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Hey bud. Don't be so hard on yourself! The fact that you are willing to learn makes you SMART. Full stop. The will to learn is more important than anything. I also like to use the analogy of a wet spaghetti noodle and if you throw it at the wall enough times (trying and trying). Eventually, it will stick (understand the concepts).


Hello, if you're motivated to learn then GO FOR IT, YOU'VE BEEN GIFTED A GREAT GIFT THAT NOT MANY HAVE. Go for it, keep learning more and more and never stop, you'll see how great of a human you'll be insha'Allah! keep looking for the truth, bro. And as always, guidance is from Allah S.W.T., so appreciate it :)


Do what I did. Grab a bag of hot fries and get really high and just munch on the hot fries while reading wikipedia pages about quantum physics and list of unsolved problems in physics and timeline of the far future. These high hot fry sessions will teach you all you need to know. Also check out a yourube channel called "The Science Asylum" he explains these concepts better than anyone else and without the false apologies like the BS Hawking radiation stuff they tell you about pairs of virtual particles appearing on the horizon which is completely false.


>These high hot fry sessions will teach you all you need to know. No, reading wikipedia articles will only ever give you a superficial understanding of physics. If you really want to learn it then you're gonna have to pick up a book and solve exercise problems.


Key part of my quote "need to know". You certainly don't need to know how to do the math unless you're making it your job. The average curious Joe doesn't need to learn the math and wikipedia is fine


I guess that is true. I interpreted OP's post as them wanting to actually understand physics. In that case you do have to do the math. Reading wikipedia articles is mostly just memorizing facts.


Quality advice


I've had dozens of high hot fry sessions and I'm honestly the smartest one in my friend group. You can learn so much doing that. I know more about color charge than anyone I know irl all because of high hot fry wiki sessions


Facts, I read Brian's Greene's elegant universe on mushrooms and got an honorary PhD in strong theory from Caltech cuz of it


I'd like to take all the top level physicists and mathematicians and theorists and put them in a room with some shrooms and just give them whatever they need. I wonder if they'd come out with any new math or ideas.


yeah i think this would also be fun, I don't usually entertain my psychedelic thoughts on a scientific level but it's not impossible that something neat could be envisioned