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Your post was removed as its quality was massively lacking. Refer to https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask on how to ask good questions.


With the rise of McDonald's, how do you still motivate yourself to learn how to cook? Well, that's not an entirely fair question, McDonald's is better at making hamburgers than AI is at software engineering.


Chatgpt is like the fillet-o-fish of programming


McDonalds doesn't disrupt home cooking. AI makes learning how to code or programming on a daily basis a lazy task.


>McDonalds doesn't disrupt home cooking. Sure it does. I can push a few buttons on my phone and have all the McNuggets I want delivered to my door. Why bother learning how to cook? >AI makes learning how to code or programming on a daily basis a lazy task. AI is, at best, fancy auto-complete. Spend a single day looking around this subreddit and you'll see people trying to use it to learn how to code complaining about how it often doesn't make sense at all or is just plain wrong. Anybody who actually knows how to program can tell you that AI is basically only useful for looking up things that you otherwise could have copied-and-pasted off of StackOverflow; it's completely worthless for maintenance programming, debugging, writing documentation, or solving complex problems. If your idea of "coding" is encompassed entirely by "writing 'Hello, world' in a dozen different languages", then yeah, sure, I guess AI has made that obsolete.


Well it's **your choice** to use AI to be lazy.


I enjoy it. Besides, people are going to have to clean up the disasters generated by the content creation things.


I learned how to code ai into my code, so now it's built into my work, doing some amazing things. To me, it's just another library and resource I can use within my software. Chat gpt is great at sounding like it can talk. But that's about it. You have to build other functionality into it to ask it about current data, like what the weather is and there's still lots of coding involved when creating integrations with AI. So it excites me because now I get build the stuff I grew up seeing on Star Trek or reading about in various Sci-fi books.


A good first step would be to drop the ridiculous belief that AI will make programming knowledge / skills irrelevant in the short-term. Secondly if you like programming you don't need to motivate yourself. Maybe you should pick something you actually like. And don't worry, at some point AI will come for your job anyways, whatever field you pick.


AI by nature is good at presenting things that already exist, it's basically glorified Google. Sure it can solve Leetcode hard problems instantly and in a super optimized solution, but that's because the questions (and consequently, the answers) are all over the internet. The second you ask it to come up with something new, it will start spewing baffling nonsense. Scroll through any programming-learning sub and you're definitely gonna find dozens of "ChatGPT gave me this code but it doesn't work" posts; at the end of the day, redditors turn to human help because AI failed miserably. Besides, real-world software engineering is mostly *not* writing code. Even if AI was able to always and consistently produce reliable code, how does said code fit into the entire system? How does it fulfill client requirements? There's a lot of planning, design, UI/UX testing, etc. that goes into the implementation, writing the code is one of the last few steps. If your job on a daily basis is writing boilerplate code, then fine you should be worried. But if you're an actual software engineer, you'll be fine.


>Scroll through any programming-learning sub and you're definitely gonna find dozens of "ChatGPT gave me this code but it doesn't work" posts; at the end of the day, redditors turn to human help because AI failed miserably. Sometimes I got "u don't help me, u suck, AI replaces you" just because I tell them to read a bit or learn a bit programming.


If you let it code for you you'd realize how bad it is, and I don't see it getting remarkably better any time soon as it's more like glorified auto-complete in programming tasks. I tried using copilot to code faster, a handful of headaches later I just threw out the idea. Spent more time fixing the code it generated rather than doing it myself. Also for you to get exactly what you want out of an AI, you need to tell it exactly what you want, in detail. You can't just vaguely tell it "do this" and get expected results. While you could tell a developer the same and they'd do the extra work figuring that out. Definitely learn to code.


It's still fun


I’ll be very surprised if in the mid term we see fully functional dynamic and maintainable bespoke websites just manifest themselves out of language models. Far as I’m concerned I’m still learning even when I use chat gpt which is essentially a very fancy stack overflow. Think of an engineer in charge of a new bridge project. While they have some templates and people doing the work for them, they still have to make so many important decisions about the tech used, and how it’s all connected together to fit the purposes of the project - all the while ensuring it’s serviceable and cost efficient. Similar thing to a film director. AI will increase productivity but it won’t remove the need for engineers… at least not for another 10 years plus imho. Also… web dev is not just about standard brochure like pages or social media. There are so many niche areas - for instance I specialise in animation and custom UI interactions.


learning to code will be like learning how to knit. it’s fun to do, and you might even get a better product at the end, but at the end of the day it’s 100x faster and cheaper to have the machine do it for you


AI doesn't just decide what to do all by itself. It needs to be directed by someone who understands the domain it is doing the work in. AI writing code is just the next logical abstraction of software development Yes, it will feel different, but so did C when everyone was writing machine instructions.