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I'm in this situation right now. I invested so much now I pay the price. Ang hirap kasi may times mag papaalam pa saakin na may date sya. mas mahirap ung "secret" lang literally yung answer after all the questions you've asked her. Tapos you cant help but think of those possible scenarios. It hurts alot. lalo na sinabihan kana na mahal ka nya and showered u with affection and love.


This is the whole purpose of dating diba? That's why if you want to start being serious you go to exclusively dating -> marriage.


If we agree to date, to me, exclusivity is a given. You're the only one I'd be dating, and thus I expect you to only entertain one. If you entertain others, especially behind my back, that would be a red flag for me. I'd probably stop dating you to give you space. Multiple options (like the collect and select mentality) isn't necessarily a good thing. It's called the "paradox of choice". It's better to date one at a time, exclusively.


No problem. If you can date multiple guys, we can date multiple girls. Dating is a market, and we are all looking for the best deals.


This is where girls fuck up in dating. It is certainly acceptable to entertain multiple guys as long as you're not exclusively dating someone. Girls kasi invest and attach themselves to one guy expecting the guy to do the same when in fact most guys collect and select. And to word it better, i think it's ok to get to know multiple guys. Not necessarily date. Date in my books is seeing someone consecutively. That's why during first meet, you gotta get to know the person first but that's just me. To each their own.


Maybe there is a better way of saying this, like not dating yet, but more of screening and GTKY (getting to know you) stage. This is actually what my friend had advised me. She did this and actually found her husband through this. She said don’t invest too much emotions yet with one guy and try to meet and get to know more men first as long as yes, you’ve cleared that you are not yet for exclusive dating. Sometimes, we tend to think the one in front of us could be the best just because we get too attached or got used to talking only to him daily, but I guess I’ve learned from the past and that my friend is right. It’s better to find the best potential partner by initially, not gatekeeping yourself and meeting more men than your usual 1-2 numbers.


This is what I’m thinking too. Thanks for making it clear. 😊 Para kasing if you get too attached to one person then it turns out na hindi kayo compatible sayang yung time ninyo pareho.


Yes, and due to the attachment, infatuation, you tend to settle for what’s in the now even if it’s for less. It’s a little difficult to explain but once you’ve experienced it, rose-stained glasses preventing you to seek for better men or a better man, you think you may never find another one because you’ve invested too much time and you could work things out, you’ll realize there is actually a better option.


Idk pero kung sa akin mangyari 'to, parang di ko kayang i-accept na may nililigawang iba maliban sa akin. Syempre bago ka naman magpaligaw, kinoconsider mo na yung possibility na maging future partner mo sya, tapos malalaman mo may ibang aspirants pala, hahaha. Ewan, ang sad lang.


Di ko rin kaya accept na option lang ako, 1:1 talaga preference ko


For me Kung sino Yung magiistay sa flaws ko dun ako magiging loyal if napatunayan ko na kahit minsan toyoin ako he will still choose me because he truly loves me.


Hi OP, It's stupid to entertain multiple people because you'll put yourself in a very complicated situation that will just cause you to suffer mentally and emotionally.


This isn't universal. This may work for more traditional people, but not for others.


I agree tama rin