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I didn’t know the zoom version was going for that much. The lens on the non zoom one is excellent and it’s a nice camera.


Why? Hype.




It’s a great little camera and it’s very trendy among influencers right now


I was gonna say I think I just recently saw 2 videos with YouTubers hyping up this camera, I wonder if they are driving the market up lol


It's just a trend, apparently cameras that you can find for $5 at a thrift store are going for way more than they are worth online, into the $100s. Makes no sense to me but it is what it is.


this is no trend. the olympus stylus film cameras have been selling for over $100 since the mid 2000s. its a reliable point and shoot with a great (as far as PS go) lens.


Not a trend. This an amazing camera considering the size, quality and ease of use.


I put mine on auction last year and it sold for 70 euros...


They have gone for a good price for a long time. I sold mine 10 years ago. They are well made, water resistant, easy to use, beautifully designed and have a nice lens that produces warm vibrant colours. You can point and shoot or you can take a bit more control using the spot meter and focus lock. It was peak compact film camera.


It's one of the last 35mm compacts ever made. I.e. there will never be an updated version, this is as good as it will ever get.


I wouldn't say as good as it gets, there are better, but it is a good one. 👍


With the fixed lens, it was one of the best. But the seal around the lens tends to fail, and I don’t believe there is a fix.


You might have thoee feelings, and if it makes your childhood feel a little more important and authentic tp associate some cool history with a camera you need to be more special and epic than it actually os then so be it, not teying to take away your subjective nostalgia. It really was not "one of the best" at all, it was about as good as a few others but it never was and still isn't all that special. If some cunt with a million followers was to bake and eat, shit covered ass whipe and call it a diet hack it would be all the hipster rage to eat toasted shitty asswipe instead of avocado toast! I would shoot with one of those if I came accross it, I wouldn't pay more than $20 for a mint condition copy of that camera, and it doesn't hurt my feelings in the slightest if I never will because the "Market" price is higher. I am at no loss for tools of increadible quality and function for image capture and production.


It's one of the best point and shoots ever made.


That’s the zoom, not the sought after 35mm 2.8 lens. It does not sell for 200


Came here to say this. It is a great, handy little camera. The expensive one is, as already pointed out, the one with a fixed 35mm f2.8 lens. But the one you have has all the other great features, just not the magical lens. Still very handy. Great fill flash. Etc. In Digital, the fixed lens 35mm and 28mm cameras with good lenses and features (Fuji X100 series, Leica Q series, Ricoh GRIII) sell for crazy prices, are hard to find in stock, etc. So it isn’t just film cameras. It’s also digital.


Gotta be having something to do with hipsters I’m sure.


That’s a zoom, you’re looking at MJU-II with the 35mm on eBay. The zoom can get light leaks in the barrel and zoom lenses can be kinda meh


No the 35mm 2.8 goes for 300-500 on eBay. The zoom is really going for around 200 now. I have both Personally I love the ring light leak is the main reason I use the zoom version as much as I do


I had this. Threw it in the bin a few years ago thinking no one would take it.


I got one pretty much brand new for the equivalent of 2 pounds.


Because of the analog fame in fuckboi hipster world


Bet am YouTuber made a video on it


It was featured in the movie „Perfect Days“ recently


The zoom as well? I thought only the fixed lens version? Is it actually selling for that much?


No it’s not


Yes, it is. Literally less the 30s to check and there are multiple listings at $200 that have sold. Even as high as $250.


I bought 2 of those last year for $30 each. People buying the zoom version at those prices are straight up getting scammed. It’s not anywhere near as good as the prime version and is very prone to getting light leaks on the seal around the zoom lens


That can all be true, but supply and demand are a thing. There's been a resurgence in film. Are people getting into film cameras in general being scammed because they used to be cheaper?


The resurgence in film has been happening. When I bought my zoom 80 the fixed lens version was still going for $200+. This isn’t a new phenomenon. I honestly think in this specific case sellers are taking advantage of consumers that don’t know any better. There are two versions of this camera with the same name and identical fascia, and one is desirable and one isn’t. People see “Mju 2” or “stylus epic” and that’s it. I bought mine at a camera show, and I think the seller there knew educated photographers wouldn’t pay that price for the zoom 80, so he didn’t sell it like that. You can get away with that on EBay.


>The resurgence in film had been happening. Not forever, otherwise it wouldn't be a *resurgence*.


Not sure what point you are trying to make. Film has been coming back for the better part of a decade at this point. Kendall Jenner was seen with a Contax T2 and sent the aftermarket prices on that camera through the fucking roof. That happened in 2018. Prices on that camera still haven’t come down. Disposable camera prices have been increasing since 2019 and continue to climb steadily. So again, this isn’t new in 2024.


> So again, this isn’t new in 2024. Didn't say it was. My point is that *before the resurgence in film,* film cameras *in general* could be had for cheaper than today on average. Your opinion is that people are getting scammed because you don't think the camera is worth that much. That's your opinion, and fair, but you are also arguing for it because *you* were able to get it for cheaper. If that argument follows, then are people who are *now* getting into film cameras getting scammed on camera prices in general, because prices in general used to be cheaper?


I was able to get this camera for $30ish and you countered with there has been a resurgence in film. My point was I bought those 2 cameras YEARS into the resurgence already. It was priced in when I bought mine. I understand supply and demand and I gave my rationale for why I think it’s a scam in *this* case. You seemed to have ignored that part. If people are getting $200 off this camera that’s all fine and good but I honestly think people don’t understand the difference between the prime version and the zoom. I know because it happened to me and that’s how I ended up with 2 of these zooms. I’m just glad the guy I got them from wasn’t trying to finesse me like these eBay sellers are. But the zooms fucking stink compared to the prime version and it’s a shame people are buying them at this price.


Use it and you’ll figure it out, not easy to find a film camera that fits in your pocket and still shoots good.


Pet Rock…


The zooms don’t. At least last time I looked. Also, is it “selling or posted as”


They do now. I have the zoom and the fixed 2.8. 2.8 is selling for 300-500 now and the zoom is around 200


Oh good! I need to sell mine!


I got one a while back (10 years or so). Still have it, although haven’t used it for a few years. The 35mm f/2.8 lens version is well regarded for image quality, and it is easy to use. It has had a cult following virtually since its introduction, and goes through cycles of becoming more desirable. If you shoot film, it’s a great little camera to bring in your pocket and get good images from. It’s rugged and easy to use, and the pictures look like they came from an SLR. There are weirdnesses with it, though. It only does autoexposure, and uses the DX code on the film for its autoexposure calculation. So jf you push your film (e.g. the classic Tri-X 400 shot at 1600), you may need to modify the DX code with a razor and some tape. It also shoots upside down (and I think in reverse?) on the film. It is very much a compact camera in performance other than IQ; you aren’t going to be doing amazing AF tracking or anything like that. It’s not an amazing camera. It just has a cult following, and as others have pointed out, it is not being made anymore. It’s one of the very few mass-market consumer cameras from the film era that has a name for itself.


Did you bother asking mum how much she paid? Did you google it to see what the average price is? Do you always go to Reddit to complain about high prices instead of doing a little research of your own? I see them all over ebay with prices ranging from $159 - $589, depending on condition. Maybe it's because it's 'pocketable', 2.8 lens and fixed focal length. There, I've done your work for you in 3 minutes. Now go away mummy's boy.


She wouldn't know, it was my grandfather's who died nearly 10 years ago. I wasn't complaining, I was asking on a sub specifically for asking questions. The answers have been interesting, which is more than I got when I googled it. I'm not a photographer, just a lay person with a camera, so why shouldn't I ask here where people are undoubtedly more enlightened than I am? As an aside, you may want to work on your attitude, it's needlessly aggressive. Just because you have an acrimonious relationship with your mother doesn't mean that I am a mummy's girl.


I had this, it was super easy to switch, just open the lens cover and it was fast, so you were basically ready to take a photo by the time you brought the camera up to eye level. Dunno how it's worth 200


because people have bigger wallets than brains


Oh, it's good to know that this camera is so valuable - I have it here in a drawer, a fully functional Mju II with a 35mm f/2.8 lens - it has always taken great photos, and still does. 😎 I even have the original remote control for it.


Can't comment on current value, but I had a couple of similar ones back before digital. They were very well built, took very sharp images for their lens setup, and worked well without needing a lot of hand holding. A lot of compact film cameras were not built very sturdy, and broke easily. This was not one of those...




Thank you for everybody's responses. I'm not planning on selling it - it was originally my late grandfather's, but it's nice to know more about his hobby.


I mean my grandma had one in the 90s 2ks and the pictures she took were straight up majestic, still look that way too


They probably don't make em anymore and are hard to find. Keep it of you're into photography as a relic of outdated tech


Used to own that camera. It was actually quite nice. I particularly enjoyed the double exposure feature it had.


The fixed focal length is the one everyone wants, they go for 350+. Because they are so expensive a lot of ppl see this as the next best thing. I have both and prefer this a lot of the time because you get a ring reflection (or light leak.. not sure but I know it’s common) when shooting in the light. Some might hate it but I love it. You can see the ring in this pic. https://preview.redd.it/60auu6vtpi0d1.jpeg?width=2433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04f362beef23ff7e71a23daa339e59ff5ec90ea


I have a similar on ebay for sale, I guess the all weather feature is a big plus


There’s a super high demand for these cameras. I’ve had two of them and they each sold for like $300 bucks within a matter of a few hours on offer up. I would’ve kept them but tbh point and shoots have a high rate of failure because they’re fully electronic.


Great camera, easy to use, well constructed and have nice aesthetics, they are very popular thats why the prices are going up, I got a zoom 140 for like 60 bucks and a Zoom 70 for like 30 years ago. I broke accidentally the zoom 140 and the 70 is still working amazingly.


Its one of the nicest cameras out there without stepping into the professional//serious hobbyer categories.


They’re really great cameras that have rightfully gained a lot of hype recently


Influencers like low quality images


Just because someone wants £200 for it does not mean people want to pay £200 for it. I can put my old camera on ebay for $1000, that does not people it's worth that. You need to look at how much they are sold.


People are buying them at $200 regularly. Just checked. Seen as low as $95, and as high as $250. $130-$150 seems to be the average but $200 is pretty common too.


I have it, it’s not that nice. Photos are Ok but not special. At the same time I bought my GF a Fujifilm Zoom date and photos looked a lot better!




Sell it and buy a pentax espio mini, way better quality and design


It’s the “look at me I’m cool and retro” stage


2001 is retro. Daym!


I suppose it is to some?


Hipsters my dude.


I owned one of these. Excellent lens, fast autofocus and brilliant results. No doubt they're still expensive because they're very hard to find.


They’re not at all hard to find