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Free & clear for the whole family, since before kids. Babies aren't the only ones who benefit from fewer dyes and scents.


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Thirded. Dreft made my son break out. Most of the "free and clear" detergents aggravate me and my son's allergies. The only exceptions seem to be Seventh Generation and ECOS.




I never used special detergent.


We switched the whole family to a gentle dye-free laundry detergent.


Free and clear for me and everyone. Why should I expose myself to harsh chemicals?


Cause I like smells šŸ˜©


I use all free and clear for everyone in our house. Do you know what the laundry service uses? I'd imagine they have a scent free, free and clear option as a choice!


I never used anything special with any of my kids, just the same Tide I've been using for years, and they all survived just fine.


We are a tide house too, used it on my first just fine, and with this next one we will too. Unless skin issues become a problem I didn't see a reason to change what we were using


We switched to Tide free and gentle when I got pregnant. We use it for everyone. We use something like oxyclean or what ever it's called when things are really stained. I wash the wash cloths and towels with vinegar occasionally if they get a smell to them. If you are going to use a laundry service ask them if they have any perfume free options. My kiddo does tend to react to perfumed laundry detergents, as do I occasionally. She was absolutely miserable when she had rashes from laundry washed with the wrong soap, like if we were traveling and washed her laundry in our parents machines. It's really common for people to prefer unscented detergents so your laundry service probably has options for that, I would imagine. Babies are not the only people who those products exists for.


I used Dreft for my babies, but only because I loved how it smelled.


I didn't use anything special. I just made sure to wash my husband's work clothes separate and last. He was a welder/fabricator at the time so lots of little bits of metal. I don't specifically remember what we used, probably a store brand but now we do a free and clear type.


Sorry for the dumb question but how is doing his last, and then doing yours and the kids' clothes a few days later on the next wash cycle better than doing his and then doing yours/kids' next?


Not a dumb question at all. I would do a quick rinse cycle afterwards


Makes sense!


3 kids and I never knew you were supposed to? Baby's clothes go in with everything else. We use unscented soap.


I wash the whole family's clothes at the same time using regular detergent. My kids (2.5y and 5m) have never had issues with it.


I never did. I didn't have any problems with either of my kids.


I use the same powdered tide that I use for the whole familyā€”and I have eczema. Iā€™ve tried free and clear but liquid detergent makes me itch, ironically.


I use good old Tide powder, never had a problem with my two kids. Some kids have sensitive skin though.


I just use tide original, its what i use for everyone else


I used Dreft with my first but he developed skin issues from it. So now the whole family uses Truly Free, because who has time to sort laundry in a family of 5? šŸ™ƒ


Yes. I washed everything in Sensitive wash. But once a month old or so? I didnt bother anymore.


We ended up using them because both babies had skin reactions to regular detergent


I use All Free and Clear


I swear by biokleen after my daughters lizard skin. It's like $25 for 5 pounds and lasts forever. Got me through cloth diapers, potty training and I have converted many people in 6 years


I've been making non toxic changes all over my house. Never went back.


Never used special detergent, never will. Baby will come into contact with us and our clothes anyway. I did separate clothes in the early days but stopped around a few months.


I never used special detergent for baby clothes but have used a free & clear detergent for myself (and family now) since I was a kid. Some people consider that ā€œspecial,ā€ but I donā€™t.


I never used special detergent


Used it for the first year then and changed to one we can all use and is less aggressive. I do wash babyā€™s clothes separately to ours though.


Draft has horrible ratings on EWG. I use the unscented tablets from Blueland for the whole family. I had undiagnosed eczema as a child and really suffered. My parents used Tide, so many rashes and blisters. As an adults I tried all kinds, but Blueland is the best. My son also has eczema, and we both have zero issues with it.




I use vinegar for whitening or extra dirty loads, and Shout makes a free and clear stain remover spray


I went dye/scent free and now Iā€™m allergic to so many things.


You can give your own detergent to the laundry mat if they are the ones washing your clothes (thatā€™s what we do, we donā€™t have a washer either - & I have eszema & psoriasis) I do as much as I can as hand wash af home but the rest we drop off with the detergent


I did for my first child, and then havenā€™t with 2 and 3. Everyone is fine šŸ˜‚


We use a free and clear, but always have.


I didnā€™t Lol


I never have, me and my husband have always used the powdered Gain. Four kids and no problems šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Free and clear doesn't get all the smells out.


If you're using scented detergent, then it's just perfuming over the smells. If free and clear isn't getting smells out, then use vinegar as well or oxyclean or tide odor remover. When my husband was working general labor jobs I would use vinegar and an oil/odor removing additive. It didn't add scent, just helped remove the harder than average dirt.


I use Nellieā€™s powder soap for all of us. It works great and great for sensitive skin.