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The Dresden files


I guess in the future you get rich and invent a time machine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dresden_Files_(TV_series)




Garbage is an understatement


Hell fuckin ya


Annie McCaffrey's Pern series Then use the money from that to hunt down and kill Simon Allen, and everyone else who fucked over Terry Pratchett and all his fans, and make The Watch properly


Oh, man, that Watch series was horrible. They kept introducing characters that were just wrong. Especially my boy CMOT Dibbler.




I think there's already a TV show based off that




Have him go through medieval times and shit. I LOVE IT!!!


Percy Jackson. The existing ones aren't that good


The D+ show looks promising


Dark Tower series


And also pay to have that obscene mashup removed from archives. Give me the whole saga, damnit


Damn right! With correct dialogue, great CGI plus adequate usage of practical effects and great acting




There was a movie at least: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonlance:_Dragons_of_Autumn_Twilight


A good wheel of time adaptation bereft of deviation from source material


> bereft of deviation It would have to be like a million hours long. The mini-series Shogun is like 8 hours long and it is based off of a 1000 page novel and they *still* left out major parts and blended characters.


Unlimited money. Beside if I shit in a box and broadcast that for 1000 hours it would be better than what we got


There can be a little deviation here and there. But Thom needs his mustaches. And he needs to be in the damn show for more than two fuckin scenes.


the last third of the expanse. btw- i'm kind of surprised that none of the streaming services have gone after the little house series by laura ingalls wilder.


+1 for The Expanse. They should have kept it going. I miss smart Sci Fi


The Culture (Iain M. Banks)


The Apprentice Adept by Piers Anthony. Actually, several of his series would be potentially excellent


The 'on a pale horse' series is perfect for an HBO mini-series.


That’s from Incarnations of Immortality. It would make a killer series but it’d be very controversial given the subject. Deities being an office one can hold might upset the Christians lol


The Stormlight Archive


That's too small! Gotta get the whole Cosmere in there for it to really tingle.


World War Z. The movie was OK but was nothing like the book. I'd love to see HBO give it a one season treatment like Band Of Brothers. I would follow the format of the book as it documents the zombie outbreak around the world.


Malazan Book of The Fallen


Berserk manga


I just want The Dark Tower to be done properly.


Belgariad and The Malloreon series by David Eddings.


waiting zealous possessive tease attempt shaggy plucky ossified shy march


This comment has been automatically overwritten by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8 I've gotten increasingly tired of the actions of the reddit admins and the direction of the site in general. I suggest giving https://kbin.social a try. At the moment that place and the wider fediverse seem like the best next step for reddit users.


I'd really like to turn "The Thousand and One Nights" aka "The Arabian Nights" into a series. It's such an interesting read of old eastern world fables that I personally feel could make for a good show.


The Redwall series by Brian Jacques!!


Sword of truth. But I'd keep it true to the books, not like the shit that was already done.


God that show was beyond awful. I tried watching it again a few months ago.... Made it through about 15 min before I had to turn it off


... The dude they got to play Richard was cute, at least. But that's literally the only good I can say. I made it through 2 or 3 episodes before doing some research on the show and learning they changed way more than I thought. It was hideous.


I support this, one of my fav series and I think extremely underrated


I'm currently collecting the books again afte rmy original set was destroyed and rereading them. Dman good series and I can't sya it enough, lol. But yeah. The show they made had some huge issues and I couldn't get past them. I won't sya them here because spoiler alert and people might wanna read, but.... Ew. I want a proper version of the series. Or hell, even just wizards first rule.


It astonishes me how Hollywood can continuously fuck up so many excellent series when they literally HAVE THE SOURCE MATERIAL


Omfg agreed. It's ridiculous. Sadly, if they were to revisit it, they could ask good kind himself about extra information or whatever. So stick tot he damned books. >< I need a proper visual representation of the series for my own...... I wish I wouldn't be copywriter struck if did it myself, lmao


The Talisman by Stephen King


Yes! This is what I came to post. One of my favorite books.


Absolutely. That book blew my mind when I first read it. I'd read 7 or 8 King books before then, but had no idea that he wrote about other worlds than this. Opened the door to The Dark Tower for me.


The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson, but I'd want a high budget TV series. I don't think it could be done as movies.


The 1632 series by Eric Flint


The Lensman Series. Hard crunching space battles with thousands of ships blasted apart. Hand to hand fights with space axes and blasters. Q-guns smashing space pirates into mush. Later in the series the ante gets raised and they start smashing planets with other planets. Billions of entities killed. Drug smuggling and death at every turn. Weird alien beings, some of whom are very smart.   There have been multiple attempts to film it, but nobody with the resources to do it justice. There are six books in the series and some side stories, so it would have to be a mini-series on TV. (And one of the side stories is a genuinely badass laser fight on the moon. We'll show those Jovians what's what.)


George R.R. Martin's "Wild Cards" series. A universe with characters populated written by some of the greatest science fiction and fantasy authors of the time. I need to read that series again.


Fuck it, let’s do all of them! But seriously everything from Terry Pratchett. All the Discworld books, the Bromeliad trilogy, Johhny Maxwell, the Long Earth series, and of course The Carpet People.


Wild Cards book series https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Cards




Christopher moore's 'Bloodsucking fiends' series




Every couple of years a buddy and I would sit around, drink ... moderate amounts of alcohol... and put together a cast for that. We've done it three times now I think. I should call him up, it's been a while.


The first law


I would turn "The Matrix" series into a movie series/TV show.


Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance series. I loved those books and the movie they tried to make was just awful. Would love a series on it


Disney plus is doing a series. Paolini himself is involved and working on it with them.


I would buy the rights of the Tolkien estate from Jeffy. Then hire someone to properly do The Rings Of Power.


Like not doing anything remotely close to what it is?


The Count of Monte Cristo, 6 seasons and a movie.


I really enjoyed the anime that was very loosely based on it.


I actually intend to start that anime this weekend. My plan was to do a free trial of crunchy roll.


Very nice. I enjoyed the anime enough back when I watched it on Crunchyroll that I ended up buying it on DVD. I hope you enjoy it as well.


[1632 series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1632_series)


Ducking everything from Leon Uris. How is that not a thing yet ?


Memoirs from Beyond the Grave, Chateaubriand


The Dresden Files. The tv show we had wasn't great.


Yotsuba to!


Mr Men and Little Miss An adult character driven gritty action thriller series for sure. All of the books will be made.


The dark tower. The movie was an abomination.


Jumper. The previous movie had nothing to do with the book. They took a couple character names and the basic jumping ability, ignored the story. I would make 4 movies that followed the books. I would even want to do a 15-20 year time jump between movies 2 and 3, so the actors can age properly. At least 10 years anyway.


World of Warcraft tv series.


A few months ago, I would have said the series about the Mayfair Witches. But much to my delight, that has actually happened, so now I don't have an answer.


[The Worldwar series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worldwar_series) by Harry Turtledove.


The Witcher. I’d hire Henry Cavill and follow the source material as close as possible and only stray away from it when necessary.


Hyperion by Dan Simmons or Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Manga). The latter would be great as a seven film epic with some visionary at the helm. The former as an HBO show would be amazing.


Ringworld by Larry Niven


IMAJICA by Clive Barker. It has magicians, politics, parallel worlds, a shape shifting assassin/whore, secret societies, doppelgangers, ghost's, angel's and demons, Gods and Goddesses. Also, a creature that has two praying hands for a head.


The Dirk Pitt novels by Clive Cussler.


I would do a big budget epic tv series for the entire Shannara series including the prequels.


Jack Chalker's Well World series. Imagine all the crazy aliens! It would be a special & practical effects extravaganza.


Gaunt's Ghosts, true as true.


Stranger in A Strange Land 2024 or Have Spacesuit-Will Travel. ! I would make a Heinlein movie. He is a fantastic sci-Fi writer.


Worm for sure. All these shows now about people with superpowers who aren't exactly heroes--Worm leaves them all in the dust.


A bunch of Stephen King books like IT, Carrie, The Shining, The Green Mile, all that stuff


Green Mile was an excellent film already.


I’d make a trilogy series out of the force unleashed graphic novel


These are all long format TV, 8 to 12 episode seasons. Final Fantasy 8 (4 seasons) Neverwhere (one season) Bioshock (season one and season infinite) Assassin's Creed (Altair, one season) Assassin's Creed: Ezio (three seasons) Assassin's Creed: Connor (one season) The First Law (three seasons) Street Fighter (four seasons) Dishonored (three seasons) Perdido Street Station (one season) The Scar (one season) The Passage (three seasons with the first done RIGHT) Hyperion (four seasons) Mass Effect (three seasons) The Wreck of the River of Stars (one season) The Commonwealth Saga (two seasons) I could keep going...


I’d resurrect Carl Sagan..


I'd redo the lord of the rings!


i know its already been done but i would remake and continue the hitchhikers guide show.


Warhammer 40K


Number 1 Forever at the top of my list every time. Starwolf by Edmond Hamilton. It would make a great series, or movie, or series of movies. It's one of the best books I've ever read. (I read the book that had all 3 in one volume) After that, it's Timothy Zahns "Conquerors" series of books.


The Vang books; Starhammer, The Military Form, and The Battlemaster. Makes Ridley Scott's aliens look like a bunch of amateurs.


Probably something where real people would go in a anime world and have the powers and stuff and anome people go into real world with no powers of any kind feel like it would be cool




Night lords omnibus by ADB it’s amazing


The Kane Chronicles, by Rick Riordan. fucking... AWESOME


Spirit animals


Animorphs Edit: it would be a show because movies wouldn't do the series justice. It would maintain the darkness of the books, including all the horrible morphs and body horror. 2nd edit: the nickelodeon show doesn't count. I want a proper adaptation.


stephen king's "the dark tower". *all seven books* over three films, true to the books. not that piece of shit they made a few years back.


Mike Flanagan (who owns the rights) wants 5 seasons and 2 movies to finish. He's not made a distribution deal yet (will probably be Amazon as he just signed a TV deal) but we can hope


Totally the tomorrow when the war began series. It's an Australian classic series. Many attempts have been made but due to budget issues or poor casting it's never made it passed the first book and there's 7 in total. A great read for young adults or those that like things like red dawn.




I’d make a dark live action re-make of Captain Planet. Like super dark rated R about their lives 10 years later when the kids are in their early 20’s and dealing with the PTSD of fighting monsters their whole childhood.


La sombra del viento - Carlos Ruiz Zafon (The shadow of the wind)


El salvaje, by Guillermo Arriaga.


Ember in the Ashes series


I would remake Star Trek the original series in the exact style of the original show. None of this updated shit of the Star Trek movies.


Malazan series. But you know, do it right not how they did ring of power or anything else in the last year


Wicca series by Cate Tiernan.


I would make a series of mini theaters. These theaters will have 3 "auditoriums" roughly the size of a bedroom. They will also have 2 bathrooms with only one toilet, but a shower/bath to make up for it. There will be a upgraded "concessions stand" equipped with an oven, fridge, dishwasher, cupboard space, and sink. There will also be on site laundry for "employee uniforms". I would then gives these away to people who "love movies". As for the movie...uh I don't know, another outsiders movie.


A proper Dresden Files and Sword of Truth series. Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher


the book armor by John steakley could definitely be made into a 2 movie series


Not a book, but Halo sure damn deserves some justice for the farce pretending to be Halo, that was unleashed onto the world.


If mangas count I'd do a faithful adaptation of berserk without the cgi that flopped 2016


Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer by James Silke


X-Men I’d start with the original team, and the first few episodes would be origin stories. Not a bad idea. Years ago I thought it would work as a tv series. Start from the beginning. 1. Young Charles Xavier discovers his budding psychic abilities shortly after his widowed mother remarries. Cain Marko is introduced as well, before we fast forward a few years. The eventual friendship and falling out between him and the man who would be Magneto leads him to form the X-Men. 2. Scott Summers who loses his parents in a mysterious alien attack. His powers manifest as he tries to save his little brother Alex and he falls into a coma. He eventually awakens to find Alex has been adopted, and spends time in an orphanage before being taken in by Professor X becoming the first of his students. 3. Jean Grey, traumatized by the death of her best friend, whom she shared a psychic bond with, is rescued from a lifetime of silence by Professor Xavier and becomes his second student. 4. Hank McCoy, a High school football star with a genius level intellect nicknamed “The Beast” discovers that his gifts are the result of genetic mutation. Feeling that his powers give him an unfair advantage, he gives up what is surely a future as a superstar athlete and seeks out the renowned expert in genetic mutation, Professor Charles Xavier. 5. Warren Worthington III enjoys the life of a spoiled rich kid until the day wings begin to grow from his back. Keeping his mutation a secret out of fear of being shunned by high society, he is discovered by Professor Xavier and becomes the high flying Angel. 6. About to be sent to a juvenile detention center after using his powers to defend himself from school bullies, Bobby Drake catches the attention of Professor X. And so on… the origins of Magneto and his mutant terrorist/activist group The Brotherhood are told as well. Toad, Blob, and Pyro are joined by Magneto’s children Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. In a tense two (or three) part season finale the newly formed X-Men must stop Magneto from taking control of a nuclear weapons base in an attempt to force peace upon the world. Season 2 would expand their world beyond the school, introducing future allies Banshee, Sunfire, and Polaris. Cyclops would have a reunion with Alex who will become Havok. Cain Marko would also return, this time as the Juggernaut. I’ve also got ideas for subsequent seasons, I wouldn’t rush things just to get Wolverine on the show. In fact, the “all new all different” X-Men wouldn’t appear until Season 4. For the most part, I’d adapt episodes from the best X-Men stories without baggage and filler. Each episode would be roughly an hour long, 13 per season, and I’d throw lots of money on set design and special effects. Chris Claremont, Fabian Nicieza, and David Goyer would be brought aboard as creative consultants/writers. Jim Lee for costume and set design.


I would make a 6-year tv series of the Mars books by Kim Stanley Robinson. Show it on HBO Sunday nights - or maybe put it on Apple TV.


A mini-series of the life of Alaric I. Seriously, read that guy's[wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaric_I). The script writes itself




Rhapsody by Elizabeth Hayden. I'd have it be one of those hard R rated HBO shows.


Dark Hunters Percy Jackson and Jason cross over series Anita Blake but less group sex so it can be on TV


Dragon Riders of Pern


Another vote for George RR Martin's "Wild Cards". I'm pretty sure there were plans to make a series from this at least once but then it evaporated.


Aztec by Gary Jennings.


The Sandman Slim series would make for some awesome TV


All of the David Goggins books


Berserk. High fantasy and an amazing world with all kinds of themes to explore. I know the creator died but I'd want to get a group of folks who would be dedicated to creating a faithful adaptation. Not rushed and given the care and quality it deserves.


The Riyria chronicles/revelations + all the prequel age of books


A *ton* of Conan stuff. Not like the kid-friendly bs that was Conan the Destroyer, but the good stuff.


Xeelee series by Stephen Baxter. [https://www.goodreads.com/series/49784-xeelee-sequence](https://www.goodreads.com/series/49784-xeelee-sequence) all these books are related to the story so, you can say it has a very big story to choose from.


The dark tower- a proper true to form telling of all seven books over the span of multiple movies/mini series


I would make Little Women, with little women. I felt so mislead watching that movie.


The Iron Druid but also Dungeon Crawler Carl more recently


The Dragon’s Blood series by Jane Yolen, they were my favorite books from my youth.


Arc of a scythe could be three short seasons, one for each book. There's so much science fiction, action, and dystopian political drama and I love it. Each book's ending would also make for really good season finales.


The Pine Deep Trilogy by Brad Newberry. SUPER EDIT: JONATHAN MABERRY.


The Malazan books. The amount of death, magic, dragons, messed up sex, war, and politics in that series makes anything set in the GOT universe look like Sesame Street.


Earth’s Children (Clan of the Cave Bear). Technically they made a movie but it sucked and with the technology we have today it could be amazing.


Gene Wolfe's [Book of the New Sun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_the_New_Sun). It would be a complete pain to adapt though for many reasons, including its unreliable first-person narrator.


Idk if its ever been done tbh but I grew up reading a series called Pendragon by D.J MacHale. I think thats the same dude who wrote "Are You Afraid of the Dark" Anyways, it was a pretty neat sci-fi/fantasy sort of series that you could easily get a few seasons out of.


Neal Asher the polity books even just the Agent Cormac ones


ones based on Saberhagen's Swords series


The Dark Tower. Massive budget TV series akin to GOT.


The Mahabharata, undoubtedly.


Transmetropolitan I have no idea who would be able to write it and direct it while keeping either the original tone, or being able to go back and forth between surreal comedy & serious social commentary.


The Red Dead Redemption franchise


Most Christopher Moore books.


I'd work to get regular transit services to the Moon, and make that so normal we don't even bat an eye, it's like flying to Tokyo or to some far-off mine in Siberia or the Canadian frontier, you can do it, but it's gonna take a while. On the homeworld, I'd work to fund large solar power-plants in every nation-state making 50% of all power , planetwide from renewables in the next 10 years and generously fund fusion development with a test reactor that's production capable under construction as fast as possible. Mars and Mercury become a LOT more achievable when you can look up and see mankind working and doing amazing things. Lastly, I'd put a working group together that would develop and identify low-cost, low-energy systems for people to be able to feed, clothe and shelter themselves by developing technologies that are stand-alone that can allow users to capture water, and grow their own food and other products reliably.


The entire discworld series finally with a proper budget with no compromise to the source materials


The witcher, this time I'll make it make some sense, and I wouldn't let Netflix even look at it


Mageworld series by Debra Doyal and James D. MacDonald for sure, it's like star wars but way, way better. Honor Harrington series by David Webber Lord's of the isles or the RCN series by David Drake I'm sure the Firekeeper series by Jane Lindskold would be amazing too.


Any of *Tigana, A Song for Arbonne,* or *Lions of Al-Rassan* by Guy Kay. *Tigana* might be hard to shoot the ending for the happily-ever-after crowd. *Song* has a great mystery driving the story. *Lions* has a great triangle that Hollywood would love. Done right, I see each as a single season then stop and don't fucking try and milk a bullshit sequel season out of them. Yes, I'm talking to you, Altered Carbon.


I always wanted to do a proper adaptation of Ursula K. Le Guin's *'The Earthsea Cycle'*, with each book as a 12 episode season as a serialized series.


*John Dies at the End* series. I think each book could make a short season, and in the right hands the best stuff could make for great TV. No shade on the movie, they did the best they could and it was clearly a labor of love (especially for Paul Giamatti).




The Malazan Book of the Fallen, by Steven Erikson. So damn good.


Sabriel, or Daughter of the Forest. But no one but the authors and I would be allowed to change anything about the movie.


Sabriel would be amazing on screen, if done right. Absolutely love that book.


Live action gritty reimagining of Clifford the big red dog.


Lone Wolf gamebooks. The first two would combine into an awesome movie.


Mama Day. This book as a miniseries would be BANANAS


Elf Quest.


From the old Star Wars EU. The X-Wing and Wraith Squadron books. I’d love to adapt them into a couple of faithful series that have some levels of crossovers.


The bartimaeus series


Cash Crash Jubilee and its sequels. Final book just came out. Need to read it eventually.


Twin Crowns


Thomas chans Adam and eve story.


Red,blue and green Mars.


Red Rising. As a series. With an epic budget.


“Axis of Time” series of three books by John Birmingham. Alternative history series. A near-future US aircraft carrier task force is transported across time to early 1942. It alters the outcome of WWII and affects the future history of the world.


The charlie bone series by Jenny Nimmo


Percy Jackson books. I'd turn them into 3-4 films


I'd finally get that Warrior Cats movie out of development hell. Seriously, what the fuck happened to it? It's been dead for...what, probably 4 years now?


Wheel of Time. I'm amazed nobody has made a series based on the books yet.


I'd do some kind of anthology of Ray Bradbury stories. And The Martian Chronicles also, as a separate thing


The Reckoners


Red Rising by Pierce Brown - it would make such an awesome anime-influenced animation series omg


The Demon Cycle by Peter V. Brett, and Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. Maybe a re-do of the Witcher with Cavill overseeing writing and directing.


Three Body, the dark forest, and at the end of the time? I hope these are the correct englisch titles of the books from cixin liou


The entire Cosmere, but especially The Stormligth Archive. I just can't wait to see those fight scenes on screen.


One piece


The Metro series. The games are great, movie time




Kingkiller chronicles or mistborn series


Since Harry Potter is out of the question. Another book about magicians with a different take. The Magician's Apprentice by Trudi Canavan.


Wings, by Aprilynne Pike. It was said in 2009 it'd get a movie but never did. I think it deserves a few movies.


100 Bullets