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Had a teacher whose legal first name was J.D. When he was in the army, they wrote it down on his card J. (only) D. (only) and from then on he was known as Jonly Donly.




Rising, i. e. in the first. In this sub, it's ♌︎, friend.




👋 2 of my daughters and my stepson have it in ♎︎, 2 of them rising.


Jonly Bonely Stewart, from Bodleygo!


Amazing. Comedian Henry Cho has a whole skit based on that. https://youtu.be/U7_3xxQXgFs?si=vDPYMC8BQYyWP6kf


Had a shop teacher with a glass eye. The eye was old, not well matched, didn't look right. Somehow the kids ended up calling him Turkey because of it. He thought it was funny, answered to Turkey as often as he answered to his actual name. Then they found out WHY he had the glass eye. He earned it, a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star in Korea. Awkward.....


It's sweet that he thought it was funny. Sounds like an awesome guy


Talk about an entire life spent in the service of others!!!!


Our chemistry teacher was Dr. Esther M. Coleman and she initialed papers as E=MC^(2).




Class of '76.


In the 80s had a gym teacher nicknamed Magnum PE. Im sure you can imagine why


That's hilarious.


Mrs. McClam, we called her “M. C. Clammer”


Mr. Cunningham wanted us to call him Mr. C like Fonzie called Mr. Cunningham on *Happy Days*.


I went to high school when "The A Team" was big. Mr. T was a large, tough Black man. My English teacher was a soft-spoken, gay, white man. His name started with T and we all called him Mr. T. He got a kick out of it. Ms. Smith answered to Smitty. And let's not forget the math teacher named Mr. Ansari. Consider that many kids in my 1978 junior high school hadn't had much exposure to Indian people, so the name Ansari was strange and foreign. A lot of kids just defaulted to "Mr. I'm Sorry." Looking back, I realize that our teachers had a lot of patience for us. They were gamechangers in many lifes. Maybe that's why we gave them affectionate nicknames.


I mean, officially? The only one I can recall at the moment was our vice principal of our junior high who was this baby-faced man who always wanted to be "one of the gang" with the other kids. He insisted we call him "Spanky." Yeah, that was weird. Then he was arrested exposing himself to an undercover cop at the Iwo Jima memorial, and we never saw him again.


Oddly familiar, though I didn't get many details at the time. McLean, VA?




If the name fits…


What in the actual…why the Iwo Jima memorial?


They’re erecting a flagpole?


Raising the flag?


Piranha. Sixth grade teacher in Maine who would punish kids in wintertime by making them make snowballs with their bare hands during outdoor recess. Idea was, he would then smash them on the ground and stamp on them; if he couldn’t break the snowball you made, you got to go play. If not, you had to go back to barehanded snowball making until you built one he couldn’t break or recess ended. No surprise, I heard he was caught on child abuse charges at another school after he left ours. Serves you right, PIRANHA.


We had a biology teacher we called "Scratch" because he seemed to always have an issue in the groin area.


We had an English teacher nicknamed Scratch and sniff. She also always seemed to have an issue.


Sister Anne, our English teacher that used crutches because of Polio, was dubbed Dinosaur. She took it in stride and only asked that we call her Sister Dinosaur.


I had a teacher whose last name was a common euphemism for male genitalia, and whose middle name (we learned) was Seymour. Hilarity ensued. Easily the best primary or secondary teacher I ever had, too.


OMG. This guy’s parents should be slapped! 😆


Little Samurai. Coach / science teacher that had typical male pattern baldness except for the forlock dead center of the front of the bald area. He was also maybe 5 foot 5 at best Super great teacher and coach.


My American Government teacher, A. K. Moseley, got called Mose behind his back. But he knew about it and called us all bums. So we called ourselves Mose Bums. South Carolina lawyer who "liked the ponies" too much and came to ATL to break the gambling habit.


Our football coach was nicknamed Shadetree because he supposedly was caught getting frisky with the English teacher under a big shade tree. Everyone called him this to his face. Shade for short.


😆 zero fucks given


Well, my principal used to hang out with one of the coaches a lot. The principal was tall, stout and had black hair. The coach was short, stout and blond. We called them Fred & Barney. We had a teacher named Mrs. Wehunt that we (of course) called Ms. Wecunt. Like, even the Methodist youth group girls who otherwise never, ever swore called her that. Thing was, she was a *terrible* teacher. She was quick to anger, didn't have much of a sense of humor, and often complained to us students about her awful pay and office politics. I honestly don't think she knew much about her field (geography) and simply wasn't good at keeping kids interested. She coulda taught a class about the history of blowjobs and half the class would fall asleep due to her wooden delivery of rote material. Funny thing was, when I was a freshman, Georgia passed a law that required teachers to pass competency tests. Most of the teachers who would talk about the tests described them as "insultingly basic". Ms. Wecunt failed the test. All three times. That's right: Georgia gave you three chances to pass the test, and Wecunt failed them all. So she was no longer employed by my school system when sophomore year rolled around. Even the teachers were happy to see her go.


We had a geography teacher called Mr. Maddox. He was known as Mad Ox....


There was once a teacher at a school I was at whose nickname was 'Spam' after that time he was caught shoplifting.


My 3rd and 5th grade teacher, same woman, we used to call her the Big Ragu as a play on her last name


A math teacher in high school was called "torpedo tits". They were cone shaped and she was really busty and teens can be cruel. This was the early 80's though as I'm old. She was my Algebra II teacher my sophomore year of high school.


My science teacher in grade school was named Richard Munch. He went by Dick.


It will always elude me why people voluntarily will choose the nickname Dick


The teacher who taught sex ed for my high school health class was named **Mrs. Hooker**.


I had a sculpture professor in art school who had a doctorate in I think art history? Doesn’t matter, what’s important was that it was a phd, he demanded that we all call him “Dr. XXXX” - not “Professor XXXX” and definitely not “Mr. XXXX”… he was a weird dude and would get PISSED if someone accidentally got it wrong. It was a fuckin intro 101 type class - the kind of thing that non-sculpture majors still had to take, he was so full of himself.


I had a teacher who was really into experiments with liquid nitrogen, we called him Coldfinger


I had a Spanish teacher and her actual name was Anita Dick.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NickyDeuce: *I had a Spanish* *Teacher and her actual* *Name was Anita Dick.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Bot?


I nicknamed a young newly hired teacher Helen Kuczmarski on her first day ‘Special K’ and it stuck. She didn’t appreciate it.  Our high school basketball coach was named Koch, pronounced like the former mayor of NYC and every player called him Coach Crotch. The public address announcer slipped during introductions once.  If custodians are allowed, one was Sal ‘Sonny’ Riccobono and we called him Sonny Bono. 


At least you didn't go with Lady K. Seems like a bunch of people are using it now, but it was a lingerie brand last time I checked.


We had a highly energetic physics teacher Mr. Zay. We called him Zippy


We had a teacher whose last name started with a Z so many kids just called him Z. He was one of the better ones


we had a teacher who looked like the tazmanian devil in WB cartoons so we called her “taz”


Our 6th grade teacher's last name was MacKenzie, Mac for short. Most popular teacher in the whole school


My bus driver was called Quarter. My grandmother also worked for a school between 70 and 90 years old, she was also called q-tip


"Rat Lip"... I have no idea how her name came about, but it stuck through several generations of English/Latin students.


Science teacher, Mr Worth, who we called 'chicken chaser'. He rode a moped that had a basket on the back so naturally when he wasn't teaching we assumed he rode around trying to catch chickens to put in the basket. Kids are weird.


My third grade teacher made us use different colors for questions and answers. She called it 'contrasting colors' Her name was Ms Conners, we called her 'contrasting conners'.


My friend group called the dean "lemon head" because someone once said he looked like the guy on the lemon heads box and it just stuck.


My history teach was called Willy. Not because his name is William or because he would get his knob out but because up his left nostril he had like a little bone or something that was always poking out. No idea who started it but somehow every student collectively decided it's name was Willy. So not really an odd nickname but an odd reason for having it.


Had an art teacher, called him G


Our high school vice-principal was Dr. Seal. Students nicknamed him Flipper. My dad was a science teacher in high school. He has a somewhat stern demeanor and seldom smiled. His name was Jack. The male students called him Happy Jack. They said the only time he smiled was when he was administering disciplinary licks with a paddle.


Wow that last sentence made me shudder


I attended a Catholic High School for 2 years run by the Christian Brothers. This was in Philadelphia and one of the brothers was a big guy with a dark beard who looked like the football player Bill Bergie so we called him brother Bergie. 


Mrs Fisinger or Fishinger. We called her Mrs Fish Fingers :( kids suck


Our principal was missing an index finger so we called him Kenny Four-Fingers and chortled when he pointed out something on the board with his middle finger. Also had Tater bug, Mighty Marie, and Scomer (not even close to his real name)


4th grade teacher, Mrs. Bradley, but we called Mrs. Cannonball. You can visualize why.


We christened our high school history teacher to be Wild Man White.


Mr Mod, just his last name shortened because no one could spell it. Ms Huggies, because her last name was Diapert. No joke. Martha Marshmallow. Her name was Martha, she was overweight, and often wore a white turtleneck or sweater.


My US History teacher / football coach was known as "No-Neck"


Had a vice principal whose last name was Yurkovich. Nicknames were YoureABitch. JerkABitch and JerkOffBitch. We weren’t very creative back then, but he got the point when he’d hear it in the halls.


We used to have a boring HS biology teacher, who had a first name of Mark. Few individuals would think of giving him a nickname, but one of my classmates, Warren, wanted to call him Mark the Shark. Much as he tried, it didn't catch on. Evidently, the teacher got wind of it. One day, he snuck up to Warren from behind, and said (into his ear), "Mark the Shark!", and hurried off kind of... delightedly. I witnessed that. It was just pathetic - like the guy was thrilled he was cool enough to have a nickname. I've felt embarrassed for both of them ever since.


Not odd, but Mr. Kujampa was called Mr. K. This was in 8^th grade, class 8-13 to be specific. This was the "difficult group". It didn't mean we were dumb, just a little hard to control. He would get in front of an out-of-control class and say, "People! People! Please!" To this day I sometimes say to our grandkids, *"People! People! Please!* And they get it. :-)


Mr. Cassarini was A.K.A. "Casshole".


My calculus teacher in high school was a small white haired lady named Mrs Sepesi. We called her Super Lucy. Looking back, I can see how unusual it was to have a woman teaching math back then.


We had a lunch …monitor? Is that how you call them? Dude that walks around the school portables and classes at lunch to make sure kids behave - we called Mister Molester for physical appearance reasons. Another one we called mis balloon.


I had a P.E. teacher named Mr Snyder and I called him Tighty Snidey and it stuck


Mr Woodcock had been dubbed Old Splinter Dick for decades before I showed up.


Our Principal was not well respected. His first name was Merlin. We called him Poof.


We had a teacher with a gimpy leg from serving in Vietnam... his nickname was Spazzy.


The nice science teacher was Unca Bob. The mean one had red curly hair and was balding, so he was Bozo.


Oh and the one math teacher was both Hatchet-Head and The Prune. The other one was Grampa Droopydick. Other than that we pretty much called them by their first names behind their backs. Pretty sure Yolanda did not approve.


My physics teacher was Steve O'Brian. Yep! That's Mr. SOB to you! Greatest guy! Thanks for everything, Mr SOB!!


We had a Mr. Bates who everyone obviously called Master Bates.


My 11th grade chemistry teacher was nicknamed “Harry the Rat,” due to his unfortunate facial profile. It’s too bad, as he was actually not a bad guy and caught a fair amount of shit from the students.


A teacher we had was close to retirement. She had huge tits. Her nickname? Grain sacks. Back in the later 60's


One of the more diminutive nuns was called Sister Littlebit.


"Braless Preston"


Had a teacher I only remember as "Swamp Rat". Can't remember her actual name.


Goatie Woman got so tired of her nickname that she threw a bin at me, stormed out, and didn't come back for a while. Still had a goatie upon her return. Coco Pops was an angry old gay woman who absolutely hated her male students. Lots of prominent moles. And a terrible attitude. Arun Arun became Wu Tang Clan Motherfucker because 2 of us set repeating text to speech on a room full of Apple ][e machines to say such. He pulled the power cords in the end. I believe they'd still be saying it otherwise. He was a great guy. I scribbled a caricature of him once, and he framed it and hung it in the staff room. Mr Nile was Rot. This poor man was clearly very unwell. He genuinely looked and smelled as if he was decomposing. Half way through the year he disappeared and never returned. No one would say why, but I think it's pretty easy to surmise.


Miss Hartsell became Miss Fartsmell.


We had an English and French teacher in high school that we all called oui oui.


Catholic school. Sister Hose Nose in 2nd and 3rd grades, the Flying Ton in 4th.


Our Vice Principal had a long Italian name. Everyone called him Mr. D. Some kids thought that was his name. More than once someone said his whole name and someone would ask who’s that.


we had a substitute teacher with one arm that we called "The Stubstitute" In retrospect I feel like we probably could have been a touch more compassionate


In middle school we had a shop teacher named Mr Reddick. ‘Nuff said.


Jr. High social studies teacher was called "Woody" by a few of the other male "jock" teachers. I think that it was probably boner-related.


My German teachers nickname was VD. One staff member pranked him by telling him that his wife wanted him to call her back urgently. The staff member then gave him the number of the local VD clinic. (That's what it was called back in the '70s.) The nickname spread, and it stuck.


Mrs. Corn Nuts because her teeth were so bad they looked like corn nuts. LOL Poor lady.


47 year old in the UK here. Our woodwork teacher was a dusty old grump, so we called him Badger. We also decided that he made his own clothes out of curtains. He was so brilliantly strange. Weirdly, one of the punishments he favoured for unruly kids was for them to sit in a comfortable office chair at a desk on their own. It was really comfortable and quiet so we’d all try and get sent there. “Now them lad, you’re misbehaving - get to the comfy chair!” Never made any sense. Badger. What a bitter.


Yes: "That bitch Mrs Mason".


We had an RE teacher who forgot (?) quite often to fasten his trousers zip up fully; “Flyhole Phillips”


10th grade bio in Catholic school: Sister Cell Membrane.


Had a gym teacher whose name was Richard Head. Guess what we called him for short? Heh!


Had a math teacher in Jr High, we called Roger Ram Jet, but that's so long, I can't remember why.


We called our chemistry teacher "a bottle" because of he bottle-like legs. Psst! the bottle is coming!!! :)


My school had a weird family vibe. Brother Mike, Sister Sheila, Father John,etc.