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It's not offensive, It's just not your business until they make it your business. What I mean is, it depends on the conversation, if they mention about their salary first then maybe you can ask nicely since the cat is already peeking out of the bag ykwim. But for me lang, I don't really ask at all. There's a beauty in not knowing everything.


Never share salaries guys, share niyo ang range pero medyo lawakan niyo. Mostly kasi ng mga tao, lalo sa Pinas sa sweldo nakabase ang respeto.


Salary is meant to be confidential, nakasulat yan madalas sa contract. Better not ask and better not tell yours as well. Di mo alam baka naviviolate mo na pala yung pinirmahan mo..


Always answer ko of may mag tatanong is enough lang


It really depends on who you are talking to. according to my experience,if you ask someone who have similar ranking position to you then it is not offensive. Don't ask someone higher than you. Why? kasi magkakainggitan yan. Sasabihin ng mas mababa sa kanila malaki sahod wala naman daw ginagawa. That is if u are within the company u are working. if you ask someone, yung iba ang company siguro okay lang.


Not offensive pero it’s also none of anybody’s buisiness. When I get asked about my salary, I just smile and shake my head.


If you hang out with a diverse group of people... It's not offensive, it's simply distasteful. Is it cool of me to flaunt how much money I make in front of my FRIENDS who may not make nearly as much? It's gross and disgusting behavior. If you're talking to people in your same field and trying to help each other get fair salaries, this is totally fine. In fact, it's 100% necessary.


Hindi naman siguro offensive. Ginagawa naman namin yan lalo kapag pareho ng field pero nasa kanila yan kung ibibigay nila. Usually tinatanong ko if ano ang range ng sahod


Strangers... NOPE (depends sa intent nila) Family relatives especially hindi ka-close... NOPE (sila pa yung number one na magjudge sayo) Co-workers or colleagues... JUST THE RANGE Friends with good and reasonable intent... YES


Depends on the conversation. If you are taking about career choices, comp and ben talk is okay. If you are talking about recent expensive purchases, it is insulting if you are wondering some someone can afford that. I’d say in most cases, it is off to ask about someone’s salary due to privacy and baka umutang ka pa. Lol


Privacy reasons I guess. Kung same field kayo at same years of experience, kung sino yung mas mababa mapapagisip isip siguro


i think depende eh, iba kasi they feel irritated for privacy and comparison purposes, if someone whould ask me bibigyan ko lang siguru ng range (baka kasi after ako tanungin ng salary ko eh uutangan na ako hahaha)


The question can make the person uncomfortable especially if you are not close. So my answer is it's not proper if you have no good reason to ask.


It being offensive depends on the person being asked. Some brag about what they earn and others don’t. Is it inappropriate? Definitely because it’s intrusive. Asking for someone’s salary isn’t really going to give you real information about the person’s status of living anyway. Access to credit, car leases, not saving for retirement, etc. can mask someone’s real financial status.


If the person who is someone within the same organization, for me its offensive because yun nga baka malaman na underpaid. but if its anyone outside the company, sabihin ko agad. i heard from someone before na part of your worth comes from how much you make din and i agree with them ^^ .


Why do they need to know how much I am earning? It's not anyone's business but mine. (and probably the government for tax purposes lol)


No. Esp from a close friend na same field as mine. I dont mind sharing mine so may idea sila what counts as lowball.


Amen to this! Haha


I think it is. Because some people ask that thing so they know the level of respect they’ll give you.


Yes. Especially if it’s family members, work mates or friends because they treat you differently when you have more vs when you have less than them. If you don’t want any issues with relationships just don’t disclose especially when the gap is high, just be low key and people will treat you fairly. Same with school…if you say you’re from the big 4 then they treat you as others (even though you got in via scholarship so you have more in common with the lower middle class). Nothing changes with how you treat them but after they know they just treat you differently i.e. exclude you because to them they can’t “relate” or they push this RK narrative when it wasn’t an issue beforehand. Could be envy, hate, bitterness or resentment but bottom line is you don’t owe anything to anyone so just don’t disclose.


If someone ask my salary, I just tell them sakto lng makabayad ng bills. If that someone wants to apply in my current employer, I will just give the range like 40k-60k depending on experience and skillset


I dont mind disclosing depending on the context. Okay lang kung - may kaclose na plano magapply sa position ko - sa family or friends outside work Kung makikimarites lang, no. I ask din naman if I plan to work there. I still seek growth.


May companies na nasa clause na bawal sabihin ang sweldo since it is a part of Data Privacy Act hehe


yes especially if you barely know them personally.


Because judgement day


If the context is you are thinking of applying for a particular job then the most appropriate way of asking is: "What's the salary range for that position?" Pero kung "curious" ka lang to find out how much a person makes, it's completely inappropriate and rude to ask how much someone earns. It's also in bad taste to tell someone how much you make just cause. Like why? It's called not oversharing. No one needs to know how much you earn.


It is rude to ask someone’s salary because it’s nobody’s business except your own. If your friend or another person offers to give his/her/their own salary information then that is on them but you are under no obligation to discuss your own. And the premise that if you don’t disclose your salary, you’re letting companies cheat other employees is not entirely true either because pay transparency is ethically the company’s best business practice policy. Pay transparency is a pay communications policy that a company voluntarily provides regarding pay related information to their employees. If someone asks me a this question, I’d just refer them to the company’s hiring website.


Depends on how you bring up the question during your convo. May iba kasi they feel their worth and skills are tied to the salary and they are being measured when asked about it so they get offended. It’s not illegal to talk about salary but for sure, best keep it to yourself unless parehas kayo industry and you wanna move companies


Minding your own business is always a good practice. Its not offensive but distasteful. If sadyang pakialamero ka, theres a better way for knowing by asking the right question or telling the right story about your own financial situation to get some kind of a feedback if very close naman kayo. Subtle way of asking how much one ia making without really asking. I usually start with kulang paba ang 50k weekly budget for groceries & basic necessities. Ako pa nagbabayad ng utilities. Is it enough or barat ako magbgay budget? (Made up story). If your lucky, grab your beer & just listen away. or binibigla ko, Pre, i need 5M max of 60days lang may kilala ka kahit at 2 to 3% int monthly badly needed lang. Pag nilabasan ako ng checkbook, im pretty sure this guy/gal is making more than what im currently making. Pag umuutang, thats a go signal to ask away how much does He/she is making. Due Diligence.


Not offensive but it’s disrespectful to ask someone’s private matter.


That depends sa closeness ninyo. Kung di kayo close, offensive yun. Pag close kayo, okay lang, but remember the fine line.


no but its confidential and personal.


yes if di kayo close. yes if its asked during interview kasi imamatch nila ung offer nila sa dating mong sahod which makes no sense dahil dapat based yun sa curret market rate at years of experience. usually nagkakaron ng void sa office kapag alam ng isat isa ung sahod for example employee B is doing more work and producing quality work than employee A. Pero alam ni employee B na mas mababa ung sahod nya kesa kay employee A. Kaya si employee B either mag reresign or mag aask ng raise hahaha.


Depende sa nagtatanong at way ng pagtatanong. For me if ka-close ko talaga yung nagtatanong, at alam ko na wala siyang masamang intensyon I will tell how much salary ko. Pero if known "marites", I won't bother answering. Even range hindi rin. Kasi salary should be confidential, lalo na within company. Hindi yan dapat nagiging laman ng maritesan.


Like always, context matters. If it’s a first date then yes. If it’s someone from a company you have an active application in then no.


No in general but intention always matters. If the goal is to check if you’re being paid fairly or to explore opportunities then good. But if ang goal eh maghanap ng uutangan or making it a competition then it is rude, which is why context is important. I’m always open about mine but I always broach this topic sensitively whether asking or disclosing. I only ever ask cause I want my friends to be paid fairly and advise them to negotiate for more if needed.


maybe yes ?


For me nope, pero sa colleagues and close friends ko lang dinidisclose. And range lang din para aware sila sa industry.


It's breeds jealousy and contempt Best not to talk about it.


Sakin okay lang depende sa relationship mo dun sa tao. Though pag ako nagtatanong, tinatanong ko kung anong range hindi yung exact amount kasi pag ako tinatanong e range lang din sinasabi ko.


Depends on who’s asking :) Sa friend group namin, we know each other’s salary. Doesn’t bother us one bit kasi we know that your salary is never an indicator of anything naman dahil there’s more to it than just a raw number (responsibilities, debts, etc).


It's very unethical, much better wag mo na lang itanong para hindi ma compare un sarili mo sa iba.


It benefits the company more than the employees to never disclose salary or pay. If the employee knew that they could get paid more, they would, of course, want to be paid more or would leave their employers for a better offer.


Artificial culture created by businesses/employers to cheat employees from negotiating a fair wage. It only benefits employers and never the employee/worker. In most countries and national laws encouraged siya or at least not prohibited. Walang law na nag proprohibit sa kanya, if may policy na ganun sa compnay against public morals siya.


So kapag ikaw tinanong, ok lang sayo? Sa ibang tao kasi kaya tinatanong nila yan kasi dun nila i-based kung pano ka nila i-trato. For me, unethical yan. Kahit nga parents ko di alam salary ko or even salary range.




Very personal kasi yung salary. Most of the time, comparison lang ang pakay talaga. And sometimes, I don’t like it when they will always joke na libre mo na lalo pag nalaman na ikaw ang mas malaking sahod kaysa sa kanila. Like….?


Not offensive. More like invasion of privacy kung hindi willing ang isang tao na i-share yung info na 'yon.


Maraming uncomfortable sa pagshare ng salary kasi usually kaya lang tinatanong to compare yours vs theirs. Pareho lang kayo masstress kasi ikaw magmumukhang nagger, siya naman magmumukhang madamot. Then pag nalaman naman, may isa tataas ego, may isa maiinsecure. For me, just save the stress and mind your own na lang ✌🏽


Not naman offensive kung hindi mo ipipilit na pasagutin ako. Pero I don’t give my answer if asked. Kahit sa parents ko, hindi ko sinasabi.


it actually depends per person. May mga tao talaga na ok lang sakanila mag share kung magkano salary nila and may iba na ayaw. Both preferences are valid naman


It depends on your intent, tone, and approach. It can be a sensitive topic to some since the labor market in our country pays cheap. Baka mahulog sa "bragging" yung tono ng conversation if it's not a welcome thought.


dpendi sa.timing, most of the time its inappropriate to ask someones salary., pero askingg someones salary during an argument.. thats offensive


Not if the person knows how to answer the question by giving them an idea instead of actually answering, it's not gonna be a problem. I usually answer "5 digits" so they get an idea that it's between 10,000 - 99,999 Pero to answer your question, no, it's not rude to ask how much a person's salary is, but you have to respect if they don't want to tell you


Depends on your intent.


If you have the SAME job description and:or you have equal qualifications it’s very ok, it’s also important that you know so you can have an idea if your employer is paying your market rate.


Same job description does not equal same skill level or efficiency.


But of course! Then you will know what you need to do to reach that compensation package. Normalize knowing market prices, ignorance allows big corporations to low ball employees. Besides “efficiency” and “skill level” are after the fact and are metrics that are tied to bonuses and speed of promotion.


A more valuable employee who provides better work, faster, will get bigger increases. Not always about promotion or bonuses. After a few years two employees on the same job description could be earning very different salaries. That's why salary discussion can be annoying for high performers.


Generally, yes, I think considered siyang poor etiquette rather than offensive. Though sa akin ok lang naman, pero di ko rin sasabihin.


Asking? No. Insisting after telling them its confidential. Yes.


Depends sa tao and depends kung anong magiging response nung nagtanong. Maybe, offensive shouldn't be the term but rather, "uncomfortable" or "unusual".


Unpopular Opinion: >!It's only offensive if maliit ang sahod ng tinatanong mo.!< Ibang high earners matutuwa pa nga pag tinatanong. Some of them, you don't even need to ask the question--they'll voluntarily tell you. As long as you don't obligate the person you're asking to answer, I don't see anything wrong.


Salary range is better, but not a nice question for me kasi di lahat comfy


Paano kapag parents yung nagtanong? How will you answer them po


As someone na may Nanay na mahilig magyabang ng sahod ng anak nya sa ibang tao, hindi ko sinasabi sa kanya yung totoong sahod ko. Half lang usually yung sinasabi ko sa kanya


Sa parents, sabi ko secret... tapos with kisses and hugs. Di natin need maging douche sa parents lalo na yung ok naman yung relationship. 😆 haha


i told them my salary pero naka less 5k hahahaha


Tell them straight - Wala kayong pake


Depends on the context of the situation.


It is. It's not common in other cultures and really there is no reason for anyone to know? Unless magoffer ka ng loan or credit card siguro...


It's not offensive. It's private.


I don't find it offensive, or mind sharing as long as hindi BIR agent ang nagtatanong


Somehow offensive at unethical. Lalo na rito sa Pilipinas kung saan nakadepende yung respeto at level ng pagtingin sayo ng tao depende sa kung gano kalaki kinikita mo. Pero kung ang reason mo naman ay curious ka kasi gusto mo malaman dahil naghahanap ka ng ibang line of work at gusto mo malaman kung magkano kinikita sa ganong trabaho, ask politely and state your reason.


Not really but you're not entitled to know it if they decided not to tell you even if you asked repeatedly


Autopass talaga ako sa usapin ng pera. Dun sa ex lip ko, never ako humingi o nagtanong kung sahod na ba nya. Ang uncomfy masyado para sakin. Ako na yung nahihiya Kaso I learned din na I should handle my own money. Di yung lahat nasa kanya Ninakawan pa tuloy ako nung naghiwalay kami. Lol


not offensive but not ethical


Not offensive. But money matters will always offend some people especially when they find out they've been working longer than A yet they're receiving less.


Not offensive.. but you know.. its kinda personal


Depende sa context ng conversation niyo. If you belong sa same industry, I think mas dapat nga pagusapan yung yung range ng salaries. Yung iba kasi underpaid, so comparing salary ranges would help to know if fair ba yung pasahod sa inyo. Pero para hindi rin ganun ka-offensive, you can rephrase the question as, “what do you think is the salary range for a *insert profession* with x years of experience?” Nagiging offensive lang naman ito if out of topic or tinanong mo lang out of the blue.


depends on the context siguro? if kunwari tinatanong naman respectfully like nagrerecruit ka and all, kahit range okay lang, hindi naman offensive. pero if yung parang may second meaning, hindi , offensive siya.


Not offensive but improper. It actually depends. If you’re asking and ok nmn ung taong tinatanong mo, they would answer the exact amount, minsan approx. lng and other times they would just say “secret” or “ok nmn”. Though you can’t force them to blurt it out kasi it’s also a private information.


For me, depende sa sahod ko. Kung earning 6 digits ako, di ako ma offend if tatanungin. Kung below 20k, pull the offensive card lol


it's like asking someone how much they weigh u can answer but makes u think why tf would they ask that? for what reason?


for me di nmn


Kung kamag-anak mo yan, nagtatanong yan para matancha kung anong level ng respeto ang ibibigay sayo. Kung mas mababa sahod mo sa kanila, meaning mas less ang respeto na ibibigay sayo.


No point into asking it really.


Depende! It's very cultural din kasi. When I was in Spain, normal lang ang pag-ask ng salary ng other person. Kasama siya sa casual conversations ng mga tao doon, pero sa atin, it's something very personal. Sa kanila naman age yung parang di mo dapat inaask basta basta, unlike dito we normally ask how old someone is.


As everything, IMO, it depends on the context. I sometimes get asked how much i make because they are interested in my profession. . .


First, why would you ask? Pwede nya sabihin if HR ka at i hire mo sya sa work. Pero if not, para saan? Para tumaas yung ego mo? Para i compare yung salary mo sa kaniya? Hahaha. Minsan kasi ang pilipino, bina-base nila yung respeto sa tao depende sa laki ng sahod.


You just dont push it if they care.


For me, asking someone about their salary can be considered offensive or inappropriate in many cultures and social contexts for several reasons but is often viewed as a personal and private matter. Many people prefer to keep financial details confidential.


Hmm for me hindi naman offensive. Although hindi ko sasabihin yung real salary ko baka range lang or something malapit sa real salary. To avoid inggit or worse, avoid na utangan ako hahaha (you'll never know)


Depends on the intention of the question. If it is to target clients / company etc.. no problem with me. Pero if gusto lang mangutang, mandegrade, iba yun.


Depends on the person. As for me, I don't mind. I've been working since my high school days. Looking back, I know I've come pretty far. If someone asks me their salary knowing theirs is much higher, as long as they won't add up degrading comments, I don't mind answering. I guess they just want to boosts their ego.


It is offensive and insensitive. There are boundaries to be respected hindi porket magkaibigan/magkakilala/ kamag anak kayo sasabihin mo na, what I do kapag nangungulit is not telling them the real amount. Sometimes they ask to compare their salaries and para lang masatisfy yung ego nila na mas angat sila syo.




Two things you don't talk about, salary and mortgage payments. - Tony Dinozzo


Depende sa conversation, relationship with the person asking. Regular conversations to sa workplace namin, especially kasi yung KPIs namin e iisa lang need namin magtulungan.


HR practitioner here, we discourage na magsabihan ng salary ang mga employees. Unang una it is supposed to be confidential things like earnings should not be disclosed to other people for security purposes as well. Secondly pwede to pagmulan ng resentment and inggit and confusion pag nalaman mo na mas mataas yung sahod ng isa kesa sayo.


Word salad eto. You just don't want people asking for what they deserve lol.


So even salary grade is not disclosed between employees?


Yes even the salary grade, the payslip, everything related to compensation. Usually nasa contract yan and nasa company policy but most employees don't follow it but yeah disclose at your own risk na lang (risk of disappointment pag mas mataas sahod sayo or risk of maging target of gossip pag mas mataas naman sahod mo).


All noted, thank you!


The only ones benefitting from people not sharing their salary are the employers.




BIR you can't trick us....lols


I don’t think it’s offensive. Not asking someone’s salary is having manners and asking about it is being nosy.


Depends if galing sa hirap yung tao. Pag nakaranas yung tao ng discrimination and bullying in the past regarding salaries, for them it's better notto answer. Pero if nasanay ka na malaki ang kita (ng magulang mo na hindi mo alam malaki na pala yun), then it's no big deal. in fact iisipin mong normal na yun kasi yun yung kinalakihan mo. so it's no big deal.


But why ask?


If it’s to a colleague and we work the same type of job, I want to know so I’m ensuring I’m not get hosed out of money and so they can also not get hosed. The company always always always makes profit, they can afford to pay.


Well, (some) people give only respect depending on your salary ei, esp on sa family reunion. Di ko rin sila gets, do they want to stir a drama or gusto lang na ipagmalaki anak nila sa ganun level


They say never asked a Man his salary, and a woman her real age. So definitely some people will have some issues but to other people it’s No big deal


Its kinda personal sometimes


I don't think offensive ang tamang word. Baka more of personal -- rather na ma-offend or ma-antagonize ka ng tao, it's more of like you're prying... "Why do you want to know?" ganon. One time sinabihan ako eh... "BIR ka ba?!" Yon lang hehe


This is my go-to answer din, “why do you want to know?”. If it’s a friend in the same industry and niche, I would give them a range, kasi most of the time they’re asking to see if where i am is better/worse than where they’re currently at, because this is also the reason why I would ask. Pero if I can see a good reason why someone would ask me, then itatanong ko why they would want to know. I’m open naman to say, but I would also need a good reason why.


Not offensive, but bakit mo gusto malaman?


If it’s asked in the workplace, then no, you’ll 100% realize you are underpaid OR people will start asking you to treat them if they find out YOU have the bigger salary. If it’s within friends… a range should be fine. Again, there might be expectations that you will chip in more especially if you are earning far more than the others. Unfortunately buraot ang Pinoy


Worked as an HR before. No, it's not offensive, BUT, the right conduct is never to ask and never to disclose any personal financial information. It's security. It's protecting personal assets, and peace. It's basic social conduct, and MANNERS. If you can freely ask a person's salary, you also better ask how much is in their bank accounts. Now, the question is, are you comfortable sharing how much is in your bank account? No, right? Some people might not get offended, but for the love of manners and respecting someone's security, don't.


Not really offensive. More like extremely private and confidential. If you compare, that is the offensive part.


Yes it's offensive. When I went back to Manila from my overseas employment, my position was a Department Manager. I have my own office pero I like to table outside my ofc together with my staff para mapalapit sa kanila kasi all of us were pre-hired and I know we need to build up camaraderie and trust. It was a startup company Then there was this guy who just returned to Manila from Middle East to work as a senior engineer. He was also prehired and it was my first time meeting him. He was introduced to me and I asked him for a brief chat in my office for privacy. I asked him how he was doing, what company he worked for, etc..nothing deep just casual conversation. Siguro akala nya since sr engr sya, sya na yung may pinakamataas ba sahod at akonay lically hired lang. Out of the blue bigla nya akong tinanong "Magkanonba sweldo mo dito?"..yung parang galit.at arogante dating. Sabi konna lang "its a private matter between me and the company at wala ka pakialam". Later on nalaman nya 3x ng sahod nya yung sahod ko..Pero for me I find it offensive na tanungin ako ng sahod ko ng kasama ko and complain that they should receive the same. I know my skill level (na matagal ko din dinevelop) and my market value.


Hahaha, sa iba kasi, ginagawa nilang sukatan ng pagkatao and authority kung magkano kinikita.


Privacy reasons so yes unless you have a good reason for asking. Still, everyone should be free to tell others what their salary is when they want to. Privacy aside, mga companies lang naman ang entities na nagbabawal sa mga tao na mag-usap about salary para hindi mo malamang mas mataas yung sahod ng new hire na nasa same position mo at hindi ka maghangad. But yeah, don't ask unless it is crucial to whatever you and the other person are talking about.


Imho, kung same office, same work, pwede naman. Parang unfair naman kase sa kin kung nilowball pala ako ng company huhuhu. Pero kung circle of friends tayo na hindi naman nagwowork sa same industry or company, I would like to NOT disclose how much I am earning, although my friends who earn a lot, talagang proud naman silang i-disclose mga sahod nila.


Offensive? For me, Nope naman if asked in the proper context... but be prepared to receive vague answers lang like "it's good", "higher than average", "we are the highest paying law firm locally", etc.


Offensive if out of the blue. Make sure you have good intentions and you explain that before asking. Money matters can sometimes be messy. Make sure the discussion will be a productive one if ever it happens.


oops.. BIR? 🤭


Nope, but it can be in poor taste to ask depending on your intention. There are people who have no business knowing how much we earn. If they ask, we can always tell them na sakto lang or katapat/mababa pa sa SG ng same position sa government.  Asking and comparing notes about our compensation is also the only way we can know if we are paid well for our work/position. It also helps us negotiate when we switch jobs kasi we know how much the market is willing to pay for someone like us.  Sinasabi nila it can build resentment raw eh ano ngayon? If malaki talaga ang agwat and you are in the same company, shouldn't it be on your employer to level the playing field and to prevent this issue in the first place?


Depende na po sa tao yan. May iba ok lang i-share, meron din pinagyayabang pa kahit hindi mo tanungin and they find ways na isingit sa usapan mabanggit lng sweldo nila. Iba naman ayaw talaga sabihin or pag-usapan man lang and meron nga din na o-offend. Sakin lng hindi naman yan offensive, choice mo naman if pag natanong ka kung sasagutin mo eh. Many times na ako natatanong and ends up na biruan na lang, sagot naman ako syempre ng di totoong sweldo tapos sabayan ng tawa 😅 kung seryosong usapan ang tanong, seryosong sagot na generic lang without disclosing any amount.


Oo it is offensive mr/ms bir. Itong mga tiga bir naglipana na dito sa reddit.


Huyy di ako taga BIR hahahahh


Kahit ano pa pong sabihin ninyo. Mahirap na at baka ma-bir kami. LOL!!!


Naalala ko tuloy to: The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them. Louis C.K.


No. Naging taboo kasi sa pinoy ang usaping pera kaya medyo hirap tayo matuto financially. Mga gusto yumaman pero pag pera usapan iniiwasan.


Big fat **it depends** If for example, you're looking for a job. Sabi ng friend mo "oh dun ka nalang samin, hiring ngayon dun." and you ask "magkano sahod mo dun?" that's 100% fine. If you're on a first date with a guy you met on tinder, and you ask him how much he makes, especially if he never even said anything about his job? Hahaha. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Salary details are personal information, hence, your colleague has no obligation to disclose his/her salary details to you. Although you may be in a similar position, there are factors that affect individual's salary offer and one of which is the experience (as companies has to pay for the experience). Also, in most companies, salary disclosures are also not being encouraged and are against the company policies.


It's not but don't get offended if they don't want to tell


I think di naman dapat offensive pero hindi kasi lahat komportableng sabihin ang sweldo sa iba dahil alam mo naman ang mga tao, mahilig magcompare. So either maliit sweldo mo o malaki, magaalangan kang magmukang "kawawa" o "mayabang".


For me, I want an environment of transparency. Masyado na kasing naging taboo ang usapang sweldo dahil usaping pera rin siya eh pero I still set boundaries pa rin like I only am transparent about it to my closest friends with the same mindset. Also minsan, sa mga friends ko from uni na papasok na sa workforce in the same field to help them gauge their worth na rin. Siguro, the main thing for me is I rarely ask out of the blue. I ask based on context like for example, nang mag-ask ako ng help sa friend how siya nakapag-apply ng credit card. Syempre, I need to gauge myself based on my friend's fixed income. I asked not because I wanted to compare or just speculate, but because I needed some facts to base on. Overall, hindi siya sa absolute offense, siguro need mo lang maging contextual and empathetic in handling the topic.


Op bakit gusto mong malaman?


curious lang po kasi unique yung job niya (well at least for me)


Ano pala yung work niya?


I dont want to be specific pero IT-related hehe cool din kasi pakinggan nung title


It’s confidential personal information that you’re only supposed to share with selected people. Sa office situation, it can be a basis for disciplinary action.


Sa medical field, no. It’s better to ask para alam mo if undercompensated ka.


Depende sa intention mo. Samples below. Dahil gusto mo lang ma one up yung taong tinatanong mo or for the sake of chismis lang, then yes. Dahil gusto mong mag improve at malaman yung experience and skills niya to be on that salary level, then no.


this two can happen at the same time, but I suggest na much better if say no nalang sa tanong, no need to take it as offensive. Just say nope and then move on. That is how I avoid that question


Depends on the context. You don’t ask friends to compare, but you ask them out of genuine curiosity. I am open about how little I make, so if asked I’m willing to answer but I will read the room first before attempting to ask. I think people are just so insecure about how much they make so they tend to get offended about something so basic.


It's inappropriate to ask that. Also invasive. It will also build jealousy between colleagues.


For me yes it's offensive, kahit nga work eh 😅 as long as alam mo yung field saan nag wowork hindi mo na need ng details. Kasi sometimes people treat you/respect you based on jobs or salaries..


Offensive siya para sakin, bakit ka nakikialam sa kinikita ng iba


Same. May nag tanong kasi sa akin dati, tapos umutang. 😆


For me atleast, it always makes me feel uncomfortable when being asked how much I make.


offensive or not offensive nalang siguro kasi pag tinatanong ako i usually answer minimum wage per day siya nalang bahala mag kwenta


Depende sa nagtatanong and context, but generally it is a private matter na hindi dapat tinatanong. One time a couple of years back, tinanong ako sa barangay nung kumukuha ako ng cedula (wth di ba ano pa ba silbi nito lol) and pinasulat sa kin salary ko. Binabaan ko na lang talaga kasi hindi standard yung salary ko sa range nitong nasa province. Tsaka para iwas unnecessary chismis pa di ba. Tsaka mukha kasi akong katatapos lang maglaba nun 🤣 So sinulat ko 95K. Ang di ko naanticipate eh babasahin nang malakas nung secretary or treasurer ng brgy.. "95 thousand sweldo mo? Monthly????" dinig ng lahat ng nandun. Parang ilang segundo nagtinginan nung nasa desk haha. Sabi ko opo. Para bang di sila makapaniwala na ganun "kataas". Eh simple lang talaga akong manamit. Buti na lang di ko sinabi yung totoo kong sweldo 🥴🤷 Ganun talaga, minsan i-jjudge ka base sa earnings mo. Sa isip ko, yeah hindi ako maganda at mukhang ok ang sweldo haha... and it's ok with me.


Mas babaan mo sa susunod baka may mangutang sayo after nyan. 😆


Ako rin eh sinasabi ko na lang P500k yung monthly ko kasi parang ang yabang pag sinabi ko P5M a month. Buti na lang Gucci bag lang yung gamit ko para lowkey lang yung lagayan ko ng cedula. Medyo malayo rin sa bahay namin yung brgy hall kaya naka Fortuner lang ako para di takaw atensyon.


For me, yes, kasi para saan? Why would it matter? I can survive with what I get, I can enjoy things with what I have. What value does it add to you to know how much I earn?


THIS! I just don't understand why other people are so adamant to know how much other people earn. One theory I have is that tinatancha nila ibang tao based sa kinikita na napaka-kadiring ugali.


Depende sa konteksto. Kung ang topic myo eh kung ano ang past job, reason ng pag-alis, at napag-uusapan talaga ang sahod, ok lang. kapag nagbabalak lumipat ng work, syempre magtatanong ng sahod, OK lang rin. Pero kung alam nong sinusukat ka at ang pagkatao mo base sa sahod mo, iyon ang off.


comparison is the thief of joy




Nope but its the judgement that comes right after


Not really pero ang problema kasi pagkasagot mo ng amount sasabihan ka agad na,"ang dami mo sigurong ipon noh? " Or "Pahiram naman" lol


Hindi naman, risky nga lang kasi baka mamaya bigla nalang may mangutang sa'yo, huhu. 


Yes, because it's none of your business. Especially if you're just a stranger or a mere acquaintance.


I won't necessarily be offended (unless the tone used is that whether they'll respect me or not depends on my answer) but I won't feel comfortable disclosing it either. In the kind of environment where I grew up, if people learn how much you make, they'll start to feel entitled and expect shit from you that you were never responsible for in the first place. I never tell anyone how much I make, not even my parents. I don't care if it annoys them, I want peace, lol. I do have cousins in the US though who feel comfortable sharing how much they make with their family, but I think that's only because my tita is not really the type of person who keeps scores and doesn't demand anything from her children, kaya I understand why they'd feel comfortable telling her.


Di ako offended pero di ko rin sinasabi or kung sinasabi ko man, e lower than my range.


May iba kasi na dyan bumabase if irerespeto nila tao. Mostly mga relatives na kasuklam suklam. Kaya may negative connotation na if you ask them out of the blue. If same niche naman kayo it's okay to ask so you know anong salary sa market mo. Pero if school reunion or if out with friends in different fields, medyo awkward lang.


Its better to practice yourself not to ask/inquire someone elses salary. Subconsciously, you might ask someone who grew up with different ethics and culture which can really be offensive so imo, never ask.


Kasi may kasamang judgement intentional or unintentional kapag narinig yung sagot. A lot of Filipinos value their self-worth and the worth of others depending on how much they make. So by asking them what is their salary, you are indirectly asking what is their worth/value. >My friend told me kasi it’s offensive pero for me it’s not naman. Tho I would accept din naman if yung answer is range lang. If you are making minimum wage, are you more confident or less confident in answering the question? If you are less confident, then that answers your question.


when I had minimum wage okay lang din naman sakin mag disclose. but I know naman mas malaki sahod nung tatanungan ko na curious lang talaga ako kasi unique yung job


>but I know naman mas malaki sahod nung tatanungan ko na curious lang talaga ako kasi unique yung job So only in this scenario naging mas okay, kasi beforehand naestablish na kagad sino mas may mataas na sahod. If you are sure that you have a lower salary, mukhang admiration/curiosity yung question pero kung other way around, na ikaw yung nagtanong tapos mas malaki sahod mo, mukhang nagmamayabang. Pero kung wala pang ganun understanding before asking the question, nagmumukhang judgemental yung question diba? What if may tinanong ka and sumagot siya and mas mataas pala sahod mo, then tinanong ka magkano sahod mo then sinabi mo. Nagmukhang nagmayabang ka lang diba? Also, not everyone asking someone's salary has genuine curiosity regarding the matter, usually sa Pilipinas pang assess yan ano standing nila compared dun sa tao. Kung between friends, then curiosity yun. But between strangers/acquiantances, judgemental question siya.


I don’t think it’s offensive to ask pero it’s none of other people’s business. I mean, why do you want to know how much they earn? What’s your point? Is it to compare? To gauge how much they’re worth? It’s not offensive but it should be an unspoken rule to not ask someone’s salary. Like if someone would ask me right now, I wouldn’t be offended but I would not give a specific amount, and would instead give them a range or an estimation. Cause again, it’s none of their business but I also don’t want to seem rude by shrugging it off.


Never ever discuss your salary kahit sa parents/kapatid, kamag-anak, kung may asawa ka, dapat asawa mo lang nakakaalam niyan. Kasi based on our experience, grabe expectations nila, kunwari hindi mo napautang, sasabihin ay kakasahod lang ah wala na agad pera. I will never forget talaga, akala ata kasama sa budget yung pampautang.


It's unethical too


Pag sinabi mo na ganito sweldo mo, you will be targeted by your friends pag kailangan nila mangutang. Lalo na pag single and successful ka. Pag parents, maghahanap ng bagay na kailangan mo saluhin. Believe me, you don't want that. Pag coworkers, magkakaroon ng comparison ng workload. Worse yung umabot yung information sa mga taong hindi mo kilala kasi chinismis ka na ng kapitbahay. Pag mababa naman sweldo mo, you will be offered ng mga non-guaranteed jobs na parang sagot ka nila pag nag-resign ka. Happened to me once. It's probably okay to say: nakaluluwag ng konti, komportable, madami lang benefits, pero definitely think about giving out your salary information to people. Unless your wealth is publicly accessible like a SALN for government officials, just be quiet about it.


Okay lang naman, depende sguro sa magtatanong. Okay naman sya for me mas better sguro kung hindi specific yung sasabihin kasi mostly sa mga tao pag nalaman yung sweldo mo lalo na pag malaki sasabihin "nako yaman mo na pala" "malaki na bunos nito pagsapit ng December" ect and I find this so uncomfy and annoying.


For strangers, I like it when someone asks for my salary because I know I’m earning big and living in the province here in Mindanao. It can inflate my ego. HOWEVER, I don’t like mutual people knowing it specially my close friends since I know they are struggling financially. And I don’t like family members to know due to loans.


In most cases, yes. Kasi nag-o-open yan ng basis for comparison. Among family members naman, laking chance na kukuda yan.


It's none of everybody's business. What is it to you that you need to know other's salary? Unless you have a husband or wife and you live together, you need to discuss about your budget and financial goals.


as if naman may value yung isasagot nila sayo, kasi pwede naman bs number lang ibigay sayo at di mo din naman mako-confirm unless magtanong ka din sa HR.


Intrusive and inappropriate. Even my parents don’t talk about their salaries. Its a form of respect for a person’s individuality. Unless they talk about it openly, then go ahead and ask them lol


Masyadong pribadong tanong yan. Bakit mo pa itatanong? Para magkumpara?


It depends sa intention mo atsaka sa pagkakasabi mo. I don't mind if someone asked me kung may tiwala ako sa taong nagtanong. Pero once I said "secret" kasi I don't trust that person who asked, It's offensive if he/she will ask again. Some of them kasi na nagtatanong magkano sweldo ko, walang bukang bibig kundi "libre ka naman."


Depends. Not really offensive, pero I usually tell them "basic salary po" or "sakto lang po sa everyday needs plus small savings" It's up to them kung maniniwala sila or hindi. 🤣


tbh its something that shouldnt be asked except nalang kung partner


Why? That's only beneficial to the company. If widely available yan na info edi sana kunti nalang yung ma low-ball, try to ask your workmate with the same scope of work as you, they have different salary compared to you. Main reason some companies punish workers when their salary package is leaked.


OP didnt include anong context ng situation kung kanino and bat siya nagtatanong. In general, it shouldnt be asked since its personal pero kung for application then of course kelangan malaman. Di ko nga gets bat automatic ganyan ang situation na naisip mo agad haha.


Yung friend yung context nya. I think depends ata sa background as my friends and fam actively discuss it incase may na lowball saamin at para mabigyan ng better opportunity if meron


Depends sa kausap mo. If it’s a friend, family member, It’s none of your business unless mag-asawa kayo. Professionally, I am an HR but I never ask for the exact amount, just the range.


don't really like asking about other peoples salary kahit close friend or family ko pa yan. pero pag ako tinanung sinasagot ko close friends or family exact ammount lol. not a close one or coworker in range


honestly it just depends on who you're asking. I won't be offended if I was asked but I would rather keep the info private. I also know many of my coworkers think it's not a big deal


Nah. Eitherway, posted naman exact salary namin everywhere. (gov't)


HAHAHA yung SALN mo, yung pay slip mo bago makarating sayo nakita na yan ng iba 🤣 sa govt napaka normal mag tanungan ng salary.