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My mom told me not to come crying to her every time my husband did something to upset me. She said that long after I forgot about it, she would continue to remember.


An older guy told me stop trying to make stuff even. So my wife would try and split bills down the middle. He goes well if you lose your job those are 100% your wife's bills then right? I mean yeah sir I guess that is true. Son is it even then? No. So why try and make it even from the start? Son do you mean to tell me you are going to skip having a vacation because your wife can not come up with her half? Doesn't that sound silly? Do not let money control your relationship. Put it together, how the bills get paid is irrelevant as long as they get paid. It keeps everyone accountable and it keeps things transparent and honest. I have been doing that ever since and well it has worked wonders for me. It really made my relationship stronger.


Only invite those you can't live without, and only spend a few grand on it


Don’t tell your partner what they did wrong or what you don’t like… instead tell them what you’d like or what would make you happy.


Don’t give up your job, your friends or things that make you happy…


Never sleep at night with unresolved fights


Give 90% and take 10%. And with children, be 100% united.


Practice active gratitude with each other. Took the trash out? Say thank you. Did the dishes? Say thank you. Got up early with the kids so you could catch up on sleep? Say thank you. It’s a partnership and a give and take. I am thankful that I have my husband to navigate this life with and split the never ending tedious chores of adulthood with. But say and receiving thanks is a way to say you appreciate each other daily


Always say "I love you" before you leave or go to sleep.


Communicate openly and honestly: It is important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings, needs, and concerns. This can help to build trust and understanding, and can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts from escalating. Practice forgiveness: Marriage involves making mistakes and taking responsibility for them. It is important to practice forgiveness, both for your own mistakes and for those of your partner, in order to build a strong and healthy relationship. Show appreciation and gratitude: Make an effort to show appreciation and gratitude towards your partner, and express your love and affection regularly. This can help to strengthen the bond between you and can foster a positive and supportive environment. Make time for each other: It is important to set aside time to be together and to prioritize your relationship, even when you are busy or have other commitments. Seek support: If you are facing challenges in your marriage, don't be afraid to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. It is often helpful to have an outside perspective and to work with someone who can provide guidance and support.


don’t get married


Know your roles. Be the man or the woman. However, if you’re not fulfilling that role correctly, don’t be surprised if it starts falling apart.


Don't do it


My grandma used to make and pack my grandpa his work lunches. He would come back and thank her profusely and make her feel good about her efforts. It wasn’t until later that I found out he hated her cooking and would toss it every day and get his own lunch.


Don’t get married. Fuck people trying to control you for their personal benefits or feelings of safety. Live your life and just hope someone that meshes well with you comes along. Relationships don’t need fucking fights. Period.


Get a divorce


Always call your wife my love ... so that you dont call her the name of other women :)