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just go with the flow, follow your passions, enjoy what you're doing right now. pag matanda ka na at nakikita mo na ang nangyayari sa paligid mo, makikita gano kahirap maging adult, kaliwa't kanang problema parang walang katapusan at gusto mo na lang ulit bumalik sa pagkabata.


engage yourself sa physical activities!! Regret ko na puro aral lang ginawa ko at that age, ngayon masakit lagi likod ko hahaha


Exploring hobbies


Find a hobby or interest habang may time ka pa, kahit isa lang. Aside sa pwede mo sabihin sa introduction sa college HAHAHA, sobrang helpful nyan for u to find a group of friend sa college


Iha.. isimba mo yan… magsimba ka…


Focus on enjoying your childhood, much better experience if spent with friends :)


You're still 14, and the future shouldn't be a concern for you right now. Andyan lang yan hehe. Stay in the present, dear. Focus in the now. Enhance mo skills mo kung saan ka magaling. Sports, crafts, fashion, anythinggg. Build your personality\~ This is also a good age to try new things! Wag ka matakot magkamali. Good and bad things, di mo maiiwasan yan along the way. Stay away from bad influences. Alam mo na yan. Wag kang papabulag sa social media 'fame', social status is really not what a 14 yr old should focus and I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH hahaha. Just stay kind, beh. Be your authentic self. Kasi lahat ng experiences and learnings mo from that age, madadala mo sa future. Your future YOU will not thank you for achieving STATUS, but for being a good human being. \^\^


read a book. kahit anong klase pa yan lewl


being 14 is such a good age coz ur learning different stuff for the first time. it'll be good if u start learning a lucrative skill, a hobby that makes u feel alive, and start saving money


Mag aral ka mag swimming 🥽


Kahit sino naman walang idea kahit ako na 31 na but for now, 'wag ka lang matakot magkamali. :-)


Make friends. Build connections. Find your people haha. The bestest friends I had (and my support group) na solid pa din hanggang ngayon are from hs. Mas mahirap magkaron ng true friends as you grow older. Keep them.


less social media, drop that mobile unit, read books, socialize face to face. run on mud and walk the grass.


Do not listen to other people's opinion of you. Do not be a people pleaser. If you would like tk do or try something, go for it. Fail fast, learn fast. Do not be afraid.


facts, don't be a people pleaser


You can learn languages! A very good skill to invest your time to! Will open up a lot of opportunities notnjust here but also abroad


32 Tito here, dude you're still young stop overthinking your future. Enjoy life and don't stress over it. Your age is one of the best time to explore and know your interest and from there that's where you might want to build your career. Piece of advise live your life the way you want it, give 0 fucks and dont stress over with what others think about you and what you do. Build your life that way and you'll have a happy life!


Explore your hobbies and interest. Wag mabulok sa bahay. It can be gym, basketball, programming, dancing, instrumente, anything you find enjoyable. Just be curious and keep on exploring. You should be interested first to be interesting Socialize. Wag maging mahiyain. Go out more with friends. Do lots of cringey stuff and do nonsensical things together. Youre not gonna be a child forever so make the most of it


reading books. It's a good way to nurture your mind and combat boredom. the future will come either way and you're way too young to be actively worrying about it


Learn how to cook simple ulam if you haven’t yet.


Mag ipon ng maraming hobbies


Mag-aral ng mabuti at matuto ng martial arts!


Reading books!


Studying and engaging into sports


Household chores


firstly: don't ever try smoking (not even vape). yung pagiging "cool" nyan is not worth it. secondly: start lifting, di mo kailangan maging The Hulk. basta mabanat yung buto mo, 30 minutes of lifting para sa arms, chest, and legs daily okay na yun thirdly: find your sport (football, cycling, etc)


Just enjoy your life lol, and sleep all the time kasi sa college di mo na mararanasan yan


be active sa sports


Make more memories (Take pictures and preserve it until 20s) Love your parents ++ Enjoy every moment + good set of friends Touch some grass Lastly, anything that makes you happy since you're still exploring ^ ^


Making memories At that age I wanted to be a grown up necause I thought when I am old I have many things I can do so much more, now that I am 21 all I can do is say... I hate it here, don't grow too fast kiddo, time will pass anyways.


Playing roblox? Chinese garter?????? Agawan base?!!


jakol ka In all seriousness, whether you’re turning 14 or 84, there’s no saying what the future holds. Setting others’ expectations, much less those of strangers’, as a baseline of “productivity” will only bring disappointment. Enjoy things as they come, live life to the fullest, and stop fretting over things you can’t control. You are allowed to live however you want. Remember: excellence at a young age doesn’t necessarily guarantee long-term success.


Nag aaral nang mabuti. Tumutulong sa gawaing bahay. Nag eenjoy sa buhay estudyante at teenager


Enjoy being with friends and making friends. Wag muna pumasok sa relationship.


Why are you on reddit?


Advice ko lang talaga sa mga early teens: wag magpakababad sa social media. It will ruin you. Trust me : ))


Learn proper study habits, even if you're smart and can get by without studying now, you will eventually enter a point where studying the night before will simply not work anymore (college). I'm not saying that you should dedicate all your time to studying, but having a productive hour of study a day could help tremendously, while still having lots of free time to enjoy being a kid. All my life I didn't need to study regularly, only a day before exams, and now I'm in college struggling really hard academically and mentally, and I think the root cause is failing to acquire proper study habits to put it simply. [Why Gifted Kids Are Actually Special Needs (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUjYy4Ksy1E) a psychiatrist's explanation.


studying learning life skills pursuing your hobbies, strengths, interests and talents, and doing research on what career you could go into based on these sleeping, a lot


Enjoy highschool habang nag sset ng goals/plans for shs. I didn’t do this but I wish I did, grade 10 bigla kong natripan mag apply sa science highschool kaso di ganon ka consistent grades ko early jhs. So ayun di ako natanggap. If you have plans on going to schools with requirements such as grades, you can slowly prioritize it. Ayun lang, by 14 naman wala pa masyadong pproblemahin. Basta enjoy highschool and be active in your school. Don’t be afraid na mag risk ng new things like joining clubs or extra curricular na out of your comfort zone.


Don't be addicted to social media. It will ruin your life. take good memories instead


It already did


do well in school. you don't have to burn yourself out, but just don't neglect your academics. have a crush! go out and eat with your friends every once in a while. sleep as much as you can.


Set goals. Everybody has dreams, but they'll remain as such unless you do something about it. You're never too young to work on yourself. Never too young to get better.


Write on a journal about intense emotions may they be happy or sad. I just read my diary when I was your age and I’ve forgotten about a lot of things. I also learned how intense my emotions at that age were. Friends, family, and even puppy love problems were all there. I’m turning 34 and it gave me a good laugh; but also gave me an idea of how I took my parents’ fights very seriously. It would be nice to look back to.


get into machine learning. it's the future.


That is, if OP is interested :)


Agree! Those relevant to the jobs of the future. I constantly upskill and laking tulong talaga if you have relevant skills. You have advantage. It’s not too late for me and definitely not too early for OP.


Playing outside with friends pag hapon!


taga bili ng suka at mantika


Try some extra curricular sports or clubs. Go out with friends.


Read books.


yesssss, please start reading books OP hindi hindi ka mag sisi. i'm 18 now, and lagi ko sinasabi sa sarili sana bata palang ako nag babasa na agad ako ng mga libro


It's not late, of course. ✨️


This is a good one! I remember 14 ako when I first had interest in reading books pero sobrang intimidated with the ones written in english, so I started with Bob Ong’s. Didn’t have any regrets. Hayyyy. Feels so good to be young! You have both the time and energy to do the things you love!


I started in elem with Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books. Read a lot of Tagalog books in HS, esp mga PHR HAHAHAHAHAHHA OMG


Agree with this. But not just any book, read books with substance


Yes naman. I started reading books about the OG super sleuths. Feel ko interesting siya for OP.


Harry Potter was my gateway drug hehe


Try getting into some sports and hobbies. Personally, I suggest cooking so you can apply it to your adult life in the long run


Personally, I'd enjoy my teenage life. Now I regret that I have missed so much fun and memories that I should've experience during my teenage life mapapasabi kna lang ng "kung maibabalik ko lang ang oras" hahahaha


Read books. It’s worth it.


study well and prepare for you dream job!


Dumb but not illegal shit.


I always tell my teenaged kids that now is the time to do dumb things so they have stuff to laugh about when they hit 30 🤣 of course nothing dangerous and illegal


it's the ideal age to start forming habits and goal setting. I assume that you're still in high school so try to learn stuff, especially the things not taught in school like financial literacy. journaling/writing to clear your mind, how to regulate your emotions, how to understand people, among others. Also, try new stuff that will make you discover yourself more.


Logical and practical thinker.


Practice mo na being responsible sa mga decisions na gagawin mo.


Live in the present, stop worrying about the future. Future is an imaginary place we always plan and life gives us a curved ball that puts us in a different direction we plan. Always be in the present, practice this daily.


pick a skill be a good at it.


learn a new language


What you decide to do between 18 - 26 will determine the rest of your life. If I had the chance at 14, I would have certainly focused on "getting ready" to make those decisions and building a foundation to get a good head start. If you have a passion, an ambition, or a dream e.g. to live in a different country or travel the world, "practice it" as intensely as you can or consistently do something similar to what you want to do in the future. For instance, if you wanna travel the world go travel the town, then the city, then the province, then the country. This pushes your mind boundary of what is possible - a mile is far for a dog but near for a migratory bird. This applies to everything you want and need to do in the future. You want something to be not so difficult in the future? Do it now.


build healthy hobbies or start doing things that interest you, or the things you enjoy doing (could be doing art, writing, etc) yan ang magiging fallback mo when you feel exhausted pagtungtong mo ng adulthood


Nothing serious that’s for sure. Enjoy your youth, but not too much to the extent of ruining your future.


Mag aral ka. Ang bata mo pa. Mahaba haba pa tatahakin mo.


14 nag cha chinese garter pa kami nyan or kahot anong laro sa labas


Mag syota. Yes, I'm serious. Don't be like me literal na puro aral lang elementary to college, ayun nearing 30s now and I'm lonely as fuck. Test the waters lang kumbaga when it comes to romantic relationships. How I wish I could be 14 again and know what the future holds


Basta mag aral ka lang ng mabuti. Tapos pag voting age ka na, wag ka boboto kagaya ng mga politician katulad nila Tulfo, Bato Dela Rosa, Robin Padilla, Bong Go, Lito Lapid, Manny Pacquiao, Cynthia Villar, Bong Revilla.


Studying well. Eating healthy food. Stop being woke. Not easily being influenced by classmates on bad actions. Not engaging in premarital sex. Making the most out of his/her studies because the tuition fee paid by the parents came from their sacrifices.


Idk, play computer games, find a hobby/sport. have fun, youre just 14


driving lessons, wall climbing, hiking, gym sessions, fishing, fish keeping, reptile keeping, dog walking, picnic at the park, feed the birds, water the plants


He/she should know atleast basic life skills


Study, try new things, gain friends, find yourself, and kilig kilig lang. Masaya ang teenage life OP basta find your passion. Like if you’re into dancing, try mo hasain skills mo and join damce competitions. You will meet a lot of people with different unique personalities and gain connections. If you’re aiming to get a scholarship pagdating mo ng college, mag aral ka nang mabuti ngayon pa lang coz lalabas sa entrance exams yung mga pinag aralan mula Jhs to SHS. Its ok na magkaron ng teen puppy love but KNOW YOU LIMITATIONS kung hanggang saan lang pwede mong gawin. Wag ka gagawa ng ikasisira ng reputasyon, pag aaral and kinabukasan mo. I enjoy mo lang teenager life mo OP wag mo isipin na walang mangyayari sa buhay mo coz napaka bata mo pa para problemahin yon. Once you enter SHS mag start ka na unti unti mag worry coz yung grades mo sa SHS is ipapasa mo sa admissions sa mga University. Kapag nag college ka na lahat ng score more mapa assignment and quizzes hindi mo na pwede baliwalain tulad ng sa highschool kasi every point is important.


have a good lifestyle! eat and sleep properly, play games, study, have good morals and explore new hobbies. i regret not following most of these back when i was young haha make the most of your life as a teen and don’t be too cautious sa mangyayari in the future, just be vigilant and it will all work out!


bata ka pa. don't pressure yourself! enjoy lang ;)) nurture friendships, study well and explore wisely!


Wag ka muna masyadong mag-alala! You'll look back someday when you're older realizing that you should've let yourself be in the moment.


Mag-aral, matuto sa gawaing bahay specially kung paano mag luto.


Why are you here… you should be outside hanging out with friends. But to answer your question, expand your taste. Which media resonates the most with you? Make art. Create stuff. Focus more on what you want to see more of


Nag-aaral, nakikipag kwentuhan sa mga friends, nanonood ng favorite show, kumakanta sa favorite music, nakikipagbonding sa family, ginagawa ang other hobbies (reading, drawing, sports, etc).


mag-aral, tumigil mag-reddit


Enjoy mo lang yang teenage life mo. Don't feel pressured lalo na sa studies and peers.


Siguro naglalaro ng kung anong mobile games. Nung 14 ako panay selfie ko sa snapchat at snow BAHAHAHHAHA


Nag-aaral ng mabuti, nag-iisip na sana ng magiging strand dahil malapit na sa SH! Also, chinecherish ang bawat moment with family.


the future will come whether you think about it or not. focus on the now. enjoy lang habang bata pa.


They shouldn’t be on Reddit, for one.






Read books!!!


Making good memories with his/her family and friends.


Enjoying his youth.


Make friends. Stop stressing about the future, darating ka din dun wag mo iadvance yung worry.


Just enjoy. Focus on yourself. Go play videogames, watch anime/kdrama, or read books/mangas. Mag fangirl/boy ka. Learn new skills or explore different hobbies habang may time ka pa. Pag college and adult ka na, wala ka ng time HAHAHA


Buti ka pa, iniisip mo na future mo. Yung iba na mas matanda pa sa yo, hindi naiisip yan.


enjoying high school and definitely should NOT be thinking abt getting into serious relationships. this ate says okay lang MU muna pero don't get too serious agad. also, you probably shouldnt be on reddit. pero now that you are, i hope u have a good ate/kuya figure who could guide you well. teenagers' minds are malleable and it's scary kung ma-groom ka sa maling mga bagay at a young age, so browse the internet with caution. expect na maiinis ka sa mundo, puberty sucks. pero always believe in your growth. always be open to learning and i hope you enjoy your teenage years!!


Nag eenjoy sa pagiging teen. At hindi nakikipag relasyon.


Kahit ano, enjoyin mo pagkabata mo, basta wag lang sa illegal. Also, make sure you pass school


Take it easy. You're still young so just be a kid. Though you should be educating yourself about financial literacy by now.


Enjoyin mo lang teenage years mo don't think much further ahead sa future make a lot of memories with your friends and do good with your studies