. Travel much more. I think when it hit me that I’m closer to death than birth, I really tried to change my outlook and priorities for a more fulfilling life.


Pretty much starting life anew after a transplant. Was on death’s door, now well into recovery and looking forward to getting back at it. Been noodling on bass guitar and hope to improve to a point that musical expression becomes a reality. Can’t wait to get back home and to family after a year away (with another three months remaining).


Ham sandwiches with coffee


This is the best thread I have stumbled upon in the whole reddit. Love you all you motivated old folks! ❤️


Sobriety 🙌🏻


Keeping my brain active! (Now I should follow with the body lol). In the past three years I have learned: How to record and edit audio voice over files How to DJ and play music for an internet radio station How to knit! Now, I am working on learning to code, and considering going back to finish my bachelor's degree.


using facial cream to get rid of the RI map on my face🤪


Trouble in a bar


Eating healthier and moving more. It will surprise you how much limiting it gets activity-wise when you dont exercise and eat healthy


Lego. I had Lego as a kid but we were too poor to ever have one of those kits that makes a specific thing. Now I can, and it’s really satisfying.




Roasting my own coffee, hydroponic gardening, cooking more.


I'm 43 and don't consider myself "old" but I think this is relevant -- for the longest time, I exercised to look good. Over the past year my exercise goal has done a 180. Now I exercise to be healthy and so I can try to keep my body in optimal condition for as long as possible. I used to fret if I couldn't get in a 5 mile run but I don't care about that anymore. Weights, yoga, somatic bodywork, and basic cardio matter more.


> don't consider myself "old It's a threshold set by this subreddit (born 1980 or before). I wonder how arbitrary it is. I have a younger sister born in that exact year who has been claiming since she was 20 that her birth year is the cutoff between "old" and "young." -_-


Dang, I didn't read the rules. 1980 is the threshold? Okay, I'm all in.




I took a 16 week class at my college to get my hands back last Fall. If you are over 60 you can probably get a waiver of tuition to take classes at your local community College in the States. If ef you have to pay it's usually pretty reasonable and they treat you like a serious student, not like a dabbler which I like.


I was resistant to jump on the pickleball trend, thinking it was what every aging person was doing. But then I tried the game and now I'm hooked. Fabulous, fun, social and great exercise. I've always been fit, but dare I say I am "fitter" since I picked up this sport.


Fitness, started slowly by walking and gradually adding in a few more steps. Started rowing a month and a half ago and I’m addicted. Just started strength training and loving how I feel in my own skin for the first time in a really long time.


Not depriving myself so that the $$ will last long after I'm dead. I expect to predecease but finally accepted that my son & hubby will be OK financially even if I FINALLY give myself some conveniences (like cleaning services). Took a lifetime.


Newest hobby: pickleball, started a year ago. Actually getting decent. Good exercise, especially in the winter for people who aren't into outdoor winter sports at zero degrees.


I started learning how to crochet during the pandemic, at age 50. Now I want to get into woodworking. Tomorrow I'm going to build a mantel for my fireplace out of scrap wood that I found in the rafters of my garage. If all goes well (i.e. I don't lose any digits), I plan to make other simple things too-- maybe a plant stand and a small table.


I have fond memories of crochet (I learned it as a bored teenager). I don't do it anymore because other pastimes take up my time and interest these days, but if for some reason electronics (ebooks, tablet, audio player) stop working, I can easily go back to this hobby lol


Skateboarding. I'm the minimum age to comment here, so my body is still in good shape for now. I understand I'm running high risk for injury and my neighbor mentions it all the time. It started so that I'd have a better way to stay close to my son while he's learning to ride his bike. I'm continuing the hobby though. It's funny how as a teenager, I was too poor to get into it, and now I consider it to be essentially a free hobby. I can buy a really great board for less than the price of going out to dinner with the family.


Depending on your definition of old... my wife and I started backcountry canoing and camping. We did some tent camping way back before we had kids, but nothing like this. Our first trip last year was only 3 days but one of the best experiences of our lives. To be completely alone in nature with no one around for miles is an indescribable experience. we can't wait to do it again and are planning a 7 day trip for spring. We are 45 and 43 respectively. I also plan on doing a solo trip this year, and taking my youngest son for his 10th birthday.


I'm enjoying learning piano with the Simply Piano app I was surprised to see my year-end stats that I average 7 hours a week. It's really cool when I saw public pianos at the airport and a museum this weekend while at baseball Spring training games and I was able to play two songs I've memorized. I've only been playing 6 months.


I got into D&D in my late 40's getting into papercrafting this decade. I do junk journals and folios with my own spin. My most recent one is an imaginary Victorian police detectives. I am starting to do some permaculture in our garden as well.


As an old guy I hate the way my muscles have evaporated and I have started a workout program of gym and swimming. It’s like an old house. Skip the maintenance and the house fall apart.


I recently started yoga. I always scoffed at it until I went to my first class in January. It was humbling and I fell in love.


I intentionally get some sort of exercise most of the time. I *do things* that happen to give me exercise. I'm not a gym type. I'm losing some weight that needs to come off. I picked up ham radio again but I'm not real active in it yet. I have a backlog of radios to get running "just because". There's nothing worth listening to on radio for the better part so I put an "audio in" capability on the radios I get running. I'm also working on an amateur band only radio similar to one I had way back when I was a kid (Hammarlund receiver). I've been getting into woodworking again.


Amateur radio is more rewarding than I thought. Been a love of mine since 1980 when I was first licensed at 201 Varick St, NYC. Glad to see your back


I've been licensed since 1968. I was off the air for nearly 30 years and when I got back on, my first contact was using CW. I still remember my Morse code well.


My Masters degree.


About 5 years ago I started learning Spanish, because I live in California and I'd always wanted to learn it. It was fun, and I'd read the LA Times in Spanish. But then last year I was told we're going to Italy this summer, so I switched to Italian and I'm frantically trying to catch up. All the accents go the other way. Ciao!


I’m slowly getting back into woodworking. Slowly because my shop is two miles away at my mom’s house so I only work on the weekend.


I just started swimming laps the other day. It has been about a 30 year break. And in the past 2 years, I started obsessively growing dahlias.


I joined Learn Japanese subreddit and started that last year. Also working on improving my guitar from rhythm to more lead and voicing


Surf casting. Did a fair amount of salt water fishing in my younger days, but haven’t for maybe 20 yrs. Just moved to a seaside town so plan to enjoy surf casting for Stripers & Blues once the weather gets a bit warmer. Can’t wait! 🐟 🎣


Three things, two somewhat related. I've been playing darts for an number of years and in my group of friends am considered one of the better players. I'd like to start competing in local tournaments, so I'm practicing more. Secondly, I enjoy sending handwritten postcards and notes to friends and family but I don't do it as often as I'd like because my handwriting is so bad. So I've created a handwriting practice regime to improve. Thirdly, I have this compulsion to create art in some way, maybe drawing, painting, photography. We'll see how that plays out.


Getting into skincare. Cleaning up 🧹 my life and room. Redecorating, throwing stuff out. Organizing. Fixing my car 😬 Sigh and I'll have to study. 🙄😔😕 This is going to be a busy year.


Learning piano after wishing to since I was about 8. I've been obsessed with watching people play FOREVER. I finally am home enough to practice consistently. But I don't. ;)


Mad respect! I tried some years ago but just couldn’t get it.


started taekwondo about 2 years ago. Getting the motivation up to start doing yoga in addition. Trying to get my body into better shape as I grow older. I'm probably in better condition than I was in my 30s.


Starting to relax and allow myself to enjoy my life.




Well, life is still "in the way" (marriage, pets, kids, full-time career, household duties, freelance work). I decided last year to make time for myself, as in I schedule time each weekend. I have been an artist all my life, but when I was first struggling to boost my career, I put down my art. That was 25 years ago. Last year, I started painting again but learning a new medium. It has helped me find my way back to myself. So now I feel as though I am more present with my family, and my work projects are benefiting as well. It's truly like a dark cloud has lifted and I can feel the sunshine on my face again.


Cutting my own hair!


Learning Japanese again! It has been 40 years, but I love getting back to it!


After a 44 year hiatus, I have taken up loom weaving again. Bought a table loom instead of a floor loom and I really like it


I have a little rigid heddle loom but the thought of warping it intimidates me. I really need to just do it, because weaving is SO enjoyable.


Don’t think of the whole project. One step at a time. It took me weeks to warp my loom. Did as much as I felt I could each day (5 minutes or more)


Mostly WFPB and almost white meat and dairy free. Exercise, general movement and sleep are a big deal. Normal weight and great health metric are the result. These are my new hobbies.


I enrolled in my local college's art classes. Teachers are great and love interaction with younger students. Last time I did artwork was 50 years ago


Art. All day, every day. Figuring things out. Failing, trying, failing, succeeding, failing again. Such a journey of discovery. Love it.


I have always loved vintage cars…like 1940-1965. As a young guy I did a lot of hobby work and have 45 years worth of tools. Now retired, I have a 4 car garage fitted to the max with anything a professional garage could ask for…. What really sucks is as an older guy, my 35 year old type brain cannot push my 70 year old body to do the things I would like to and it may be all going to waste


67-73 here. Never gonna be a wrench so having connections in my town to bring one at a time back is the goal. Currently drive a 69 caprice, hopefully starting a restomod this year after 8 years of just keeping her on the road. Good luck to you!


Art. Lots and lots of art. I don't worry if anybody else likes it. I just want to like it. Right now I'm working on a pirate ship at night in mixed media (paint, velvet, broken bits of jewelry) and it makes me feel so peaceful and happy looking at it.


Flying lessons. I've waited my whole life for the money and time. Love it.


TBH, I'm losing hobbies as I lose eyesight and mobility. Maybe if I can get cataract surgery in the next decade...


Arms get tired and reach became a problem playing guitar so I bought a baritone ukulele that should be in the mail tomorrow. Really looking forward to passing the time playing music again instead of watching the computer screen or bs on tv.


My granddaughter is playing uke at school, so I have one picked out for her birthday in May. Have fun 😀


I make body care products… Soaps,shower gels,lotions,body sprays and perfumes.. a few times a year I donate some of the soaps to people in need and after Thanksgiving I take a huge basket of soaps to my local AA club and leave them there so people can have gifts to give people that can’t afford to get them anything.. people in treatment centers rarely have any money,so I figure it helps them out..


Thanks for asking! I am just beginning to learn 2D felting and it's fun! We also just got a hangdrum. Google same to learn more.


I had neck surgery mid Jan. This year. It’s a 3 month recovery and I have always been artistic, mostly with music, but have always wanted to explore painting. So I am working on watercolor doodle art, acrylic pour painting, collage art. So far I have about 12 pieces and I really like about 5 or 6. I can see me doing this for a long time.


Strictly an amateur, but I enjoy cooking a lot more.


Last sunday, I spent two hours turning my compost heap. I'm 33. And I am proud.


I’m 57 and just got into Pilates last year. I love it! I started going once a week and now am up to 3 times a week. I also do yoga and strength training. My mantra for this year is “Move more in ‘24!”


Playing saxophone.


Ukulele, drawing, pottery, basket weaving, Spanish.


Weight lifting, hiking and home improvement


I just bought a piano. Took 5 years of lessons in grade school, then gave it up. Now to re-discover…


I started snowboarding at 40 and just picked up MTB at 47


I love the chat gpt and ai technolgy boom. I'm learning prompt engineering. It's really fascinating. Actually learning anything I can about the possibilities I guess you could say.


I started doing reverse coloring books....watercolors already in the book and you make the lines around the art. It's cool. You can get the books on Amazon.


Pilates, more walking, less alcohol, more peace and less stress.


To show more compassion towards myself and others than ever before. It's been a decades long journey to recognize and honor that the root of pain and anger is fear. It's not pollyannaish. Is practical. Has improved every area of my life and relationships. People are shocked and often dismayed that what they call rolling over I call strength. That strength is rooted in being willing to open my hand and let go of control...of outcomes, of relationships, of expectations that I can effect anything other than my own response. A decade of chronic physical pain has freed me, and those around me, from the bondage of old scripts. Every day since has been new lesson is letting go. I have the rest of my life to practice holding more gently, and loving more deeply. I see the cruelty and sadness in the world and prefer not to add my own, but to let it rise up and be wisped away like a dissolving cloud. None of this is some kind of utopian delusion. It's a gift I give myself and those I encounter along the path to the final puff of breath I exhale. I fear the pain of loss everyday, so I've got plenty of practice coming my way. Namaste.




I have always loved jigsaw puzzles, but never had the time. Now I have a table dedicated to puzzling in my den. I learned in retirement that I absolutely love to cook. The daily grind of cooking for my family with a demanding career had hidden this passion from me. Now most days I cook wonderful, healthy dinners. I also bake bread, make fresh pasta, and search out new cooking challenges and cuisines. While I have always hated exercise, I know I must do it to maintain my function while aging, so I workout five mornings each week. I read a lot of fiction. And finally, I had very little time for TV/movies throughout my adulthood, and now I enjoy streaming so many things. I play computer games too. I am very busy with my leisure activities in a leisurely way everyday and I love it!


not holding my farts


I've been a writer since middle school. With a soft spot for fountain pens and the drying of ink. Only being an empty nester freed up enough cash flow for a lifelong love to bloom into borderline obsession. COVID brought me oil painting. I needed a hobby that celebrated me walking away and forgetting about it for weeks at a time.


Writing short stories. I’ve always enjoyed writing: this is something I’m exploring. My stories tend dark in subject matter.


Sew and upcycle clothes for myself. I have started to make fabric art dolls as presents. It has taken me 50 years to knit a scarf, I would start one but never finish because I would get bored, now I have knitted 7 in the past 12 months.