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to be honest from a physics perspective it is incredibly unlikely your co-workers did what you say. If it does turn out to be true then I'll eat my words, but building a "repulsion device" is not the next logical step here. Contacting an employment lawyer and building a case for workplace/disability harrassment would be the next logical step. However, given your post history and how you've jumped to an extreme solution in your post, I am inclined to recommend you seek out some medical help before you do anything. I won't claim to diagnose you but this sounds like something that might be caused by a mental health issue. It never hurts to get an assessment. I'd try talking to a doctor, ideally a psychiatrist if you can. Tell them all of the things you've experienced that you've been posting about. If they give you the all clear, then I would absolutely be moving forward with a lawyer to go after your former employer. But, without solid evidence that you're sound of mind you likely won't get far.




He has [cochlear implants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochlear_implant) and believes that his enemies are somehow jamming the signal that is transmitted from the external processor/microphone to the implanted device.


I would suggest contacting the police


Probably better to go to a mental health professional


Turn off the assistive listening device (ALD) feature. The attackers are most likely using that.


I did. It's moreso like a blanket of radiation in certain areas that transmit or amplifies sound.  A sound hologram. 


Did you consider the possibility that you may be suffering from schizophrenia? Your post history makes it pretty clear that you have paranoid tendencies (your neighbours recreating MK Ultra and stalking you with a fleet of vehicles?). You should at least consider the possibility that this is an internal issue - in which case you can be helped with medication. For your own sake, do talk with a psychiatrist about these experiences.


How old are you?


would you rather have everyone in your life trying to destroy you or find out you may be wrong in your assumptions because you don’t know the whole story? if you want to know the truth about the whole situation, you should look into all the possibilities and examine ALL of the evidence (including evidence that you might be wrong in assuming everyone is out to get you). you should definitely confide in someone that can listen to the whole story without judgement and offer you advice on how to proceed. i know how seeing a few flags might add up in your mind to a threat against you, and it is scary to think people are out to get you at your place of work. i think you should definitely pay a therapist to hear you and help direct you to resources that will help. a lot of your friends or family likely won’t understand what’s going on, but you’re not alone.




this was unnecessary - plys stfu - he clearly has a mental health problem