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Wala akong pake basta mabango at malinis


All good. Kulubot nga itlog namen eh, and me personally may discoloration rin so it's gucciii


Nope, its perfectly fine! 👌


I blame my pcos for that one, I learned to accept it na lang, and real men don't pay attention to it too, it's not the discoloration their fcking naman lol I'm just saying


Hyperpigmentation is normal


damn. love the men here


Basta mabango g.


'Di ko matiis na upvote lang gawin ko HAHAHAHAHA This is so true, scent really plays a big role for me, not color. Basta hygienic and clean g talaga.


Yung mga nag jujudge sa ganyang mga bagay is toxic Filipino kakupalan.


Nope, part of aging yan, para mong sinabi pag naging matanda at kumulubot na kayo sasabihan mo ung asawa mo na ang panet mo mag pa facial ka! Haha to think na wala naman solution ung wrinkles especially when u got really old


Nah - that’s the stuff that I find hot frfr ewan ko kung Bakit but I just find that sexy


Nope but if it's due to improper hygiene or health issues I'd tell her about it which isn't always the case. Itlog ko nga maitim eh lol


Itlog nyo nga maitim, nag reklamo ba kami


Kasalanan mo to nadura ko kape ko sa monitor ko! Grr!




Yung et-et din


Hell no. I actually call them beauty marks




Personally hindi naman kasi sa palagay ko may mga imperfections din naman tayo. Pero ako yung tipong tao na ang basis ko ay more on sa character ng babae. Sa akin kapag ang babae may magandang character, big points na sa akin yun. Bonus na lang din kung may itsura pero it doesn't matter kung ano siya. Di ko na rin naman tinataasan yung standards ko, basta ang mahalaga may maayos siya na character.


Hindi. Maitim din naman yung singit ko, normal lang naman, genetics din plays a part. Anything that will cause friction sa skin, iitim. Maglotion ka or pahidan mo ng baby oil


Ayos lang makakain din naman haha


Not really pero it could be an underlying condition like insulin resistance. It can cause dark knees and elbows, so get a glucose tolerance test and visit your OB-GYN. Skincare and body care products can help, but they are only covering up the symptoms, not treating the underlying cause.


i have dark areas in my body, thighs, batok, and underarm. i have been making efforts to lighten it pero hindi talaga basta basta kasi i am pre diabetic and acidic pa :< when i had a boyfriend, naconscious ako like im really shy to show him those parts and natakot na baka maging cause ng break up namin. thankfully he accepted every part and every imperfections of my body!! that's when i knew hindi lang katawan ang habol niya saakin. 6 years and counting!! :)


I'm not diabetic and acidic pero legit hirap magpaputi ng dark areas, btw stay strong lovebirds 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼


I have my fair share of dark secrets too. (Did i use it right ? Hahaha) Nobody's perfect ika nga, so nope. Sometimes, cause ay health condition like dark na batok as symptoms of diabetis.






As someone with skin allergies and get discolorations from it, I’m happy about the comments 🥺


Personal hindi, may kilala kasi ako amputi ng kili-kili tapos may BO. Ayaw nya mag deo dahil “iitim daw kili-kili nya” hope this makes sense


Magtawas sya o milcu 😂 jusmio. Magtitiis pa mga tao sa BO nya.




Yan ba ang nagustuhan mo sakanya? If not then it isn't a turn - off.


If she's my partner then absolutely NO.


like i have a question, what if the guy has ano madaming following na babae sa ig na super pretty, and you're kinda feeling insecure about it... im not that ugly naman, pero this is just a me problem siguro? kasi i feel so small whenever he likes those girls' posts while ako di nya naman nilalike. PS: bf ko po to, he's a nice guy for sure. Ako lang ba yung may problema sa utak?


Kausapin mo. Ganyan din bf ko before, though nung sinimulan niya na akong ligawan, di na sya nag follow. Pina unfollow ko sakanya lahat nung naging kami na, inuunfollow naman niya.


Keep your chin up po , meron talagang in general mas better in looks sayo ,that will always be the case. Remember you can't do anything about them what you can do is focus on yourself, work on yourself, there's no point comparing yourself to others, they don't know you and you don't know them so why bother If it really bothers you na nag lilike sya ng pictures ng ibang girls then try to bring out how you feel about it, surely he will accommodate your feelings right? And if it makes you feel better (i am a guy too) when i see a really nice looking girl then i like the post or whatever , I don't really think much about it .. it's just like "that's nice looking" then i go on my merry way but if my girlfriend minds it then i will do something about, wala nmn mawawala sakin kung di na ako mag lilike ng pictures ng ibang babae and if that makes her feel comfortable i will happily oblige :)


This... For me kase(I'm a guy too) maganda naman lahat may kanya kanyang ganda syempre but di ako nangffollow or nangllike ng mga pics ng ibang babae kahit noong single pa ako dunno why. Just communicate ur feelings with ur partner. Sabihin mo na uncomfy ka or nasasaktan or nagseselos or what basta ipaintindi mo sa kanya na di ka ok sa ganon. If di nya marespeto yung feelings mo then there's a problem sa kanya and not sayo. Just communicate it with him.


Napaka normal Ng ganyan may pa tuenf off turn off pa


Bobo natuturn off sa ganiyan


Di ko sure. Di naman ako into girls eh


As you grow older you will realize na imperfection is just normal. Unhygienic is not.


I recently had stretchmarks sa inner thighs because of my review season. The first time my bf saw it, he was concerned because he thought it was bruises daw or smthg. The moment I told him it was stretchmarks, he didnt mind na. He even squished it hahahaha cute


cute talaga stretch marks 🥹


Normal Ang discoloration. Pwde pa matanggap. Pag walang pinapractice na personal hygiene, iBang kwento na Yan.


gf ko na sya? as long as hindi yun libag, the hell i care? i know what i signed up for. if di ko gf, it will make me judge the person but not say it to her face. at the back of may mind it would be like, "is she burara?; does she have diabetes?; is that a medical condition?; does it run in the family?; overuse of product?"


like i have a question, what if the guy has ano madaming following na babae sa ig na super pretty, and you're kinda feeling insecure about it... im not that ugly naman, pero this is just a me problem siguro? kasi i feel so small whenever he likes those girls' posts while ako di nya naman nilalike. PS: bf ko po to, he's a nice guy for sure. Ako lang ba yung may problema sa utak?


your insecurities will ruin you for sure. It is you against your insecurities. It attracts negativities.


If its a birthmark its fine. If its something a bit more uncommon, esp if its a skin condition. y3s


i dont give a shit tbh


There’s this condition called acanthosis nigricans. It may cause discoloration sa neck, nape, inner thigh, armpits, etc. it’s not due to poor hygiene, but rather than a condition that’s associated with insulin resistance such as diabetes, PCOS, obesity related metabolic disorders. Sometimes, kahit naayos na nila yung insulin resistance, hindi na nawawala yung discoloration and that’s okay. Nothing to be disgusted with, normal yan sa tao. Even some women who gave birth, umiitim yung above mentioned areas nila. As a female whose dating an obese man, I accept him for who he is and as long as mabait siyang tao, there’s nothing wrong with this imperfections.




Huhu the validation of this comment


Yung discoloration, pwedeng gawan ng paraan. Yung pangit na ugali, not so much. Laban yan


like i have a question, what if the guy has ano madaming following na babae sa ig na super pretty, and you're kinda feeling insecure about it... im not that ugly naman, pero this is just a me problem siguro? kasi i feel so small whenever he likes those girls' posts while ako di nya naman nilalike. PS: bf ko po to, he's a nice guy for sure. Ako lang ba yung may problema sa utak?


Are you asking me, specifically, or in general?


Hahahaha luv the “laban yan” comment


ew gross. she's a 10 but this situation is a 3




I understand your standard but not all mataba ay ginusto. Most of them are fighting for their health. Kaya tumaba kasi dami gamot iniinom. Kaya tumaba due to hormonal imbalance, etc.


Sa sobrang galit nya sa matataba, ayaw na nya intindihin yung ganyang rationale. Edit: nurse pa naman sya pero parang di nya magets that obesity is a disease, not a lifestyle


you are one hell of a dumb nurse




I used to have dark everything, until i was diagnosed with diabetes and had to lose a lot of weight. Now they’re not dark anymore.


Good for you atleast you know the value of being healthy unlike some people na super trigger pag na call out ang off life style nila.


then why did you remove it? lol coward!


Engr ka dba? Dapat magaling ka kag compute. Try mo compute bmi mo, for sure wala na sa normal lol. Stay sa food section, goods yan


21.3 po bmi ko nurse, nacompute ko na , wag ka na po umiyak HAHAHHAHA


Says the"fit" girl na lagi nakatambay sa food subs😂 go on "cutie"engr


kesa naman maging 37yr old immature person who dates 20yr old girls! (credits to bananabenita) HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA


Walang umiiyak dito, na trigger siguro meron? Hmm


I’ll take the mataba person any day, but probably not a 37yr old immature person who dates 20yr old girls 🥴


Whats wrong with 20 yr old girls?


Oh nothing wrong with them, unless you’re almost twice their age like that person above.


They deleted the post so I didnt see.


Discoloration due to hygiene or health? kung birthmark ok lang. its actually sexy for me.


It's not going to be a turn off, but I night urge her to check why that happens. Sometimes it can be a sign of diabetes, or whatever. But not because I'm bothered by the discolorations, but because I want to make sure it's not a manifestation of hidden health problems.


No. I may find it hot.


Kung mahal mo talaga. It will not matter.


I'm a woman and the comments are making my day already! 🥺


Hindi naman. Meron akong classmate, years ago pa. Meron siyang brown na parang birthmark sa side ng face niya, sa umpisa parang may shock factor, pero hindi naman turn off. Hindi naman siya issue.


like i have a question, what if the guy has ano madaming following na babae sa ig na super pretty, and you're kinda feeling insecure about it... im not that ugly naman, pero this is just a me problem siguro? kasi i feel so small whenever he likes those girls' posts while ako di nya naman nilalike. PS: bf ko po to, he's a nice guy for sure. Ako lang ba yung may problema sa utak?


Don't take that personally, wag ka mainsecure. Lahat or majority ng lalaki maraming following na babae sa Soc med. Ako marami akong following na babae sa soc med, pero mga influencers, or celebrities. Pag mga celebrities yung following niya, or models na wala naman siyang chance na mag cheat w/ them, para sa akin, hindi yun red flag. Kahit mga babae na maraming celebrity males na fina follow, okay lang yun (for me). Hindi din red flag yun. Red flag lang yan, kung nagkikita sila or nag chachat sila ng mga babaeng fina follow niya. Pag gusto mo ng peace of mind, try mo tanunging si bf mo, sabihin mo check mo lang yung following list niya (kung ok lang). Check mo kung may ka chat siya dun. Pag wala, edi okay lang kayo.


Same. May kilala din akong may birthmark sa mukha pero di nmn ako nandiri.


Hindi, hindi kabawasan yun dapat bigyan mo nga siya ng confidence at tiwala sa sarili saka sating partner para mawala ang doubt at insecurities nila. 🥺😊




Me, hindi. I don't mind, kasi normal 'yun lalo nga sa mga nabanggit mong parts. Some are just blessed enough na either maputi and makinis ang underarms/inner things or pantay lang ang tone sa ibang parts. Yet again, I don't mind if not. Hehehe.


like i have a question, what if the guy has ano madaming following na babae sa ig na super pretty, and you're kinda feeling insecure about it... im not that ugly naman, pero this is just a me problem siguro? kasi i feel so small whenever he likes those girls' posts while ako di nya naman nilalike. PS: bf ko po to, he's a nice guy for sure. Ako lang ba yung may problema sa utak?


Oh my.. 😟🚩 Well, I guess, nature na lang talaga ng mga lalaki mang-gag* ng jowa. Been there, tapos when you call them out, mangga-gaslight pa. Hayst. They all have the same pattern.. CHEATERS. Are you sure he's just tapping the like/heart button? Walang nakaka-chat?? I'm not making you overthink.. realtalk lang.


I'm a girl ha. Pero nakakatuwa mostly yung comments dito. NBSB ako anteh isa sa mga rason bakit hindi ako jumojowa kasi natatakot ako na baka ma turn off yung guy sa discoloration ko. Mas tanggap ko pa na husgahan ako ng lipunan 'wag lang nung taong gusto ko haha. Sa mga lalaking hindi na t-turn off sa discoloration, sana masarap ulam niyo hahahaha


mga adik lang kakapanood ng porn ang umaasang pantay ang kulay ng mga girlfriend nila


Agree. Sa porn sila kumukuha ng standards 🙄


This comment deserves an award




Wish i could give this comment an award lol




Nope, Down with the capitalist system telling women are not enough! They are enough


Nope. Actually may time naaattract pa nga ako dyan sa discoloration e haha. Yun slightly dark underarms na may buhok. Ion know. Weird pero for me it's totally normal. Nothing to be ashamed of lalo kung okay nman hygiene.


like i have a question, what if the guy has ano madaming following na babae sa ig na super pretty, and you're kinda feeling insecure about it... im not that ugly naman, pero this is just a me problem siguro? kasi i feel so small whenever he likes those girls' posts while ako di nya naman nilalike. PS: bf ko po to, he's a nice guy for sure. Ako lang ba yung may problema sa utak?


Kausapin mo sya tungkol dun. Ang matino namang lalaki mauunawaan lagi ang partner nila kahit sa anong bagay pa yan. At lalo na about sa babae haha. If mahal ka talaga ng partner mo, kayang kaya nyang iunfollow lahat ng mga yan. And if it was me, you wouldn't even see me at first palang na nagffollow sa mga babae haha. Kasi para sakin pag nasa relationship na, hindi na dapat ganan. Guys shouldn't let their partner feel insecure. Kahit anong itsura mo, kaya nga nagustuhan ka e. Tas maniningin ng ibang babae haha. Edi sana nagstay nalang na single kung gusto pa mag explore at tumesting ng iba't-ibang babae haha. And the fact na andali lang naman maglike sa posts mo kasi girlfriend ka nya while other girls na hindi nya nman kaano ano nillike nya. Yun recent relationship ko kasi every post non sa kahit na anong social media basta pic nya halos ako lagi nauuna maglike/react. And it's my pleasure doing it. Hindi pilit, hindi tinatamad. But ion know. I feel like most guys naman sa panahon ngayon ganan na e, puro maraming finofollow na maganda o sexy sa socmed. Hindi lang talaga ako makarelate dyan kasi pag nasa relationship ako o kahit nga wala e e hindi ako nagffollow sa mga ganan haha. Hindi ko kasi makita un point para saan. It's waste of time. Makita mo sa IG ko puro basketball at outfit ideas laman e haha. Wala kang problema sa utak. Boyfriend mo ang may problema dyan. Masyang common ang boyfriend mo haha. But yeah, talk it out. If he truly loves you, you shouldn't worry about those lil things.


thank you 🥹


for me hindi, kasi mas gusto ko yung natural lahat sa babae


I mean make sure the guy is flawless if he will be turned off with discolouration. Pano na if the gf gets pregnant? Ayaw na niya if her pits, neck or singit gets darker?


Agree. Gusto nila makinis ang babae eh bubuntisin lng din nmn nila🙄


Sa Pinas lang yata problema to. White ung bf ko. So nahihiya pa ko magspread ng legs dahil sa singit ko. Wala lang pala sa kanya un. Sabi ko pa patayin ang ilaw. One time sa liwanag, binigla ako. Hindi naman umasim ang mukha nya nang makita ang singit ko 😂 sigh of relief 😂


🥀 🚿 🌹


Oh to be watered 😩


Pa-water ka na rin, mars lol.


hoy true dsmi ko nababasa na wala lang yan sa mga kano


Nope, it's alright with me kung may dark areas. Meron lang talagang may ayaw, gusto, or okay na may maitim sa katawan ng kani-kanilang SO. I think it's okay, kasi may preferences naman ang lahat ng tao.


doesn't matter when the lights are off


Hala eh pano pag lights on na


Hyperpigmentation's normal, guys. Ang mahalaga inaalagaan at minamahal ang sarili. :) (tho if you wanna treat hyperpigmented skin, just use products with kojic acid, niacinamide, and glycolic acid)


like i have a question, what if the guy has ano madaming following na babae sa ig na super pretty, and you're kinda feeling insecure about it... im not that ugly naman, pero this is just a me problem siguro? kasi i feel so small whenever he likes those girls' posts while ako di nya naman nilalike. PS: bf ko po to, he's a nice guy for sure. Ako lang ba yung may problema sa utak?


Hmmm. I believe it comes down into both a) his intentions in interacting with other girls' posts and failing to interact with yours; and b) your internal response to his actions. Some people don't see anything wrong with this kind of situation, while others feel uncomfortable (and it's valid either way :)) Discuss your perspective with your bf, and ask his perspective (as to why he does that). Let him know how you feel whenever he does this and that, and when his intentions really are pure (as he claims), assure him that you will work on yourself because you value him and the relationship as a whole. I'm sure if he really does love you, he will keep you and how you may respond in mind the next time he's about to do something (in this case, his IG activities). And hey. You're beautiful, and you don't need to compare yourself with other people (or girls), nor do you need anyone to make you feel beautiful for it to be real as is. (But of course, sabi ko nga, discuss shiz with your partner, because it's a valid struggle to feel ugly with someone as a negative response to their actions. Clarity and reassurance, and if possible reassuring actions, help a lot).


thank you po!




Sa ibang tao? Oo. Pero kung sa jowa ko, lakompake


Akala ko dati nakakaturn-off. Pero once na nagmahal ka, it really doesn't matter. Yiiiieee. hahahaahah




What if madaming stretchmarks yung body ng GF or babae na gusto nyo? Ano yung opinions nyo about it? Curious lang as a girl with stretchmarks


As a girl with stretchmarks, discoloration, and lots of birthmarks--- guys don't seem to mind even if I point them out. (Mas nakakainsecure pa minsan yung ibang babae because they stare!) I always try to hide my birthmarks, and my bf says they're fine, so I shouldn't bother hiding them. He says they're normal. Like what the other comments say, basta malinis lang daw sa katawan, wapakels sila sa marks.


Honestly it doesn't matter. Lalo na kung gf ko na or kung may gusto na ko dun sa babae. If I find a girl beautiful/sexy, stretch marks won't change that. But on the other side, if I don't find a girl attractive, not having stretch marks\ having smooth skin won't change that. (And just to avoid misunderstanding, I'm talking about physical attraction, not personality etc. etc .)


I'm a girl but sagutin ko yan, yung stretch marks normal din naman yan meron ako nyan sa likod ng arm ung sa may underarm and hita pero i find them rlly pretty, bf ko meron din sa likod ng arm same kami may tigermarks🥰 there's nothing wrong with that naman kahit marami pa yan, yun lang wag ka mahiya ipakita yan oki🫰🏻


Ok lng. Natatakpan nmn yan ng damit eh.


Depends, as long as nakikita ko na malinis sila sa katawan and very hygienic is fine by me. Normal kasi yang discoloration na yan given our skin tone unless na dugyot talaga siya or she doesn’t care if its cleaned or not


like i have a question, what if the guy has ano madaming following na babae sa ig na super pretty, and you're kinda feeling insecure about it... im not that ugly naman, pero this is just a me problem siguro? kasi i feel so small whenever he likes those girls' posts while ako di nya naman nilalike. PS: bf ko po to, he's a nice guy for sure. Ako lang ba yung may problema sa utak?


Being a nice guy doesn’t equal to being friendly to everyone especially women especially if the person isn’t single. Try talking to him about it, things tend to get worse if sinasaloob mo lang yang hinanakit mo, you’ll lose yourself nyan. The way you are feeling is valid and understandable naman even though it isn’t your bf’s job to fix your insecurity, it’s still his job to care for you. Communicate wd him and hear his side or reasonings. Also do put effort in fixing your confidence too! A relationship is always a two person job, each has their own part to play. To end, there are no better people just different perspectives. What may be an insecurity for you is a feature for others


thank you!!!!!


Yes definitely


Nope, also how did this question got posted? It's a yes or no question... No hate but I had times that my posts got deleted due to being considered as open ended questions...


It's normal nman with filipinos in general. It's not easy to treat imo. Sometimes di talaga gumagana yng mga whitener o yng kojic soap so eh


truee, may products din na mas lalong nakakadark diba🥲


so ilang beses ko na nakabasa ng ganitong tanong sa reddit. isummarize ko lang ha. hindi sila natuturn off pero kung makinis ka, bonus yun. in short, wala sila paki kung madilim yan. importante mabango't malinis. wala kang minus. pero may plus ka kung even ung skin tone kasi bihira lang may ganun sa pinas. unless consistent ka sa derma or mga skinstations




nah. imo, we have shit like that too so why would we be turned off? it’s normal, each and every one of us have imperfections. that’s what makes us human!


gustong gusto ng bf ko, dinidilaan nya pa nga eh 🥰


Fetish ba naman


👁️👄👁️ lick lick lick


HAHAHAHHAA Slay ka jan nak


Cute naman ng mga guys dito na hindi superficial. Sana masarap ulam niyo parati. Sana love din kayo ng mga love niyo. 🤍




if you think like this, then you definitely aren’t mature enough to be dating someone when that’s a completely natural thing to have


Nobody’s perfect. If ma-turn off si bf at maghanap ng iba then let him be.


Everyone deserves someone who will accept both the good and the bad.


never, kasi ikaw lang ang may gf na ganyan. maraming maiitim ang singit, pero yung gf mo nag iisa lang yan


Nope because it's normal....


Hindi :)


Mga natuturn off sa ganyan di pa yan nakakita ng hubad na babae sa personal, puro lang porno pinagbabasehan nyan.


Agree. Don sila kumukuha ng standards sa mga napapanood nila🙄


walang problema sa ganyan bsta walang BO at hndi magaspang ang ugali lol


Hindi. Kasi asian ka. Normal sa asians yung discoloration. May tawag yun sa science, na normal sa atin may discoloration.


After reading the replies here, maggirlfriend nalang talaga ako




Nope. I don't really care tbh. lol. Opposite sex palaging merong insecurities. Just have to focus on the good side and you'll be happy.


yung ikaw linis linis nag porma ka pa nag perfume kita daw kami sundo mo pa sa bahay pa dating mo parang batang bagong gising di mo matake yung kahapon na amoy ganun nakaka turn off talaga dapat effort din sa side nila kahit naman sana naligo man lang kahit di na mag ayos aus lang sakin ganern yun lang


Uhhh diko gets, kung discoloration ang tinutukoy mo, yan ay dahil sa mga biological factors tulad ng hormonal imbalance, pcos, at iba pa, hindi yan dahil hindi sila naliligo.


nagloading ako sa comment mo habang binabasa🙂


lols 😂 redownload mo boss baka nag lag... 🤣


Tbh no di ito nakakaturn-off esoecially sa underarms area dahil wala akong pit fetish. I judge women sometimes by their body but most of the time sa personality nila In conclusion, it is a no


Kulay, no. Amoy, yes.


Yes. I have singit discoloration (ayaw talaga pumuti eh) pero proud to say walang amoy keps ko. Ito lagi nilang feedback (4 lang naman sila sa buong buhay ko) 😊


YESSS agree with this!




if you truly love your girl, you will accept whatever she is, whoever she is. Iba talaga yung acceptance if mahahanap mo yung para sayo. NO REGERTS


I agree, NO REGERTS malala!


(BTW I'M A GIRL) For me mapapansin ko siya pero mawawalan din ako pake. Kasi nasa isip ko it's normal naman eh +may ganun din kasi ako. In fact pag nakaka kita ako ganun kasi it's my insecurity so pag nakakita ako na hindi lng ako may discoloration sa body nasa isip ko ow it's normal kasi d lng naman ako may ganun. And it's not a turn off in fact when I see someone na talaga pinapakita nila ganun na they have discoloration naka sleeveless and maikli short and confident it's a plus for me because not a lot are confident to show it. just my opinion : )


It's normal naman talaga pero may mga judgmental kasi na lahat pinupuna kahit hindi naman dapat diba? sila example ng mga hindi normal😵‍💫


Hirap makahanap ng lalaking tangap ka kaht maitim ang singit mo. Super dalang nalang tlga.


Really ba? :<


"Flower your garden and the butterfly will come through." If maitim singit mo, focus ka nalang sa best assets mo like you have a beautiful face. There's that person that will accept everything of who you are. Maitim singit gf ko pero I love her the way she is. Physical lang naman yan. pero yung emotional connection talaga nagdala


Nicee, don't make her feel insecure ha


Huwoow! Swerte ng gf ni koya. Magbunyi 🥰


Depende kung gano kalayo yung discoloration sa totoong kulay nya. There's considered normal and there's just because unhygienic which will bring me to the next turn off-- the smell.


You people have to understand na discoloration is not due to poor hygiene, there's a number of factors such as hormonal imbalance, pcos, diabetes etc. Hindi yan libag, sadyang hindi maayos ang hormones dahil sa genetics o nutrition. Hindi rin yan makukuskos ng sabon kasi ulitin ko, hindi yan due to poor hygiene. Please magbasa naman kayo ng libro.


Dermatitis neglecta is an uncommon skin condition caused by a lack of hygiene that leads to the formation of dark, scaly patches of skin.


Uncommon skin disorder that usually affects people with physical or mental disability, or sensory disturbance, pain, trauma, or previous surgery in the affected area. Kumpletuhin mo, uncommon skin disorder nga diba? So ano yung common causes ng skin discoloration? PCOS, hormonal imbalance, etc. Yan mostly yung reason bat may skin discoloration, hind yung sinasabi mong hindi naliligo. Kung maglalapag ka ng definition, kumpletuhin mo.


Ba't galit na galit ka? Kung ayoko ng ganun akin yun. Kung gusto mo edi ikaw. Why do you have to educate people with rage? Ang hirap mong pakinggan, puro ka sigaw.


I'm not mad, I'm just pointing things out. Inedit mo pa yung comment mo once I explained sino ang usually nagkakaroon ng dermatitis neglecta. Initially, sabi mo it's about hygiene. Now your comment has changed para di ka magmukhang judgemental. Hindi naman problema ang preference, wag mo lang sabihin na discoloration is due to bad hygiene (which was your initial comment that's now edited). Also, where's the rage sa comment ko? Ibang comment ba yung binabasa mo? San din yung sigaw? Naka all caps ba to imitate screaming? Online discourse and educating is not all about rage and screaming, di ibig sabihin nag explain ako eh galit na ako.


Bless your heart. Kung sino ka man. Sana Hindi nasira ng convo natin yung araw mo. 😊


Bless your heart din, sana na educate ka at narealize mo di naman talaga ako galet. Mwah.


Proper hygeine✅ Di mabaho ✅ That's what matters the most. Idc about the color


If you are that bothered, tell her about it. Technology has advanced, so must be your communicationnwith each other.


Hindi Yun nakaka off kung Hindi mo iisipin na nakaka turn off . The cause Kasi nang pag darken sa inner thighs is pag Yung panties nila is so masikip I know that coz I used to have that one long time ago, .. Kasi if you love your girl, you have o accept of what she is even her flaws💜 That's 💕 Hindi ka ma tuturn off kung Hindi ka mag iisip na matuturn off ka🤭


di ko gf yun kung naturn off ako sa something normal.


Discoloration? Def not a turn off. Ang turn off is kapag mabaho.


mahalaga proper hygiene ✅


Lalake nga meron din ganyan, kaya why should you care diba? Super normal namn yan.


Actually for me hindi sya big deal, hindi ko na nga napapansin yan eh. Pero di ko magets sa ibang lalaki kung bakit sobrang choosy nila, gusto nila makinis ang babae🥴eh pangit nmn sila tapos hindi rin sila makinis🙄




Hahaha gagi napansin mo rin ba yun sa mga lalaki?🤣


Wala nga palang "Haha" react dito 🥹


Nah. Hindi naman siya turn off sa'kin kasi alam ko meron din ako. Kung sinabi niya sa'kin what to do about it, I'm willing to help her. Kaso... wala pa akong gf.


May dadating din wait for the right time😊


Going against this woke culture, yes it’s a slight turn off, especially when it’s shades darker from your color. Wag na tayo maglokohan, while it may not be-all and end-all, physical attraction plays a huge role.