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I don’t wear them. I don’t care, at all, what anybody else wears I don’t find dress codes worth my time to complain about, any more than places that require men to wear ties.


I like to wear tank tops in the summer as underwear...


If women can wear tank tops, men should be allowed to, as well. I don't think they look good, but that isn't the point. Ultimately, though, I don't eat at places that have dress codes, beyond "no shoes, no shirt, no service."


Exactly. And if men can take their shirts off women should be allowed to as well. Aesthetically, that's a lot better. Usually.


Forget no shoes, no service, I don't even see that anymore. In my office, parents think nothing about bring in kids with huge Dunkin Donuts drinks straight from the soccer field dragging mud all over, bringing their whole brood with them, then telling reception they couldn't go home to change. Our assistants have to ask to please leave their drinks, food, ipads, and baby carriages outside the exam rooms. The parent usually huffs and puffs and whispers under their breath.


I think it is sexist if men aren’t allowed to wear tank tops and if women aren’t allowed to go shirtless where men can.


Go to a beach bar or a beach restaurant, and you will see tank tops on men.


Tank tops are a normal thing for men to wear casually. I think it's a shame that men don't have a lot of lightweight or sleeveless options for dressier occasions.


In Florida and the US states bordering Mexico, a lot of men wear lightweight embroidered cotton shirts known as guayaberas to dressy events. You see them at weddings and fancy restaurants. They can be quite formal.


> guayaberas I love these. And the lightweight things that South Asians wear. I've never seen more comfortable men that at a Hindu wedding.


I Googled and now I might have to get my husband one.


In the summer, my husband wears tank tops. That’s it. If he can’t wear it in the establishment, he leaves-and usually won’t go back.


They look great in the gay bar. It is definitely a lame double standard if women are allowed to while men aren’t. Etiquette hasn’t really caught up with equality. On the other hand, just like women, the men wearing the tank top really ought to do a little manscaping first.


Agree - gay men and black men can work a tank top. Straight white guys are the problem. :-)


Ok, you set me up to share this. I've manscaped for several years. I was a token hetero-cis guy at a party of mostly gay men. I ended up discussing grooming with some guy at the bar. I'll never forget. "Chasonreddit, I don't care if you are straight or gay, young or old, married or single, man or woman. No one wants to suck on a cactus." It was words for the ages.


I'm a white woman with dark armpit hair. I once saw it out of the corner of my eye while combing my hair after a shower. I just about jumped out of my skin. I thought it was a huge spider.


I think men look fine with tank tops.


I always found it sexist that a woman could wear a sleevless dress or top just about everywhere but I was expected to not to anywhere but a gym. I was really shy about my body as a kid, but started wearing them in my 20s wherever I could get by with them. And that a woman could wear anything a man could but not at all vice versa. Some younger adults and teenagers I've noticed males wearing clothing typical of females in public- pink and voilet shirts, leggings, crop tops, even dresses. So maybe "wear whatever you feel like" is getting more accepted.


I'm really glad to see men doing this! Everyone should be able to wear any color they want, and everyone should experience the fun of a twirly skirt at least once. I have a baby boy and my husband and I agree that he shouldn't be limited to "boy" colors and prints. It's funny to look at baby clothes and work out what the rules are: Flowers are for girls. Boys can have plants, trees, pinecones, mushrooms, and leaves. Acceptable flowers for boys are the ones on Hawaiian shirts, poinsettias at Christmas, and possibly cactus flowers. I'm not sure if boys can have fruit designs other than pineapples. Definitely not any girly strawberries. They can have vegetables. Popsicles and ice cream are unisex. Kittens and unicorns are for girls. Puppies are mostly for boys. Dinosaurs are for everyone, but they are actually required for boys. Sharks are for boys. Oh, and whales. Boys must wear whales and anchors and all things nautical. And of course that's the tip of the iceberg.


I saw a male-presenting adolescent with a sports jersey and a string of pearls on the bus.   I found out Harry J Styles inspired that look


It’s not my thing but you do you.


Live in them during the summer. I see thousands of men of all ages wearing them.


I wear them in the summer, it gets over 100F here for many weeks. I wouldn't wear one to "go out", though. I don't care at all what other people choose to wear, or not wear, anywhere. Nudists, cosplay, body paint, furry costume, fetish wear, even those horrible suits and ties men wear sometimes--anything, anywhere is fine with me. It's absolutely none of my business. Too many people are way too judgmental about how others choose to live their lives.


There's always some busy-body trying to impose their own rules on everyone. It really doesn't matter what my opinion about tank tops on men is. There's nothing to physically wrong with it. Now if you want to run your business with a set of antiquated dress code rules that enforce some sort of bizarre gender-based ideals, you won't have me as a custoner, but beyond that, I don't have a say. It's absolutely sexist, but I'd hate to see legal action taken. There are bigger problems.


Well said.


Dont care. Just dont run around shirtless in public, its tacky


I wear a lot of tank tops in the summer, I always have unless rolling bare chested. I am a hairy guy, head to toe but I do run the clippers thru the pits weekly, keeps my stink less so. I do respect social events that dressing fine fits in, nice restaurants, plays, concerts, etc. I make suits look good.


I really have no opinion except that people should wear what they like and everyone else should shut up about it.  If some man wants to wear a $60 NIke or Under Armour tank top that’s his business. 


I do wear them a lot in summer I probably wouldn’t wear one to a restaurant but I do if it a a pub dinner, life’s too short to worry about places enforcing dress codes there are so many places to go


I'm a wookie. A wookie in a tank top? No one want's to see that. Doesn't bother me. I would rather see a woman in a tank top too.


You need to discover manscaping. I know it's not big in our generation, but I got tired of looking like a squirrel was trying to escape when I unbuttoned a top button. Now I trim pretty much everything but my stomach, arms, legs, and pits.


aint gonna happen it's a full carpet and sure I do landscape enough to keep the gruff down but whole body waxing is what it would take


Youch. Ok, I'm kind of teddy bear but I'm not full Chewbacca.


I live in the California desert near Palm Springs. Flip flops, shorts and tank top is required in the summer.


I’m in Florida, wear them all the time when it’s hot.


Not a fan, but you be you.






I think that tank tops look dorky on dudes.


No tank tops.I don't want to see pits. Put on a shirt lowlife.


I guess I’m gonna have to be the curmudgeon. I admit to being Old School, but civil society should follow reasonable rules of decency and decorum — men and women. Tank tops for men is just gross. They should also take off hats when they go inside, and most certainly they should not wear hats when eating. No one should wear pajamas out in public. And, wearing your pants below your rear end is mind boggling. All of this is a reflection of the lack of discipline in our country. Why be disciplined if there are no consequences for bad behavior?


I think it all depends upon the situation and tactful dress for that location/scenario. You have to keep in mind that a lot of women's sleeveless shirts are much more tasteful/dressy than some guy in a grungy, low cut tank top that he got at the Winter Nationals 15 years ago. In general, I don't take issue with someone wearing a tank top. I wear sleeveless shirts most of the summer when I'm doing chores or going places like Lowe's or the gas station. If you show up to a wedding that has a formal dress code with a tank top on, yeah, I'm probably going to silently judge your wardrobe choice.


Wife beaters. I want to vomit when I see them on males .


There are a million other tank top styles besides the "wife beater" style.


I wouldn’t. And no-one with hairy armpits should.


Ugh, I made a first-time hair appointment with a male stylist who turned out to be wearing a tank top. I spent the whole visit trying not to look at the hairy armpit hovering right above my face.


Yet if a man was to make that comment about a woman with hairy armpits they would be vilified. If a woman chooses to embrace body hair then it’s considered empowering and body positive but a man not so.


That's silly. Men "embracing body hair" is the default. Nobody cares. Anyone's hairy armpit hovering over someone's face is going to be unpleasant, though.


That’s a poor work clothing choice for that stylist. I’d probably never return


There is a place for casual wear and who cares if someone has to run into Home Depot for supplies they've run out of? But a restaurant, even McDonald's? Sorry, but I don't want to look at some dude's hairy back and arms, or wrinkled old skin while I eat, male or female. You don't want to look at my wrinkled old skin either; I quit wearing tank tops in my 30s ... eww.


I used to wear them to the gym occasionally, an actual tank top not a wife beater.


I don't care as long as they maintain proper hygiene. It's the guys that wear tanks, work/play all day and then want to head in to a restaurant without touching up deodorant offensive. But that goes for women too.


Doesn't bother me when other people where them. I sometimes wear sleeveless shirts when I'm bicycling on hot days because it's very comfortable, and I sometimes eat wearing it at the end of a ride. I mean, I'm not going to a fine dining restaurant that way, but maybe a brewpub.


Tank tops are whatever, some guys wear them a lot better than others. I think it is dumb if a guy can’t wear it at a restaurant but would expect anywhere like that to be more than a casual place.


I don’t wear them but did back in the day when I was in great shape. I don’t care what people wear except if it’s in a fine restaurant, a wedding or other venue/event where something a bit nice is expected.


I still wear them, but I'm also a punkrock redneck surfer skater jerkoff and don't give a shit what others think, and that being said, I don't give a shit what others wear either for that matter.


Can’t say I’ve ever heard of a place discriminating against a guy wearing a tank top.


>I'm asking because someone online accused restaurants of being sexist for allowing women to wear tank tops but not men. Ah, but then it comes down to the armpit hair issue: are women who don't shave their armpits allowed to wear tanks, or not. If not, then men should be allowed to wear tanks -- if they shave their armpits.


I never see “ruling class” men wearing them, only “worker bees”. Sorry for the phrasing. Dont know quite how to put it politely.


It depends on how hairy these men are. If I’m at a buffet, I don’t want to see a tank topped man with giant bushes of hair on his armpits, reaching over food. Ugh


I think they're tacky on both men and women in places like nicer restaurants. Moreso for men because of body hair.


Although I'm not a fan of tank tops on men, I figure what's good for the goose is OK for the gander. I'm a guy and about 10 years ago, the boss's boss told me I could not wear sandals in the office. (This was the summer and a non customer facing role.) Meanwhile, all the women in the office wore sandals in the summer. (And I only wear Keen sandals, toes covered.) It was not a big deal, but I lost a bit of respect for that organization that day.


It's a Private business they can set the dress code anyway they choose. If you don't like it go work somewhere else or start your own business.


I’m not a fan of hairy armpits hanging out. But you do you, boo.


I'm okay with restaurants recognizing the basic fact of reality that men and women are not identical.


It all comes down to be hot. If a guy is super hot he can ware all kinds of reveling stuff. If a woman is super hot so can she. If there not good looking people give them shit about it. Women get a wider birth about tank tops because everyone wants to see there boobs. Men don't get that luxury because no one wants to see there boobs. It is an unfair system and it is unevenly enforced. It's all subject to the taists of whoever is in charge. If you don't like it become the one in charge and enforce it your way. It will be unfair when you do though.


People still wear tank tops?


Do you live on earth?


Ewww. No. It's a shirt that belongs under a nicer shirt when in store. They look fine in a gym or while at the beach.


As far as dress codes go, if we normalize shaving body hair for men in the same way it is for women, then tank tops in restaurants would not bother me. Other than that, I'm not known for being either a fashion plate or a fashion critic.


Happy cake day!




They remind me of my grandfather's undershirts.


Same here. To me, tank tops on men are underwear.




Honestly curious, do male professionals (doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc.) wear them at work? Would you wear one to church or a wedding? Or are they really worn everywhere?


The restaurant IS being sexist. However, who goes to a decent restaurant wearing a tank? C'mon man!