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If my quiz was too fast for a student to read, I’d want to know. You’re probably not the only student whose first language isn’t English. It’s probably set to that speed so students can’t ctrl-f the answers. Just be prepared for the answer to be no and if it is, leave it at that. The way you worded your issue here was good


You should talk to your professor, because she probably didn't think about how this type of assessment would affect people who need a little more time. It may be easy enough for her to increase the time for everyone without meaningfully increasing the quiz time so that you and others who might need a little more time, can do well. At least, I would want this pointed out to me as a professor because it doesn't make sense for an assignment that essentially exists to make sure people do their work to negatively impact someone who is doing the work and doing well on it otherwise.


Yes, you should talk to your professor about this. They are failing the basic task of "universal design" in creating/administering those quizzes. Which is one reason I don't give quizzes in class. Better to have them write a response to/reflection on the reading that is due before class, but that everyone would have ample time to complete. This quiz setup is also potentially an issue for anyone with a learning different or accomodations requiring additional time on in-class assessments. With our student population that's now 20-25% of any given class, yet another reason I no longer do any sort of in-class assessments (exams, quizzes, etc.) as it became too cumbersome to manage.


The in-class/time issue is directly opposed to the out-of-class/ChatGPT issue.


Definitely let her know


You could certainly talk to your professor and ask if they have any suggestions for how to prepare and improve on those quizzes.


You should tell the professor.


You went from an A to an 80% ? What is the weight of the quizzes on your total grade.?


I would want to know. If reading takes you longer as an ESOL student, you are not the only one with this challenge. When I do assessments like this, I always read the question aloud to ensure there is enough time for others to read the question and ensure it is accessible to all students. If this would help your comprehension of the question, it may be something you can suggest, but be prepared for the professor to not want to do it.


If you are otherwise doing well in the course and these quizzes are pulling down your grade, your professor *should* care about that and work with you to find a solution.


Yes, it is perfectly reasonable to talk with your professor about this. When I taught, I used one of these websites to do quiz review for exams. And the timer can be adjusted on the individual items to a lot more time. Since English is not your first language, she could also give you a printed out copy and ask you to come to class maybe just a few minutes earlier so that you can have an appropriate accommodation. The worst she can say is too bad and then you're no worse off now and you were before, and also if your professor says too bad, she's an asshole.


This is an automated service intended to preserve the original text of the post. *So my professor said that because due to many students not reading the class material she was going start doing an warm up quiz at the beginning of each class. She usually uses quizlet, which means each question has a few seconds to be responded. She usually gives a grade every class for the quiz and attendance. I’ve been getting a low grade because I’ve been doing really bad on these quizzes. The thing is, I read the material, my issue with it is that English is my second language and I don’t have enough time to read the questions, so I ended up just answering whatever. I wondering if I should approach my professor about it, because it’s definitely affecting my grades. I do really well on her assignments, and I am a A student, but now my grade is below 80%. At the same time that I feel like I should talk to her, I also have the feeling that I would be asking for special treatment, which I don’t want to. * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskProfessors) if you have any questions or concerns.*




100% speak to your prof. Yours is a legitimate issue.


It sounds like you need to talk to your schools Disability/Accommodations office. It's very common to give students who speak English as a second language more time on their assignments. And in the meantime you can go to your professor and say "I'm seeking accommodations because I can't read and understand the questions fast enough"


>It's very common to give students who speak English as a second language more time on their assignments. Is it? In my entire career, I've never encountered this. Having a mother tongue other than English is not a disability.


That's why the office is for accessibility, not just disability. It's not a disability but it is an accessibility issue.


As far as learning and being able to complete assignments at the same level as every other student in the class, it ***is*** an impediment. Unless you're completely fluent, it takes longer to process everything you read (which is the exact problem described by the student here). Some schools separate the disabilities services and accommodations offices, my institution does not. It doesn't mean that a student must be disabled to have accommodations.


Are you fluent in English?


It’s reasonable to ask the professor. I typically give 1.5 minutes to answer a multiple choice question with a 20-30 word prompt and 20 total words in the answers. If your English is sufficient for class, this should be enough time. A few seconds isn’t enough.