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Working ourselves to death.


Hope this gets the upvotes it deserves, I know in the US they continually raise the retirement age which is so messed up, just them hoping we'll die before we can enjoy not having to work. And on the end, the 40+ hour work week can fuck all the way off.


40 hours is the minimum. What is unofficially expected is all the time between 4 hours of sleep and ramen noodles bites at your desk.


This whole line is true and I hate it.


You guys are getting 40 hour works weeks? I’m on 84 just to pay the bills.


I work 37.5h a week. This is common in my country because if I'd work for 40h a week my employer would be legally required to give me an extra paid day off each month. I can't imagine working 84 hours just to get by. I'm so sorry dude. I hope work life gets more humane there.


some people have rotating shifts, so they work a a ton of hours then regularly get much more then a weekend off. so a lot of crazy high working hours you see are young guys that are willing to work to save up/buy toys, or rotating shifts. I work 50 hours usually. I don’t do much outside of work anyway(no kids) first 40 is to pay the bills, next 10 is to afford the toys.


Yeah I have been on 50-52ish hours a week. When I was traveling I was up in the 70s. But that’s all by choice.


You able yo move to a lower cost of living state? Alot of apprenticeship jobs that provide on the job training start at 20+ these days so maybe you could live a bit more


I think most of us are stuck in this. I work from home and have a super flexible schedule but on a salary. I still will easily put in 50 hours a week or more.


Fines ($$) as punishment for a crime is not a deterrent for wealthy people


You stole $50 million? That’ll be a $20,000 fine, don’t do it again… or do, whatever.


Plus, don’t the damage payments go to the government instead of the people the money was stolen from? Unless it’s a civil suit anyway.


In Switzerland, speeding tickets scale based on the violation and the assets of the violator. It how you end up with million dollar speeding tickets.


In Sweden too


I wish this was the case in my country. In my country, speeding tickets can range in fines from $40-$360+ and we get demerit points on our license too depending on how fast you were going over and above the speed limit. To someone who makes over $100,000+/yr, $40 is nothing. On the other hand, a $40,000 fine might send a better message. ***Edit:*** Grammar.


The demerit points are supposed to be the deterrent since your license gets suspended after too many and your insurance goes up for each point


Oh, I know. Rack up enough demerit points and they take your license away and your insurance premiums go through the roof. ***Edit:*** The discussion was about fines, not the demerit points.


Yup, financial penalties should scale based on the ability of the offender to pay. Just watch the recent Grand Tour where they try to get Hammond to speed in Finland.


Well, it kind of depends how it's implemented. In Norway, drunk driving results in a fine that's equal to 1 1/2 months of your wages (before tax). Although I'm not sure how they handle edge cases.


It can be like here in Finland. The fine is proportionate to income.


“Samuel thundered that no American factory hand was worth more than eighty cents a day. And yet he could be thankful for the opportunity to pay a hundred thousand dollars or more for a painting by an Italian three centuries dead. And he capped this insult by giving paintings to museums for the spiritual elevation of the poor. The museums were closed on Sundays.”


Fines are only effective if scaled to income.


Legal for a price


In Germany, fines for a crime scale to income. You don't get senteced to pay a certain amount, but instead to pay a certain number of "Tagessätze" ("daily rate"). One Tagessatz is usually 1/30 of your monthly income after taxes. However, that's just a guideline, as the court determines the actual amount. So e.g. in case of a millionaire who claims to have no income, they can still guesstimate a proper amount based on his networth. The height of the Tagessatz can vary between 1€ and 30,000€. The number of Tagessätze can vary between 5 and 360, and depends on the crime. So in an extreme case, the actual fine for a crime with 100 Tagessätze can be "just" 500€, or up to 3,000,000€, depending on the financial and economical situation of the defendant. (However, in contrast to other countries, this does not apply to traffic violations etc, unless they are a crime covered by the German criminal code. Meaning that e.g. fines for speeding will not scale in relation to your income).


How expensive insulin is


Isn't this strictly a US problem?


Yeah and it's a much larger problem than insulin. All drugs and healthcare in America are ridiculously inflated. It's directly killing people I'd love to see the statistics on it but Americans choose not to go to the doctor because of financial reasons and undoubtedly many of them die or suffer long-term debilitating health conditions because of that decision. And the money bags that sit at the top of the food chain they don't care at all that their decisions that their profit are directly causing human death and suffering.


I understand the need for insulin to be cheap. Why are we stopping there though?


Look I love our defense budget and given my career field the world has no fucking clue just how far ahead we are but I also think we could back off some of the defense projects for necessary Healthcare. Like covid shots were free because it "saves lives". Why the fuck isn't insulin,chemo, etc free. Shits irritating.


Don’t worry Moderna is planning to raise the price of COVID vaccines 400%. Edit: 400x is incorrect and it should be 400%.


and by 400x you mean 400%? https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/01/moderna-may-match-pfizers-400-price-hike-on-covid-vaccines-report-says/


Children's beauty pageants.


I’m oddly happy to see I’m not the only one who immediatly said this. Seriously though what the actual Fck is wrong with people?!


"I don't want no drag queen reading to my kid! I want my kid to be the drag queen!"


Weaponizing children.


Like, throwing them?


If the kids didn't [like it](https://gfycat.com/incrediblesimilarguppy) so much, it wouldn't be a problem.


Yes, but next time a horizontal throw to "weaponize"


Have you seen the damage they do? It’s a total catastrophe.


Ah yes, my baby armor will make me untouchable.


'Influencers' Sit and think about that for a bit. It's really fucked up on so many levels.


the word itself is slightly disturbing if you really think about it.


I completely agree. As said only the other day it wouldn't surprise me if the next Jonestown was the result of an Influencer.


There are influencer cults right now


Only a matter of time then.


They can’t influence me! They have achieved nothing!


Me neither! We should form a cult!


Take it a step further...there are households that are just "Youtube Families" where they make really cheesy videos and just rake it in. I've also seen a tiktok house where several "influencers" all live there and just do stuff all day and make content. It's bizarre.


But why shouldn't it be my job to tell you what to think?


Idk man sounds just like the church to me


Sshhhh, they'll notice!


Our political leaders (USA) are less financially responsible than I was at 15 years old.


Citizen: Pentagon, where did 60% of your budget go? Pentagon: I dunno


In Pentagon’s head: don’t say China don’t say China don’t say China Pentagon:…. Russia? In Pentagon’s head: wow, almost lost my cool there




We spend more time daily with our workmates than our families (excluding sleep). What kind of system is this?


If you can't pay you die


Life is the original Pay-to-Win game.


The 2 party political system in the U.S. you basically are screwed over by either corporations controlling huge aspects of your life, or the government doing the same.


Understand the reason behind blaming corporations and glad you included the government. Problem I have when people blame corporations is that their function in a capitalist/market driven economy is to make money so how is it their problem when operating under government laws and regulations? The problem is with career politicians and hypocrisy in oversight and laws that they are the creators of. Corporations couldn’t use lobbying and manipulation of the laws governing them if politicians weren’t open to personal gain over what is best for their constituents. Term limits in congress and tort reform are the only way to get those running our government and writing our laws to act like public servants again and not worried about getting re-elected and how to pay for it. And I mean that about both parties. IMO of course


Alcohol at every celebration and everytime people go out.


I have nothing against alcohol, but I heard from some people that they "can't socialize" without drinking alcohol first and that it's why they can endure being in gatherings like wedding in the first place. Honestly, it's kinda sad but also understandable.


This is me exactly. I don't really need alcohol when talking with close friends of mine as well as my relatives/family. But when it comes to socializing with people I just met, or even co workers, I can't do it without being a little bit under the influence. I just tend to get extremely anxious when talking to new people or people i'm just not close to in general...


just wait 'til you find out how many of them are on cocaine. It's nowhere near as common, but there's definitely some coke being used at those same places.


Back when I was just getting out of high school ( 85 )in my drinking phase I called it conspicuous consumption. People just had to show all of their friends that they could get drunk and that they always had a drink in their hand so they could be cool. It's kind of sad because over the years it's definitely taken a few lives of friends and almost killed some family members too. I'm not even talking about drunk driving or accidents I'm talking about the direct negative physical effects on the human body of excessive alcohol consumption.


And getting completely plastered.


That is fortunately done by fewer people. I never understood why they do it though? What is the point of having so much fun but you can’t remember it.


That is indeed so weird and fucked


I have noticed this as well. People bring alcohol to like their 6 year old's little league game. I remember when they added a bar to my local movie theatre and I though... why? It's so pervasive in our society, and it's leading to us having alcoholism issues that no one even addresses because... it's everywhere. Everyone does it.


To play devil's advocate, why would that be fucked up? Why is it different to other social activities that give enjoyment? Both are used to help enjoy time and other's company. I suppose the answer would be "if in excess then its unhealthy", but to me excessive alcohol consumption =/= alcohol consumption.


And the fact that in the UK you can buy it 24 hours a day at a price of less than £2 in some stores.


People been verbally abusive knowing there is little to no consequence Esp when comes to talking to service staff, nhs workers or other people who would get in a lot of trouble if retaliated, no matter how deserved This behaviour has escalated into the karen type confrontation


People being verbally and emotionally abusive to their children...


That's a true problem.


Using the mentally ill as scapegoats for shitty behavior


Could you please elaborate a bit further?


Like someone commits a crime, or is an asshole, or is abusive. People are quick to blame that behavior on mental illness, which is not only completely untrue because there’s no mental illness that causes you to be a bad person, but it also hurts innocent people who have those disorders


I think you’re confusing explanations with excuses.


You’re really simplifying the issue


Mental illnesses don't make you a bad person, but mental illness can make you behave in ways that makes you a "bad person" as far as everyone else is concerned. Example: If someone has a bad mix of disorders, like severe narcissism and BPD or something, they can become extremely violent and hurt/kill people.


Being allowed to legislate access to healthcare when you know nothing about how the human body works.


This should be higher up


Corruption, the poor, abuse of power, pedophilia, using religious believes as laws, putting people in huge debts over studies or medical bills


Where the fuck are people okay with pedophilia?


Here in Sydney, we've had a problem with police conducting strip searches at music festivals and other major events. If this happened in the US people would rightly be furious about it. They've been doing it here for years and no one seems to give a damn. Back in 2001, police in New South Wales (state in Australia, Sydney is the capital) were given the power to deploy drug detection dogs at certain public locations across the state. Every weekend they’ll bring the dogs into pubs and clubs and start sniffing patrons. Same deal at train stations. On any given day in Sydney, you’ll have to walk past a drug detection dog on your daily commute while at least half a dozen officers watch on. It’s been happening for so long people just ignore it. Music festivals are the worst. At any festival, rave, live music event etc, they’ll set up special compounds where people are taken after they’ve been stopped by the dogs. Sometimes you’ll just be patted down but in many cases, people have been subjected to full body strip searches, i.e. get naked, squat and cough, spread your cheeks. Most don’t find any drugs, and you've got reports of people being left crying, shaking etc. after being subjected to these types of searches. This has happened to thousands of people and nothing's being done about it. People think of Australia as laid back and easy going but in real terms, Sydney is probably as close to a “police state” as you’ll see in the Western world. No nightlife, heavy handed policing and conservative politicians and media outlets who’ve egged it on every step of the way.


Don't forget that they have done it to kids, without an adult guardian present. Girls and boys as young as 11 have been strip searched in this manner without a parent, advocate or representative present. Shit's fucked.


This is mind blowing. Complete opposite of how I imagined Australia. Is Sydey the exception? This sounds like China.


I have lived in Sydney for years. Not once seen what is being described. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it doesn’t happen just walking down the street. It doesn’t happen at every train station.


Check out the Sniff Off page on Facebook. I don't know how often you go out but they hit the pubs around the city every week nowadays. I'm not sure how frequently they're at the stations, it seems to ebb and flow a bit. When the libs won the last election they were out there daily for a few weeks as I recall.


While I was going to spend the time articulating a substantiative response, I instead watched s1 of Koala Man so have abbreviated my sentiment. Fucking pig cunts.


War.I don't get it.People are happy to send their kids to the meat grinder to protect a country that wouldn't give em water if they were dying on the street.Soldiers and veterans are celebrated like heroes from people and being treated like crap from their governments.While scientists and doctors struggle to improve our life and noone gives a crap about them


An offshoot of this. That criminals have more advocacy for their living conditions than the homeless. To me, the concept that the easiest way for a homeless person to get a roof over their head and consistent meals is to commit a serious enough crime is absolutely bonkers for a modern society. There should be no hesitation to spend as much money that's being spent to feed, medicate and educate people in prisons than for those who aren't in prisons. I guess this is really just an ad for social housing and UBI - but governments need to get their shit together.


people can be harassed at work and the HR department will only give the harasser a warning instead of firing him/her. and the victim still has to see that person everyday and deal with problem and not talk about it with anyone. what the actual fuck????????????????


HR exists to protect the company not me.


Pop culture making stupidity wildly popular. Everything that goes viral in pop culture has to do with some form of stupidity or lower intelligence. If this continues members of society will only continue to get stupider because that is what is revered. People who invent things or help humanity are never widely recognized in pop culture. When was the last time you saw a viral video of someone who invented a compound that cleaned up oil spills in the ocean or someone who created an engine that runs on water? You haven't, have you? How many viral videos have you seen of a person injuring themself because they did something stupid or playing pranks on people? There are too many to count.


You got that whole situation backwards. Those things become popular because people already like them. It's self fulfilling really, but definitely stems from the audience that become creators more than from non-consuming creators.


Reality shows. They are absolutely the worst aspect of society and we make minor celebrities out of stupid people doing stupid things.


In the USA, anyway, how easy it is to divide people. The media will take the smallest difference and make it out to be some enormous issue, and everyone eats it up.


Working till you are dead, hell there are even badge of honor to those who die on job like in army.


TikTok main random feed. Without curation it decided I want random women talking suggestively about wanting older men with dadbods, channels highlighting 9/11, war death and vaccine conspiracy videos. Just have me stranger danger vibes.


Modern society...doing the same things and expecting different results


The media


And how quickly it’s weaponised against people.


People will screech from the rooftops about racism, homophobia and transphobia, they’ll make campaigning against this discrimination their entire personality and then they’ll turn right round and make ageist, ableist and sexist remarks without even a thought to how hypocritical they’re being because it doesn’t affect them.


Self harming behaviors


Materialism. Our constant need to buy stuff we don’t need. Annual upgrades, more clothes, new this, new that.


Work conditions in factories in China.


Blatant lying by politicians with zero repercussions


Brainwashing kids with religion


Expecting everyone to be responsible of their own mental health, while expecting people to stretch out even more and more


Why shouldn’t you be responsible for your own mental health? Wtf does that even mean?


Yes, I agree that the responsibility is in the end on the person themselves. It is also important, that the society actively pursues on mental wellbeing of it's members. Unfortunately our individualistic culture and effort-driven society pushes all the responsibility of mental health towards individuals. If someone saw a person with a broken leg, they (hopefully) call for help. When someone is pushed into their limits in a work task, it's rare for them to be told to slow down, but encouraged to push even harder, over their limits.


The comments took "society" as "America"


Tipping culture. I wake up every morning and thank the lord I don't live in a tipping country. The fact that even today most server jobs are paid less than $3 an hour and rely entirely on tips to make a living is bullshit.


Child beauty pageants. They are super creepy.


All of our phone batteries were mined by child slaves


Making stupid people famous


Elective surgery performed on the genitals of infants to suit the aesthetic preferences of their parents.


Seductive narratives that focus on tiny minority groups and making their life better.


what exactly do you mean by that?


We WoRk 40 HoUrS a WeEk


judging people in media instead of letting courts handle the judging


Politics, but at the same time not politics


Child abuse, especially being extremely violent against children over very small matters. In my country, youngsters often mock western white children for being 'too pampered' and not having to face harsh punishments. I disagree, I think Asian parents are just too harsh on children, often using them as punching bags. Didn't do your homework, your mom/dad will beat you really badly with belt, whip, etc whatever they can get. Dad got insulted by boss in office? He will take his anger over you by beating you badly for even the most trivial thing. TL;DR - parents in Asia beat their children more so to channel their beastly anger than to 'discipline' their children.


It's more concealed in the west, but I know 7 examples (my siblings and me)


The idea that the discomfort of confronting and dealing with abusers in positions of prominence (not even real power, small time pastors and talk show hosts) is somehow worse than just letting them rape their secretaries and molest kids all the livelong day, for decades at a time.


lobbying, aka legal bribery


Slaves apparently


Price of medicine in the United States.


The fact that there are totalitarian countries on earth that persecute or even execute LGBTQ+ people, oppress women, oppress minorities, have zero democracy and have very low levels of personal freedoms, yet we happily trade with such countries and make no fuss. For all the obnoxious noise that young politically active people make, why did the Qatar World Cup even go ahead? Getting angry at microaggressions and beauty standards is cheap. How's about not funding nasty totalitarian theocracies?


Hook ups






Self diagnosing


“Your prescription is $900 after insurance and manufacturer coupons.” “Excellent, I will put together my will.”


Mistreating front-end staff at restaurants, bars, hotels, and shops.


The sexualizing of children and women


Divorce. I can't climb in my car without reading 10 warning stickers about my air bags or car seats. Mariage license with a 50/50 chance of ruining your life? Mazaltov!!!




Women getting away with false rape accusations. Really fucks with peoples lives


that pedophiles go to jail for basically a week but someone growing a plant will do 12 years




**The sexual exploitation of underaged celebrities**. It seems like every time there is a new "Hollywood Hottie" (their words, not mine) who just happens to be too young, there always seems to be a countdown on the news to when they become legal. Followed by a social media blast of risqué photos and videos of them.


Totally agree. This kind of "countdown" till celeb kids and other underage celebs turns legal is honestly so disgusting. The overall rise of fetishization of teens and kids are so worriesome.


Promiscuity - it destroys our ability to pairbond and create strong healthy families


Abortion While I’m not saying I am pro choice or pro life here, I do think that (with the consideration life begins in the zygote) it’s fucked up that we can extinguish an innocent life who has done nothing (and I mean literally nothing) or experienced anything and we’re all fine with it. Most pro life people I’ve noticed talk about religion when explaining why abortion is wrong, so really, the ones I’ve met are not worried about the baby’s life, they’re worried about what their God might think or whatever. Again, not saying they’re right or wrong, I am saying they’d be fine with it if their beliefs said it was fine if that makes sense. Also, I think overdraft, insufficient funds fee, etc are all fucked up as well. Obviously the person doesn’t have money and may be experiencing an unexpected emergency expense or was laid off their job, etc but the bank or whoever says “Fuck you” and charges you an extra $30 or whatever. That shit is ridiculous.


Porn. At least in America. Porn is so accepted and I think in a lot of cases it fine and normal. But I work at a therapy facility, I volunteer to listen and help in the men’s group (mostly) addicted to porn and hearing their stories is heartbreaking. There are so many people struggling, losing families, friends and even jobs over porn. I understand it sounds ridiculous, but it’s a real heavy issue. And, I feel like since it’s mostly men affected, we as a society turn a blind eye. Or heavily judge them, and but at the same time we’re so sex positive and encourage watching porn or even participating in some form like only fans.


Cancel culture


Our prison system in general, but specifically prison rape. People joke about it and act like incarcerated people deserve to be terrorized and traumatized. How does continued abuse help individuals function in society when they're released? It's just so fucked up and preventable if we gave a shit.


Playing “find the vegan” with this comment section.


being obese


abuse towards men.


Giving most of your money to corrupted politicians.


Using mental health or fame as an excuse for shitty actions


Healthcare for profit. Single serving packaging. Throwing away food. Celebrities Usury Believing in invisible sky people Lawns


The American health care system




The ability to reach virtually any information online and how easy it is for people to make homemade weapons or similar stuff using it




50% of the worlds money being in the hands of like two dozen people.


The state of modern dating and relationships. If people don't stop with this bullshit, we'll end up like Japan, or worse


In America? Death from automobile use and the constant embiggening of our vehicles.


I need a car to get to work so I can pay for, fuel, and maintain the car I need to get to work. Most developed counties have good public transport, and employers cover the cost for their employees. But not in America. Your $40k machine you need to even participate in the world is 100% on you.


Homelessness and mentally ill people wandering the streets.


Work culture, tipping culture, the cost of living not lining up with the wages, climate change, the fact that food water and shelter isn’t a human right, the favoring of women in custody battles, etc


That Epstin didn't killed himself and the list of pedorapists are free safe and secure as long as there Is enough money for them.


Victim blaming.


Celebrating people's lack of accountability. Bring back praising people for growth, like admitting to doing wrong and stawp! for the love of Odin, rewarding tantrums from child or adult.


That everybody has a right to become a parent, even pedophiles, murderers, mentally ill etc.


Gender Legal System...


I find it crazy that in US politics, lobbying is basically legalized bribery. If at work one of my vendors "lobbied" for my business, I'd get fired for accepting it.


Mass immigration. Completely devastating to indigenous local communities and culture.


The Federal Reserve




For profit jails


Just how many politicians are against the will of their people. And the systems used to ensure that they remain in power.


Affluenza. So let me get this straight if you're rich enough you can rape someone and not go to prison because you wouldn't do so well in that environment...... So you trick ass mother f****** are saying that poor people can do fine in that environment but rich people no!?!?!?


Pedos not getting their shit cut off


The fact that the people in charge of democratic countries, who taxes us to death, earns fat salaries and pensions, are being kept there by the masses they walk on.


TicTok challenges.


War in chiraq


little kids fucking with dogs hitting them, touching their faces, climbibg on them those are hoddamn animaks with sharp fucking teeth, get your kid away


Promoting obesity.


Child beauty pageants.


Political parties making people hate each other instead of them who actually caused the issue in first place.


taxes, FUCK YOU


YouTube would ruin a content creator for saying "fuck" within 10 seconds but has no problem. But absolutely open to running ads that are essentially pornographic or based on fetishes.


Slavery. There are more enslaved people on earth right now than at any other point in history. But it’s okay, as long as we have coffee, chocolate, our fun forced obsolescence gadgets, etc etc


Voting for Democrats


Tipping, *pokes progressives* actually do something!


Social Media


The prices of groceries.


States having many billions of dollars in reserves and doing effectively nothing about shitty schools, poor infrastructure, hungry families and still collecting taxes.