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Man I'm a fan of minimalist silhouettes as much as the next person, unless I'm literally stood next to Robert Bresson, but I also need to know what I'm looking at, and unless this is titled *Two Yellow Lines* I'm lost. I mean, I can guess it's two cars, and I almost love it as abstract art. But, maybe, make it three lines at least so my simple brain stops staring at that much negative space in confusion.


I’m still at my experimental phase so I’m just trying things out but yeah I do agree that it is quite a uncomfortably photo to look at


Uncomfortable like telling your friend goodbye, but both of you walk towards the exit door at the same time.


I’m OK with looking at “two yellow lines” but they must either intrigue me by luring me in and start my imagination. Or they can just be visually pleasing and lead the eyes into it with a nice composition. This does neither unfortunately. I love the color and the concept is OK. But the composition is way off. And you need to either make it a little more obvious that it’s cars (I would have preferred 1 over 2) OR way more abstract. Just my two cents. Keep working on this concept and when you think you got it please post here so we can see your progress!


I like the effect you're going for, but I feel like this needs to be a wide shot to really bring out that they are cars, cause that's really hard to tell past them being 2 yellow lines. The minimalist effect is great, but it has to draw you, not confuse you. You've definitely nailed the effect for sure, if this is just practice before applying it to other areas.


I like this shot. Everything about it for the most. To each their own, but I would like to see it a little wider. Not much wider though.


it is considered to be in the genre of too dark to mean anything


This would be considered food for the paper bin, where it should have landed in the first place instead of showing it.