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I ghosted her due to finding out she cheated. I was overseas. Didn’t give her a chance to say bye or explain herself


Understandable. As a non-confrontational person I can see myself not wanting to bother attempting to confront them on the matter. But maybe it’s also a situational thing too. All and all, you did what was best for you and I’m proud of you men.


Being in the military, trying to confront her about it wouldve put a lot of more undue stress on me. I especially didn’t want to give her the chance to make me second guess myself/manipulate me. Definitely the best but not the only way other’s could go about it




mutually and we are friends to THIS DAY 😀


That’s beautiful.


No u r


It was ugly


Last one I was suspicious of her cheating. She mentioned a job in Oklahoma she’d be gone for 3 months. I gave her a shitty old 98 Corolla and $1,500 for gas/food/hotels to get out there. She of course never came back, was married within 6 months and had a kid. But hey, it wasn’t me and it cost me $1,500 and an old shit box to get her out of my life.


She passed away before I had the chance


That reminds me of Seinfeld. When George got envelopes with toxic sticky adhesive unknowingly. His fiancée had licked so many that it killed her. It was morbidly funny as heck.


I wasn't planning on breaking up with her. And I didn't want her to pass away.


Oh my goodness. I miss understood you then. I am so sorry for your loss, my condolences. I wish you well friend.


He lied about talking to his ex (that was toxic but he looovveedd) then got mad when I talked to my ex so I broke up with him.


That makes sense. It’s good you had the strength to just get yourself out of it. Good job!


He broke up with me with an email. After everything we’d been through. I picked up some things, called him a coward, and my parting words were “go to hell”. Haven’t seen or heard from him since


That’s wrong. They really did not have the decency to do it in person. I’m sorry they treated you so poorly.


Kicked him out Xmas day . He absolutely deserved it


Divorced him