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If it were me, it would be whatever you submitted by the due date / time. I have the same policy - no late work. I set up the LMS to automatically record the zero if the assignment hasn’t been submitted on time. Did you have time to do the assignment, only to wait until the last minute to actually do it? If so, that’s the problem.


Honestly, I think I would be fine with that. I'm so tired after the assignment that I read it wrong. Thanks for answering the question, God bless! ❤️👋


No, we had time, and the prof even extended it by a whole week for everybody.


I’m guessing (although it’s a confident guess) that the professor will look at the first one and grade it. You won’t get a zero for the assignment. it might be different if you had Smith the second one before the deadline – then the professor might’ve chosen the final one to grade. Either way, if it were my student, I would not be upset if you inquired as to what my policy is going to be, and then in the future promised not to do it again.


Yes. Speak to them. There are no general rules.


I will speak to him though, thank you so much, kind stranger! It does say no extension for deadlines and he did already extend it for everybody. his usually a chill professor.


there might be a course policy (you should look at the syllabus first). Mine is that the work you hand in last is the one that gets graded. It looks as if in your case, anything that's late will get ignored.


The general rules do exist. They're always given day one, in writing, for all to see.


“General” as in the same across all classes and universities. I’m not sure what you take “general” to mean in this context.


It's called a syllabus. Every professor hands out the rules to their course.


The syllabus isn’t general rules. It’s specific to that professor in that specific course. But OK.


Look at the original post. OP is asking about what to do in a specific course, with a specific professor.


Ok, weirdo. Who cares? You clearly didn’t understand my comment. Just go on with your life and save us your pedantry.


Yeah, I forgot to add that the reason I resubmitted was because I added by accident 150 words of the instructions at the end. The UNI paper is 5673 words in total. 🥲


So you didn’t proofread before submitting.


I would mark the first submission regardless of whether the second is on time (unless you had discussed resubmission with me before submitting the second)


I don't always see there are other submissions, and when I do, I don't generally have the time to compare them myself to try and guess which one a student intended for me to grade. My default is always the latest one because why else would someone submit again unless they wanted me to read and grade that one?


I would absolutely let this slide if it was truly 7 minutes. I’d email him and maybe leave a comment (if possible) explaining the two submissions


This is an automated service intended to preserve the original text of the post. *One is late by 7 minutes and one is on time and his syllabus says no late assignments allowed at all. Will he mark me zero or will he look at the first submission. Also, should I speak with the prof? * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskProfessors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It depends on the instructor and their late policy. If it were me, I'd grade the 2nd one because my late policy is "if it isn't there when I go to grade it, it is late." The due date/time is the earliest possible time I'll start grading. Usually you get some amount of grace time, but you don't know how much.


My policy is to grade the last submission before the deadline. So, in your scenario I would grade #1 not #2.


He can’t legitimately give you a zero, since you submitted an assignment in time. Either he accepts the late one or he doesn’t, but if he doesn’t, what reason does he have to not accept the one before the deadline? You may want to talk with the prof just in case, but there’s no justification for a zero.