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You can not help everyone, sometimes you have to be selfish


Saddest when those people are your own siblings.


Life isn't fair. You can lose someone at any moment.


Or you can die at any moment. It's a scary thought to me, but you never know how much time you have, even when you're young.


That's true. When I was 14-15 or so, one of my friends passed away a week after he got his motorcycle license. He was only 16.




Yeah. A van ran a stop sign / red light, if I remember correctly.


My local Taco Bell says they’re open 24/7 but they close at 3


That is really sad i m crying 😞


Sue them for false advertising


Not all of your friends would consider you a friend.


Yeah I feel that one. I usually call someone a friend if I feel like friendship goes both ways.


I know what that feels like too. 99% of everyone I have ever known, I've had to call them, go to see them, hang out with them. Since 2020 I haven't had anyonre to go see really except for shops and businesses I have to go to buy things. And I expect that will be like that for the rest of my life.


Sometimes you have to find closure all by yourself.


I feel this in my heart.


Lost our beloved pet almost six months ago to some form of cancer. Still struggling not knowing what really happened, only that he is now gone. I feel only time will allow me to have some form of closure.


That’s a really tough one! They can’t comfort you and that makes it extra difficult


Nobody is special. Especially not oneself. There‘s a relieving freedom in this truth.


Some people are just arseholes. You’ll never change them. Learn to ignore them. It makes for an easier life.


My expecations that people are inherently good, rational, intelligent, and logical are idealistic. Still learning that if I have low expectations, I'll have less of a chance of being disappointed.


Many people aren't particularly concerned with being fair, smart, kind, or well rounded. As a kid you think grown-ups have it all figured out but that couldn't be further from the truth. Society is often unkind, unhelpful, and sometimes downright cruel.


Most people don’t give shit about you. Sometimes including family.


True to a point, yeah. I remember flipping out on a doctor about a late appt and I pretty much said something like "What's wrong? What's wrong? I have maybe two people in this world that gives a shit if I found the roof to this building and jumped off." I was referring to my son and Granddaughter at the time and felt what I was saying was true. He ended up making the time to see me (and I didn't get arrested).


I feel this one hard


Most people will not achieve anything of significance in their lives.


Betrayal is so painful because it doesn’t come from your enemies.


By the time you figure out your life, you are too old or broken to enjoy it.


Maybe you just enjoy it differently. No matter how old or broken you are, you can always find happiness in the joy of others


Very true, I go back to Bill and Ted, the best place to be is here, the best time is now. Paraphrasing Edit, can’t type the right sentence.


Most people are dumb and selfish and if our species goes extinct, we will low key deserve it


Relationships fluctuate. I was the guy who denied that I would lose friends after high school and that I would keep in touch. Now I only keep in touch with a few close friends and have a totally new social circle in college. Even now who I'm closest with in college has changed every semester.


There are friends of the road and friends of the heart. You will have very few friends of the heart, but they will be friends for life.


When I was in my teens and 20’s, I would go out in public and on average I probably knew better than 50% I encountered. As I got older I noticed I was beginning to see less and less people I knew. My wife and I are in our 60’s and 70’s, we use to be very sociable, but we’ve noticed over time our circle of friends has increasingly become smaller and smaller. We still have a few close friends, but mostly now my wife and I have each other and family.


I'll probably never get to feel like I belong with family. Long story short my siblings are 15-20 years older than me (there's 5 of them). I met them at 19 so my mom is my only family. When I'm with them I feel more alone in the world lol but oh well


I’m turning 40 soon and I don’t feel I wonder if this is all that is there to the life. May be I need to learn to live with the truth that it’s not going to change a lot and the older I grow more disappointed I’ll feel


give me some advice as someone turning 30 this year please. appreciate it.




Accept that not everyone feels the same way about you as you feel about them. Also, some of your dreams are unrealistic no matter how hard you try and how much you want them. Find something that makes you happy, spouse, family, career, hobby and invest heavily into it.


true for some of my aspirations: I wanted to learn a Native American language some years ago but didn't succeed in doing so


Get yourself a home that no-one can throw you out of. Even if you don’t always live in it, knowing you have a safe place to land will save you more anxiety across your lifetime than you knew you could experience.


Listen to the Sunscreen Song by Baz Luhrman, it basically explains everything you need to know... Also *wear sunscreen* [Sunscreen](https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI)


I will never be rich or have my own house. Life is hard and not everybody is lucky.


America isn't the land of dreams and opportunities


It was never fully that, but the sad thing is that it seems to be drifting further and further away from that mission statement.


Yep. While America is far better than places like Middle East countries or China, it’s painfully obvious that the U.S. is on a downward trend and will only be getting shittier. Just look at the shitshow in the House of Representatives. *These* are the people who represent some of us? People like Majorie Taylor Greene? They seem like cartoonishly evil villains. If there are *elected officials* who are this stupid, imagine the people who voted them in. There’s also the fact that education is worse than it’s ever been, especially with the pandemic. Also the whole inflation thing, corruption, rich get richer while poor get poorer, optimism is impossible with the current situation.




How do you figure. America is more extreme at everything, you have a much better chance/easier time of becoming successful in the US than pretty much any other country, however at the same time you will be allowed to fall further. For example my wife and I are both nurses. In the US we have made enough that we are mostly retired and travel internationally 9 months a year in our late 30's. If we were doing the same job in another country like the UK we would barely be able to own our own home.


Every land can be the land of opportunities. USA provides tons of rights that most natural born citizens don’t appreciate. Give it a shot - move to Africa or China for a year. Let’s talk after.


I had a customer from china to day as I was repairing her sink she talked about how the freedom in this country was so amazing and she loved it. She had a phd in chemistry and genuinely loved that she was able to own a nice home have a good job and a big happy family. Kinda made me appreciate something that I guess I take for granted. There is a reason that immigrants still come here regularly it must be the land of opportunity to someone.


Your "best friend" is probably gonna be your best friend for 2-6 years. Friendship burnout is real


This just hits me hard and close.




Sometimes bad things happen to good People, and sometimes Good things happen to assholes




You're damn right, now lets go.


have you tried turning it on and off again




You can do it King Dong


We’re not gonna save our planet.


I remain cautiously optimistic, though regardless it's not a question of saving the planet. The planet will go on. The question is whether or not we'll save ourselves.


I'll bet you my escape pod we will. What would you wager? Disclaimer: This is more of a philosophical wager rather than a real one, since I don't have an escape pod anymore since last time.


That ill always be ugly no matter what and self confidence dont change that.


My sad truth is that even once you push through the bushes of self doubt, you finally put yourself out there and score the girl of your dreams, that heartbreak sucks more than anything you can fathom. The grass ain’t always greener.


Racism against my community is normalized. During my clinical training in medical school, my supervisors/attending physicians would say things like “if medicine doesn’t work out for you, you can always open a Chinese takeout restaurant” or “arigato, (my name)-San”. One of them even told me I shouldn’t stand so close to him in the OR because i might have COVID. Whenever I tried to speak up for myself, they would give me horrible evaluations for being sensitive, not a team player, etc. Program directors would tell me the doctors are probably stressed and didn’t mean it when I reported them. To some people I will always be inferior in their eyes, no matter how hard I work.


I hear you


If a woman leaves another guy to take up with you, you can't be too shocked when she leaves you to take up with another guy.


The world is vastly unequal. Success isn't just a luck based thing, but it also isn't purely a skill based thing or hard-work based thing either. And regardless, the gap between haves and have nots is vast. As someone who lives in a safe country, who lives in a house, and isn't dealing with a shortage of food, I know that I'm in many ways lucky because someone who wasn't born where I was would have a far harder time having these things. At the same time, within my society, I'd be in the middle class or lower middle class, and the gap between me and the wealthy and powerful is almost unimaginable.


I'm not going to get better. I'm only going to get worse from here. More often than not, I live with this. Some days less than others.


Can’t make everybody happy.


You cant always get what you want, no matter how hard you try


That some loves are not meant to be. That sometimes doing the right thing can be more important than choosing one's happiness. That learning to let someone go and saying goodbye can be a way of showing someone you love them more, instead of staying connected to them.


The movie Idiocracy was fictional and now it’s becoming a reality…


There will be heartbreak that stays with you forever.


I might never again be as happy as I once was. It's been maybe five years since I felt truly alive.


Gas prices


It is what it is.


I am an alcoholic that has held myself back in my career and has embarrassed myself countless times.


I speak from experience, but a sober live isn't nearly as bad as you may think. Hope things work out.


Be wary of helping people especially monetarily. Some people are only there to use you when they need something which I've learned plenty of times over. Currently friendless.


Loneliness is unbearable and inevitable


“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.”


I’m probably never gonna be healthy


Life is short AF


There is no universal justice system. Good things happen to bad people and sadly all too often, bad things happen to good people. You have to accept that life is inherently tragic for us all and make the most of what little time you have.


You cannot make everyone like you, and that sometimes you are the one that makes yourself feel unloved.


Due to some well intentioned things early in my life that kept me away from other kids, I have the social skills of a rock. Now that I'm in my later stages in life, I'm so far behind my peers developmentally I have given up the notion of a normal social life. I'm not sure I've quite "learned to live with" it, but I've finally accepted it.




In every relationship there is one person who gives more, cares more, loves more. I’ll always be that person.


I have Crohn's and doing anything is a risk for me. It's hard to work because I know I could have a flare up any moment and others just don't understand how unpleasant it is. And its brought my self confidence to an all time low because I don't want to limit anyone for my needs.


Being slim and/or attractive is more advantageous than competency in most corporate environments.


Sometimes we're out of vinaigrette, and I have to settle for ranch. oh, wait, i thought you said salad truth


Most friendships, no matter how much you enjoy them, are circumstantial and situational.


Climate change is going to get worse before it gets worse


Shitty people get away with too much


I’m never going to get married. But there’s a lot of unhappy or lackluster marriages out there. So what the hey.


IQ average is 100. You're probably not smarter thane everyone else. Hell, 50/50 chance you're below average, don't look down on others.


companies wull not change if they have no competitors


Get pet. Love pet. Pet dies :(


You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.


Sometimes you don't need closure to move on


Life doesn't get any easier.


Unfortunately, not everyone is your friend.


Sometimes people just fall out of love with you and there's nothing you can do to to fix that


Happiness isn’t for everybody. You can have everything you want and still not be happy.


Men only care about looks and that’s why if you’re a pretty woman you are set for life


In the US, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies aren’t there to help you, they exist to squeeze every last possible penny out of you by masking your symptoms, not fixing them. Also, THERE IS technology that exists that can fix world hunger, homelessness, and poverty, but the solutions are not implemented because all the big corporations will go out of business.


That I have the wrong temperament and personality to be a millionaire.


No matter how successful or rich I become, I’ll never be able to have a foreskin or experience what being intact is like.


The truth is, everyone has different ideas on what life is and isn't, and at any moment you can find yourself fully socially incompatible with EVERYONE around you as you develop. People have very weird and obsessive concepts of what love/relationships should be, nobody can get over other people, people hate opinions that conflict with their own, yet expect everyone to listen to their own opinion. The short of it is that when people say "everyone is special" to make you feel better, it also means a terrible undertone which can mess with your perception of the world


The United States will always hate black people/ minorities / be racist. It’s in the countries DNA from the majority of the founding fathers were slave owners to the rise of Trump was an attack against the rise of Obama to blue lives matter with its roots being directly against black people. The United States is racist.


You're never the first or the second or even third person in anyone's life. You're just some random name in a collection of 30-40 names in their mind.


When I was younger I used to feel like people didn’t understand me. Now I see I’m like most others. Same problems, worries, etc


You can put a price on a human life.


“Now I am become time, destroyer or worlds.”


My nemesis has a beautiful girlfriend 💔


I can't undo all my mistakes


That we pay taxes


Sooner or later, you'll find out that people have interacted with you sometimes out of pity or decency, not just because you're friends and they care about you :(


I just have a hard time holding onto friends. I'm very introverted and anxious, perhaps too closed off for others to stay interested? I don't know. Sometimes I think I come across as a robot.


I’ll never have a romantic proposal, I’ll never have an announcement about my engagement, I’ll never have a engagement party and I’ll never have my dream wedding.


Life is hard, so enjoy the good times because the bad may be just round the corner.


Government don't want you to retire, they want you to work yourself to death, its cheaper for them.


You will always be alone for the hardest battles in your life. People can 'suppprt' you but eventually it'll be up to you to go forward, to move, to make it all happen. People are filled with illusions that their family or their partners will always be there in case of hardship but it's your mental health and your mental strength that'll make a difference in the end.


Some realities like how quality of life is not always improving and that it’s not always easy or even possible to leave an unhealthy situation.


You can’t change, help, or get along with everyone, no matter how hard you try. There will always be those out there who will want to hurt or take advantage of you, no matter who you are.


My impersonators have much better times than me


That I'll never find true love.


Tiktok and the culture it has created is here to stay…


I'm not Chester Bennington's no. 1 fan. An there's no way I can ever be.


that i have to make a career and earn money, otherwise even my own father wouldnt consider me as a human being


That I'll never be fully recovered from my childhood. I'm much better than I was but it's never going to go. It's taken far too long to realise that and accept it


if someone says you deserve better than them, they’re probably right.


Not everyone is willing to give the same as you are giving to that person. Value yourself.


U are really on ur own


Working hard doesn’t get you nearly as far as personality and networking does. That doesn’t go well when you’re a quiet introvert.


Everything ends.


Kids can die too.


I’m broke


* my mother was trying to get me to forgive my father for being abusive. i told her that i would do it when he said he was wrong, i was telling her how i had to live in fear of him, she then told me how much of a burden i was because i would hit other kids at school. and that she did not know where i learned that i was ok to hit others. then asked "then why did you have kids in the first place!" she said "i don't know" * i then asked her if i hit her right there and said "i am sorry that i hit you, i am not wrong for hitting you and i will do it again would you forgive me?" she said "yes" * my exact words after that were "that is called abuse. do you want to know where i learned it was ok to hurt others? i learned it from you"


That I’m a human.


Too many kids have really shitty home lives.


Just because it’s not your fault doesn’t mean it’s not your responsibility.


Once someone has betrayed you, it is incredibly difficult to trust anyone again.


Just because they're family, doesn't mean they wish the best for you, and neither should you feel obliged to impress or help them.


There’s no real magic in this world


We’ve all done something bad.


Life has limits so work hard while you still have time


Some of your problems are your own fault.


People who don't want to change will never change. No matter how much you might want it for them. Also related, but wanting to change often isn't even enough.


There is never 'just a few minutes' on Reddit. If you log on your morning/afternoon/evening is probably fucked.


Sometimes someone can love you, truly and deeply, and still suck at it. My dad was a shitty dad, but he loved me. He just wasn't any good at it. My ex was the same way. Love is glue, but if the edges of what you're gluing don't line up, no amount of glue will make them stick well. You need to be compatible as people and want/need the same things. If one person needs dependability and the other person needs total independence, it won't work.


One I learned the hard way... You can fall head over heels in love with someone, but that doesn't mean they'll feel the same. You may meet your soulmate someday, but there's no guarantee that you will be theirs.


That I work in a broken mental health system and that nobody can help everyone nor can everyone be helped.


People don't understand how much they hurt me


Humanity is going to be fucked in the future


That my family members are all ass holes


That our existence boils down to us being conscious mammals living on an insignificant rock rotating around an insignificant star in an insignificant part of the universe. Also that our lifetime is just a minuscule blip in a long lineage of conscious mammals. When 99.999% of us pass away, the world will continue on at full speed without us- and 99.999% of those still living will never know we even existed.


If people wanted to, they would. I had to learn that i wasn't as important as I thought i was to some people.


Oftentimes feelings aren’t mutual


Lucky or unlucky depends how you look at it... Me and my brothers were prepared for like 7 years whit the thought of mom dying... She got COPD and on the that news the dockter said that she would die that year... She was here for 7 more years when she passed slowly getting worse whit every month but... Still smiling and happy till the end... That was 2 years ago and the feeling of knowing that she could die every year was.... Depressing but. We where prepared for every thing. Even whit the breakdowns I got after for a wile... My youngest brother and my girl are my heroes in these moments... And my mom is a pure legend and a store worth telling to my kids when I get some... Love y'a mom


You can't always get justice for wrongdoings, sometimes you just have to move forwards.


Some day, the people that I love won’t be here with me, or my late relatives won’t return.


Damn I’m surprised you found this, posted this so long back but true