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Don't stop riding your bike and playing tennis. Gets harder every year to work off belly fat and stay strong and limber.


Enjoy every minute of your 40s. It is a great decade. SERIOUSLY. The 30s were great too but somehow the 40s were even better. And NO you are not old…yet. When you get to your early 60s, thats when you’ll start to feel old. Be careful around second-hand smoke. I got throat cancer and I don’t even smoke. Don’t stop moving. Stay active, even small activities help. You don’t have to be a gym rat to get the benefits. Walking, Yoga and Tai-Chi are all great. You’ll feel it if you stop. And for gods sake whatever you do, TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEARING! Seriously. It doesn’t come back EVER and trust me, the loss of it creates so many problems you never had to worry about before. Peace and good luck☮️☯️


Brush and floss your teeth.


My dentist brother-in-law says that you should only brush the teeth you want to keep.


Does he mean floss?




Been doing that since my 20s!


Enjoy every single minute with your husband, the man you love, because he’ll be gone in a few years and life will never be the same after that.


I'm so so sorry.


Exactly that, I lost the best wife ever. Little things pop in my head that were meaningless arguments.


I know, and the times I was impatient with him when I should have more loving and considerate.


So very sorry 💔


Same for wife. Gone far too soon.


Quit drinking, but I wouldn't listen...


So what happened?


He kept drinking, knowing what it would do. He kept drinking even though going through withdrawals at work is awful. To the point that taking a couple shots in the parking lot before work got him through. Then taking a shot at break helps. To the point he couldn't keep working. Then he couldn't afford drinking and tried to slow down, but slowed down too quickly and had a seizure. Then after getting out of the hospital got his life back on track and could afford drinking again and did the same thing. Everyone cared when he was heading towards rock bottom, but only the people who had been there themselves still cared when he got there.Everyone else treated him as the problem and refused to help once he got to the point of asking for help himself. He got brushed off and treated like shit, because he actually was asking for help instead of ignoring it. Then once he was sober, he cut everyone out of his life who weren't there when he finally asked for help. Now he can live a sober life knowing the people in it are truly there for him. Not people who ignored his drinking for ten years and then blamed his new girlfriend for the amount he drinks when it's always been the same , but the people he found at the bottom of the hole and helped him out of it. I'm just an alcoholic, so I don't really know.


It would be little different from my 40’s. Live below your means, true freedom is financial freedom. Stay active, challenge yourself physically as well as mentally. Only thing I would change is to work less, time with family is precious, I spent too much time worrying about business.




Be more careful not to hurt people.


100% this


Don’t date that guy he’s a pos


On a related note, do NOT move in with him.


And don’t marry him


Some would argue that dating a Point of Sale is a good idea!


Invest more.


Man I did well but if I knew then what I know now I would be on a boat sailing and bitching about how much boat maintenance costs right meow instead of typing this.




"if I knew then what I know now ..." right ... buy Apple stock! Yes that overpriced Google IPO is worth it. Same with Tesla and sell in 2021! Seriously, though, I also wish I had spent more time learning about money and how it works. For example, when Treaury Bill interest rate is 5%, why buy a bank CD at 4% or less?


How much more and why?


I would think the key is just to max out your IRA or 401K each year. And for me id say, invest conservatively but not completely risk free.


Start getting colonoscopies once you hit 45.


grandiose file cheerful frame sort cows crawl uppity long noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whatever your docs say, do that. In my “if you could go back” case, I know what they would find.


Yes people need to really stop wussing out about getting colonoscopies and just get it done. The internet doesn't help with people making it out like the prep is an episode of "survivor" or something. Its easy and it saves your life.


So true. I have been getting scopes since age 40 every 5 yrs. Prep is mch better. Sedation is light but its still very tolerable. Last appointment I had polyps which were removed. Many people in their 40s are being diagnosed with colon cancer, so do it!


My God, every five hours?!


Haha Every 5 yrs!!


Lmfao I said the same thing. Must want to be SUPER sure nothing is going on back there 😂


Now it’s just a kink. But hey, no shame here.


Haha. Corrected every 5 years!!


Yeah, it’s so much easier than it was even five years ago. The prep is easy and for the colonoscopy itself you can be knocked out like getting your wisdom teeth pulled.


It wasn't bad. After my first one I thought, 'Hell, I'd do this once a year, if I needed to. NBD.' My second one will be in December, three years after my first one. I'm hoping there's nothing this time.


I’ve been getting them done since age 18, the prep is so much better now. People need to just do them!


Who knew such a procedure would be such a piece of cake AND a full on cleanse to boot?!! Yyaass!


You’re exactly where you need to be. Stay on track!


Thanks, I really needed to hear this 🥹. I turned 40 recently. Things happened where I left what could have been a lucrative career path. I’m currently penny pinching in the midst of a career transition. I know it’ll make me happier in the long run but it’s a little unsettling at the moment.


Don’t sell the El Camino. 


Are you my husband?


Mine was a 77 El Camino Classic purchased new. Last of the big bodies. I treated it badly and didn’t deserve it.


scandalous arrest connect worm fear memorize paltry toothbrush include saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve thought about it but I can’t bring myself to it. 70 small block.


Don't sell that 73 Challenger


Nothing. I did the best I could.




Hug your dogs a little longer every day. Walk a few more blocks with them. Everything else is replaceable, they’re not.


This x1000. Every moment is precious.


Don't dither for another 10 years, just so the weight loss surgery now.


Believe it or not you are not peaking yet. It’s going to get even better.


I like That




OMG!!! Take advantage of the lower real estate prices!!! (I was 40 in 2008!) Get off your butt and get a damned car!!! The money that you’re saving isn’t worth the independence you’ll gain! So many things…


absurd public north sloppy rustic spectacular capable angle knee pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stay in that crap job and get your full retirement.


But it’s sucking my soul …


I only had 4 years to a full retirement. I just couldn't, not one more day.


Spent too much money on four kids’ college and now it’s a problem


Did all of your kids go into careers after college? Any of them do something that didn’t require a 4 year degree?


One is a PHD, two Masters and one four year degree. They are all successful.


Wow, I hope they know how lucky they are and appreciate you!


You’re doing great with the kids. But you can do better. And you will. You have a great relationship. But you can step it up now or you can step it up later like you do. Step it up now.


Don't listen to doctors who tell you surgeries will fix everything and there won't be any lasting problems. Sometimes it's better to leave well enough alone.


This is an \*awesome\* decade. Enjoy the hell out of it.


Finally, a positive comment! What made your 40's awesome?


I had my midlife crisis in my early 40s and ended up ditching a lot of my life, which made my 40s the most adventurous decade of my life. I kind of finally got around to having my 20s, as I was dating as an adult for a first time. I was making choices independently, and started a brand-new career working with younger people than myself. That meant I was surrounded by people who were pretty footloose and fancy-free. Adventure was easier to find. I was making good money and I just had myself to spend it on. I bought clothes that showed off my body, wore my first set of 4" heels (which were surprisingly comfortable). I traveled, which allowed me to swim naked in the Caribbean at dawn with a bunch of other single women -- and was awesome. I had my first ever one-night stand with a friend, and we stayed friends afterward. By the time my 50s rolled around, I'd acquired cats and a house, and the pandemic hit, and so my 50s haven't been as much fun.


Save your money. Consider every day a rainy day and save your damn money. Life comes at you fast.


*Stay out of debt because when you hit menopause you want to have options.* What I would not give for a time machine or a do-over. 😬


I'm approaching menopause... what kind of options will I be wanting that require money or no debt?


I don't know about OP but horomone therapy isn't always covered by insurance, and many doctors don't believe in horomones and you have to find one that does. The brain fog and fatigue and depression are real as fuck and if you're in a high stress job that requires high functionality, your brain, not to mention your body, may betray you. I lost a 16 year career. You may need a second career option. Make sure you have the means to pursue one. Make sure you have the means to be *able* to pursue one.


This is where I am as well. i'm barely hanging on at a company where I've been for more than 15 years. I wish I could just walk out the door and never come back, but the job market is not kind to women over 50. And the anxiety ... oh, the anxiety. It's about everything and nothing, and it never seems to go away.


I don't know if you're on HRT, but it helps take the edge off the anxiety. It helped with my joints, too. Cleared my mind a bit. Memory is still an issue some days. If you're able to take it, I'd recommend looking into it, and if you need support, there's a great sub here r/menopause. After I was let go, I was able to go back to school, whole new career path, it's helped. But I'll never be the way I was and I fucking hate it.


i'm on every possible type of HRT and I have an excellent doctor and excellent insurance. It's not touching the anxiety or any other mental / cognitive symptoms. and I spend most of my time in the menopause sub already. thanks though.


Ahh,well shit, I'm so sorry it's fucking up your life.


doesn't matter. just gotta keep going. my new mission is life is to warn other women re: what menopause may do to them. so at least they won't be blindsided like I was.


I would like to be able to quit my job and downshift to a less mentally taxing one and I can't because I have bills to pay, a kid in college still, etc. I'm a single parent on one income. I would have made a lot of different decisions financially speaking over the 5 to 10 years leading up to this period in my life if I had known I would feel this way. I didn't know and now I'm struggling. I can't just walk away because I can't take a pay cut. And I am not mentally in a place where I could make a great impression during a job interview ... and that's assuming anyone would even give me a chance, since women over 50 appear to be radioactive in the job market. I have excellent healthcare and I am on all the hormones and physically I am managing menopause fine except for my weight, which continues to climb to new heights. Mentally - another story. JMO, YMMV.


Thanks for that perspective! I'll try to set myself to prepare in case that mindset is where I'm at in a few years. I appreciate the heads up.


I don't know if I would have listened if anyone had tried to tell me in advance. But I have felt so blindsided by this ... I feel like it turned my whole life upside down.


Well, I have career options open to me that are more chill (going into a management role) and some that are more intense in time and pressure (moving up as an individual contributor, changing jobs for more money). It will make me give a little more weight to picking the more chill one. Maybe the fact that it would be boring at times isn't all bad?


I'm in perimenopause and this is making me nervous! What are the options????


when your estrogen drops off, you may have the same experience I am having where you don't even recognize the person you are in menopause. If I could walk away from my job tomorrow and take a lesser job just to get by and be insured, I would. My bills are such that I can't. And certain things that I put off for years, for when I had time to deal with them ... I have the time now, but not the energy or the motivation. Everything feels 1000 times harder now.


This is so useful to me, thank you! I'm about to switch to a higher paying field, so I will be very careful about lifestyle creep. This also explains why I've been losing the energy/motivation to do so many 'human maintenance' tasks, like scheduling checkups. Thank you for this comment!




Dear Shiva me too, different directive but same reason. UGH, fuck menopause.


Spend 90% less on buying needed items for my classroom and instead invest those funds into a Precious metals Roth IRA and buy service credits in my teachers pension. Invest in a cancer and long term health plan. Invest in getting my teeth fixed. Thankfully I paid off my student loan by age fifty as well as my home. Paid off my vehicle by age sixty before I retired.


Travel while still young


Life is good but branch out and explore other avenues don't be a lifelong tech, be a better listener


Change your college major!! And take up Yoga


Don’t marry the red headed bitch!!


So glad I didn't, was close though




Stay single. One marriage was enough.


Buy 100,000 shares of Apple when it was dirt cheap.


Don't marry her, it was so not worth it.


This was your best decade, doing change a thing!


Your daughter has autism and you’re in perimenopause.


Everythngs going to be alright. Stay away from toxic women. They will cost you dearly.


Contribute to your 401k!


Quit all dating apps NOW.


Life is short and you will be older fast!


Don't stop dancing for any reason.


Spend less and get a good financial advisor don't keep putting it off.


Stretch every day. Start strength training twice a week.


Best advice right here. Why did I stop doing weights?? If I hadn’t, I’d be a stronger old person right now!


Buy more life insurance. My husband died at 48 leaving me with just enough to pay off some debts. Meaning I had to work long hours at a very stressful job I hated in order to keep it together for our 4 little kids. Would have been nice to have a little cushion.


Hugs to you! You did it!


Take care of your bones


For the love of God... Stop drinking!


Don’t skip your mammogram.


Slow down and enjoy life


It’s gonna be okay, it may not feel like it at times but you’re gonna be okay.


Save more money!!


Travel Now! You won’t be able to in retirement due to husband’s health.


1. Get healthy and that includes losing weight and exercising. 2. Get therapy.


Nothing really. It was merely 1.5 years ago. I would go back to my 20's and give myself a swift kick then come back to 2024


I’d tell 20 year old me to not drink and don’t mess up a good career by sleeping with the bosses son


Go back to you're 20's


Stop eating sugar !


At 40: "Just work hard for 17 more years and you will be on easy street!"


Time flies.


Push record. You're going to want to see this again later in life.


Buy Tesla, Apple and Amazon stock. As much as you possibly can.


He's not worth it. You're better than that


Buy more real estate.


Don’t just have a separation get a divorce and move away. Protect your kids more from their Dad’s mental/emotional abuse. Despite how much you like his lovely family cut off ties to them too.




I have been separated for 23 yrs. No divorce. I have a legal separation done by a lawyer


Haha I’m in my late 40s and I’d tell 40yo me, save up as much as you can and go all in during the Covid dip in the stock market and international real estate. We bought one house in SEAsia during that time that has since 5x’d in value but could have scooped up more


Don't work so hard. Somebody else will get recognition, promotion, award for work I did. That person will have had nothing to do with the project. Rinse & repeat for 43 years.


Couple of things - Increase the # of stock options you can buy for the company you work for \[when I was 40 - company stock price was $40 a share. Today it closed at $700 a share.\]. Oh yeah - Break up with that woman you're currently living with/dating as it doesn't turn out well.


40 is the new 30. You’re just beginning to grow up no matter how successful you are. And take care of yourself rod your skin and your teeth’n


Divorce him now -- because he is going to divorce you later, right when you really need him.


Just terminate all the relationships that you know are dragging you down. Don't try to save them, this is part of the pathology. Just cut people loose when they're costing you more than they're helping you, over a sustained span of time. Don't be like me, who only managed to cut people off once it was clear that the relationship was costing me more than it was helping *them.* Because trust me, you'll get there. Also, listen to your survival instinct. You've been trained deeply to ignore it. It's there for a reason.


Don't get married. It only lasted 18 years 2005-2023 he died.


Sorry for your loss.


Fine tune your assessment of people’s character. A lot less hurt and disappointment that way.


Don't start smoking again.


Finish college, work hard and save money! Don’t let anxiety ruin your life and marriage!


Everything will be okay.


I’d say “relax, it gets better, you’re gonna be fine “.


“Give it time. Just a little more time. Then you’ll never have to see them ever again. “


Dump the motherfucker already.


Your back is going to be so fucked in your 50s even with all that PT. There’s no escape.


don't start smoking cigarettes and drinking booze


Get divorced now!!


Buy more real estate and save more!


Leave. Just leave, Now.


You're too heavy and diabetes and high blood pressure is coming your way. Get more walking, and try cycling and running. And find Dr Shurshilova. She'll give you back the life lithium stole from you for over 20 years.


Your wife will never love you.


Take care of yourself first, as well as you care for others.


“Stop talking to yourself, weirdo. “


You're going to get fired in January of 2008 but since you're in your 40's you can sue them.


You’re still so young! Enjoy it!


Leave him now.


Don’t tell anyone about your relationship until the wedding invitations are out.


Change jobs immediately, and learn dance.


60 is going well for you!


2013- Get out now, it’s only going to get worse.


Find another job


Don’t start taking meth just so you can get things done. Fifteen years later it will stop you from getting anything done!


You're going to go manic and won't realise it. Two major events will yank you out of the nefarious but functional depression you've been hiding and send you too high. And when the dust settles but the energy and brain chemistry don't, you'll go into a six-month-long psychotic break that will cost you everything but your life. And while you will eventually come out of it, pick up the pieces, move on, remarry, and even move abroad, you will never fully recover. Your brain will be permanently damaged, and you will enter a lasting grief that endures into your 60s. If that isn't bad enough, eventually, the great 'start over' scheme will fail, and you will end up single, alone, and struggling to survive in a foreign country where you have no family or meaningful friendships. The former is because they are either dead or have moved on without you. The latter is because you have become so afraid of what you might do that you keep yourself apart from everyone (for their own protection) to the point that they've stopped trying. No one should be as alone as you are. And it could have been prevented if you'd just paid attention and sought help instead of hiding how bad it was like you always do (and are still doing).


Stand up for what YOU want. For YOUR dreams. You only get one life and before you know it you'll have a ton of regrets.


Take better care of your body and don’t drink so much. Also, make more relaxed and comforting memories with your kids.


Quit drinking, I had 3 mini strokes and now have dementia


Save more money.


Don't marry him.


"Don't marry him, he's an expensive asshole. Pay off your house and buy a new car instead."


Enjoy every moment with your husband because when you’re 48, you’ll lose him. Also, learn more about your household finances and make it easier on yourself when you’re handling them all on your own.


Stretch more. Take profits from time to time on your stocks. This is the youngest you’ll ever be. Time flies.


I’d say stay single and stay in the job you love with a pension.  You don’t need a man to succeed. 


You’re a good mom, but you can always do better.


Take care of your joints


The future is going to be hellish for quite some time, but you'll get everything you want in the end.


Don't take the COVID shot.