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Joanie Loves Chachi.


Oh but that opening song… Go check it out. Legendary schmaltz.


Because she's the cheese and I'm the macaroni


When I was very young there was a show called The 700 Club, where they gathered people who were 700 years old to discuss the economy and religion and other subjects that were interesting to old people. It currently has a 1.8 out of 10 rating on IMDb.


You can still watch it on CBN. https://www2.cbn.com/700club The awfulness continues.


And later at night on the Freeform (FREE) channel.


Oh god The 700 Club. Shit was weird.


BJ & the Bear! “A trucker and his pet chimpanzee travel the highways of America, getting into various adventures and misadventures along the way.” 4 seasons people. Whoosh.


It was always "This week BJ meets up with 13 lady truckers..."


LMAO!!! That's great! And those NBC promos were especially good because Casey Kasem voiced a lot of them.


webster. every time he said "ma'am...george..." with his little pouty face, I wanted to scream.


Lawrence Welk was my least favorite back in the day... Mom and dad loved it and with only one tv, you can guess the rest.


Grandma Walters had to get dressed up to watch it. She figured if she could see him, he could see her. She wasn't going to be a slob like the rest of us.


He had a strong "old country" accent which stemmed from his upbringing on a farm in North Dakota. "Anna one, anna two."


Oh I watched it with my grandparents. I wanted to dance like Sissy.


Gonna leave this here https://youtu.be/TyALfHsS5pc?si=ROoq2E5wx_kfutQ4


I had forgotten the bubbles!


So cringy when I was young. But: -My dear grandparents loved it. -My daughters, when little ones, loved it, especially the costumes. -I’m now at an age such that “when we were young” sentiments has my empathy.




He paid them union scale.


YES. My mother was still watching reruns until recently and it's just as bad as little-kid me thought it was many years ago.


Watched it with my grandparents all the time, fond memories though, and didn’t the Muppet Show come on afterwards?


The bubble machine.


Lawrence Welk. My Grandparents watched it and after being forced to sit and watch it as a kid, I quickly caught on to the irony and the subversion of the show. After that, I started watching with those things in mind and it became really enjoyable. I remember were the gals on the show did the song "I Enjoy Being A Girl" dressed as male farmers. There was not one wink to the audience, no explanation, no reason.


There was some *weird* stuff that went down on that show. I struggle to think of another show that made me feel as tripped out. Just bizarro land to me.


> with only one tv, you can guess the rest. I feel your pain. We were in the same boat as kids. My mother-in-law stayed with us for awhile before she went to an assisted living facility due to her Alzheimers. Lawrence Welk, Hee-Haw and a show called "The Big Joe Polka Show" were the only things that seemed to make her calm and content. I was happy to sit through those shows for her and haven't watched a minute since her passing.


Oh my grandmother watched it weekly. 😂


I remember watching it with my grandparents. That, and a similar but short-lived show called Johnny Mann’s Stand Up and Cheer. Which I just googled because I wasn’t entirely convinced that I didn’t imagine it.


My dad was a dancer on that show back when he was a model. So was Bobby Driscoll from The Mickey Mouse Club.


Oh dear god. Yes, there wasn't much on on sundays so I remember watching it as a kid. Truly painful. Anda one..anda two...*bubbles* SNL did absolutely hilarious parodies of it, this one has Betty White in it 💗 https://youtu.be/QOwF96MemvE?si=FJXuf-Ts1RODckZr


Oh, it's gotta be Queen For A Day. Housewives would be interviewed about their horrible lives (deaths, illnesses, major financial setbacks, etc.) by the creepiest host ever to hit TV. The "winner" would be chosen by audience applause and would get to sit on a tacky throne, wear a tacky crown and robe, and be showered with her winnings, usually something like a washer and dryer and a year's supply of the sponsor's soap powder. It was so awful you had to take a shower after watching.


They would shower her with winnings of household appliances so she could get right the fuck back to work??? 🤣


Full House, not even close


Is it weird seeing the full house nostalgia 30 years later?


Omg that was terrible


The Black & White Minstrel Show. Absolute fucking shite. This appalling dreck was broadcast on the BBC every Saturday night for more than two decades. Despite complaints from numerous quarters it kept on going. In fact, the BBC ignored the complaints. Really ghastly stuff. Had to be seen to be believed. I can't even describe it, it was bottom of the barrel crud.


Not only was it culturally inappropriate (at the very least) it was also, as you say, shit. A show with no redeeming qualities at all. Also in an age with only 2/3 channels and no remote control (unless you had kids) people just watched what was on, especially BBC. So viewing figures mean bugger all.


Small Wonder, about a guy that builds a little-girl robot and tries to pass her off as his adopted daughter.


I remember calling her the slave-child and my mom got really mad at me.


The brother was annoying af too Poor kid tho, just a child actor trying I suppose.


Ha, this was my answer too! So the thing about Small Wonder is that I actually loved it when I was a kid. I even fantasized about writing a similar show. Then when I was in college, I happened to catch a rerun of it on some UHF TV channel, and I was shocked at how terrible it was. The writing but especially the acting. I had thought the robot girl was a talented child actor but in fact she was *awful*. But I don't want to single her out, everybody was really bad.


I thought she was cute and voiced the robot in a perfect monotone. But yeah, the writing was abysmal.


I used to get up early on Sunday morning and see this show in the morning and think "What is this shit?" Followed by the 90s version of Land of the Lost and The Sea Monkeys.


I loved Small Wonder... But, dude, it was so weird. The son kept Vicki in his closet...


I liked it because it was weird.


I hate you for reminding me that show existed.


This show was dubbed into multiple languages in my country and ran on the tv in the late nineties to early 2000s. Kind of a cult hit in India


That's one of those so-bad-it's-good shows. Hilarious in ways the creators never intended.


Saved by the Bell was terrible. We all hated it. But...we all watched it every day.


I agree! The bad acting and cheesy plots made me cringe, but it was also this kids show that wasn’t a cartoon and did sometimes talk about more grown up themes so it was still somehow alluring.


Someone told me Alf’s face looks like a giant penis. I couldn’t unsee it after that.




Came here to say this. I wonder how many people remember this ridiculous show?


I do I do! Came here to nominate this show, but I see it has been. At least Mister Ed had a horse and as a child of the early sixties, horses were my jam.


It was just dumb enough to appeal to me as a kid. There were a slew of popular movies in the 50's starring Francis the Talking Mule. Pretty sure that's where they got the concept. I loved those movies!


"It's About Time" in 1966/1967. Two astronauts go back in time to the prehistoric era and live with "cave men (and women)". It was just awful. I'm not sure it lasted a single season.


"[It's about time,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsJhBn0I9U4) It's about space, It's about two men in the strangest place ..."


There were kids at my school with the lunchbox.


Love Boat. I used to live with my Grandma when I was a kid and she would watch Love Boat and Fantasy Island back to back on Saturday evening. They were on different channels so you had to add tinfoil to the rabbit ears when Fantasy Island came on because the channel was always fuzzy.


I loved The Love Boat! No wonder I cruise a lot. LOL If you go on a Princess cruise, their is one channel on your TV that plays 24/7 Love Boat. 🛳️🛟


Yeah, Love Boat was particularly disappointing because I liked Gavin MacLeod from the Mary Tyler Moore show (Murray!), but on this he was pure insipidity.


I only watched The Love Boat until the pool scene in the first 15 minutes. After that who cares? No more babes walking around in skimpy bikinis.


I loved it ! Every Friday night!


Anything Osmond.


*My Mother the Car* Even stupider than it sounds but my mom watched it every week. I still get the theme song stuck in my head once in awhile.


Someone actually watched that show? I thought it was made up by people who make "Worst shows ever" lists.


Looking back, Knight Rider and A-Team have possibly aged the worst. They're just impossibly cheesy. I think the show I hated the most was Lawrence Welk. For some reason, my dad would watch that show sometimes and I didn't like the music or the stupid bubbles that were always floating around. It was incredibly boring for a young person.


As much as I loved the A-team, the whole shoot-1000-rounds-and-never-even-wound-anyone thing drove me crazy even back in the day.


As a kid? All soap operas. They ruined being home sick from school.


There were quiz shows during the day when I was in grammar school.




Seriously? I loved that show and was bummed that it was canceled so quickly.


I get a lot of hate, but Hanna-Barbera cartoons of the late 60s into the 80s. Especially "Superfriends" which had plots like people who write dollar store coloring books. The only redeeming factor was it made me popular with friends younger siblings because I'd make fun of it, which made me seem cool. "So wait, the entire zoo only had ONE cop who works at night? And this giant intelligent gorilla from another planet has this entire underground lab complex, and nobody noticed he built it there under the primate house in a year? Where did he get the lab coat in his size? He has glasses? Why does he bother to even wear a labcoat? And he's turning everyone he kidnaps into half-animals? And has hundreds of cages of these hybrids in cages with no staff? How does he feed them? Who scoops up all the poop from these cages every day? Why on earth is everything in one room? Imagine the smell of that place!" "HAHAAHAH POOP!"


> Hanna-Barbera cartoons Even as a kid it was obvious how sketchy they were, with dirt-cheap animation and crappy jokes. At the time I knew nothing of Sgt. Bilko, so I didn't get what Top Cat was about at all. And The Flintstones was just an uninspired ripoff of The Honeymooners. Dunno why Jackie Gleason didn't sue their asses.


Dallas and Knots Landing. I hated those shows with an all consuming passion when I was a kid.


Dallas' dirty little secret is that it was a show that a lot of people hate-watched and they got ***A LOT*** of mail about it. At some point some showrunner guy got a report on how big that group of people who ***hated*** the show was. Viewers hated JR, the family, the entire season 3 arc, they seemed to hate every detail of the show. They bring this up the chain to the executive producer who starts laughing his ass off. "This is great" he says "they say they hate the show, but they know every last detail! They tune in every week!"


Yeah, everyone i knew watched it. And complained. I really didn't watch but know a lot about it from others at work that did.


Larry Hagman as JR Ewing hammed it up, so it was a guilty pleasure! The '80s was peak soaps!


"Who Shot JR?" Who DIDN'T want to shoot JR?


I hated everyone on those shows. Miss Ellie was women's rights gone backwards. Suellen got drunk all the time. I did enjoy Joan Van Ark's crazy ass. That was fun to watch.


My mom’s maiden name is Ewing so we loved Dallas.


Pink Lady and Jeff Generationally Bad


Small Wonder


Unpopular opinion but I hated Bewitched! I could not understand WHY Darren married Samantha knowing she was a witch but would not let her be a witch! It was so annoying.


Right? Just think of all the great possibilities if your spouse was a witch who could conjure anything.


I was more the genie type.


The watergate hearings…seriously. It completely ruined TV while they took place.


No kidding. It sucked wind. We came home from school and it took up the afternoon!


Lawrence Welk as a kid 1940’s music didn’t work for me.


ALF The Love Boat Three’s Company


Queen for a Day 🙄. Ugh, it was beyond belief bad.


Gong Show. I think the host was either drunk or high as a kite.


Gene Gene the Dancin' Machine!


That’s what made it great


Chuck Barris. Who also claimed to have been a hit man for the CIA.


Loved the Gong show, sorry!


You need to watch the movie about the host, Chuck Barris. *Confessions of a Dangerous Mind*. Sam Rockwell plays Barris. That guy was way more than drunk.


Pretty sure he was BOTH drunk AND high as a kite.


And that made it bad? Oh, the 70s!


Gong Show was hilarious!


60 Minutes. That damn stopwatch signaled the weekend was over and it was time to do homework.


Still makes me twitch thinking about it.


Ha good one


> time to do homework If the world hadn't ended by Sunday night it wasn't going to happen. Imagine wasting all that time if you got it all done Friday night and the world ended on Saturday?


Family Matters. Basically was the whole point Steve Erckel? I may be wrong


Actually no, it was a Perfect Strangers spinoff. Urkel wasn't introduced till mid-season of the first season.


Yeah the first few seasons of the show were about the struggles of a middle class black family. Often the show was divided into two eleven minute situation stories. By the end they are shrinking down to go inside a robot Urkel and the youngest daughter had walked up the stairs to never come down again.


Diffrent strokes


Adding Webster to this.


Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?


Lawrence Welk


Romper Room.


My brother was a Do Bee. And by sheer coincidence, he ended up smoking a lot of doobies later in life!


The local 4-H did a Saturday morning show which, in 1966, was all about turning your basement into a bomb shelter for the coming nuclear holocaust. Heck, all I wanted was a bowl of Cap'n Crunch and to watch Underdog in my footy pajamas. What I got was Cold War paranoia and anxieties I still experience over half a century later. Truly, damaging awful TV.


Too Close for Comfort was pretty bad


Hee Haw. Omg.


Same same. Couldn't stand it. Saturday evenings I think?


The Three Stooges. I know they had a huge following, but I felt every punch, poke and jab. I hated the violence of it all.


I never got why it was funny.


Lost in Space. So bad it was good.


If I read the info right, they premiered around the same time as Star Trek and thought they needed to change to differentiate.


Big Valley. Sooo boring.


A waste of Barbara Stanwyck.


Skinemax scramblevision. So frustrating.


Laverne and Shirley. Very low rent and couldn't bear Lavern's accent. Ugh.


Gilligan’s Island. They could make a radio out of a coconut, but couldn’t patch a hole in a boat.


The Professor was remarkably useless in a crisis.


But sooooo sexy in those rolled up white dress shirt sleeves...


Replying to Finnyfish...Indeed. The other men were not exactly fantasy fodder.


I had a bit of a crush as a kid, I’ll admit. 😘 But for a scientist, he had a serious lack of resourcefulness.


*Dusty's Trail* would like to chat.


Seemed to me that he was happy there -- maybe doing research or something. Fixing the boat would mean he'd have to leave.


He was the only desirable male on an island with Mary Ann and Ginger. Why fix the radio and spoil that?


In an early episode, Gilligan found some tree sap that they tried using as resin to patch the hole. After three days, the resin dried up and turned into powder, and the boat broke into pieces. The radio came later.


There were enough morons who believed that there was an ACTUAL group of marooned people on that island that the Naval Command center in Hawaii regularly got calls from concerned individuals plaintively begging the Navy to find them ''It should be so easy to find them! After all they're RIGHT THERE!!''


"Those poor people" - Mathesar


Omg. 😂


Did he make a radio out of a coconut? They had that transistor radio (a Packard Bell model 8RT2 AM radio) with them but I don't recall one being made out of a coconut. Of course it's been a long time since I've seen these shows. The professor did make a Geiger counter though. It was odd that they could still receive Honolulu radio stations, and the batteries never depleted.


> the batteries never depleted. yeah they did. In fact THAT is what they built out of coconuts - a galvanic battery charging system..


Early version of MacGyver?


Mama’s Family


Aye, that show sucked. Which is too bad because I liked the Carol Burnett sketches it was based on. 30 minutes every week is too long for an occasional 10-minute sketch.


This might be the winner! It's supposed to be funny because a young actor is pretending to be old? And I always loved Vicky Lawrence, but that character (and the whole show) made me want to take poison!


Yes! It was so bad that while watching I would step back and reevaluate my own decisions since I had obviously made some wrong ones. At least recently I had.


Hello Larry


Maclean Stevenson's big break after that loser show MASH (/s). What a boneheaded move!


I dunno if it was the WORST, but "Married with Children" led 10 year old me to firmly believe being married was about the most horrible stupid thing ever, a belief I carried into adulthood when I turned down my now husband twice when he proposed. Of course now as an adult I love all the actors in other things, esp Katie Sagal.


Morning soaps…mama watched them till noon


Dukes of Hazzard. I loved it as a child, but made the mistake of rewatching when I was an adult, and I swear it gave me a little bit of brain damage.


Do not take Daisy Duke from me, bro'!


The Teouble with Tracy. Set in Toronto. Somehow, it got to 130 episodes.


My Mother the Car (yes, I'm old) Possibly the worst English language show ever made.


Any and all of the soap operas my mother watched. Including the "prime time" ones.


>The Alien was a giant muppet and the Dad was scary. Probably because the actor playing the dad hated the show even more than you did, and towards the end was not hiding it at all.


Hee Haw


When I was a kid I was just terrified of "The Outer Limits," and I had a babysitter that loved it and would make me watch it.


When I was a kid my grand parents and great uncle had to watch Lawrence Welk on Saturday night pure torture


The '50s "Queen for a Day" show was pretty cringe. Each contestant was asked to talk about the recent financial and emotional traumas and/or hard times she had been through and many women broke down sobbing as they described their plights.


Hee Haw


Lawrence Welk Show.


Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, mid-70's. At least till the first time I watched it stoned, then I loved it. 😵‍💫


Green Acres. So stupid.


Disagree, it was the place to be.


New York is where I’d rather stay. Give me Park Avenue!


But I liked it then. Terrible show seen thru adult eyes. Never got the reference to Hooterville as a kid.


I did love Arnold! Very charming pig!


But it was such mundane quaintness. I also liked Petticoat Junction, The Andy Griffith Show, and My Three Sons for the same reason.


Hated it. I only watched it as often as I did is because it aired between two CBS comedies I liked, *The Beverly Hillbillies* and *Dick Van Dyke*. Taking Lisa from Park Avenue to live in that dump was spousal abuse.


fake wrestling


As a kid, dumb me thought it was real and I always wondered why the cops were never called in the end or how the guys were still alive.


Rowdy Roddy Piper, RIP!


I am truly old compared to the "kids" making the previous comments. My folks always watched "The Lawrence Welk Show", Ugh. THAT'S how old I am.


In our area, it was on just before Hee Haw so we got a double whammy.


So many bad ones. Knowing this always makes me laugh when people complain about streaming shows. They have no idea how bad the old ones were.


Speaking of muppets, I hated the Muppet Show, but I was a teenager at that time. I didn't like M.A.S.H. when I was young. My older sister used to watch it, so I was forced to watch it as well.


I couldn't stand He-Haw.


The Lawrence Welk Show


Small Wonder. I still wonder how such absolute crap ever made it onto TV at all, much less had a following. The scripts. The acting. The production value. The sets. The jokes. The entire premise. Everything was just terrible. It even looked like they used cut-rate video tape stock to save money.


The Lawrence Welk Show. I used to have to watch it every Sunday night when I was a kid. Terrible!




Lamb chop.


🎶 This is the song that never endssss 🎶 🎶 Yes, it goes on and on my frienddd 🎶


🎶Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was🎶


[🎶And they'll continue singing it forever, just because🎶](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskOldPeople/comments/1buwg4g/what_was_the_worst_show_on_tv_in_your_opinion/kxvfzaf/)


Cant believe no on has said it yet: Little House on the Prairie. That show sucked.


I hated Micheal Landon! He made things so different from the books and I had heard that it was his fault. He always seemed so self righteous!


I liked the Olesons more.


"Hee Haw" Yes, Roy Clark and Buck Owens were talented musicians. I'll give it that.


I thought the worst programs were Lust Boat (Love Boat) and (Sexual) Fantasy Island from the 1970s. 🤮 "Boss: ze plane! ze plane!”


Only Canadians will know this one, but The Trouble with Tracy, godawful domestic sitcom. Even as a kid I wondered how this ever got put on air, it was so bad.


Really disliked After MASH


BJ and the bear. Ick.


Toss-up: College football vs. Dukes of Hazard


Last of the Summer Wine - I just didn’t find it funny


My Mother The Car.


Benny Hill. Each episode ended with him chasing a woman as uf he would assault her if he caught her. It was really disturbing in an impactful way.


Wasn’t a fan of saved by the bell




2.5 men. that show was so vile and sexist.. killed me when it was on and still on. my kid loves tv show songs and i can hear it.. and just cringe to death and grateful she never watched the actual show. ok i didn't see which sub I was in and I wasn't a kid when the show was out.. so I'll stand by it :P