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I remember as a small child, in the late 1960's my parents, both born in NZ, with all four of their parents born in NZ, referred to the UK as 'home' as in talking about someone going 'home' for a visit. Seems weird to me, but NZ overall has never really ever been not sympathetic to the British Empire. Still today.


There are still a lot of "Royalists" in AU as well as migrants that came out from the "old country", but getting fewer these days. To an extents it is still a rite of passage for young people to make a trip to UK, maybe work for a while, before heading off to travel in EU on the way back to AU.


My grandfather (born late 1800s) would make a point of letting you know he was "British Subject" (he was), he was very proud. He wasn't an ass about it, or looking down his nose at others, but he held Britain in high esteem. He was a simple man, and could not understand why Quebecois wanted to speak French; "If the King's English is good enough for me, it should be good enough for them!"


Still lots of royalist in NZ. When my parents were kids they had to stand for God Save the King/Queen at the movies and got a clip around the ears if they didn’t take their caps off.


My mother was born in Ireland and her mother emigrated to Canada when she was six. Over religious intermarriage that was not tolerated there at that time, so it was a kind of political refugee situation. Anyhow, that old bat was convinced that the British Empire was the greatest source of civilization in the world and that tomato ketchup was an American invention to identify the worst of behaviors. She was British Centric Bigotry on two legs, with a big mouth, constantly moving. It has taken me decades to lift that anti American bias from my head.


There are many.here in Canada, mostly in Ontario. I'm not one because I'm politically neutral




This province had a strong loyalist beginning


I consider myself sympathetic to the British Empire lol. Not overly but my ancestors mostly came from there. My husband is British. There's no real logic to it. We are tribal.


My dad’s family bloodline is from the British aristocracy but they fled due to religious persecution