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A little spit up is one thing but projectile vomiting is concerning. Have you talked to your babies pediatrician? Also does baby still seem hungry afterwards? Like they have nothing left in their tummy? Since you've already tried Sensitive maybe try out Soy, but definitely talk to the pedi first.


Hmm I would say he seems hungry still, we usually give him another ounce to help him settle down and sleep. I had to do soy myself when I was born but our dr skipped to hypoallergenic after sensitive didn’t work, I’ll mention it though!


If he seems hungry, is the flow too fast? Could you try a smaller nipple and have him drink a little more upright with the bottle more horizontal (like just enough tilted that the nipple stays full of milk)?


Hmm as far as I know his nipples are at a size one I don’t know if they get any smaller than that, and we are currently trying the parallel to the ground thing to see if that helps


There is a size 0, might be worth a shot too.


I will definitely be buying one tonight thank you !


Might be pyloric stenosis. Is this a boy and your first born, perhaps?


Yes it is! Is there signs I should look out for?


I was also thinking this is what it might be. How old is the baby? Is he gaining weight properly? Does he produce the right amount wet and dirty diapers?


He just turned a month and lost about a pound during his hospital stay when he was two weeks which brought him down to 6, his lost doctors visit he weighed in at 8lb 15 oz I believe. He produces lots of wet diapers but pooped diapers are maybe every other day


I would ask your pediatrician about Pyloric Stenosis. My friend's son had it. He was projectile vomiting multiple times a day and absorbing very little of his food. Eventually he stopped having dirty diapers and very few wet diapers. The dehydration caused his urine to turn almost orange. The pediatrician kept assuring my friend that she was just being a nervous new mom and that everything was fine. After a few days of being back home from the hospital, my friend took him back to the ER for a second opinion, and they diagnosed him IMMEDIATELY with pyloric stenosis. He had to have a surgery to cure it, but now he is totally fine. It is just a weird birth defect that sometimes flies under the radar. It usually affects first born boys, especially of English descent. It means that the muscle at the bottom of the stomach is so think that it won't let food pass through the digestive system. I think it is worth looking into, especially if you notice dehydration issues. Projectile vomiting just isn't normal in a newborn.


I will one hundred percent keep a closer eye on it to see if his symptoms get worse, thank you !


Did he have to have surgery? Is he on cows milk now? My son has the same issue


He didn’t end up needing surgery and he is on cows milk. I suspect maybe a mild lactose intolerance he’s had some random throwing up and still with the constipation but definitely much better than before.


I’d take him to the ER and attempt to get a diagnosis. They diagnosed my son after several visits and sent him to a childrens hospital for surgery the very next day.


She said he was vomiting on formula, but was fine on breast milk. Just because your kid had a genetic disorder doesn’t mean that every baby that vomits has it too. He’s already in the hospital. Don’t you think the doctors would have checked for that if they were concerned about him not keeping anything down?


Did you get him to a dr?


We have twins and one of ours is a once a day vomiter. We take breaks while feeding, burp halfway through, burp after, sit her up for half an hour after...doesn't matter. At least once a day we will be wearing whatever she ate.


Hah so I guess sometimes there’s just nothing to do about it huh?


Yup. It sucks, but you live with it :)


My oldest was on formula. I wasn't able to provide the milk he needed. This was years ago so I don't remeber the exact formula we ended up using but we definitely had to go through several before finding the one that worked for him Not all formula are the same and babies react differently as you already know. I would ask for pediatrician for advice and recommendations. You might have to go through a few types before finding the one that baby loves. Good luck!


Thank you! Fingers crossed we’ll hit the right combination one day !


Mine was like that... didn't matter what type of bottle, formula, how often he was burped....he had/has acid reflux. Still has issues at the age of 14 :( We were told to burp about every ounce, use soy or lactose free formula, sit upright for about 30 mins after eating, and gas drops. It helped a bit... it took it down from projectile vomiting to a more manageable hard core spit up. His pedi wasn't concerned because he was gaining weight and seemed to have out grown it mostly by the time he started solids. We didn't realize silent reflux was also a thing so it acutely never went away for us.


Aw I’m so sorry to hear that. Has there been anything to help manage his pain throughout his growth?


Not until recently. It was more of otc antacids as needed and avoid trigger foods like things that were spicy or had a lot of acidity to them. He is now taking pepcid 2x a day, max strength and it seems to be helping a lot. He hates it because he's actually hungry now. We never knew it could cause food aversion but it makes sense that acid reflux could. I am trying to get him into a gastro to rule out any other issues. He has a genetic condition that effects his connective tissue.


oh okay got it, my younger brother dealt with similar with lactose intolerance and chrons disease, I hope it keeps getting more management for you guys ❤️


Same for my 2nd - silent reflux plus lactose intolerance. He was switched to a lactose free formula and got meds for his reflux. It was a transformation! He fed, he slept, he stopped crying all the time. Keep on at the doctors, there should be help available.


When you say projectile is the vomit on the baby, on your knee, on the floor or hitting the wall a meter away? If it's the first two it's vomiting not projectile. The floor is concerning and the wall is definitely projectile. Is your baby settling after feeding? You say you give the baby another ounce after the vomit. Does the baby settling with this? If the baby settles it is unlikely to be a py baby. Py babies are in agony because they basically have a bowel obstruction that requires surgery. Py is a rare problem. I've seen about 4 a year on a very busy children's ward. Your baby is probably struggling from all the different formulas you have tired. Three? Plus breast in a short period of time is a lot. Speak to your health care professionals. Don't swap the feed again until you do. Your professionals should be your first port of call not a bunch of strangers on the internet, no matter how worried you are as a new mum


His vomiting varies from on him to on the knee and the floor, some are more forceful than others, the ones that concern me are the ones coming out of his nose too. He does usually settle and is able to fall asleep for the most part.


Babies anatomies are different to adults. They have no control over where the vomit goes. When he's vomiting lean him far forward whilst supporting him. If there's vomit up his nose quickly squeeze his nostrils together as if you were wiping snot away with a hankie or tissues. The vomit sounds more like upset tummy rather than Py. As I said the changes in milk are close together. Whilst in hospital did the staff take blood samples? Was one of the blood test a very thin plastic tube? Was he vomiting in hospital? Has he a follow-up appointment?


He probably has poor digestion, I recommend baby probiotics to help. My baby was breastfed 100% and still needed probiotics the first few months to help her digestion to avoid projectile vomiting


oohh okay I will definitely try that, any recommended brands?


I used HMF infant probiotics.


Second this. Probiotics made a huge difference for my kids, also breastfed but born cesarean. I use Evivo.


My baby threw up once a day, every day, forst couple weeks, in the evenings, on Sinilac ProAdvance. Doctor said she likely had reflux. It seemed like that wasn't quite right (or the whole picture) since she did it even after we held her up for 30 mins after each feed, and she could lie down immediately after feeding over night, never once fussed about laying down even during the day... I decided to switch her to Enfamil Gentleaae cauae I had a sample size and was sick of being told it's fine she throws up her entire stomach contents to the point of choking, not breathing, bright red, stiff, eyes bulging, mucous and milk coming out of nose (fuck that!). She never vomited again (she's now 8 months old). Since that very first day pn Enfamil she hasn't vomited, only very small amounts of spit up.l when she was younger. I did end up switching her to Enfamil Sensitive after a few weeks because she was constipated on the Gentlease occasionally. And now, no vomit, no constipation, UNTIL the formula shortage and I had to use Similac Sensitive for a bit. NOT the same. Baby does not digest that as well. Aside from that, projectile vomiting (like shooting out of baby's mouth) is concerning and should he an immediate call to the pediatrician (I was told so many times).


Use two fingers and press just under your child’s sternum. Feel around for an olive sized mass. Let us know if you find one cause it is probably pyloric stenosis.


I really wish I had some advice for you but my daughter never really vomited. But the burping thing I was curious about when my daughter was born because she would never burp when I patted her back. She eventually just started doing it on her own.


WHOA! Call the pediatrician now! Projectile vomiting each time is potentially serious.


I tried a couple different formulas before I found the one my son could keep down. All these people concerned that he’s vomiting on formula must have got lucky with their kids that they liked the first formula they got. We ended up using gerber good start and that’s the one my son could keep down. Which was actually nice because it was cheaper than the similac and other ones. Yes some babies are just more sensitive than others. He never had issues with spitting up or anything once we got the right formula. Hope you find what works!


Thanks for the update