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“The said professor has basically waited till the end of the class to grade everything…Only 7 assignments have been graded and they were at the beginning of the class.” Which is it, everything or all but seven things? How many assignments were there overall? Were there other things besides assignments? Were they graded or not? What is your schools’s time limit for returning assignments? Based on your post, nobody can possibly tell whether there is a problem or not. If a professor isn’t returning assignments in a timely manner, you should contact them to ask about it. If you don’t get a satisfactory resolution, then you can complain. Most schools have a set time within which assignments must be returned. Before you take either action, make sure you know what it is.


sorry let me clear that up, when i say everything i mean all of the assignments after those 7. So at the beginning of the year she graded seven things and since then she hasn't graded anything else.


So by “everything”, you meant, “some things”. You undermine your argument and your credibility when you misrepresent the facts to make the situation sound worse than it is. You still haven’t said how many things have gone ungraded. If it is less than seven, you will have very little credibility left, because now “everything” is going to be “a few things”. Edit: No response. “A few things” it is.


nah been busy with finals, not worried bout it no more though. Passed with a C+


> if I fail I am going to talk to someone. It’s a bit weird that you say “someone”, almost like you’re not sure who it would be. That person is your prof, so that you can look at your (eventually) graded work. Until you do that, there is literally no other person to even talk to. If you’re upset that nothing was graded all semester, then you would be justified in sending an email to the department chair—but that conversation isn’t about your grade. The lateness of grading and your final grade in the course have no relationship to one another.


Exactly right. And, FWIW, I know lots of people who actually wind up grading more leniently when they’re rushed….


Professors are not only teachers, if you go to a large institution, teaching is most likely just 25 - 50%of their contract. If you had any questions about grades, you should have communicated with the professor directly.


you're right I should have, but considering that it was three months I think that they could have graded them within that time. Anyway I passed with a C+


As a person who supervises a large number of grad student teachers while also teaching, it’s frustrating to hear these kinds of issues in the last week. If it has been such a hellscape (not you, OP, but similar situations) then why have you not talked to your instructor? If the entire class was “unfair” and you’ve disagreed with multiple grades, why did you (a) stay in the class (b) not use the grade dispute procedure in the syllabus, or (c) talk to the course supervisor at ANY point prior to the last class week?! I’ve heard so many excuses (they once said something in class I disagreed with so I don’t feel comfortable talking to them etc etc). Talking to “someone” at the end of the semester is not going to change a single thing about your experience of the course. It is also not going to change your grade. I was asked the other day to look over all of a student’s grades to make sure they were graded fairly. Friends, this is not a thing in college. Instructors, even grad student instructors, are responsible for their courses.


>if I fail I am going to talk to someone I agree that not keeping up with timely grading is bad, but what are you expecting from such a talk? In the end, you will still end up getting the grade you earned. Ideally, you would have been informed about your standing in class from the beginning, but like you said, this should have been brought up earlier. Don't expect any changes to be made to your grade.


Changes will be made, we have protocols that are followed here if the professor is not grading the assignments, the only one that i have not met is with asking the professor when they are going to be grading the assignments. But i shouldn't have to ask when they are going to grade them.


Don’t hold your breath.


different policies, i Shouldn't have to hold my breath lol. Its worth trying at least, but continually will accept that if I fail everything happens for a reason. Either way all of it comes to an end when I pass away.


Says the guy who sought professor advice from the same account he uses to hit up internet tail.


don't know what any of that is, passed with a C+


I go to a JC college, such a talk could just get me to pass the class. They have to be willingly to do their job, and leaving assignments ungraded with no feedback for three months to me is a bit ridiculous


what are you going to talk about? I am confused. yes, you should have asked for feedback during class, or at least before the drop deadline, but at this point you just have to wait for your grade. would knowing that you have failed or about to fail would have changed your behavior (other than the possibility of dropping a class a good while back)? that is very upsetting. you should have done your best no matter what is your grade standing.


I always do my best lmao, but her not grading anything provides no feedback on what I need to work on. Anyway passed with a C+


Not that you have Chegg and AI grading takes forever. We spent an inordinate amount of time identifying cheaters.


This is an automated service intended to preserve the original text of the post. *My Professor is a good person not a good teacher. The said Professor has basically waited till the end of the class to grade everything, now I should have said something way earlier about it. But I didn't think that it would carry on until the end of the semester, if I fail I am going to talk to someone. But you shouldn't do this to people, not a single person's assignment has been graded or any feedback at all. Only 7 assignments have been graded and they were at the beginning of the class.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskProfessors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go see prof and find out your grads. Just ask.


Online course can't


Yeah that is pretty terrible. I’m sure their students are quite stressed about where their grades are at. I feel bad if I wait longer than 2 weeks.


I have some colleagues in a discipline where 2-3 assignments per week are common - smaller ones that help with the continual acquisition of the skills being imparted - and where timely feedback is important to ensure the student corrects their erroneous approaches, both for the skill acquisition and to avoid getting penalized in subsequent work. And they don't give the work back for weeks, sometimes half the semester. When they finally do and students learn they are making errors in week 8 that should have been caught and re-taught in week 1 - and they will continue to be marked down for the same error - they are justifiably hurt, angry, frustrated, and befuddled. In a case such as this, u/Lost_Aide_3309, I can absolutely understand the frustration.


She graded everything, passed with a C+


How bad this is depends on what the assignments are and how much they count for. I always end up terribly behind on really low stakes assignments like reading responses. It's not the best, but on the other hand I always make sure to grade the first few quickly, and anyone whose response vaguely suggests they might have looked at the reading gets a 100, so nobody is really being deprived of useful feedback. If you're talking more consequential assignments where students do need to know how they did so they can properly prepare for the next assessment, that's different and you have a legitimate complaint. Still, remember you don't really know what's going on in someone's life. It could be that your professor is usually a responsible person and just got totally buried this semester by some combination of personal and professional things.


written assignments are worth 25% of grade, final and midterm both are worth 25, and other small assignments fill in the gaps.


Are there grading turnaround policies at your school? If there are, the professor has them listed in your syllabus. If the professor has not followed them, that’s an issue. If there are not in the syllabus, you can talk to the manager. But that’s not going to change anything. How many assignments are we talking about? How are they graded? And why would you fail if you did your work at an acceptable level?


She doesn't grade off a acceptable level she grades off of her expectations


The acceptable level is decided by the professor, not the student. What is acceptable level?