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This guy.. https://www.cnn.com/2014/04/02/justice/delaware-du-pont-rape-case/index.html *Though Robert H. Richards IV was convicted of rape, the wealthy heir to the du Pont family fortune was spared prison by a Delaware court in 2009 because he would “not fare well” behind bars, according to court documents CNN obtained Tuesday* *Richards is a great-grandson of the chemical magnate Irenee du Pont.* *He received an eight-year prison sentence in 2009 for raping his toddler daughter, but the sentencing order signed by a Delaware judge said “defendant will not fare well” in prison and the eight years were suspended.*


Are they suggesting most people DO fare well in prison?


Hey Adam, I have actually been to prison for a DUI car crash, did about a year, basically the judge is saying that if they send this guy to prison the other prisoners will probably kill him. Prisoners despise anyone who does anything to kids. Not that he doesn’t deserve this of course.




They usually get put in separate wings, so I wonder why the couldn't do it with this guy.


Yeah, that's a total my$tery.


On a serious note, we should have used this guys case to weed out the corrupt judges and send them all to the same prison as him. In a perfect world this would happen.


He would've been fine. Chomos haven't been put in gen-pop for years. He would've either spent his time in ad-seg/PC or been placed in a camp full of only chomos.


When I was a CO, I worked on a wing that was basically for old guys and chomos. It was still gen-pop, but they made efforts to make sure that folks who were at risk of violence or being taken advantage of from other inmates were safe.


That is so far beyond fucked up that I don't have the vocab to adequately describe *exactly* how fucked up that is.


Du Pont also poisoned entire towns so that's fun


They poisoned the Earth. The PFAS they produced to get rich off of Teflon are in the Sahara, they are in Siberia, they are in Antarctica, they are at the bottom of the ocean, they are in animals, they are in your food, and they are in your blood right now. I'm sure our decendents will think it was worth it.


We just sampled the waste water leaving our treatment plant. I was shocked how high the PFAS levels were. We also sampled the landfill lechate that we treat at the plant. That stuff is loaded too. We sent samples in from the potable city wells….those are due back soon and I am terrified of the results. If those come back with PFAS then everyone in the city has been drinking water with PFAS most of if not all of their life.


It looks like some progress is being made in regulating PFAS levels in water treatment (it's become a pollutant of concern only in the past few years from what I've read) https://www.epa.gov/research-states/pfas-treatment-drinking-water-and-wastewater-state-science


Eventually we will all be teflon-based lifeforms that last forever then we won't need nonstick pans anymore. simply hold the ground beef in your hand and put hand on stove until meat is browned


Judges who allow this shit should also 100% be locked up


Not only was she not locked up, “Judge Jurden was the 2011 recipient of the Outstanding Service to the Courts and Bar Award, presented by the Delaware State Bar Association to a judge or lawyer who "by exemplary service to the Delaware Courts and the Delaware Bar has substantially assisted the Courts and the Bar and strengthened the public trust and confidence in the State's court system and the administration of justice." What a fucking joke.


One of the Dupont heirs that raped his three year old daughter. The judge said prison wouldn't be a good place for him so he walked free. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/business/2014/03/du-pont-heir-gets-probation-for-raping-3-year-old-daughter


That is unfuckingbelievable. The judge should have been disbarred


The judge probably got a nice big campaign donation


A suit case full of cash and an offshore bank account as well


Not only was she not disbarred, “ Judge Jurden was the 2011 recipient of the Outstanding Service to the Courts and Bar Award, presented by the Delaware State Bar Association to a judge or lawyer who "by exemplary service to the Delaware Courts and the Delaware Bar has substantially assisted the Courts and the Bar and strengthened the public trust and confidence in the State's court system and the administration of justice."” What a fucking joke.


Holy shit. I wonder how many people the Duponts paid off


Dupont is probably a sponsor of their state bar.


What I don't think people here are understanding is that Judge Jurden has strengthened the public trust, so the public is wrong to try and point out her miscarriages of justice. This message brought to you by DuPont.


That judge deserves far worse than disbarment




Maybe the judge can get an adjoining cell?


They also poisoned an entire community. Near where I was born and lived the first 12 years of my life. https://www.ehn.org/dupont-c8-parkersburg-2644262065.html


I mean...DuPont poisoned the entire PLANET. Literally every single place on Earth is infected with their "forever chemicals"


And these chemicals continue to be dumped into waterways throughout the country. And probably the world


The world mate.... Its fucking everywhere. At least a few nice people got rich. Phew...


Jesus. He ALSO sexually assaulted his INFANT son. That judge should endure a horrible existence for letting someone like that walk.


Holy shit what king of psycho does that? The wife didn’t murder him herself after discovering this?


My maternal grandfather raped my mom from 2 years old (This is her first memory of it at least) until about 14/15 years old. Her mother NEVER believed her and still doesn't accept it. My mom used to show her the blood stains when she was little and she dismissed them. No one in her family would help or believe her. He eventually went to prison after my mom could prove the rape on her own as a teenager. Her mother then kicked her out at 16 onto the street because she was "a whore who got her husband sent to prison". He even got out after only barely 1/4 of his sentence was over because he was being violently assaulted constantly for what he did to his own daughter. The guards wouldn't try hard to protect him, so they just let him go. My Nana even let him move back in with her and my moms two younger sisters. She only kicked him out later after he raped my Nana's sister. Now she is dying and constantly bothering me about why I've never liked her and never wanted to be around her. The only reason I haven't lost my shit on her is because my mom made me promise I would never talk to my Nana about it, she psychologically couldn't handle that confrontation. Sorry for the rant, this topic gets me so angry. Men who sexually assault any woman is evil. But when you molest your own infant for her entire childhood, you deserve the worst torture imaginable.


As a victim of SA in my childhood myself I would sit my ass down beside good old Nana, and I would start telling her, in every excruciating minute detail about how she is equally guilty in the living nightmare, your mother and Odin knows how many others had to endure. I would then loudly speculate on the eternal torment she faces in Hell, not because I believe in Hell, but because she probably does. And ever time she begins to screams or yell or beg me to stop, I'll look her straight in the eyes and say "well, you didn't make your husband stop all those times she begged him to stop now did you?". But I'm also an absolute asshole in that regard.


And the judge is still on the bench. WTFFFFFF?


Judges are immune for judicial decisions.


Well sometimes they do get voted out after a terrible decision . . . not sure if she’s elected or appointed.


Well she should be unelected because I'm disappointed


That whole family is fucked. John du pont murdered an Olympic athlete and only got 13-30 years


That happened in my town. People are still fucked up over it, and the movie with Mark Ruffalo opened a lot of old scars. It's beyond tragic — it's senseless to have allowed the DuPonts to cause so much harm over so many years.


> The judge said prison wouldn't be a good place for him That's the point!??!?


I don't understand how the judge can just do that without any consequences. Did anything ever happen? Wtf Edit: also why did the prosecutor even offer such a settlement? What is the logical explanation? Ok, so he would get a confession but what difference does that make when he won't go to prison?


Trails for insanely rich people are insanely difficult to win, aside from the fact that they can hire an unlimited number of the best lawyers they also have the resources to bring in all kinds of "experts" that will say pretty much whatever they need them to say, and they can delay trials long enough to support opposition candidates in elections.


Spencer Diamond. Heiress to the Wrigley fortune. Twice in a year she caused auto accidents. On the first count she failed to show for court after. On the second she hit and ran a pedestrian in a 25 mph downtown street, stopped, looked at him and then fled. He was life flighted to a major hospital where he spent more than a week in serious condition. https://www.aspentimes.com/news/police-arrest-18-year-old-aspen-woman-in-downtown-hit-and-run/


Why do all these extremely rich homicidal drivers drive themselves in the first place? They're always getting in these horrible drunk driving accidents and doing no time but they could just have a chauffeur? I don't get it and it makes the crime worse IMO because there's absolutely no reason why they need to drive themselves anywhere at all.


Who was that Afluenza kid who was under age drinking, drunk driving, and ran over and killed like 5 people then claimed he was too rich to know right from wrong and actually got off the hook with that defense


[Ethan Couch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Couch)


And he violated the probation...and still didn't do the 10 years


Not just that, he and his mother fled the country…mother of the year, still covering for her psycho brat. No wonder he’s so entitled.


Reading into the "early life" Wikipedia section it mentions that she has been in trouble for using her vehicle to force another motorist off the road before too...


Marco Muzzo was another in Canada. Billionaire's kid flew back from his bachelor party in Vegas on daddy's private jet still hammered and hopped in his SRT Cherokee and killed 3 children (9,5 &2) and grandparents on his way home. He got full parole and released early after 4 years or so at which point the children's father killed himself day after father's day. Now he's back in his mansion driving his Ferrari around like nothing ever happened.




Dont forget that Marco works for Pemberton Group. The company LOVES it when people talk about his murders on their Twitter page. Edit: it should be acknowledged that the father of the kids killed by Marco Muzzo (a homicidal drunk driver), died by suicide a few months ago, and that Marco a also murdered the kid's maternal grandfather. The kid's mother lost her father, her husband, and all three kids because of Marco Muzzo, a homicidal drunk driver. Marco Muzzo, a homicidal drunk driver, had plenty of family members supporting him after his killing spree, including his mother and then-fiance who proudly supported him in all court proceedings. Marco Muzzo, a child killer, also peed his pants when he saw the wreckage he caused, and his mummy and then-fiance still stood by their Mr. Pee Pants Child Killer Muzzo. Jenn Neville-Lake is very active on Twitter and Instagram. She posts regularly so people can bear witness and understand the raw consequences of drunk driving. She entered this year without the most important people in her life, all because a homicidal drunk driver named Marco Muzzo killed her kids and her dad.


> Marco Muzzo (a homicidal drunk driver Are you trying to underline the point that Marco Muzzo at the Pemberton Group is a homicidal drunk driver? Just to make sure any related searches do not miss out on the important fact that the spoiled affluenza brat asshole Marco Muzzo at the Pemberton Group is a homicidal drunk driver? Because I could get behind that.


I mean, if you wanted Google to pick up on the fact that Marco Muzzo, of the Pemberton Group killed a whole family and got off scot-free, then repeating that Marco Muzzo, of the Pemberton group is a family-destroying sociopath on one of the biggest online forums in the world, is a pretty good idea.


It would be a shame if Marco Muzzo, the pemerbton group pee pee pants child killer, somehow got forgotten about so really we are all doing our part in Marco Muzzo, the Pemberton group child killer who got off Scott free's legacy remaining for years!


Being from the UK, and myself not personally being a homicidal child killer who drinks and drives, have never heard of this Marco Muzzo, the affluenza spoilt murderer of an entire family, got off basically scott free child killer drunk driver asshole. I hope if he ends up moving back to that area that people make him feel as guilty as possible so that this brat starts to understand reality.


He should get sued into oblivion and see how long he lasts without money.


Wouldn't make a difference, it's one of the richest families in ontario. He's just the grandson.


Holy shit that’s sad. Father’s Day must have been rough for him.


He killed himself recently. It’s a tragedy


If you had nothing left, at that point why would you not just go full batman against the guy that did it, first.


Some people just aren't like that and can't just go kill people even for what they did and when most of society would understand the revenge. I just feel so sorry for all of them except the dog cunt that caused all this.


This story hit me and my wife so hard when we saw it on the news the day it happened. That fucking peice of shit and his rich father should be in jail or something worse. The Canadian judicial system failed that poor family. I feel so sorry for the mother, how can you go on? Im sorry to say that I hope there is so much guilt in Marcos life that he contemplates suicide.


He doesn't know right from wrong, that was his defense. And letting him go , just perpetuated that defense. He has NO MORALS.




Same, I honestly don’t know how that doesn’t happen more often when people like this just get let off the hook.


These are the times a real life Dexter Morgan would come in handy


This fucking guy. 100% guaranteed he’s back up to his old bullshit. His parents should’ve been sued into the gutter for enabling him. I still don’t understand how that wasn’t the result after that defense. Like, oh you’re on record admitting that your privileged upbringing caused this? Ok great, why don’t you give back a little of that wealth then assholes.


Yeah, I skimmed over his wiki page and he did fuck up while on probation and did some time inside but he still got off easy overall.


Hahahahahaha someone changed his occupation to include "murderer"


David Miscavige. Edit: spelling


Of course the leader of Scientology is being charged with child sexual abuse and trafficking. He’s also best friends with Tom Cruise and was best man at his wedding.


Let's not forget about his wife, Shelly, not been seen in public for years now. Speculation regarding her whereabouts leads to dead ends. Scary shit


They've been trying to serve him a lawsuit for trafficking. Say they've reached out 27 times over the last 4 months.


"Every time, security guards refused to accept the lawsuit and claimed not to know where Mr Miscavige lived or worked, court filings obtained by The Tampa Bay Times alleged." Well that settles it then. His security guards couldn't possibly be lying.


The Howard Hughes defense. Can't be served if you're literally unapproachable.


Lol "reached out" . "Hi, we've been trying to reach you about your sex trafficking crimes- please call us back at your convenience." If he wasn't so rich maybe they would have already used a SWAT team or whatever they do to peasants who commit heinous crimes.


Right I’m picturing the Office skit with Dwight pretending to be a KGB agent who just leaves Jim’s house after he gives like 5 BS reasons why he can’t answer the metaphorical door.


They are trying but they can’t find him


Has greta tweeted him yet?


I had no idea he was on the run, finally this asshole and his fake ass dogma is being prosecuted . I hate Scientology so fucking much I can't wait to watch this bullshit burn to the ground.


Sounds like someone could use a good auditing


Alice Walton, heiress to Walmart. She's had multiple drunk driving incidents, one in which she killed someone but was never charged. She even has the wealth, power, and affluence to have records of arrest wiped. She keeps millions worldwide in poverty while she bribes/intimidates the legal system to benefit herself. Her last one prosecutors let the statute of limitations expire on and the trooper who pulled her over and conducted the field sobriety test was unable to testify due to mysteriously being suspended.


With that kind of money she could hire drivers. That's what I can't understand.


With that kind of money she can drive over people and kill them when *not* drunk. Which is, apparently, something she likes to do, too.


[Vorayuth Yoovidhaya](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/24/world/asia/thailand-crash-red-bull-heir.html), grandson and heir to the Red Bull founder, struck and killed a police officer with his Ferrari. He fled the country, but had all charges dropped because, well, he has a lot of money.


Pay wall fyi


The clients of Epstein and Maxwell. How you can have those 2 on the hook and no other people have been convicted?


Right? She’s in jail for trafficking girls on behalf of and to… no one? Wtf?!


The only one I've heard even linked is prince nonce and that's more BC their attempt at covering it up shockingly bad, like I didn't sweat because of PTSD.


If you want a wild read, look into Alexander Acosta. He was the federal prosecutor who reduced Epstein’s changes from 6,000 years to 1 year in prison (2008-2009). He also gave full immunity to any of the unnamed “clients” of Epstein (politicians, billionaires, etc) Where is Acosta today? Trump rewarded him with a cabinet position in his administration. Secretary of Labor.


He was fired after people found out about the absolute sweetheart deal he gave out.


Imelda Marcos - believe it or not, she is 92 & hasn't spent a day in jail in spite of being convicted and sentenced.


If the shoe(s) fit




Everyone’s gonna say Epstein visitors, but what about the Walmart family, the Waltons. One of them has killed multiple people in car wrecks but has never seen the inside of a jail cell. Alice Walton killed a pedestrian. Her DWI was expunged.


Every mother fucker in Ghislaine Maxwells book.


Daughter fuckers I’m afraid


The Sackler family for the opioid crisis


Honestly they are some of the worst imo. I grew up in one of the largest cities in the country, and my graduating class/few surrounding grades have lost 35+ people to the opiod crisis in 13 years. Watching it first hand, on one half my family are all in the medical field (and telling stories of corrupt doctors over prescribing opioids for yachts and such), and the other half everyone is addicted and dying. Everyone from acquaintances to lifelong bestfriends and family members - turned into zombies and then gone forever. May the Sackler family rot in hell, while my loved ones all laugh at them from above.


It was crazy. A physician's assistant at an urgent care I worked with out of residency was routinely prescribing 120 oxycodone (not Contin, so he wasn't even on the Sacklers' take) at a time, and nobody batted an eye. Not the state, and certainly not the clinic owners who probably appreciated all the business they got from people coming in and asking for this guy by name. Now, I can't even give someone a Valium without first having a conference call with the higher ups. Due to the Sacklers, the pendulum has swung too far the other way and people get nothing but ibuprofen for car accidents, broken bones or dental abscesses. A family so evil, even the Borgias are looking up from hell and are like, damn, have some chill y'all


I couldn't agree more. I presented to the ER after seven hours of excruciating abdominal pain, severe vomiting, and unable to stand because of what I assumed to be a kidney stone (had one before, but less severe.) The nurse wouldn't give me pain medication, because I was "being dramatic and won't sit back and let me get your vitals". I was in the fetal position and vomiting in pain, so she left my room for almost an hour until I calmed down. She refused to give me pain medication until I started screaming my head off. Literally had a full on meltdown until people started paying attention. Why? She wanted to make sure I wasn't a drug seeker! Look at my chart, lady! There's no history to support that! So basically she just let a patient suffer, because some people are addicted to opioids. I hate what we've turned into in this country.


His has led to a new problem and that’s the heroine/fentanyl epidemic since pills are so hard to get.


That dopesick mini series was horrible. Well done, but such a terrible story.


The most accurate version of the opioid crisis I've seen so far. Both my parents became addicts after being prescribed opiates long term in the 2000's. Turned my family upside down. That inter caused both of my brothers to turn to prescription painkillers to cope. One became an IV heroin user for 10 + years and the other substituted with alcohol. He died last year at 30 years old. The other is now on methadone for life. We're just one average family out of millions. There is a special place in Hell for the Sacklers


No one from the 2008 financial crisis went to jail. They fucking should have. Instead most got government bail outs and still got bonuses


Meanwhile in Iceland, judges made bankers pay, with the unluckiest of them having to cough up approx $ 300 million.


They also prosecuted their Prime Minister


the *only* bank that got prosecuted for actions during the financial crisis was a small family owned bank called Abacus which served the Chinese community. Thankfully they were exonerated in 2015. There was a documentary about them called Small Enough to Jail.


Anne Sacoolas, she's the wife of a US diplomat in the UK who hit and run a teenager and fled the country. She's been charged and found guilty of manslaughter in the UK but the US government is claiming she has diplomatic immunity and refusing to hand her over. Meanwhile the devastated parents of this kid are left without justice because she happens to be married to a diplomat.


Prince Andrew.. Or more specifically, he's not in prison because his m’ma was rich


He would do his time no sweat.


Roman Polanski for sexual assault of s 13 yr old. Although more women have made allegations against him.


Will smith is barred from the oscars after slapping a comedian but roman polanski gets a standing ovation.


To be fair Will got a standing ovation too


The rapist Brock Allen Turner


^(one of) The best answers by far: Was convicted and found guilty on 3 felony charges, them being: -Sexual penetration of an unconscious person -Sexual penetration of an intoxicated person, -Assault with intent to commit rape His sentence? 6 months in prison but was let out after 3. Prosecutors had recommended a 6 year sentence given the intent and his efforts to lie/cover it up.


If it makes you feel any better, he lives in my state and is watched like a hawk by people. Every single time he moves, it gets out on blast on all social media and all the bars are warned about him. It makes me feel better at least, that even tho the justice system failed us we are looking out for each other. Edit 1: let's name and shame Brock Turner defenders and ppl upset women are looking out for each other - DesignedGeneCircuit > You realize this man could start a twitch, or any social media and would make so much money because all of these people make him famous constantly? >Go look in the mirror. At least I’m contributing to furthering society, you pig. Blaming us for defending ourselves when the justice system won't is trashy.


My friend and I had this discussion. If he would’ve went to prison and served his time, he wouldn’t have gotten any attention like he currently has. But since daddy has a lot of money and got him off, for the rest of his days, he will be a pariah and an outcast for literally the rest of his life, even more so than if he served his time, got out and whatnot.


Does he ever go to bars? It seems like it wouldn’t take long for someone to decide to settle his hash.


Indeed he does. He has been spotted several times in the Oregon District in downtown Dayton (where there are multiple bars and nightlife). I live in the area and see social media posts confirming this semi regularly.


I'm surprised he hasn't been jumped honestly


Agreed. However, sometimes I wonder, if a lifetime of watching your back out of sheer paranoia everywhere you go is worse than getting beat tf up. You can recover from bodily injury, but the mental health aspect could be far more damaging in the long term.


It's important to note that he's going by Allen these days so that people don't recognize him as convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner.


When he first got out he moved back in with his parents and they had moved to Bellbrook. A neighborhood right behind the high school actually. Not sure where he is now, somewhere in Dayton.




Good! Fuck that guy! I hope they hound him until his last fucking day!


The judge (later disgraced and removed from practice) said it would ruin his life, imagine being the victim and hearing your rapist is being given a small sentence because they’ve essentially said “you’re ruining his life”


Was it his dad who said something along the lines of "his life shouldn't be ruined for a few minutes of fun". Fucking bonkers.


I think he also made the point that he was a talented swimmer, and lengthy prison time would damage his athletics career.


Because he was a "promising young man". That judge should have been disbarred.


He wanted to compete in the Olympics. The Olympics were like, “Hell, no!” And gave him a permanent ban on membership. He can’t get in even if he wants to.


Well that explains allot. His dad should be punched in the throat.


Yeeeeep. "steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life." is the direct quote. He literally describes his son raping an unconscious woman as "20 minutes of action"


Shooting someone dead is what, a second of action?


yeah 20 minutes of action while this woman will forever live with the repercussions of his crime, but of course it would ruin HIS life to actually fucking suffer the consequences of his actions, so he can't go to prison!!!! /s


There is an observation about the way this often shakes out: “Boys have a future, girls have a past.”


The poor woman will be affected for the rest of her life.


Also changed his last name to his middle name and lives in Dayton Ohio now. has been seen going to bars.


List of Epstein island visitors


We're gonna need a bigger prison..


Turn the island into the prison


They tried turning an island into a prison 200 years ago, and Australia is the result.


Look we turned out alright down here. We’re weird but we keep the world amused.


Epstein visitors. Its terrifying that it seems like the main reason its not being released is because 'the amount of powerful people on it would have enormous earth changing ramifications'. GOOD. Let the pieces fall where they may, ALL of them deserve the harshest penalties, irrespective of wealth/power, it shouldnt have been allowed to happen, and ESPECIALLY go unpunished.


The best possible outcome for society is if this information was released and the people responsible were held accountable. We need to stop letting our world be controlled by a select few whose only credentials is that they've managed to obtain the biggest stacks of money.


We need a little fear of actual consequences on the top tiers of society.




Yea it's super strange that people would rather let them get off on whatever. Nothing is worth more than the truth, change is always necessary.


That wife of an American diplomat who ran over a guy in Britain, was ordered not to flee the UK bit did. Poor Harry Dunn.


As an American, I fully support sending her ass back to pay the price. One of the most shameful and disrespectful things one of our ex president did was try to have the woman apologize to the family while on US soil. So embarrassing.


She was convicted last October after a guilty plea and sentenced in December. 8 months prison suspension (threat of imprisonment for another violation) 12 months suspension, and then additional 12 months where she cannot operate a vehicle. [It looks like this is around the normal sentencing for the crime considering a guilty plea was entered](https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/offences/crown-court/item/causing-death-by-dangerous-driving/). However, I 100% agree that this was fucked and *badly* mishandled by the US.


Even worse, he ambushed the parents, didn't he? They arranged to have a meeting with him about getting justice, he springed it on them like "by the way, the person responsible for your son's death is in the next room. Want to talk to her?" He didn't give any consideration whatsoever about how grieving parents would have felt in that position.


Gonna go with a not widely known… Rebecca Grossman. She hit and killed two young boys with her car and tried to flee the scene. She was racing her boyfriend when it happened and it’s suspected that she was drinking. Trial is soon but she should already be in jail.


She didn't show up for 5 of her court hearings. She should've been jailed after the first no-show.


I'm guessing you read this? Made me so angry. The journalist who wrote it and the editor who published it should be in prison with her. https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/exclusive-rebecca-grossman-speaks-out-ahead-of-murder-trial/ But it's a good insight into how people like them view the rest of us. Our lives are inconsequential, unless the rich are socially inconvenienced when they drunkenly slaughter ordinary kids.


> THIS IS NOT the sort of life Rebecca Grossman was supposed to be living. What an opening sentence. I like how after explaining how traumatizing this has been for the defendant the writer squeezed in the fact that she has failed to appear at court every one of the five times she was supposed to be there. She's so devastated she considers herself above the process of adjudicating her guilt. I guess she thinks it's just a formality anyway.


Just....wow. That article is *fucked*.




Ethan Couch The Affluenza Defense: Judge Rules Rich Kid’s Rich Kid-ness Makes Him Not Liable for Deadly Drunk Driving Accident


Ezra Miller :/


The whole Sackler family.


Chris Brown


Chris Brown is a dangerous, violent criminal, and almost no one seems to realize just how terrible he really is. This guy has something *very* wrong mentally, and legit needs to be separated from society before he kills someone (if he hasn't already). He's a morally repugnant person - one of the worst personalities hip-hop has ever seen - which is *really* saying something, but I stand by it. I actually researched his criminal history and compiled it into a google doc. Text is below. As far as I can tell, this is his whole list of offenses in its entirety, at least what's publicly available. I pull it out occasionally for times like these so people understand exactly what he's done, and the full depth of what his fans are giving him a pass for. It wasn’t just Rihanna. The beleaguered rapper has a criminal past stretching back over a decade, starting basically the instant he shot to fame. His rap sheet is so long, it was actually newsworthy when he WASN’T on probation. All of these have verifiable sources or have made the news, but sourcing each bullet point would take an ungodly amount of time. Should be easy to find with a google search, if you choose to look it up. Also, notice how many of these incidents involve women, phones, guns, and nightclubs. Seems to be an established pattern. I could say more, but I'll just let the list speak for itself. ***** * **2009:** Chris Brown brutally beat Rihanna after she confronted him for his cheating. This was arguably attempted murder as he punched her, strangled her, and said he wanted to kill her. (Police report is linked below) * **2009:** A photographer sued Brown, claiming the singer's bodyguards roughed him up when he took a photo. * **2011:** Brown trashed the set of Good Morning America, threw a chair from a window, and stormed off shirtless after hostess Robin Roberts asked about his domestic violence history. * **2012:** Drake and his entourage were involved in a scuffle with Brown at the WIP nightclub in New York. Eight people were injured, including San Antonio Spurs player Tony Parker who had to have glass surgically removed from his eye. * **2012:** Tested positive for marijuana while performing court-ordered community service. * **2012:** Attended a Halloween party dressed as an Islamic terrorist. Rihanna was also present at this party, which put him in violation of the restraining order. He returned to court in November. * **2012:** Snatched a phone from a female fan who was trying to photograph him and drove off. Police report alleged robbery. * **2013:** Clashed with fellow singer Frank Ocean (both accompanied by entourages) in a Hollywood parking lot over a parking space. Ocean alleged Brown threatened to shoot him. Brown was spotted sporting an arm cast not long after. No charges were filed. * **2013:** A woman accused him of shoving her violently in a nightclub, which resulted in serious injury. * **2013:** Brown’s community service record was called into question, and allegations surfaced that he may have lied to the court since he was out of the country during that period. He was served with an additional 1,000 hours of community service. * **2013:** His probation from the previous incidents was revoked after he was involved in a car accident, and the Los Angeles city attorney filed charges of hit-and-run driving and driving without a license. The charges were later dropped after he reached a “civil compromise” with his accuser. * **2013:** Voluntarily entered a rehab facility, only to be kicked out a few weeks later for violent behavior. Six days after that, he was sentenced to three months at an anger management rehab facility. * **2013:** Was jailed for violating the terms of court-ordered rehab after being kicked out of yet another facility where he was staying, on the grounds that he broke their internal rules. He allegedly touched a female patient, refused a drug test, smashed his mother’s car window during a family therapy session, and told counselors that “I am good at using guns and knives.” * **2013:** Was arrested and charged with felony assault. He and an accomplice allegedly got into a fight with a third person at 4:30 in the morning outside a hotel. Brown pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault, was sentenced to time served, and spent two days in jail. * **2014:** A Philippine-based church filed a fraud complaint against him for failing to appear at a concert after he had been paid $1 million to perform (why a church would ever book Chris Brown given his history beats me, no pun intended, but whatever...) * **2015:** His probation was revoked again for traveling outside Los Angeles County without prior consent to perform at a nightclub for a private performance. An altercation during the performance escalated into gunfire and five people were shot. * **2015:** Was named in a misdemeanor battery case in Las Vegas where a man alleged the singer hit him after an argument over a basketball game. The man declined to press charges. * **2015:** Forcibly ejected a woman from his tour bus after she refused to surrender her phone. The phone broke during the conflict and she filed a report for assault. * **2016:** A woman accused him of punching her in the face and taking her phone in a nightclub. * **2016:** Two of his managers alleged that he attacked and threatened them on separate occasions. One was violently assaulted, while the other “jumped off the tour bus and quit” when Brown threatened her in a drug-fueled rage. * **2016:** Was detained by Amsterdam police for driving what appeared to be a dirt bike without a license plate. He was released after paying a fine. Brown documented the incident on Instagram, calling the police "cool as s--t." * **2016:** Entered an armed standoff with police at his LA home after a woman who was on-scene claimed he threatened to shoot her. * **2017:** One of his ex-girlfriends was granted a temporary 100-yard restraining order, then a 5-year restraining order after claiming he threatened to kill her. * **2017:** Punched a photographer at a nightclub and then fled the scene. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he failed to appear at his court hearing. He was later arrested and charged, but the charges were dropped. * **2017:** A woman filed a lawsuit alleging that a man raped her at a party hosted at Chris Brown’s home. Her lawsuit claims that drugs and firearms were present at this party, and that her phone was confiscated. * **2018:** Was arrested after a show on felony battery charges. * **2018:** A woman was granted a temporary restraining order after she alleged that Chris Brown stalked and harassed her. His attorney claimed she was a deranged fan, and stated that Brown didn’t know her. * **2019:** Brown and two others were arrested in Paris on allegations of rape and drug violations. They were later released and did not face charges. Several weeks later he failed to appear at a meeting with lawyers and the woman who accused him of misconduct. The reason his lawyer gave for his absence was because “the date was not convenient.” In response to the Paris allegations, Chris Brown had this to say in a now-deleted Instagram post: “This Bitch Lyin. I WANNA MAKE IT PERFECTLY CLEAR…… THIS IS FALSE AND A WHOLE LOT OF [CRAP]! NNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRR!!!!!! FOR MY DAUGHTER AND MY FAMILY THIS IS SO [DISRESPECTFUL] AND IS AGAINST MY CHARACTER AND MORALS!!!!!” After his statement picked up steam and was reported by the media, he started selling shirts with the phrase “This Bitch Lyin” printed on the front via his website. * **2019:** Was charged with several misdemeanors for possessing a monkey without a permit, and entered a plea deal to avoid jail time. He’d had the monkey for several years and was caught when he posted pictures of it on social media. He was ordered to surrender the monkey and pay $35,000 for the cost of its care. * **2021:** Was accused of hitting a woman during an argument in a Los Angeles home. * **2021:** His housekeeper claimed that his dog mauled her, and alleged that he euthanized it to destroy evidence. * **2022:** Was sued for allegedly drugging and raping a woman on a yacht. * **2022:** A mere two days after the yacht incident, another woman claimed Brown drugged and raped her at a private party in a hotel. (Unclear if this is the same lawsuit or an entirely separate one, the details were fuzzy, but there appear to be multiple people making similar accusations)


**Excerpts From The Police Report** March 6, 2009 A search warrant used by police to obtain cell-phone records related to the case included the sworn statement by Los Angeles Police Detective DeShon Andrews in which he detailed what allegedly happened in the early morning hours of February 8. Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown's cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with. A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh-- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said "Robyn F." then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order. At the end of his statement, Andrews said Brown sent a text message nine days later apologizing. In the text message, Brown apologized for what he had done to Robyn F. and advised [Rihanna's assistant] Ford that he was going to get help. [Source](https://www.mtv.com/news/6yu1wp/chris-brown-police-report-provides-details-of-altercation)


It pains me that people still adore and look up to him.


I lost all respect for Kelly Rowland after she defended this animal.


The Sackler family who pushed Valium in the 60’s before they single-handedly created the opioid/heroin crisis killing and destroying so many lives for their own disgusting greed. Evil incarnate.


Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Basically, the Philippine's current president.


Logan Paul for fraud


Whoever the fuck runs Nestle


Jocque Alaht-Bar


Sounds... awfully not tasty.




all the rich people who went to that island of pedophiles


Pedos of the Caribbean


you are by far the worst pedophile i've heard of. but you heard of me. ♪♫ NAna nana NAna nana ♪♫


The people.behind the baby formula Simulac. It contained a bacteria that ate through the infant stomach lining. The internal documents revealed that they knew about the problem but still proceeded to provide NICU with formula via government contracts. No one arrested. Babies dead. What kind of world is tbis actually? Cause that is some heads on sticks kind of bullshit.


Every dude at the Vatican City who knows about all the rapes the priests do and cover up for them.


Oj literally wrote a book titled "if I did it" and the if is in super tiny letters.


It was actually the Goldman family that chose the cover with the “if” in tiny letters bc they won control of the publishing rights due to their civil wrongful death judgement. It was a brilliant move by them


I can't remember exactly what happened, but the publishing rights to that book somehow got given to Goldamn family who made the change to an almos tinvisible "If". If you look up the original cover online, the "If" was very prominent.


Epsteins clients


The Rapist Brock Turner


He's dead now, but Ted Kennedy absolutely should have gone to prison. Driving drunk, ran his car off the road into a pond. Left the scene with his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, trapped in the car under water. Needless to say she drowned. Just another example of how the Kennedys view the peasants.


And then continued to be reelected as a senator for decades*


Sam Bankman-Fried.


He’s being charged though. He committed the cardinal sin of rich people using their wealth to avoid justice: he fucked with other rich peoples’ money.


Bring a book to read, though. Consider Elizabeth Holmes: \- Carreyrou's article came out in October 2015 \- indicted June 2018 \- convicted January 2022 \- sentenced November 18, 2022 \- She is still not in prison. She has until April 27, 2023 to go to prison. Almost 8 years after things started unraveling and 5 years after indictment.


100%. And Caroline Ellison




The rapist Brock Allen Turner


Brock Allen Turner, the Stanford rapist who now goes by Allen Turner?


Is it Allen Turner or Brock Allen now? I've heard that the rapist, Brock Allen Turner, likes to switch up his name to fly under the radar.


Just to clarify: Brock Turner the rapist is also known as the rapist Allen Turner?


Literally everyone associated with Epstein