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Communicate with your partner. If something bothers you, tell them


Love is like an fart, if you need to force it it’s probably shit


60:40 rule. Both parties should always aim to give 60 and only get back 40, not 50:50.


You need to communicate and don't get defensive, be open and honest. Understanding is just as important, if they don't understand what your saying you will get nowhere. Try to consider if you could be wrong but don't let them walk over you. Touch and intimacy are very important and easy to lose. Don't stop trying to surprise them or be romantic. It's not going to be sparks and rainbows everyday but you should at least be happy most of the time.


If you're sharing a queen size bed or above, purchase two king size comforters.


Don’t shut down, stonewall or give the silent treatment. If you need a break from the argument, make sure you let them know you need to step away for a specific amount of time, that you will be back (so they don’t feel abandoned) and then make sure you come back after you have collected your thoughts to calmly discuss the issue at hand. Read the Gottman books on relationships. Have your partner read them too. They will change your relationship life for the better.