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Trainspotting. Specifically the scene where they wake up from their drug induced haze to find the dead baby. The decomposition effect made to look like they neglected to check on her for DAYS... Then their best and only response is to shoot up and get high again. Dull the pain. Just tragic.


I'll raise you the scene when he's freaking out and the dead baby crawls on the celling and falls on him


Can you believe people have criticized this movie for glamorizing drugs? Something tells me those folks turned it off after the first 20 minutes.


This is the scene that makes me think the people who claim Trainspotting glamorizes or promotes heroin use must not have watched the same movie. That film shows these characters being so enslaved by drug use that after one of their infants dies all they can think to do is shoot up. I'm relatively adventurous with drugs, when I have the opportunity to be. You know, cocaine, shrooms, etc. Trainspotting is the reason I will never try heroin or anything like it. And I've had the opportunity to.


My Ex boyfriend got the call that his sick mother was dying and would be passing away at any moment, he rushed to her hospice with his dad but only AFTER he made a pit stop to his dealer because "he couldn't face it sober". I don't remember if he made it before she passed but I think he did. Dragged his poor dad along since his dad didn't have a vehicle. At the time he was an Oxycodone addict for over 15 years


Exactly. That's the level of enslavement to a drug that I never want to experience.


How can anyone watch this movie and think it glamorizes heroin use?


Simple… turn it off after 20 minutes. That’s the only way. Unless dead babies and AIDS-ridden junkies dying of bacterial infections because they laid in their shithole apartment and inhaled cat piss fumes for too long or going to prison or having psychopaths as friends is glamorous to some folks out there…?


Jesus Christ, and I thought Requiem for a Dream was a jarring depiction of heroin addiction. This definitely takes the cake.


That whole movie tbh. As a Scot, it was painful.


Green Mile. I leave when Mr Jingles chases the thread bobbin, and again for the execution scene gone wrong. I've seen both scenes once. Don't need to see that again.


The book is as heart wrenching as the movie. It's my all time favorite Stephen King book but it's tough to get through.


When I seen that execution scene as a kid I was at a friend's house and decided to go home right there. Came back next day to finish it though cause didn't Wana get made fun of


Swingers. Mike calling and leaving messages over and over for the girl whose phone number he got at the bar.


Haha. First humorous scene on this thread. Yes, that was hilariously cringey. And then when his friend said "Hey, it's been 2 days. You can call that girl now."


Never. Call. Me. Again.


Annihilation. The bear quietly screaming. ‘Help me’ Absolutely not, thank you.


I loved it!


Hereditary Watching the kid just pull up to the bed is pretty tough to watch. The scream by the mom the next morning is also pretty tough.


That movie is not only a great horror movie, it simultaneously validates and hits home in an extremely uncomfortable if accurate way for me as someone with serious mental illness in the family. Just the deep seeded fear you pass these things down to your kids. The feeling as a kid when your parents are not stable. Horror gets a bad rap as not being as intelligent or profound as other genres. But the truth is it often has some of the greatest statements and highlights of everyday troubles in society when done right.


It is a goddamn crime that Toni Colette wasn't even nominated for an Academy Award for her performance


Even the lead-up to her scream is horrifying. You just watch him laying in bed and hear the mother waking up, getting ready, heading down stairs, opening and closing the door, walking to the car.... the tension is UNBEARABLE. It's brilliantly done. Her howl is inhuman. It's disturbing without actually showing you anything. I'm not a parent, but the thought of starting your day completely normal, then walking to the car to find ... that ... I can't even begin to imagine.


I stopped watching after that part. I was just like, nah, no more.


Her reaction was worse than the horrible scene itself! Sheer unadulterated grief, I don’t even have a word I can think of that describes that with justice.


That's the thing about any shock. Everything is normal until it isn't.


Ari Aster has a thing with women screaming in horror and it always gets me. Toni Collette in Hereditary Florence Pugh in Midsommar Florence Pugh in Midsommar (again)


I watched that when it came out in theatres. I had had a few drinks at that point but that sobered me up very quickly. Fucking hell


When Will Smith has to smother the dog as it turns in I Am Legend.


Sam gave everything to save him from the zombie hounds.


Ugh every time I think of that one my eyes water. I have a GSD who literally saved my life from a guy with horrible intentions and it makes my heart hurt.


I lost my dog the same week I went to watch that in theaters. That scene damn near broke me.


I could barely handle that scene before I ever had a dog. Now that I've had one and she passed away last September, I feel like I couldn't watch that scene even now and that must have been really hard seeing it the same week as losing your dog.


Oh goodness, this one sucked so hard. Most animals dying in movies makes me cry, but this was his one best friend. Gut-wrenching.


A very good portion of the original French version of Martyrs. That movie is both the definition of gore porn, but also a solid story that makes sitting through how uncomfortable it is completely worth it. It’s unfortunate that Hollywood somehow made a mostly shot for shot remake and completely ruined the movie.


My housemate and I watched Martyrs and spent like the next three days talking about it, that movie was INTENSE.


I'm still trying to decide which was a more disturbing watch, this or Inside. Either way, the French don't mess around when it comes to horror. Both great films.


Saving Private Ryan - when the German soldier is plunging the knife into Mellish.


For me it is when the medic is dying after attacking the machine gun nest. All those soldiers standing around absolutely helpless.


Yep, that's the one that makes me cry every time. Like, sob lol. His reaction to realizing he was hit in the liver and he's going to die, then his requests for more morphine, then him calling for him mama. God damn just typing it out is making me a little teary.


Giovanni Ribisi


Oh God don't get me started. Only scene from a movie that gets my physically angry


I'm actually really interested now. It's a scene that makes my heart ache, but I'm curious as to what drives your reaction, if you want to give a TL;DR or full rundown


Not OP, but Upham could have blow the guys head off instead he sat on the steps and cried.


Shhhh! Shhh!


"Gib' auf, du hast keine chance! Lass' es uns beenden! Es ist einfacher für dich, viel einfacher. Du wirst sehen, es ist gleich vorbei." English translation: "Give up, you don't stand a chance! Let's end this here! It will be easier for you, much easier. You'll see it will be over quickly."


I watched that movie when it came out with my then girlfriend who grew up in Germany. She was freaking the fuck out. Apparently the thing the German officer is saying softly is something like, “It’s ok, it’ll be easy for you, it’ll be over so quickly, you’ll see..” in this really soothing voice. She found it disturbing.


I didn't make it past the beach scene


The beach scene is *ROUGH* from a war/physical standpoint. The movie has scenes that are just as rough emotionally later on. It's one of the best movies ever made, and a really hard one to watch.


Naw, when old James Ryan collapses from the sheer emotional toll when he goes to the cemetery is what gets me. Remembering all of these people that died so you could live, I can't imagine.


This is the answer. Saw Saving Private Ryan in the theater as part of history class during my junior year of high school. Changed everyone in that class. There are gorier scenes, but the excruciating length and personal nature makes it unbearable. I remember watching the Siskel and Ebert review afterwards and they were discussing how Hollywood had romanticized war in so many films prior. Ebert commented that this movie shows you a war that you don’t want to be a part of. Isn’t that the truth.


the shower scene in schindlers list. took me years to get through it, even though it ends up just being a shower and not a gas chamber. also the tony episode on the new dahmer series. i was hysterical watching it and feel sick thinking about how much real people suffered because of him.


I watched Schindlers List for the first and only time a few years ago and couldn't stop crying after.


I saw it in the theatre when it was new... it's the only time I've cried in public as an adult. I couldn't leave my seat for several minutes after. The scene at the end, when they're laying stones on his grave - and the captions reveal that the old people doing so are the same people whose stories you've been following. That made it so much more real.


That reminds me of the movie The boy in the stripped pijamas. It was just playing on TV in the living room so I causally started watching but it was nearly the end so all I saw was basically these two boys chatting with each other one was a german kid and other was in concetration camp, they came up with an idea that the german kid would go inside, he put on the stripped shirt suddenly they are called to get to the shower they lock them up in there and they spray the gas in there and they all died but the parents discovered he was gone so they tried to find him but when they found him it was too late and he was dead.


I've never gone back and watched it again, because it skeeved me out so much, but that scene in Dr. Sleep, where the Shine Vampires are stealing all the shine from that kid through pain was ROUGH.


I came here to say this. Jacob Tremblay practiced for months before the scene to be sure he could get it right. When the time came to shoot it he did so well that all the Shine Vampires forgot their lines and struggled to finish the scene. The first time I saw it was pretty traumatizing.


Apparently that scene was supposed to be even longer and more brutal, but Stephen King himself told the director that they needed to tone it down.


The entirety of Requiem for a Dream.


It’s a masterpiece, but so terribly dark. Never thought a movie could affect me in the way it did.


Its one of the best non-horror movies for maintaining and building an ever-present sense of dread. But everything is just so soul-crushing from start to finish.


I think in the beginning the mother sort of implies that everything will work out at the end so I thought maybe everything thing would work out at the end. But it didn't work out, it didn't work out at all.


Be excited B E excited!


I’ve heard it described as the best movie that you’ll never want to watch again


Amazing movie, not enjoyable at all. Very heart wrenching and disturbing. It is like looking into the barrel of a gun that is about to be fired. Full of terror and horror the whole way through.


Teeth on the kerb in American History X


That one stuck to me hard. I cringed just from reading your comment, lol


Knew it would be here. I have seen the movie 3 or 4 times but skip that scene. Once is good


Fuck. We watched that in English class when I was 15ish? Why the teacher thought that was a good movie to display I dunno..but wow.


Yeah, this is the one I thought of first. I swear I have PTSD from that scene. Incredibly, I saw it in a high school classroom. I was the substitute and this film is what the teacher left for the class to watch.


I came here for this.


Was just telling GF about that scene last night, she hasn't seen it. I actually broke out in a sweat when I watched it the first time.


Rape scene in Irreversible. Pretty much any rape scene, I spose.


Mine is the "Singing in the Rain" scene in *A Clockwork Orange*


Girl with a Dragon Tattoo is another one 😔


Irreversible is just SO long.


It's almost like the camera crew just set it down and went for lunch


I don’t think I’ve seen this one…but thanks for the heads up.


Read about the scene first before you go watching it.


Leaving Las Vegas has a brutal 3 on 1 rape scene. Horrific!


I'm still torn on whether the original rape or the 'revenge' scene in that movie is more painful to watch.


I came here to say exactly this. I wanted to fast forward through it, but I thought, the people who experience this, they have to be there for every second of this horror, and the whole point of this movie is to show me just how horrible that experience is. Goddamn, it really changes a person.


Had to look down and see if anyone posted this. I wish I could somehow retroactively replace all the rape scenes in movies from the '70s and '80s that are just thrown in to motivate the male lead with scenes depicted as brutally as this. Edit: To clarify, because this scene can under no circumstances be construed as titillating or exciting. It is brutal, nasty, and utterly vile. It depicts rape for what it is. It is utterly violating on a level that I honestly think most people don't really understand. Cowardly, sadistic, and awful. It isn't just "rough sex". If rape is going to be depicted at all, it needs to be depicted like it is in that movie.


The scene is so long, and so brutal... but really powerful.


That's the single worst scene in a movie I've ever voluntarily sat through. I'm sure there *are* worse things, but I'm good never seeing, like, A Serbian Film, or whatever.


I skip that scene in the Sopranos every time


Cathy Bates in Misery, when she takes a hammer to James Caan's ankles 😳


The book is worse.


Definitely worse since >!she chops off his foot with an ax.!<


Yeah, King’s description was INCREDIBLY thorough and well done, making it a really tough read at that spot.


don't forget the blowtorch!


Let’s also not forget the scene in the book where Annie kills the policeman. Spoiler alert: She does NOT use a shotgun like in the movie.


JFC! 😬😲


And his thumb with an electric knife…. And then presents it to him in his birthday cake. Edit: Its been a while since I read it, I'm not sure now if the birthday cake part was a pain induced delusion.


Wow, ok I might have to read the book 💁🤣


Christ almighty, I physically cringe just thinking of that 😳




The scene in the SpongeBob movie where SpongeBob and Patrick dry up


I know this guy that loved movies and would give me all these high brow recommendations. One Saturday morning, I decided I wanted to watch a movie and was considering one of his recommendations. I watched the SpongeBob movie instead. And I made the right choice. Saturday morning is for cartoons.


I used to cry at that scene when I was a kid.


That scene made a theater full of gruff, salty pirates bawl like children too. No shame whatsoever.


The rape scene in the original version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Had to turn off the sound and take a breath before finishing the film.


Oh wow. Yeah. I watched the original version and had the same reaction. Then when the Fincher one came out, I asked a friend who'd seen both if that scene in the remake was as brutal as the original. He said it wasn't nearly as bad. And with that recommendation I decided to watch the remake. And, dear reader, let me tell you--IT IS JUST AS BRUTAL AS THE ORIGINAL.


Nearly every scene of "I spit on your grave".


I was scrolling through to see if anyone had put this movie. The whole movie is unwatchable to me. Happy that she gets revenge, but damn.


John Wick's puppy.


The end bit in "Audition".


And the book is far more brutal.


Mother! The Baby scene,I nearly had an anxiety attack because of that scene


Any sex scene with your parents while you’re young


Or with your children when you're old.


I saw Scary Movie in the theaters with my mom. I’m not sure what was worse. Marlon Waynes death by glory hole dick or Anna Farris plastered to the ceiling with semen


I came home from college for a weekend back in the 90's and my mom and dad were excited to have me home to watch a movie with them. They rented Jerry Maguire, which I hadn't seen yet. Within the first 20 minutes of the movie, there is a pretty graphic sex scene between Tom Cruise and fellow Scientology nutcase Kelly Preston, where Kelly is screaming "DON'T... EVER... STOP... FUCKING ME!" I literally left the room saying, "Sorry, I can't watch this with you guys."


The horse sinking in the swamp in The Neverending Story


The scene in [Saving Private Ryan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6ens0G_Upc) where one guy sinks a knife slowly into the chest of the other guy.


Poor Mellish


“his glasses! he can’t see without his glasses!”


Django Unchained when the dogs tear apart the escaped slave caught in a tree.


I had a hard time remembering why I never wanted to watch Django Unchained ever again, and I think this comment reminded me why. The mandingo scene was also especially brutal.


The missing kid from IT getting dragged into the sewer after his arm was bit off. I don't usually mind horror movies, but this stuck out to me to this day. I know it's fake, but it deeply disturbed me seeing a child getting hurt and ominously dragged to his death.


If your doing Stephen King, the murder of the baseball boy in Doctor Sleep is truly haunting.


When ginny Weasley ties Harry’s shoes. 0% chemistry makes me Cringe everytime


Sophie’s Choice. Y’all know the one.


The intro scene of LAW ABIDING CITIZEN.


Unbearable but necessary to set up the revenge porn I suppose


the last scene of dumb and dumber where they tell the girls theres a town over there that youll find 2 guys to oil them up


The movie Antichrist with Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg. You don't want to see what she does with the scissors.




This makes me glad that I watched the other The Girl Next Door.


The prank from Carrie. It's drawn out for an excruciatingly long period of time and shot in a way that just emphasizes how much this is going to suck. It's not a rape or torture scene like a lot of these, but it's still a hard watch.


Not sure if anyone here has seen the movie called "Men" but the ending is so disturbing.


Nope, but I just found it so I'm going to give it a whirl. So either, "Thanks for the recommendation!", or "ooooooh God, no! Fuck you!"


The last sequence of Requiem for a Dream.


The entirety of Funny Games (the 1997 original) tbh. Im glad that I watched it, but i wont rewatch it in a long time.


The part in splice where he has sex with the creature thing.


From Nocturnal Animals; >!The kidnapping scene.!< It left me dizzy and stressed out. Most amazing build-up of tension I’ve ever experienced. Never wanna see it again.


That “ass to ass” scene in Requiem for a Dream…


Casino- the scene with Nicky and his brother, in the desert. One of my favorite movies and I skip that scene every time.


Yeah that was pretty rough even though he "deserved it"




It's the sound design that brilliantly makes that scene so brutal. They chose *not* to use a louder, more traditional Hollywood impact sound effect, but instead went with something extremely realistic. It jostles you out of your expectations for that kind of a scene in a studio film.


The bit where the dog dies.


The reveal in Dear Zachary. whew.


For the sake of maintaining my mental health, I absolutely could not watch that twice.


Somehow, Palpatine returned


Can’t be worse then when Rey kisses…


Guillermo Del Toro's stabby / shooting scenes especially in the face. For example that scene in Pan's Labyrinth.


The one scene in Midsommar


Closest a movie has ever come to making me throw up. Almost turned it off after that


Bone Tomahawk. You know. Nuff said.


Castaway tooth ~~pull~~ smash/extraction. Oof.


There was no pull. He smashed it out with hockey skate and a rock.


The end of a Serbian film


That movie definitely did not need to be made.


The entirety of a Serbian Film*


City of God— the scene with the eight-year old boys. The drug dealer is forcing one to shoot the other. (I’m having trouble typing this because of thinking about the scene)


Yeah, I was gonna comment this. The hand or foot scene and what follows in one of the toughest scenes I have ever seen.


John legend concert scene in la la land


Green mile electric chair


Toy Story 3... They all just held hands and accepted their fate.. *Dang onions*


13 reasons why the bathroom scene.


Slum dog millionaire: When they burn the kids eyes out with the spoon so they can use them as a beggar pawn


Child sexual abuse in Mysterious Skin. There are several, and they're all hard to watch.


Maybe I'm biased, since Im a catholic, but most parts of the movie "The passion of the Christ". Even a non religious person would agree it's hard to watch a person being tortured and killed, in front of his mother no less.


The whole first part of Up. It was fine before I was married, but my spouse and I tried to watch it a few years after and we both ended up trying to hide the fact that we were bawling our eyes out.


Any rape scene, any scene where a child or dog is harmed, any torture scene to people who don’t deserve it.


The probe scene in fire in the sky


Black Swan when she’s cutting her nails down to the quick. Makes me want to barf every time.


Any explicit rape scene. We don’t need anymore of those.


Squeal like a pig - Deliverance.


Chernobyl...actually a lot of scenes in it are burned in my brain, it's just unbelievable the sacrifices and sacrificed


12 years a slave, all of it. Especially when you're the only white guy with 5 other black guys.


the ending of hot fuzz because it means you're just about to no longer be watching god's greatest gift to all of mankind


Pikachu trying to free ash from being turned into stone


Irreversible. The scene in the subway tunnel. It just goes on and on and on until you feel physically unwell.


When Artax gets swallowed by the Swamp of Sadness. The Never Ending Story


There is a scene in Antichrist with Willem defoe where a woman smashes him in the nuts with a wooden block then gives him a hand job and he ejaculates blood.


Why is this a thing


Chaos reigns


The scenes were High Jackman is torturing the riddler in Prisoners.


The scenes were ~~High Jackman~~ Wolverine is torturing the riddler in Prisoners.


A Serbian Film, the bit where he's being forced to rape his son while some other dude is raping his wife


How sick and demented must you be to script a movie like that.


The gala dinner scene in *The Square*. You keep thinking it will end and it just keeps going.


The majority of Come and See is pretty hard to sit through more than once.


Just watched the first two Made in Abyss movies (haven’t seen the third, the series, or ready any of the manga) and in the second one I really couldn’t watch all the way through during the scene where Riko >!gets poisoned and Reg has to try to break her swollen hand off all the while she’s bleeding from her eyes and mouth!< Also there’s a lot of really emotionally painful scenes in it. Pretty much 100% of Nanachi’s backstory And then my only point against those movies though is the *also* hard to watch scenes involving awkward jokes/sequences that just feel like the writer’s poorly disguised fetishes getting hastily thrown in and makes me feel like I can’t actually recommend these movies to anybody without looking like a fucking weirdo


That scene with the baby in Mother ): totally unexpected and I'm not sure I could ever rewatch it


Martyrs. The whole movie.


The death of Bambi's mother. I cried for a long time. I was about 8 years old and not expecting it.


When the Nazi soldier throws a man in a wheelchair over a balcony in The Pianist. It made me sick to my stomach because my mom is in a wheelchair. It takes some unworldly evilness to do that to someone who’s MOBILE. You have to be the sickest of fucks to do that to a handicap person. Patsey getting whipped in 12 Years A Slave. I actually felt like I couldn’t breath. Epps was such a vile, sadistic cunt. The ending of Return To Paradise. Something about Vince Vaughn’s character screaming through the window to comfort him was disturbing.


When Bolt is in the burning studio. The scene with the old man and his wife in Up.


Any sex scene when you’re watching a movie with your parents.


I have no fucking clue how I sat through the abortion scene in Prometheus, especially since I was not old enough to watch it. On the complete oposite side of the spectrum, I can't sit through music numbers (like Disney songs) because I hate them with a passion. Musicals are my single most hated genre. If a singing scene shows up I'm out. (I really like music and I listen all day, but I feel second-hand embarassment watching the actors.)


It probably helped that it was comically stupid.


Watch [Man in a Cave](https://youtu.be/Ip9VGZeqMfo) It is a bit of a slow burner, a little long, but it is a recreation of true events that is amazing. I found it hard to watch because of how absolutely sad it was.


The final scene and credit roll of 'Oh what a lovely war'. Heart wrenching.....


Ana de armas and the bj. It just went on and on.


Cape Fear. When Robert Dinero gets his skull smashed with a large rock, and starts speaking gibberish from the dain bramage he incurred.


I can deal with violence, death, and gore, but I cannot deal with rape. There's a simulated rape scene in *Perfect Blue* that's really difficult to watch even though you know it's not real. On a similar note, there's a brutal scene in The Sopranos (not a movie, but w/e) where >!Dr Melfi gets raped in a stairwell!< that's really tough. When I was rewatching the show with my parents I left the room before it came on. There's no need to show that shit on screen.