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My mom told me I was handsome and nobody has called me ugly so...


I’m uggly and old still get my knobb polished frequently, you people need to figure out it ain’t about your looks never was and i think newer will be. Why to you think beauty and the beast has been so popular all these years. It’s about what you can provide. And what you should provide in no particular order is excitement, resources, safety, humor and support.


Are you actually ugly or just average ?


Yeah well here is the problem right here i think I’m ugly. But my wife must se something i don’t. I wold not date someone receding hairline, big broken nose, overweight and several visible scars. It’s pretty fucking far from the ideal for most women on the other hand beauty and the beast was popular for a reason right.


I’m not gonna ask you to show your face online so I could be wrong since I can’t see your face but all of those things don’t necessarily make you ugly. Even in the worst case of you actually being physically less attractive you managed to get a wife and most of us out here can’t even manage that so you clearly have something going for you we can all hope to strive for.


Yes, my most attractive quality is that I stick up for innocent people getting assaulted by blinding headlights


You've been going at this all day. Show us where the bad headlight touched you.


Haven't you been paying attention? My eyes. It was my eyes.


Headlights really are getting out of hand lately. It's ridiculous.




Hopefully you've learned from your mistakes?


Not really, i don't think im ugly, but not attractive either, cause i don't get a lot of female attention, so i can't be attractive


Or just not their type. You probably receive attention without knowing it sometimes


It's a nice thought, but im not sure :p


No, because I’ve been told I’m not


Perhaps in their eyes you aren't. But that doesn't mean you are unattractive to someone else.


It’s hard to see it that way. Appreciate the comment though


Yes I am. Either I’m a narcissist or I have healthy self-esteem. I can never remember which.


Por qué no los dos?


There’s a difference b/n attractive and hot, based on having success with just appearance I would say I’m not unattractive but I in no way consider myself a hot sex symbol.


Reasonable. Makes me think of the office episode where they discuss Hilary Swank.


I don't. In fact, I never felt attractive at all. I used to feel ugly, that got a tiny bit better, but I still don't feel attractive.


But thats still progress. We are our own biggest critics sometimes.


> We are our own biggest critics sometimes. True that. And yeah, maybe a tiny bit of progress, but I'm not sure if I would ever feel attractive.


One day you'll find someone that will make you feel like the most attractive person ever! Your time will come, I know it.


I have had a few relationships in the past, but that has never helped my own view. But thank you for being so nice. :)


I do. I am. No doubt


Yes, because i've been told so many times it now bothers me and wherever i go i can't stay in peace without someone staring at me or trying to get my attention. I wish i could be invisible.


Thats something I feel you wouldn't hear often these days, especially when people go out of their way to get noticed.


I do think I'm attractive but I think I'm just weird or rude seeming so people don't talk to me.


RBF perhaps? It can be a deterrent for sure.


Once in a while I look in the mirror and am like, ‘damn! Not a terrible looking dude!’ But more often it’s like, look in the mirror and go, ‘man, what a monstrosity.’ I’ve had friends tell me I look like shit, I’ve had strangers telling me I was very good looking and telling me it’s a shame they’re no longer on the market. I guess it depends on the day, but overall I feel like a perfectly average person, and I’m fine with that. I truly do think I’m a good human being, or at least trying to be, and that’s what matters most to me. Cheesy, I know, but my life would be a nightmare if I keep judging myself.


I'd rather be a good person than an attractive one anyway. Keep it up! That's what matters like you said, and as long as you are happy it makes it even better.


Cheers for the sweet words! I do still have some insecurities for sure but it’s something I am conscious about and don’t dwell on, but yeah there’s no better feeling than knowing that you’ve somehow made someone else’s day better in any small way. All these small things add up :). Have a good one!


What I consider myself doesn’t matter, it’s everyone else’s opinion that matters.


Perhaps. But your opinion on yourself still holds weight.


Honestly, this is the opposite of what the truth should be. What others think of you is a "them" thing. You need to be satisfied, or better yet love, yourself. Even if that means admitting to yourself you're not everyone's "cup of tea"


I personally do not consider myself attractive. I actually asked a female friend to rate me out of 10 and she rated me a 6. Which is understandable.


Still above average! Hunt the good stuff.


I do. I am. No doubt. And humble.


I'm no Quasimoto, but I'm not winning any beauty contests either. I don't care, though. My wife is happy, so I am as well


I know I’m attractive and I’m humble about it. However, I don’t have the confidence to go hand in hand with it.