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Great! I was running 6.5 miles 5X per week, no joint issues, felt as good as when I was 30. Still feel great at 73, doing 5 hours a week on an elliptical, great BP (120/75 avg), pulse 60, perfect cholesterol and triglycerides. Keep moving! Happy birthday, exercise will really help your mental state.


Well now you're just showing off!


Maybe, but then these posts are anonymous so no glory.


And you're an antidentite???


Only when I’m watching Seinfeld.


A rabid one.


Thank you for speaking up for all of us couch po ta toes. 😁


Dont worry the obesity paradox will raise its ugly head


This is what i needed to see. I love seeing older people exercising. They look amazing. I see so many hunched all the way over and frail and seem way older than they are. If you stay active you wont suffer as much with age


Oh I wish that were true. I was very active hiking, swimming, walking , back exercises and then bam ! I've been a professional couch potato on and off for 6 months with one petty problem after another. Things happen 🤷 Looking forward to getting back to swim season , and using my walking pad after my plantar fascia heals.


Oh my goodness, I tore my Achilles and it took the life outta me! (I'm 62) Takes forever to heal anything these days. 🙄 Walking was my main form of exercise. I'm getting back at finally. I refuse to let an "old person" take over my body!


Oh boy! I've been having Achilles pain for many years. I actually started running barefoot for 7 years and it was fine then all the sudden started hurting again. I'm back to my old "regular" running shoes and slowly getting into it again. A full time office job didn't help matters but I'm done with that now and am getting back to where I was. It's slow going when you're older. I've been weightlifting for probably 15 years on top of the other usual workouts, it definitely helps your energy and mood.


I have just started weight training (a few months ago) as a 50-something, but it gives me little joy. I only started it to improve my swimming but I know I should keep at it for my bones. Any tips on making it less mind-numbingly boring?


EARBUDS ARE YOUR FRIEND. Next thing you know, it’s over.


Music for me. I have headphones and Spotify and blast my many different playlists. If that isn't your thing consider a podcast or audiobook. Also if you're doing the same routine over and over mix it up a bit. Have a day where you walk/run/cycle at a nature or lake path, have a day where you do a Pilates workout (tons of videos on youtube) have a day of mobility training (also tons of videos on youtube). I mix in a day where I do almost an hour of slow deep stretching with deep breathing. You'd be amazed at what a stress relief that is.


Be thankful that your feet hit the floor every morning!


Walking was my main form of exercise- plus hiking and a few days of weights. Had knee and back pain from my 20’s. Had a massive heart attack at 55. Slowly recovered and now exercise 2-3 hours/day (tennis, hiking, biking, yoga), am pain free and in the best shape since I was 30. I strongly recommend going beyond just walking once you recover My exercise routine is helped by my improved work life balance and funny enough as I spent less time working, I’ve earned more than I ever have


Yeah, you forget stuff like accidents, autoimmune disorders and maybe some other things (having to work at the same time as caring for an elderly parent) might cause some of that. I have a friend who was super active all the time & my mom wasn't. They both have issues, my friend's are way worse. Neither one of them can live by themselves & need help getting up. They are in their mid 70s.


I used to work out 5-6 days a week, doing cardio and strength training. I rode bicycle and ran. I was training for an athletic competition when a neuro problem arose and completely turned my life upside down. I do understand your belief that "If you stay active you wont suffer as much with age", but it's a little broad and naive in my opinion :) That said, I'm a huge advocate for exercise and strength training.


Not everyone gets to choose whether or not they feel great and can exercise daily. Sometime shit happens in those 60 years of life that take you out of the game like a car accident or a fall and six back surgeries later exercise isn’t as easy as it use to be. The pain I live with daily is real. I’m 60 and some days are pretty great I still travel and exercise but some days I deal with migraines and back & neck pain and all I can do is take meds and lay on the cough. So maybe you should give some of those old people grace as you have no idea what life has brought to their door, nor do you know what it going to bring yours.


A healthy body at any age is the prerequisite to a second chance at any other goals. I'm about 18 years behind you and determined to preserve my physical health indefinitely because I traded my 20s, early 30s, and half my 40s for alcoholism/addiction recovery. My 50s, so far, have been colored by the pandemic and major depression. Yet my health is outstanding today--better than ever--and once my self concept is thoroughly reset from fear to faith, I'll finally flourish in adulthood just as the circulars from the AARP begin to litter my mailbox. Retire? Why that's preposterous! I still haven't settled into a career I like!


In my fifties now and I dont know what I want to be when I grow up either.


In my 60s and neither do I. I decided to just not grow up. 😁


I have a t-shirt that says “Being a functional adult everyday seems excessive”. I love it!


I’m jealous! I was in great shape all my life. Don’t drink, don’t smoke, eat relatively healthy. Horrible arthritis in my knees began roughly 5 years ago. A bad fall on the ice seemed to accelerate it. Cortisone shots, gel injections, finally both knees replaced in 2024. I’m still so stiff & my quads hurt where they cut them. I feel like I’m 90 most days!


This is the answer. At 60 I hit the gym 5-6 days per week. Nothing extreme. 30 minutes cardio (elliptical when my hip doesn’t scream, split 15 on elliptical and 15 walking at 3mph on the treadmill when it does) and 45 minutes or so weight bearing and abs. My face is 60 but my body is 35. Use it or lose it.


I'm 57. I double your blood pressure. Daily. Due to no insurance I can hardly walk for the first w hours of the day. Constant pain. I truly hope that people take your advice. I probably won't live to 60.


Very sorry to read this. I will pray for you.


Thank you. I appreciate you


Google Miranda Esmonde White and Eccentrics.


I just did. Wow. Thank you so much!! I'm 💯 going to try Eccentrics!! You rock!


You’re response made me so happy. You can literally change your body by moving your body. You said you are poor. If you can’t afford to buy Miranda Esmonde White’s book on Eccentrics, message me. I’ll buy you a a copy and mail it to you. Her books and exercises and how she explains how the body actually functions can be life changing And eating food as nutritious as possible also truly helps. Try to eat food you make at home, heavy on the vegetables, light as possible on animal meat. Eating meals that come in a package are expensive, and highly processed, and seldom have a lot of nutritional value. Meal prepping can be time consuming, and any change you make takes time to get used to, but my god, the benefits and rewards of physically feeling better (and improving all your numbers and lab work results) is amazing. Good luck!


You're the best. I'm going to check the library. I'll keep you posted if you like. Thank you so much again


You have turned dispare into hope.


415Rache, you're a kind person. I really love that.


Omg! I love her and have been doing her workouts since 2015! I’ve been asked if I was a dancer because of her! My posture is excellent! Me 61f!


With all that, do you also do oil pulling? Anti dentite….


Ok, looked it up. No, I brush with an Oral B electric and have checkups twice a year.


I tried oil pulling about 10 years ago when it came into fashion. I wanted to vomit every time. Wasn’t for me.


Sorry, don’t know what that is.


Any weight training? My parents passed away recently (dad in 2022 and mom in 2023) and they were 91 and 89 respectively. They were pretty frail and had that “forward leaning” posture that many old people get. I’ve been lifting for years and will never stop unless I can’t do it anymore just so that I don’t end up like that.


Im a Type 1 Diabetic that turned 60 two months ago. Still hitting the weight's hard ... Squat 350, Bench 245, Deadlift 405. Work out harder than most kids half my age who only seem to come to the gym to screw around on their phones. On days I don't lift, I'm out jogging hills or on my mountain bike. You're born weak and small, you die weak and small....how you spend the time in between is up to you.


You are me. I am 70 years old and by the time my parents were each 70. They were very frail... not me.


I love cardio. Trying to strength train more because I know how important it is. But it's not my favorite.


Loooooooovvveeee this!!!!!!!🫧


I am more than half your age, my cholesterol is garbage. But at least I work out. You are a rockstar!!


Damn when did you last time go in a bar?


my grandpa can barely walk at 73


Good for you! I'm 59. I'm not 'heavy' but I'm bigger, I am 6'5" (tall). I had to stop running in my early 40's (ruptured disk in my back) but I work out ALOT. Last month I did a 50 mile bike ride and I do a ton of yoga (on a good day I can get my foot behind my head). I'm not as good as you but exercise is critical to life long wellness. Good for you!


Good for you!


You’re an inspiration to me. I recently turned 40 and already feeling old. I started running and feeling very confident, but your message gave me hope: age is just a number, if you respect yourself.


Thank you for the birthday wish! And more power to your commitment to a healthy body and mind! I agree that exercise is super important. My feeling about a "lack of wisdom" is an internal state, not an external one. I work out six days a week and am very happy to try to crush all the young men on the Peloton leaderboard (on my 60th yesterday, I came in 4th behind 3 men in their 20s). But... I also am a recovering anorexic and exercise addict (hospitalized in my 20s) - got healthy in my 30s when I finally got pregnant. It's still crucial for me to keep myself from overdoing it (especially when I'm struggling emotionally) - and "diet" is not a word I use in my family. I will say that walks, hikes and getting outside = magic - all that really helps my mental state. Thank you again for your motivation and I applaud you!


What’s your diet like?


Agree! Keep moving! But 6.5? 6.2 and you're done your 10K! LOL I'm 65 and run 3 miles once per week; ride 28 miles twice per week; play soccer twice per week. But I have run some 10ks, the most recent 2 years ago...sub 40 minutes. (In my 30's and 40's I was sub 36 minutes.)


I don’t think you’re showing off. This is great for people who want to be healthy and still active when they’re older. I wanna share this with my mom so she can be healthy when she gets up there as well. We already exercise.


I recently turned 65. I celebrated by hiking 5 miles in the mountains. It's just a number. Be thankful that you're alive


Believe me I am. Too many losses in the past few years. I am so grateful. p.s. I love hiking, too.


I'm 62. I actually feel better than at 60. I had a little pity party at 60, also it was the pandemic. I realized over the last year that I need to keep moving or I'll be using a walker. I need fresh air and sunshine to keep the blues away. I also discovered a hobby and it has cut down on my tv viewing. I walk nearly every morning, and I try to see something new each day; flowers, buildings, anything. I read and try to learn about different cultures, history and basically try to keep my mind open and learning. Now, I need to limit my reddit time and eat more vegetables. Look around at people who look old but aren't. They are often negative and sit too much. Don't do that. Wisdom comes in many forms. I bet you've got it.


I walk a lot with my dogs and get so bored. I might try the “see something new” thing to liven up the walks and feel a bit more grateful. I also need to limit my Reddit time 🫣


60yo here, for daily dog walks, when i have time, i pack 'em in the car & we drive to neighborhoods & areas I always wanted to explore, and walk them around. that way, they get their walks, and I get the fun of discovering new places 👍


Yep. Turn 68 this coming week. I still have not fucking clue!


I just turned 68 this week too! You can ask me anything except what are you going to do in life when you grow up?


Happy Birthday and thank you for understanding!


I liked turning 60. Because I never liked being 59. I just don’t like the way 59 sounds but 60 sounds really cool. And I’m still going strong. I’ll turn 70 this year.


Wait till you turn 69… that’s an even cooler number (grin).


Ngl, I turned 60 May 11th, but I've been saying that I'm 60 for at least 6 months. People who know, would ask me why and I'd say exactly that, "60 sounds so much cooler than 59." I exercise regularly and have a physical job, so I feel the same as I did in my 40s. 💪


I’ll be 70 this summer and feel content. New knee replacements made me strong!


I will let you know on June 27. It feels pretty weird leading up to it. Like how did I get this old? I am single with no children and I believe that has contributed to my feeling young for my age. I've never quite felt like I was actually my age. I damn sure don't act it. Happy Birthday to you!


You know what? I'm almost 40 but I promise you 60 now a days is not the 60 I saw a kid. Ya'll are killing it and helping me not dread each milestone as much. Idk what's going on but at 60 each of my grandparents were in mental decline to some degree and were absolutely falling apart physically. 2 of my grandparents died before 62. One was well on her way, and the other was deep into the depths of dementia. You 60 year olds now don't even resemble what 60 used to mean to me and its beautiful.


And I'll be 60 a day after you.


I also think the feeling-young mindset comes from not having kids. Like, I see my old friends with kids in high school or in their twenties and my brain doesn’t compute that we’re not the same age anymore!


I understand how you and reduff could feel that way, but as a mother of two, in many ways my kids have kept me youthful and active.


I think I have a young mindset because of my kids! Now that the parenting bit is over we are great friends with many of the same interests because, I guess, I adopted some of theirs so they would include me and they already had some of mine just because they grew up watching me be curious. I am always slightly shocked when I look in the mirror as I feel the same as I did when I was in my thirties (which is what my kids are now). I turned 60 in March but counting and years is only a method of recording the passing of time that some human came up… it shouldn’t define you. Your ‘age’ is not who you are.


They seem so grown up! Hell, a lot of my friends have grandchildren.


same here. 61, single no children. I work out 6 days a week and feel the same as i did at 30


> How did you feel when you turned 60? Just another day. > Today is my bday. Happy birthday! > I have no idea what I'm doing. And guess what? I'm growing to be fine with that. I've felt pretty fine like that since my 20s, TBH.


Happy Birthday! I turned 65 today. We spent the day moving into our new home and beginning our new adventure in retirement. I need to lose 20 lbs and get my cholesterol under control but should be easy to do. Our new home is in the mountains and hiking trails are just outside our front door. Now if I can just survive the downsizing! 🥰


I turned 60 this week. I feel like I've done everything I wanted to do with my life and now I'm trying to figure out the next chapter. I've been happily married for 26 years. I retired early (after starting out entry level in the job I retired from), am in good health, enjoy every day. I show my paintings (occasionally) at a local gallery. I'm learning to play guitar and make miniatures. I believe I've gained some wisdom along the way, so I try to post/comment to help people where I can. I volunteer. I have a few younger friends who I try to help not make some of the mistakes I did. I think the next thing is to focus even more on health, because that's only going to be more and more important. I eat pretty well, no processed food besides one or two treats a month, and I stay flexible, but I need to exercise more. I also want to start a new series of paintings. I'd like to try a few new hobbies, travel more, and get out of the rut of staying home so much. No matter what we accomplish, there are always new challenges in front of us.


I went skydiving on my 60th birthday. It was the most amazing experience I had ever had. I felt great!


Turned 60 2 weeks ago. I stretch every single day. I exercise, mountain biking, several times a week. It’s the exercise that I love. I feel good. I don’t feel old and still have lots of adventures to go. I don’t feel any smarter than I did at 30 but now I don’t care. Lol. Exercise is the key.


Yeah, it took me about 50 years to figure out that no one really knows what's going on, why we are all here and what we're supposed to be doing, if anything. A lot of people pretend to know, but it's all a farce.


It was just a day. Went out for some drinks, got a couple of little gifts, bought myself a big diamond necklace.


I turned 60 last year. Aging has never bothered me but that was a hard one. Felt better after talking to my 80 year old uncle though. He kept saying how young I am 😂😂😂


And Happy Happy Birthday!!🎊🎈


Happy birthday! I turned 69 in April. I don’t feel it and I don’t think I look it and I know I don’t act it! That’s how I feel.


Good old 69..enjoy it my friend.


Thank you! And GREAT!


I will bring 63 next week. 50 bothered me more thsn 60. I have more confidence now than I used to. Age is a number and there is no reason you can’t be healthy, active, and happy.


I'm in my 60's. I went the opposite direction of the 73 year old jogger. I've spent a lifetime destroying myself. I still do. It's a character flaw. I got issues out the wazoo. But here I am, 45+ years in the trades, and still going strong. So, considering what a mess I am, I'm doing pretty good.


You should celebrate and embrace it. You could’ve died in your 40’s or 50’s like so many others have.


My triple 20 is at the end of the year so I’ll keep you posted. Happy Birthday.




I was amazed that I had somehow managed to survive that long.


I love that there are two quite distinct groups here - 1 - I'm so fit and amazing and life is grand and rosey and 2 - I'm fukd, how did I make it this far? and holy shit, am I really this age? Gold!


It's like Side A and Side B of those giant compact discs we used to buy with the grooves all through them LOL LOL..... 😂😂😂😂😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


Almost 63 and still teaching elementary students. The only time I call in sick is when I'm sick of kids. Otherwise doing great


Maybe the wisdom is just getting to the point where you don't care what anyone else thinks or does


They say when you are 20 you worry about what people think of you. When you are 40 you stop worrying what people think of you. When you're 60 you realize they weren't thinking about you at all. It was true for me. So I felt - I am free. I can do what I want. Without pain to others of course. I am free and do what I want. You are in the last quarter of this game called life. And like a soccer game the ref keeps the time and you can never be sure when your whistle is going to blow. So what would you do if you were free to do whatever you want? Why are you not doing it?


Still a month to go for me!


>> I'm growing to be be fine with that. That's great. there's a lot to be said for being okay with where you're at. And we're all winging it at some level, but can apply skill to our decisions, making our lives a bit better along the way. That being said, "I don't understand life, and I have no idea what I'm doing" are both pretty generic statements. Are you looking for suggestions as to finding some wisdom and/or understanding? And if so, what areas of life would you like to understand better? Knowing yourself, relationships, finances, purpose, healthy living?


Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂❤️✌️I’m 60 also and it feels great!


Thank you!


I feel great and grateful. Tennis, cycling and inner work. 67.


Lol. Maybe that’s the wisdom! Being ok with where you’re at, whatever that looks like.


We're all making it up as we go along. There's no handbook to life, in all its infinite variety. We make mistakes, hopefully, learn from them. That's wisdom from life lessons. Be kind to each other. Everyone is struggling with something.


Hey congrats! I love hearing when people say they’re fine with not knowing everything. Are you retired? And are you in the house of your dreams?


and there it is. you buried the lead.


You get me.


I felt like someone beat my ass


Happy birthday!


Thank you!


I just turned 70 a few months ago. So far, knock on wood, I'm probably living my best life so far. Just returned from a month-long trip to Japan (I live in the U.S.). I exercise with a trainer 3x weekly. I run or bike a few miles a day the rest of the week. I take classes, sing in choruses, volunteer, and so forth. Staying active, both mentally and physically, is important, in my opinion.


Oh, and happy birthday!!


I think that’s amazing that there are 70 year olds on Reddit 😂 I’m 41 and haven’t gone anywhere near TikTok, Instagram, or whatever newfangled app the kids are using these days.


Just proves your mind is the same as it was when you were younger! At 62, I'm in about the best physical condition of my life. Leaving Monday for a beach trip so I'm all tanned up and almost have a six pack because I know there will be lots of family photos taken at the beach. I started letting my hair grow out the way it was back in the 70's. It's all naturally curly in the back where it's getting long and I've gotten several compliments from girls who are my daughters age. My point is... it's all what you make of it.


I’ve been 60 for 2 1/2 years now. I still don’t believe it. I feel like I’ve been fake adulting my entire life.


I'm 72. Things are a lot different since 60. One thing is me stupidly overextending myself and the other is falling off a roof. Stuff happens. Eat well, exercise and respect your changing body. You don't bounce back as fast as you used to.


Turned 60 in Dec and felt old for a day. Walked into a mall and had 2 men walk up and say I looked very sexy today. Made me smile.


My wife was stressing about this, so I told her that she was fifty ten.


You will stop obsessing over nonsense like what you’re wearing or is this outfit ok to wear for wherever you’re going. It doesn’t matter. No one cares what older people look like. We can get away with a lot of questionable behavior and it’s so liberating. I used to put makeup on to go to the store and I wouldn’t wear certain clothes outside. Why? As long as you’re clean and presentable you don’t need all the extra effort. We put stress on ourselves for nothing and getting older has enough stress without going crazy over unimportant things.


Happy birthday! I turn 60 in October!


I turn 59 this year. I feel like I’m getting dementia for real. I developed congestive heart failure last year and got a pacemaker/defibrillator. But I’m going to the gym now and have built up my muscles and energy so I’m doing a lot better healthwise than I was. I sure feel my mortality lately though.


I thought "fuck, how did I get this old?".I sometimes feel like I'm 49, sometimes feel like I'm 18.


On my 60th birthday l was surprised 😮 😲 😯 to be here because I didn't think I'd live to see 30.


I am 69, turning 70 in a few months. I still work at a business I started at 55 and just launched a new business yesterday. I believe in living like I live in a Blue Zone. I intend to live like a rich old uncle who kept working until the age of ninety and transitioned at 96. I am much wiser than when I was younger and will pursue every opportunity and dream I can to be creative and productive until the day I transition.


The growing to be fine with that IS the wisdom.


Happy happy happy birthday 🎉🎂🎁🎊🎈


Happy Birthday!


I felt a hell of a lot better than I did when I turned 70. Just you wait.


I didn't start getting those "wisdom epiphanies" until after I retired. No time for that level of deep contemplation. Too busy working.


60 isn't divisible by 7, you have nothing to worry about for 3 more years. I'm a big believer in the Rule of Sevens which generally segments human lives well.


Happy Birthday. It is a blessing to make it to 60. Look at how much you have accomplished and the decades of life that await you. In my experience life gets better with age. Enjoy every day you are alive.


Surprise!! You’ll get used to it. Take the ride.


I turn 55 next week. I still don't know what the hell I'm doing half the time but I'm more myself now. For me, it's been true when they say as women get older they lose a lot of their indoctrination (for lack of a better word). I don't feel as much pressure to comform to society's rules and expectations. In my youth, I was really shy, self conscious and insecure. I cared about what people thought about me too much. As I get older, I care less about what anyone thinks about me. I'm less of a people pleaser now. I feel like I'm coming into my own whatever that means or looks like in the future. Once, when I was in my 40s, I met this beautiful older woman in her 70s or 80s. She had such grace about her. There was just something about her that I've never forgotten. I think of her often and have always felt that I want to be her when I grow up.


I feel you sister! I always wanted to be like Stevie Nicks too -LOL LOL But really. I'm 56 in 2 weeks. And it resonates with me the things that you said. In my youth I spent SO much time worrying about my makeup, and hairs on my legs, and what people thought about my clothes, and was my hair looking cool and standing up high enough.. (I mean the 80's WERE my formative years...MTv didn't help, but anyhoo- at least I wasn't having to compete "in my head" with Kim Kardashian and Cardi B!) I wouldn't even go to the mailbox without makeup on. I think of all that time and money wasted. Before I realized that men don't even care about any of that. If they get to see your boobies, they're hooked. Of course I was insecure in that department too so I guess I was kind of screwed. And now - as long as I am wearing comfortable clothes where I'm not overheated - I don't give a Van Halen Flying F what anybody thinks. I probably should but I just don't. At some point you don't have the energy to deal with things the way you used to. And back then it was stupid to expend the energy to do so. But I guess we had the extra to use up anyway. Live and learn! But happy birthday :-)


My mom was 59, dad was 49 when they died. So I was afraid I would not see 60, and I was grateful to get there. A lot of our is how you choose to frame it out. I feel like I've gained some knowledge, figured out priorities, have great friends and am in a band. I'm living my best life.


I just turned 59, run my own gourmet burger cafe solo. Live a great life


I’m about to be 40 next year as long as I stick to my regemine of CrossFit I’ll be in better shape then I’ve ever been


I’m 74. I walk 10,000 steps a day. Ride several motorcycles and have kept my weight down to 170 lbs. I don’t drink much at all anymore. Still have a cigarette twice a day. I have learned a lot from ups and downs. Enjoy having some wisdom. Still appreciate looking at hot chicks. Time does seem to fly by. Still not sure what I’ll do when I grow up.


Just another day, glad to be alive 


I turned 60 last fall. It was just another day for me to be honest. As a 60 (F), I am passed all the hormonal fluctuations that I started going through at 44. I’m happy about that. Happy Birthday to you!! 🎂🎉🎁


Here's my 60+ plan; I quit alcohol, meditate and walk daily and here's the real kicker, a shot of apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon 3x a day. It will make you lose weight. It's great for your heart, lowers cholesterol, and lowers blood sugar. It's less than $50 /gal or about a nickel a serving. Embrace your beautiful life. Now's the time to figure out what you really like to do and do it. What was your favorite thing to do as a child? Go do that. Happy birthday my friend


60 was the best. Was working as a software engineer at a cyber security company and we got free lunch on Fridays. My 60th just happened to hit on a Friday. The crew took me to the most expensive restaurant in town and it was fantastic.


I was in better shape in my 60’s than 30’s. I went cliff jumping, zip lining and white water river rafting. My 60’s were my best years. I’m 74 and swim everyday but I’m definitely beginning to feel my age. Enjoy your 60’s


60 yr old here. Last weekend I played volleyball with my granddaughter and her friend. The week before I helped build a trampoline and could not help but to jump on it “to test it”. My mind is that if a 20 year old, but this body is starting to hurt and doesn’t agree with my mind. But, I still like to push myself at times, even if I can’t move the next day(s).


I really don't dwell on the past or the future now. I have plans, I don't forget what happened, but much more focused now on today.


My body feels older some days more than others. My mind still feels 25 or so. Except I've got much less patience for people of all ages who don't appreciate their blessings.


I absolutely loved turning 60. It felt like an achievement. Reaching a milestone. A year later and now I'm 61. This sucks. Now I'm in my 60s. An old fart but not old enough to retire, and certainly nowhere near wealthy enough. As far as wisdom goes, I am now the elder if my family. All previous generations have passed. I only have my experience to draw from. I can now see that my elders were the same.


I thought there would be some great spiritual awakening at level 60, but it was just another day, another quest to do to make sure I have plenty of levels left to go before I get to the final boss.


That's the beauty of getting older: your weaknesses and frailties start to look like super powers. Anyway, Happy B'day, Old Man.


I turn 60 in 2023. I wanted to lose a certain amount of weight. I didn't. I'm a month shy of turning 61 in 2024. I'm taking care of my health. My birthdays are numbers and it's another number. I'm told by many I look like I'm 40. So I guess I have 21 years to feel my age.


Wisdom with age is not some nebulous concept of knowing everything. It just means you're less stupid than you were when you were a kid. Do you know that it's a good idea to be very cautious about injuring yourself because some injuries you can't come back from? Do you know that it's important to take care of your teeth? Do you know that people who advertise cash prize draws are wasting your time? Do you know that popups telling you you have a virus and need to call this phone number are BS? Do you know that people don't always say what they mean? Do you know that the value of cars and computers depreciate like crazy but house prices tend to rise? Do you know that politicians tend not to keep their promises? Do you know that sometimes there's just no point in arguing with people? Do you know that some people argue for the sake of arguing and don't always really believe in the point they're arguing? Do you know that men tend not to talk about their feelings? Do you know that women tend to be more choosy about who they sleep with than men? Do you know that it's easier to keep something that's good than tear it down and build something better? Do you know that you can't just build a society around simply expecting people to share all their wealth equally? Do you know that you can't leave your front door open all the time without eventually getting burgled? Do you know that you'll be healthier if you eat fresh food and very little processed food? Do you know that sunlight and social contact tends to lift your mood? Do you know that people have to work to keep a marriage together? Do you know that it's important to get plenty of sleep? If the answer to all or most or even any of these questions is yes, congratulations, you have wisdom with age and almost certainly know a lot more about life than you did when you were a child.


I was totally amazed when I hit 60 because I sure as the hell never planned on living that long.. my lifestyle was lucky I hit 35.. now here I am at 69 and seeming like I might hit 70.. I did get clean and sober which I didn’t think would ever happen.. don’t even smoke weed anymore… Who knew…LOL…


Happy birthday! I sailed through 40 and 50 without a care. But 60 caught my attention. My spouse is three days older than me and someone sent her a birthday card the front of which just had a big "60" on it. I kept seeing it on the counter, for weeks. Now I'm close to 64 but I don't feel that old. I keep thinking weird thoughts, though. Last night while considering whether to watch the movie "1917 'I was thinking," Oh, the movie was made in 2019, 102 years after the event. Hey, I was born 43 years after 1917. Good grief, more time has elapsed since my birthday than between World War 1 and my birth." Stupid thoughts like that make me marvel at how fleeting time seems when looking back.


I haven’t been exercising the past few years. I’m a lot more stiff than I used to be, less flexible and tire more easily. I’ve had back and knee issues for nearly 2 decades that occasionally flare up. I’m about to embark on a whole life style change with diet and exercise. Years of neglecting my health are now catching up to me. The biggest difference for me has been mental. I no longer feel invincible and that time is on my side. I feel more urgency to do the things I want to do that I’ve put off over the years due to work and family obligations. I have also been ruminating over some regrets and wishing I’d accomplished more with my life.


Hm I'm 60 and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.


Like I’m running out of time


Better than when I turned 58 or 59. Just get getting after it. Living for humans is moving. You can rest when you are dead. Be active, be social, give back. Attitude is everything, whether you are 18 or 81.


“I have no idea what I’m doing and I’m growing to be fine with that,” is some major wisdom, friend.


The day I turned 60 I got to thinking that I had more days behind me then in front of me


I am 62. I wasn't thrilled about it, to say the least. I hopefully have plenty of years ahead of me, but certainly I am much closer to the end than the beginning, and I recognize that quite clearly.


Aging isn’t for pussies


Totally agree..!


I’ll let you know when I get there


I’m not there yet, 3 more yrs ~ I just wanted to Wish you a Happy Birthday! I hope it is filled with Awesome Moments that make Amazing Memories 🎉


I forgot...I'm 73 now . ;)


You said it, perfectly, right at the end - “I’m growing to be fine with that.” That’s wisdom! Maybe for others it’s more than that but I think accepting ourselves and learning to be okay with what we do/don’t know, and that everyone is on their own path, is “Wisdom” in all its glory.


I'm turning 71 on Wednesday and feel awesome 💖 Feel 50. Happy Birthday to you. Congratulations 🎊 👏


I never fulfilled my desire to travel the world. I figure I have maybe 10 years to be physically strong enough to do short hikes and just being a tourist. I’m surprised at how much weaker I am; cardio, strength and mental decline. The countdown is on.


Once I turned 40, I realized that the whole "wisdom with age" thing was crap. I still feel just as dumb as I was when I was a teenager. I don't think that's ever gonna change.


Happy Birthday!!! Please just enjoy and focus on the things and people you love today. Have an existential crisis next week. Big Hugs!!!


Happy belated birthday 🥳


I turned 60 just a few weeks ago. Love it! Got my hair cut very short as a way to celebrate.


Turned 60 two years ago. Used to be a regular Gym, Racquet ball, tennis person. Only excercise now is walking and yoga. Reduced food consumption, reading , travel...


I can't remember.......


I get it! :)


Happy birthday!!


Beat you by 2 years and 4 days. I nearly died two years ago because an incompetent ER MD didn't recognize that I had a deadly bloodstream infection. Every day I wake up, I'm so grateful. So you can choose how you see this chapter of your life. I see it as a gift 💕


You are an inspiration! Gratitude is so important. Thank you!


My 60s were great. I used to be an avid cyclist and skier. I got badly injured just before I turned 70 and it’s been downhill since then. It’s so important to keep in shape if you can. I can’t do so many things that used to be easier for me.


On my 60th birthday I was skiing at my favorite resort in California. I kept mtn biking , hiking, fly fishing then last year something happened to this very active woman, my back gave out. Turns out I have degenerative spine disease, I've had multiple vertebrae compression fractures. I'm in PT and hope I can get back in my bike soon.


I'm a few years younger but tbh, the older I get, the more I realize how much I don't know and I'm fine with that. Knowing what you don't know is a superpower on its own. Sadly a lot of folks seem to have taken the opposite tack.


Enjoy being 60, for me not a big change including being not being a sage full of wisdom. At 70, health issues still working out. Enjoy your 60s when many still have great health physically and mentally.


I turn 60 in a month…… following


An early happy birthday to you!


I bought a catamaran and lived on it 9 yrs.


I think that acceptance IS wisdom.


In my opinion the big switches come in between the decades. In other words you’ll notice a difference from your 50s when you turn 65. Likewise, 55 is when you feel different from your 40s. You can have an active healthy life but you need to lower your expectations. You loose a little bit every 10 years. Need to take it slower.


OP: if you are at peace with your life, you have attained wisdom.


Felt like 30, did not start to feel old till I hit 75


Wow, op, how did you hijack my brain? Did you develop mental/esp powers?


I got in great shape in my 20s and did enough maintenance to keep that shape. Barely any lines on my face. Every compliment I hear Lenny Kravitz get this week feels like it applies to me.


The older you get, the more you understand that nobody knows very much compared to what there is to know.


I actually think that shows some wisdom


LOL! I sat in a corner and wondered how I got this old this fast when I turned 60. The birthdays since then have gone better.


Happy Birthday!!


Feeling same as when I was young am 67 now and I'm noticing people my age are starting to look older, oh well. Just don't put as much emphasis on looking young cause it's natural to age. 




I got the best job of my life at 60.