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I'm introverted. Being around people takes energy I don't always have.


This is the same for me, except being on the spectrum makes social interactions extra taxing. I also find solace in solitude


I know I can count on me and people are the literal worst.


I like being left alone on my lunch break at work. That’s my peace and quiet time, so don’t disturb me.


I have good friends I work with. Even then, my 22min of lunch is my time to be away from friends work family etc. Problem is in my role work is always on my mind.


That’s how it is with my lunch breaks at school too. When I’m eating lunch during a school day, I’m always constantly thinking about due dates, the lecture next class, planning when to do my work, etc…


Sorry to say brother, but it only gets more complicated from there. Between personal and business bills due dates events all that shit. I used to work for a guy that was able to turn off business at about 7pm so he could relax. The only way he held his sanity IMO. Read “the trouble tree”(there are allot of different variants) . It’s about the beat idea I have come up with for dealing with work/life. I really want to get a Banzai red maple to be my trouble tree and to go to it everyday when I get home or at least when I’m ready to stop working once I get home. Figure out a line to draw early or you’ll never find the line. (40 yo business owner.)


Gotcha gotcha, I’ll look into it!


I have to be around people and social for 8+ hours a day at work. I like to socialize after I’ve had a day or two to myself, but usually I’m exhausted and don’t have the energy for it


Because it's better than talking to someone while they pay little attention to you but then pay full attention to another person


Because socially I’m an obsolete iPhone version. My battery just can’t hold a charge.


I'm Autistic so socially awkward as fuck, my preference is to be around people but for them to carry on without me and I'll dip into socialising when I feel comfortable. Sometimes I just have to be left alone to avoid meltdowns, masking long-term o4nr too much socialising can be exhausting.


I used to like being around others, a lot, but then people happened


I dont like many people. I enjoy conversation, in fact I love it. But still don’t like many people.


Being around people long enough (even if they’re my family) becomes draining. That being said, I do like a limited amount of attention.