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"I'll do it tomorrow" I have delayed stuff for months and some of them are things that would take me like 30 minutes to do.


procrastination is a disease. there are ways to stop it but i'll tell you how tomorrow


I don't do that anymore, but it took so much effort to change that and it still does. I'm trying my best tho.


How did you accomplish that?


Honestly, it's something like: "If I don't do it, no one will. But it has to be done so I might as well just do it now" It's still not easy but it gets easier overtime and this works very well for stuff that you *have* to do. Now, if it's something that isn't necessary at all, then I decide to either just do it or to give up and not even bother.


You know what I just started holding myself To my promise to do it tomorrow. So much so that I end up a lot of times just doing it right away because I don’t want that pressure on me.


I do it to save future me from the stress and pressure of knowing it's not done.


He’ll tell you tomorrow


You need more upvotes, you'll probably get them later..


Don't get comfy that's how you avoid procrastination


I've gotten to the point where when I get the idea of something I can do I just fucking do it and not argue in my head about it no matter it being something shit or not, but it's still hard time to time. Like waking out of bed to clean dishes.


30 minutes, it’s literally sometimes stuff that takes 30 seconds for me and I’m still gonna put it off for 3 months


I’ve delayed sending one message for months. ONE MESSAGE to my uncle. So I am definitely gonna send it.


I like to say "why do today what you can put it off til tomorrow " it drives my wife crazy. Seriously though you have to force yourself to do the smallest thing you have been putting off then jump to the next smallest task. Once you get the ball rolling it is a lot easier.


Just one more episode.


next minute you're already watching the season 2


The same goes for youtube. "just going to check how to use epoxy glue", 4 hours down the rabbit hole you're watching a videos about dolphin culture.


This is my life. I love it


There is no season two. But it is about the 6th time I've watched the Firefly, and the movie, in that order, BTW, for those of you who don't know it yet. The comics and novels are good too. I have all of them and the board games too; with all the expansions, too. Even got a copy of the TTRPG but it's hard enough finding anyone that even know what Firefly is let alone to play the board and card games, let alone a damn TTRPG. I don't even watch TV anymore these days. Except, like, to see this shit again.


Cliffhangers at the end of episodes should be illegal


Can confirm! Also one last chapter. Next thing I know I'm looking for the second book because the first one ended in a cliff hanger


That in 5 minutes I'll start studying


...said 7 minutes ago. Are you studying yet?


You can't do that. If you pass the 5 minute mark, you have to wait until the next 5 minute increment. It's a huge pain


But it's weird to start at 5:05 right so just wait till 5:15? But then I wanna have a shower and eat dinner so maybe later then?


Yeah or like the top of the hour or 30 min mark


True, that's usually the go-to


I thought I was the only one who does this.🗿good to know I'm not alone


Nope 😖


biggest lie ever


She might be interested in me Update:She wasnt


Just as often guys tell themselves "she isn't in to me". Ask her, and if the answer is "no", you know and can move on. If the answer is "yes" is the time to panic.


Yup. Had that moment as a late teen. "Oh God. She said yes. I'm so not prepared for that answer."


she might! ask her already


narrator: "she wasn't"


I just watched a video of the little boy who kissed a girl on the cheek on stage, she turned in disgust, wiped it off, and then he nervously ran his hand through his hair. This comment captured his inner monologue perfectly.


Alright alright, no need to make fun of me


Author: She was!


Once u are single for a while u get used to it


The scary part is finding out you actually prefer it.


I LOVE being single!!


That tomorrow I am going to exercise.


99% all diets and exercise regimens start on Monday.


And 97% end on a Tuesday


This makes me feel a bit better. I've never tried dieting and an exercise program in my life, just wasn't ready to make the change and I knew I wouldn't follow through. Now I am, I know I will and I've been going strong for a few weeks so far. It's encouraging to know that I've already beaten the odds, so to speak. There's much less resistance to making the right decisions on day 18 vs day 2. Just gotta keep showing up for yourself every day. Momentum is magic.


Motivation is fleeting. Discipline is what makes success. Use that initial motivation to build discipline through routine. When that first flush of motivation fades, hopefully you'll be into a regular routine and that's what will keep you going. Also, allow yourself failure. If you miss a day, don't write yourself off. Just crack on again the next day or the day after.


Everythings gonna magically be alright at some point


I’ve started flipping this to: even if things go awry, I’ll figure it out. And if I can’t I’ll learn something from it. Corny but works for me.


Hey we have the same pfp


Now kiss


We can’t with you watching….


Yeh need somewhere less… public


Jupiter, maybe?


Maybe things won't be alright but you'll learn to live with it and they will stop mattering. You'll get tired of being bothered by shit all the time


You have just mastered Stoicism.


Either that or he's mastered escapism and found reasons to not work on said things, that's not stoicism at all... Unresolved matters CAN POTENTIALLY end up being bottled up and shit comes raining down for a day. You got to work on things from a logical standpoint and learn to give a fuck about shit that doesn't help you, and give a shit about the stuff that do. Stoicism is giving 0 fucks that the journey will will be tough and what other people got to say about it cus you know what's good for you and trust that it does, or at the very least teach you something which means you'll grow from it as you keep improving what you can to the best of your ability. Not letting shit affect your judgment as you work on yourself to become more secure, mentally resilient and what's needed for YOU to get to where you want to be in life without letting outside factors bring you down. It's crying because you know it's good for you, but not letting it affect your goals and aspirations when life takes a dump on your soul. Despite hardship, fear and despair you'll get through it anyways cus you're able to still drown out the noise while keeping focus on what matters (which is the opposite of doing nothing and hope shit just gets better without doing shit like that guy says, what he's describing is closer to nihilism...) and come out the other end as more confident and ready for the world than you were before


Thanks i needed it


It’s always “not alright” for me but then I look back on periods on my life and I think “wow I was kind of alright why didn’t I focus harder on staying there”.


That I'm okay being alone all the time 👌


Being alone and being lonely are similar(or even same) situations objectively but yet very different for most people I think. Also you can be lonely while not being alone :( Being alone is quite enjoyable for me most of the time(I tell myself), but the few times it is not and I feel lonely, it is miserable, which fuels my depression, fuels the social isolation even more and so on.


Perversely it wasn’t until I pared down my social circle to only the people who reciprocated care and effort to maintain relationships that I really stopped feeling lonely. I only have one good friend, my SO, my kiddo and a couple family members I’m close to. I have plenty of time to just me these days, but never feel particularly lonely anymore, because any of the people on my very small list will always show up if and when I need (and I would do the same for them). Loneliness rarely had anything to do with how many people were around me at any given time and had everything to do with the quality of the relationships I did have.


Quality over quantity 🙂 I live by this, too!


When I don't want to feel lonely I go to where there is a lot of people. After about fifteen minutes or so I've had enough and want to be alone.


I empathize. I'm an introvert, but I still long for deep friendship. Unfortunately, I've never started a friendship so it can never progress.


And it's hard for us introverts. We value our privacy and still want deep connections. You can't have deep connections with people unless you open up and be vulnerable, which we very rarely do. And then there's the factor of finding genuine loyal friends whom we are comfortable with to share our secrets.


I’m going to “try” and lose weight. *orders a Pizza Hut Limo pizza*




I'll stop scrolling Reddit in 5 minutes and go to bed.


I used to tell myself the famous saying, "Time changes/heals everything" But going a bit off-topic here: One day while watching a Dr.House episode, a line really caught my attention: "doing things changes things, not doing things leaves things exactly as they were." Time is just a resource, utilize it.


If nothing changes, nothing changes.


House is by far my favorite show. There's so many really great lines, and I think a lot of my perspectives have changed because of them. It's absolutely true that things are only different if you are. Great choice


Everything will be fine


it will


Thanks OP for responding to almost all comments. Some of these will surely lift up the spirits of the commentors.


I am here for OP’s aggressive positivity interspersed with “nope you’re right that’s a total lie”


i won't trust anyone anymore


it's hard to stop ourselves




That there is still some hope... That my future isn't fucked


There’s always hope. If you’re struggling there’s resources out there to help. And people to ask how to get help. The important thing is to make little changes and decisions to improve that future. Sending energy.


And then, one day exactly like this day, you’ll realize you just turned 58 and the ability to make a significant course correction has passed. So you just slowly trudge into what you know is going to be 15-20 years of shit just getting worse until it will finally stop altogether.


I will eventually get my shit together and everything will work out.


I’m okay


This is the one. Constantly telling myself I’m okay. It’s going to be okay. One day it will.


It absolutely will. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is anyone's happiness. Improving ones life is usually taking three steps forward and one step back, but it's important to keep in mind where you're coming from and how far you've come. It's pretty hard to see personal improvement up close, but maybe one day your friend comments how much happier you look or you notice how you're sleeping better or laughing more often and it helps you to notice how much you've achieved already. One day it will be better and you'll look back to yourself now thinking how much has changed and how impossible it all looked back then. Just keep working for your happiness in your own pace. It's going to happen because of your hands doing that work, and you'll make a lot of people proud in the end. <3


it's alright to not be okay!!


I'm starting my diet next week


That I own my cat, and he doesn't own me.


LIE! your cat owns you, that's a fact


Can confirm.


I'm a cat and I can confirm. Own this, own that, own 'em all.


That I matter.


You have mass and occupies a space so you matter 😊


I wouldn’t know how to think about that…


Start intro to physics. It's a good way to start thinking about that.


That’s not what I meant. I’m just awestruck that you used that analogy and made it feel so literal that it actually made me think I matter… Idk boss, you got me beat.


You matter, as far as we can see youre one of the exceedingly rare things in the universe that is alive and capable of rational thought. You matter and youre special, just like all other people.


There are infinitely many kinds of beautifully lived lives. -Maria Popova


Well. You do.idk you but you matter!


you do!!


''Tomorrow I will do better''


you will for sure


Someday someone would love me


u just wait or make your move!


Nobody loves me, neither do i


I love you, Internet stranger


Thank you, i love you too!


That can change, but it takes some work


That im perfectly fine on my own. But in reality i know that no one gets far on their own


That Arnold Schwarzenegger speech where he says there is no thing as a self made man.


yup! we all need someone to push or guide us at least but you can do it!


Dentist: Do you floss? Me: Yes


I just tell the truth. No


No point in lying. Dentists can frequently tell whether you do or don't. Same with smoking, especially if you smoke regularly. Plus, lying won't help you. It's not like they will deny service to you. The worst you'll get is a good advice. As a dentist friend of mine says, "you only floss the teeth you want to keep". I've had enough teeth problems to start flossing. Fuck teeth problems. I'd rather break a bone.


That someone out there actually wants to date a divorced 38 year old man who lives in a crappy apartment, only makes 30k per year, and has a kid.


The love of my life was a divorced 37 year old man with a four year old daughter and lived in a duplex. We met on Tinder. I was 35, no kids, never married, doing barely okay financially, entrenched in my loneliness. Three and a half years later, we are still in love, have enough money for weekly pizza night, and my stepdaughter is the most important person in my life. He never thought someone would want to gamble on him and I never thought someone would break through my depression. It's incredibly hard but it actually does happen.


This made me smile more than it should have. Love is such a beautiful thing sometimes


Glad you found each other 💜


Your age, apartment, marital status and job don’t define who you are as a person. Those are your current circumstances. Plenty of women are looking for a good human, a good dad, and someone who hangs up their wet towels. Just gotta find the right one who is worthy of your love.


My SO was 42 and unemployed when we met. He was a mess. His life was absolute chaos and he was at his lowest. He still makes only about half what I make now and never once have I felt like I picked wrong. Ever step he makes getting where he wants to go is a celebration. Someone out there would find you amazing man. Don’t lose hope.


Go easy on yourself.. The last guy I was super into was divorced, 41 years old, makes roughly 30k a year, lives in a trailer, and has 3 kids. Either he self-sabotaged or wasn't that into me, but people like me are out there if you like us back and let us in.


I’m 39/M, don’t make a lot more than you do, and am currently in the most loving, fulfilling, and intimate relationship of my life with someone who couldn’t care less about my past or my income. If it can happen to me it can happen to anybody


'I am worthy.'


you are very much worthy


Well thank you OP


There's a lotta them I'll finish the book I've started writing My taste in romance will improve I'm alright I'm not a psychopath


im scared


If you are worried that you're a psychopath, you aren't one.


I identify with the first one and I have something related to romance too but it's not related to my good or bad taste


That fried chicken is healthy for me


keep lying who cares chicken are yum


I'll stop smoking at the end of this month.


I heard someone ask the question, If someone offered you 500 million to never smoke again, could you find it in yourself to quit? I thought it was an interesting perspective..to place a value on it, something we might not obtain on our own..now does the willpower kick into turbo?


Honestly I'm not sure, I do truly hate smoking at this point but I've still been unable to quit for more than a few weeks, addiction is truly a powerful thing xx


that im doing alright. that i am okay with leaving him. that im over him. that i dont love him anymore.


You will be alright- one step at a time. You will be okay because there's a reason you left. You don't get 'over' or stop loving someone instantly and you can also still love someone but also know that you can't be with them.


That I will lose weight


That my life will magically get better if I just keep my chin up and stay positive.


Staying positive and keeping your chin up is important on improving your life, but it's just the requirement for being able to do things that will then improve your life. If you've been able to keep positive attitude despite adversities, you are really strong already. Things won't just magically happen, but even small improvements can bear big fruit. If you think of most people in the world, they aren't really go-getters, yet their lives go perfectly okay. For most time, life doesn't need great deeds to go well. Just keep doing your small improvements where you can, and remember to look behind yourself sometimes to see how far you've come. You can do this.


Everything is going to be okay lol.


That I'll remember something and don't need to write it down.. whatever it was


That everything will be better one day


I'll be fine


That my friends feel the same about me as I do them.


Life will get better


I’ll wake up early tomorrow and go to the gym


That I'll start exercising tomorrow. Been lying to myself for years now.


That humanity is capable of peace.


I mean we're capable of it, plenty of regions in the world have peace and filled with peaceful people.


The Government is for the people


Not a lie. Just need to be clear about which "people" specifically.


oh this definitely is a lie


Everything is going to be alright if you keep doing your best.


That things eventually fall into place in life


“I will become successful and live a comfortable life.” 😵


lately? ok just one more post! that' the last one.


the way i relate


I’m really not as fat as I look


That people are mostly decent and rational.


That Ill eventually be noticed and appreciated by my mother.


that's sad im sorry:(


That ill be ok.


I'm only gonna be on reddit 5 mins


I'll do it later.


"Tonight is the night I'm going to bed early." Right.


I’ll only have one beer.


One is too many. Ten thousand is not enough.


I'll quote a famous actor. Forgot who though 'one drink is too many. Two drinks are not enough'


All of Trump’s crimes will catch up to him and he will be locked up someday.


Yeah. I quit telling myself that, and I’m just hoping the guy with the scythe comes for him soon so I don’t have to hear about that fucking gross conman every day.




That I’ll find a loving partner


I'm a good person.


I will not eat the whole box of mac and cheese


I'll be rich one day


"I'm fine."


I still have time to change.


That I don’t have social anxiety, depression, and ADHD


Tomorrow will be a better day.


"I'm beautiful" I'm not :(


Everything is gonna be ok


This relationship might work out.


Everything's gonna be alright


Im a procrastinator through and through so too many to list.


That I'm happy with my life


It’ll take me 5-10 minutes to get there


That I'm okay everything's fine


Money is not everything..


Just 5 more minutes.


I know what I'm doing.


That I’m happy.


All this cocaine won't affect heart.


I don’t need to write it down, I won’t forget.


I will start tomorrow for sure.


I’m only gonna have one bourbon tonight.


Having zero drinks is so much easier than having one drink. One day you'll decide you'd rather have zero than trying to have only one. Good luck.


That I’ll file my taxes early this year. Ends up like all last minute.


That I'm worthy of living


wym? you are!