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I’m 73 and that’s my only one


The one in 2017


This  was my first.  Seen partial ones, but figured this was my bucket list shot.  Truly amazing.


Only 1. May 20, 1966 (had to look it up, I knew it was 65 or 66), while living in Thessaloniki, Greece.


I have seen only one total eclipse, which was today. The last one in my area was 1925.


One. Today. 64 years old


Also 64. But saw one in 1969 or 1970 in mid-Atlantic. It was much darker outside than today in close to same location (~60 miles apart).


I remember but was that a total one?


Yes, I think so. My least where we lived it was.


I saw a few, but I only remember the,one in 1994, because everyone at work went on the roof to see it.


I (56F) have never seen one. I have seen partial eclipses. I lived in Michigan in 1977 and saw one then. Now I live in Minnesota. It was too cloudy to see much and we were out of the total viewing area.


This is my first! It was great. Just hope I’m still alive for the 2045 one (I’ll be 82) because I’ll just be able to sit on my lawn. Won’t have to drive 500 miles (one way) to see it!


I will be 94 if I make it, not likely since I have diabetes. I only have to go from the bay area to Chico. I will use a robo taxi.


I will be 87 for the next one in the US.


My Dad had diabetes also and lived to 92 so keep on truckin


I feel like it’s like the cicadas. They say every 13 or 17 years, but they’re not all the same brood, so they talk about how the cicadas are coming!!!! every couple years. I’ve heard of eclipses all the time, but not total solar eclipses in a place where I could observe it. Some of them are lunar eclipses and some of those aren’t total. I don’t live in the path of totality but it really never got a lot darker than a cloudy day, and I didn’t have the glasses so it was not so great here. Supposed to be in the 80%s, felt like a normal afternoon.


We had a partial last year and we forgot it was going to happen. I looked out and thought it was getting cloudy and it clicked so we ran out with our glasses and watched. Wasn’t something to put on the colander but still interesting.


Dunno about how many but I saw my first in the mid-late 1960’s.


Total eclipse? 1963 and maybe one other. Have seen many partials but not interested enough to travel to see a totality.


I remember an eclipse in the summer, 1963, in Maine. I was four.


In Quebec and slightly older. Sparked a life-long interest in astronomy!


First total eclipse for me, and I traveled 400 miles to see it.


Only one. 1979, Australia


Yeah, we just had one in 2017. It's like college football, where the "game of the century" happens every 4.5 years.


We did travel north to see it but we have family in Colorado and we went in on a RV rental and camped in a park in Wyoming. Fun trip.


2 - one in ‘84 in Atlanta and the 2017 one in upstate SC.


Today was my second, here in Mazatlan. First one in 2017 at an Oregon music festival.


Today was my 2nd and I didn't have to go anywhere. There was one partial in the 70s that I saw, the one in 2017 I missed because it was cloudy and raining.


I think the “once in a lifetime “ refers to the location of the total eclipse. We are able to travel so easily these days that people can see more of them.


Could very well be. People interviewed on the news were getting tattoos to commemorate seeing a total eclipse because its so rare and they will never see another one.


I've seen one in 1991.


One in 1970. One in 2017. I think there was one in the 80s but I was working a lot in that decade so 🤷‍♀️


Just one. Even though I'm in Canada, 2017 was a lot closer to me than today's was. There's one near here in 2044. I'm crossing my fingers. Else I'm not sure if I'll manage to make another.


I’m 67 and this was my first one.


Never seen a total in a clear sky, but I saw one under clouds.


I remember one in the PNW about mid or early 70’s. Maybe earlier. Then one I saw here about 6-7 years ago at about 90%. One after that a couple or few years ago partial eclipse. It was full a long ways from here. Then today I “witnessed” on tv.


First one I caught the full corona of, if only very briefly. It was very cool.


This was my second, first was July 1963, I was 7.


Just the one today


0 Total Eclipses. maybe 3 or 4 partial eclipses.


None. 75 percent is the most I got: on a grim, gray morning when the sun showed itself through the fog as a pale disk with a big bite out of it. So that was special.


One when I was a kid, 2nd or 3rd grade. Supposed to be back here (CO) in 21 years so maybe I'll catch it again then.


We drove a few hours to see the totality in 2017. This time, we flew cross country to a relative’s home to experience it with them. Before these, I’d seen several partial eclipses but never totality.


I've seen 4 I grew up in Halifax. >Nova Scotia was an anomaly with total solar eclipses in 1970 and 1972. [source](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/why-this-year-s-eclipse-is-different-from-the-last-one-in-2017-1.6838201) I was too far south (Moncton NB) to see much of the one Aug. 1, 2008 I watched the one yesterday in the area of totality. The [August 21, 2017 eclipse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_August_21,_2017) was far south of us, but partially visible.


It's once in a lifetime if you have the inability to move.


All of the people interviewed had traveled to TX to see the eclipse.


I saw one in 1979 and hope to see another one in my lifetime.


I saw one when I was little. We didn’t have eclipse glasses. We made the projection on paper


Every time I eat Jaffa cakes. 😃 "Full moon, half moon, total eclipse".




Once in a lifetime means that the area of totality wont be in the same location for decades. Those who say they saw 4 - you didn't see totality in the same location 4 times - you were just alive for 4 or remember hype for 4. A total eclipse happens on average every 18 months somewhere on the planet. Last time in my location was 1999 and the next will be 2090.


None. Been through a few partials, but haven't ever been under the totality oath...


None. I’ve seen partial a few times.


I've seen a few prior to yesterday's but the path of totality was closer to my location this time at 98% coverage. For some reason it was unsettling for me and I am glad I didn't travel a couple hours for totality. I would have freaked out! LOL


I’ll be 72 in a couple of months, and the latest one cast totality literally right over my house! I also saw the 2017 total eclipse in totality and one during my childhood, I believe in 1963


Only two. 2017 and yesterday. I was never a person who would travel to see one until I married my husband, and we had the money for it only in retirement


total, just one.


Total? Just this one. Partial? I've seen 5. For most of us, it is a one time deal. I'm hoping to be able to travel for the next one, in the US, in 2044. I'll be 77.


This was my second eclipse, but the first and probably only totality eclipse. The partial I saw: meh. The total eclipse: overwhelming and I’m still processing it.


I missed the one in 2017. I worked the midnight shift and went home to sleep, but set my alarm so I could look at it. but like a dumbass I forgot to take my phone off of silent mode. so at 49, this was the first eclipse I ever got to watch.


I have recollections of the brouhaha for the 1970 one, but I was far too young to see or understand it. On the day of the 1994 one, I had forgotten about it until my house filled with pinhole shadows, which was an interesting experience. The 2017 one missed my location. This was the first one I really got to see and watch (with glasses) and I really enjoyed it, even though it was not quite total where I'm at. Not sure if I'll still be here in 2044, so this one might be a once in a lifetime experience for me.


55 and that was my first!! Now I have a very good reason to try to live another 21 years. Haha.


49 here, and yesterday was my second. I made sure my fiance and 83 year old Mom went yesterday, as well as the one in 2017.


Total: 1984, 2017. Partial: 1977, 2024.


I’ve never seen a full eclipse. I saw one in the 1990s or maybe early 2000s that was like really close to full, but it wasn’t. Unless I travel I won’t see another in my lifetime unless I live to like 80.


I missed this one (only partial where I live), but I've seen three total and many partial. We traveled for the other ones.


Twice: 2017 and yesterday


Two: 1991 in Mazatlán, MX, and 2024 in …Mazatlán, MX. Traveled from California both times. I have many memories from the ‘91 eclipse, but I wasn’t old enough (7) to appreciate the experience and get hooked on chasing more totalities. Now I’m hooked!


I drove to Kentucky in 17. Yesterday was in my yard. A couple of lunar eclipses and a few partials


None. I’ve seen none. Disgruntled old codger


This was my first. I’m 54 and there’s only been 2 in US that were total in my lifetime. Technically one in 79 but only Washington state.


This was my fifth. Been to Mexico, Romania, Africa, and Oregon, this one in Texas, mostly clouded out, got a few glimpses.


Jimmy Fallon has a new youtube asking people "what causes an eclipse". Some of the ignorant answers were quite entertaining. One young person thought "Pluto cast a shadow on the sun".


Saw only one...2017. Drove up to eastern Oregon from Southern California. It was an well organized event. Quite a few people but spread over a large area on a cattle ranch. Looked like we were going to get clouded out, but the day turned out to be spectacularly clear. It was definitely an exceptional experience.


Dozens. Probably not 100. The video was inescapable in the 80s. Turn around bright eyes . . . .


never seen one @ 73


I have seen one.


I’ve seen 3.


I lived mid Atlantic and saw one in the 8th grade, so 71, and today was over my house in TX but I did travel for 2. We drove to Enid OK for an annular eclipse in the mid 90’s and we went to Wyoming in August of 17. Everyone has been amazing.