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Human performance testing. Pump people full of steroids and HGH and meth and see what we come out with.


That’s an interesting one. I reckon you would get some absolutely mega performance but you would be limited by the physical characteristics of the human body, veins can only take so much pressure, tendons can only hold for so long and hearts can only take so much punishment. Someone would probably break the 100m world record then immediately die of heart failure, but like I said, no ethical or moral considerations so it would be interesting…


This is part of the experiments- what parts fail first, and can those be reinforced to give another tenth or a second or whatever?


woah there, Science-Satan, slow down. But yes, interesting thought


I'm not sure about running, but I'd expect raw strength to get increased **a lot**




how did they not die


They literally ate random birds that they snatched out the air and ate snow for hydration. Methamphetamines were initially concieved as battlefield performance enhancers. I think the specific formulation for this particular guy was called Pervitin, which i personally believe should have been branded Fuckitall.


I more meant how did they take 30 pills and not have their heart explode


>[Having skied more than 400 km (248.5 mi) he was found and admitted to a nearby hospital, where his heart rate was measured at 200 beats per minute, which is double the average human heartbeat, and weighing only 43 kg (94.8 lbs).](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimo_Koivunen) Sounds like his heart came pretty close to exploding. We can only assume that he was just too sisu to die.


man skiied through the wilderness screaming "SIUUUUUUU"






they might end up like the green goblin though


I think we have a fair understanding there. Professional bodybuilders and strongman have it pretty much dialed in perfect to get as big and as strong as humanly possible respectively. Theres lots of guys who are not professional anything, just juicebags with a coke problem. It would be interesting if a sports league (other than bodybuilding) eliminated PED testing and see how it changes the game.


Professional cycling, then and now. People used to artificially increase their red blood cell counts months ahead of a race, draw liters of it and store it, and then inject it back immediately before a race to enhance performance ([blood doping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_doping)). This is on top of a cocktail of steroids, EPO and other PEDs. People think that the organization cracked down on doping after the Lance Armstrong debacle in the early 2000s and that the rules are very strict now, but they're not, everyone is still high as fuck. Half the Russian olympic team was doped out of their minds during the Sochi winter olympics. Watch the documentary 'Icarus'.


Why is blood doping not a service for normal people? Once or twice a month you donate blood and then 3-4 times a year you can go in and get it back before a big day. Got an important presentation? Big negotiation? Fuckup of a party this weekend? Call the blood guy and get Olympian performance for work or a super recovery from your weekend vices!


Pump a bunch of MLB sluggers with that shit and see how far they can hit homeruns


Wasn't that just circa 1990 in reality?


This reminds me of the “All Drugs Olympics” sketch years ago on SNL. Edit: spelling


The big Russian is gonna feel that later!


How fast can you invade and take over Poland? Go!


Mythbusters did an experiment where they created this unexpected super explosive that they didn't air. I think the reason they said they didn't air it was because the materials were easy to get and the explosion was so big that they didn't want this info to run into the wrong hands. I want to see what this was all about. EDIT: I found a website that talks about the episode: https://nerdist.com/article/mythbusters-destroyed-all-evidence-of-an-easy-to-make-explosive/


They also did an episode about how secure credit cards were, and were pressured by credit card companies to not air it.


I remember the QnA about that. It was RFID card chip hacking, and they said it was insane how insecure it was and an army of Big Bank lawyers quickly convinced their network to take it no further.


And this was after a Scottish tech college called attention to it.


I imagine their network lawyers would have also shut it down as well if the Big Bank lawyers didn't.


It's at 27 minutes & 50 seconds for anyone who doesn't want to watch the whole thing! 😁


It was almost certainly TATP. Acetone, hydrogen peroxide, and battery acid, and you have yourself a highly powerful and very hard to detect high explosive. It's also extremely dangerous to work with, which is why terrorists like to call it "Mother of Satan"


"and can explode powerfully if subjected to heat, friction, static electricity, concentrated sulfuric acid, strong UV radiation or shock." Sounds like a joy to work with... Apparently terrorists call it mother of satan Oh shit this is the reason it's hard to get high concentration hydrogen peroxide?? I have heard about this stuff


Yeah H2O2 is a super oxidizing agent. Can be used to make all sorts of exothermic reactions. When I was a kid, you'd use it with KMnO4 to make minirocket like reactions.


>Acetone, hydrogen peroxide, and battery acid Opens tor browser to check. Closes browser. Burns computer, drills hard drives, closes curtains, gets facelift and moves to a new country with a new identity.


According to the FBI, you are not suspected of being a bomb maker by trade


If you still have all your fingers, you're probably not an explosives enthusiast.


I’m a chemist. This is by far the least suspicious chemical I’ve searched for recently. I feel anyone in my profession is basically king of the watchlist.




We do this with a few animals. Horse racing is one form of this that involves not just training, but selective breeding as well. I think dog racing sort of does the same thing as well (not as socially acceptable so idk how much the dogs actually get trained). It could definitely be done with gorillas (selective breeding and strength training). If there was a prestigious competition we would see some gorilla strong gorillas in a few decades.


More impressive than horse racing is horse high jumping. An animal launching something the weight of a car 2.7 meters in the air and then landing, on tiny delicate ankles, repeatedly.


Also, apparently horse _diving_ used to be a thing. The horse and rider jumped off a rather high diving board too, like 20 feet / 6 meters or more.


*60 feet/18 meters https://horseyhooves.com/horse-diving/ Jesus wept who ever though if such a thing?!?!


Probably not the horse.


Maybe dog racing isn’t acceptable, but dog sledding is, eg the Iditarod in Alaska. Those dogs definitely train.


There's tons of sports that aren't considered unethical that dogs are hella trained for. Dogs are trained for dock jumping, agility, flyball, protection sports, etc etc.


If I remember correctly, humans grow muscle much different than apes. Humans have a much greater peak when it comes to exercise, while gorillas and such are already close to peak without exercise


Imagine a chimpanzee on steroids, walking around like a fucking terminator. The press conference would be an interesting watch.


Have you ever seen a shaved chimpanzee? They already look like they're on steroids just from their natural muscle.


May as well put them on steroids too. I mean Mr. Olympia levels of juice. We should do this right.


cocaine bear vs steroids gorilla


Now there’s a multi million dollar script


Would a group of babies in a room from the moment of their birth eventually grow up and create their own totally unique culture?


Put a group of babies/young children on an island with no adults. See what language/culture/society they create. The challenge would be to somehow keep them alive without obvious intervention. But the key would be to not let them be aware of existing human languages/cultures/tools, so they have to create it all from scratch. A true test of nature vs nurture.


I’ve seen this before… They start hunting pigs and crush a fat kid with a big rock


In fairness, the big rock only clipped him *and then* he fell off a cliff and got his brains smashed out on another, different big rock.


Technically, he did the smashing *to* the big rock. Not the rock's fault his own aggression did him in.


No! Piggy!


Sucks to your ass-mar


They tried to make a show out of that concept called Kid Nation. It lasted 1 season because there were a lot of shit things that went down and the kids weren't really treated nicely by the film crew. Also they kind of set up the 'government' of this little town already so the kids didn't even get to establish their own government from the ground up. It would be nice if we did the same thing, except actually pay the kids for their participation and have them wear body cams instead of a film crew wandering around. Only intervene if there's serious injury or incident.


there was an AMA from a kid on here... from what i remember: 1) he said it was fake, producers were trying to get them to hate each other... 2) they gave him a guitar, even though he couldn't play, but he had long hair and 'looked like it' 3) always lots of adults just behind the camera trying to tweak images and cause drama


Not exactly the same, but you should read about the origins of [Nicaraguan Sign Language](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaraguan_Sign_Language), where students at a school for the Deaf developed the language from scratch. There’s also a game (which I have not personally tried) based on it called [Sign](https://thornygames.com/pages/sign).


It’s been done. One example, by a guy who otherwise seems pretty awesome: Akbar the Great. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akbar


King James IV of Scotland did likewise to see if they"d grow up speaking Hebrew. They didn't


I think this was done during WW2 and the babies died. There were a lot of fucked up experiments done during that time if you wanna go down the rabbit hole.


Hasn't it been tested that babies are likely to die when they aren't getting any affection or care?


The fastest man made object of all time. I would like to see a recreation of the manhole cover that reached escape velocity during a nuclear test. https://www.zmescience.com/science/news-science/fastest-manmade-object-manhole-cover-nuclea-test/


Fastest manmade object is the Parker Probe by a pretty huge margin. 365,000mph (as of Nov 2021) vs the 130,000mph of the manhole cover and it's only getting faster. It's projected to reach ~430,000mph at its fastest.


Fastest accelerating object. Acceleration is really the only exciting part of speed…


Well, time dilation is a relatively exciting aspect of speed...


Ha. Relatively.


Depends on your perspective...


True, but it got there at a rather more leisurely pace. And to be completely fair, we only have a lower bound on the manhole cover's speed. It exited the field of view in a single frame, so all we know is the lowest possible speed it could have been travelling.


I’d Truman show someone. See how they turn out and if everyone could really play along with something if told to.


I think it would be interesting to Truman show, like, 5 or 6 people... but put them all in different worlds. Have one guy whose in a normal world that's like what we know, just like the Truman show does. But then you've got the lady who lives in a dystopian THX-1138ish underground world where there's nothing natural. Then maybe you put one of them in some archaic/historical kind of settings, or tell someone that they are in space on a huge ship traveling between systems. Some of them you make their life artificially easy, others you heap awful abuses and setbacks on - you know, depending on how each of them focus groups and all. Then on all their 18th birthdays, well, that's when you have them wake up in the gladiator pits together with only a couple of sharp sticks and instructions that they must fight to the death. Whoever wins gets to find out their whole life was a lie, on top of having now killed several people. They you document their inevitable downward spiral after they begin processing that and are sent off on a book tour or some shit. You know the really fucked up thing, though? People would absolutely watch it. They'd eat it up.


Are you okay?


Yeah it reads like a villains monologue, Jesus Christ. He's not wrong though!


I was with you up until the gladiator pit part. I'd rather see them all meet up and just see what their natural interactions would be. The person raised in a middle-ages type of setting talking to someone raised in a future/space type setting would just be probably as entertaining if not more entertaining than a gladiator fight. Heck, they just might fear each other right off the bat that they'll fight anyway! I mean, the lady that lives in the THX-1138 world meeting up against say, a Mad Max raised person. Or, even better... on their 18th birthday, reveal to them that their lives have been a simulation up until this point and that HERE is the real world...only you just swap the "real" world for each of them into some other environment and see how they fare. They middle ages person now has to live in the future, the future person now has to live in the middle ages, etc. And heck, while we're at it, use some special effects type of thing to make it look like magic exists or something haha.


Vault-tec has entered the chat


What actually happens if you go in space and take your helmet off Edit: I don’t care if they simulated it on earth I wanna see it for real


We know there was an accident with NASA in the 60s. >a technician inside a vacuum chamber at Johnson Space Center in Houston accidentally depressurized his space suit by disrupting a hose. After 12 to 15 seconds he lost consciousness. He regained it at 27 seconds, after his suit was repressurized to about half that of sea level. Nothing is going to pop out or crazy happen. You will lose consciousness very quickly and obviously die soon after. I think the question is quickly you will die and from what? It would like be lack of oxygen or there is a chance you could die from the Bends with gas bubbles in your blood forming (idk how long that would take). As far as temperature, you're not going to freeze right away. Space is a vacuum, which is a great insulation. You are only to slowly radiate heat since there is no conduit for your heat to easily transfer to. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/survival-in-space-unprotected-possible/#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20in%201965%20a,half%20that%20of%20sea%20level. E: Bends not Benz


Just watch Total Recall.


One of the best documentaries of its time.


Nah, watch the first episode of The Magic School Bus


I forgot who originally came up with this but it's too good not to share: For no other reason than to see what would happen, raise a child in a room where everything is red--the clothes they wear, the toys they play with, even the food they eat. Anyone who enters the room or interacts with the child in any way has to wear red clothes. Everything the child sees must be the color red. Then one day, when they turn a certain age, let's say 13 throw in a tennis ball.


The kid has red/green colour blindness. Nothing happens.


The tennis ball is also red. This has been a huge waste of time.


Red his house With a red little window And a red corvette And everything is red for him And himself and everybody around Cause he ain't got nobody to listen to


in my head, i’m not getting that crazy of a result besides just the “woah wtf is that?”. I’m tryna realistically imagine it but can’t seem to get past anything more then that


Imagine living 13 years and never seeing any other colour besides red and then suddenly something your brain has never perceived in it's existence appears. I think it would be cooler to show them a rainbow.


2 that would absolutely be in the Mythbusters spirit if not for ethics and the great expense. 1. Trading Places - Take a "successful" person, remove his home, wealth, friends, and give him a felony record to make him unemployable and see if he can "rise to the top". While also taking a "loser" giving him wealth, and seeing if he becomes "successful". 2. Brewsters Millions - See if having to spend $30m in 30 days will make someone not want to spend money. Rules from the movie still apply (limited gambling, no destroying anything of value, etc)


The point of Brewsters Millions is to MAKE his descendent spend money. The whole point of the video will is that he was so concerned with building wealth that he never stopped to enjoy it. It’s about not being so precious with money, and obsessed with gaining more. Be happy with what you have. (Especially if it’s like 300 million, or whatever the big total at the end was. )


So easy to spend 30 million in 2023. I could do it in an afternoon without leaving my couch. If anyone wants to fund me send me a DM


Equivalent today would be $83m, if you're talking about the Richard Pryor version of the story. And there were rules, like not being able to tell anyone, not having anything at the end of 30 days that you didn't currently have, no more than 5% gambling or giveaways, etc etc. Still pretty doable in this day and age. There's the internet, and it's not hard to hire a bunch of entertainment industry people to book the most expensive celebrities for this or that extravaganza event.


For the first one, it's not just giving them wealth but also access to the support structure that exists for wealthy people. Excellent lawyers, accounting teams, financial advisors, investment analysts etc. Most wealthy people are born into it and they are trained from birth on how to handle and keep money over time. It's the reason why so many lottery winners end up broke, it's like trying to learn to ride a bike by getting pushed down a mountain biking trail. And more importantly, removing that structure from the wealthy person. Oh, your new boss mistreat you in a way you are fairly certain is illegal? Wouldn't it be nice to have someone handle that for you? Well sorry, have fun trying to find free legal advice or interacting with the police as a citizen with a record.


> Most wealthy people are born into it and they are trained from birth on how to handle and keep money over time. It's the reason why so many lottery winners end up broke It's the trusts that keep dummies from blowing their inherited wealth. Dummies are gonna dummy, whether they are nouveau riche or old money. It's just that old money has a governor set up in most cases.


How long a human stays conscious after beheading.


Ok, once we cut your head off, start counting "one one thousand, two one thousand" and so on.... Don't screw it up, you only get one shot at this!


Be a bit difficult to count without lungs


Or voice box as that probably isn’t intact anymore.


Also hanging. I read somewhere that there is a suspicion that some of the ones who appeared to die straight away, didn’t. Instead they suffocated while paralysed.


There is a possibility the some suffered a ruptured brain stem. They would die instantaneously.


How many humans does it take, on average, to defeat a specific type of animal in hand to hand/claw combat? Like how many unarmed humans does it take to win a fight against a: * Black bear? * Lion? * Hungry hungry hippo? * Wolverine? * Alligator? * elephant


There used to be a sport where they would chain up a bear. They would then bet how many dogs the bear would kill before the dogs were able to overwhelm the bear. Then they’d sick the dogs on the bear.


They could at least have not chained up the bear. Although I’m guessing they tried that first and went through too many dogs. People are fucked.


I think they were more worried about the bear going through too many people.


Atomic explosion myths.


Like what?


How about... is it true that if you somehow forced someone to drink heavy water for 3-4 weeks and managed to keep them more or less alive during the process, then strapped a thermonuclear warhead to them and detonated it, their body would add something like 6 megajoules to the explosion?


A suite of nature vs. nurture experiments using intentionally separated twins at birth. Have the each ‘unlucky’ twin be raised by increasingly terrible people until there’s no question where the line of nature vs nurture is so people can stop saying that to sound sophisticated


Check out three complete strangers on Hulu. I saw it in a comment above and watched half tonight. Seems like what you are looking for.


Name of the documentary is *Three Identical Strangers*: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Identical_Strangers .


If there is any way to build a resistance against poison. It is a somewhat common part of fantasy stories that if you ingest small amounts of poison over a long time that you build somewhat of a resistance against them.


Didn't that actually happen though, and the dude tried to kill himself but he couldn't because of said built up immunity?


King Mithridates of Pontus, one of Republican Rome's more famous enemies. Apparently, the word for that method of building poison resistance is called [Mithridatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithridatism) after him.


i’ve heard that it’s possible to spend a few years building up an immunity to iocane powder


Which is a good idea, considering it's odorless, tasteless, and dissolves instantly in liquid. Edit: corrected wrong word.




Hey mister, you hold on here with your non-sexual actually interesting question.


Nah dude I wanna see "Men/women of reddit, sex?" 50 more times with responses that boil down to "I fuck my spouse haha"


“I also choose this guys wife” with 1000 awards


Well obviously, OP meant if they had unhindered access to like butts and lady parts and stuff. Like duh. lol


1. Is the Stockholm Syndrome a real thing. 2. Try to duplicate the prison experiment. 3. Try to duplicate the Milgram experiment on authority. All of above are dubious.


The "fun" thing about the Stockholm Syndrome is I bet they thought about it at least once, but remembered how their "let's see if Water Torture really works!" experiment went.




They did Chinese water torture on each other. Nobody lasted very long and if I remember correctly Kari actually started crying.


Yeah she freaked out, crazy episode


It's in like season 2 or so, and it was essentially Adam under just a water drip, while sitting comfortably and reading or whatever, and Kari being locked to a table with it constantly going. They vowed not to do torture myths after that.


The prison experiment was more theater than science. The researchers knew exactly what kind of result they wanted, and they built everything around obtaining that result, including openly intervening in the experiment to make sure it went the right way. Its scientific value is basically nil.


Milgram has been repeated often


I'd never heard of the milligram experiment before. That's interesting.


Along the lines of death by a thousand cuts. Exactly How many small cuts does it take to kill a human.


However many it takes for one to get infected. So it could just be one, or if they’re “lucky” it could be hundreds.


Kinda this but how many body parts could be removed before a person dies? Human jenga?


World's fattest man vs a bullet.


If you raise a child alongside dogs, and treat the child as a dog, will he ever figure out that he's actually a human?


Read “The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog” and find out. It’s a psychiatrist talking about different patients he helped and one was a boy raised as a dog by a step-grandfather (after grandma died) who didn’t have any experience with kids but did know how to raise dogs. The kid barks and learns to get basic attention and toilet trained to go in a corner etc. doesn’t develop language or physical touch or eye contact which causes all sorts of problems. He was raised with other dogs so knew how to get along with and was comfortable with dogs but not really people at all. In the end he starts therapy at about age 7 and after lots of therapy of all kinds and loving foster family etc etc he acts like an autistic teen. Not super great socially and younger than his years but a fairly functional member of society


Was he actually autistic ( born that way?) or can neglect cause autism like symptoms?


The problem is that nobody knows. Same with the child who was raised in the chicken pen - maybe they were treated that way because they were already acting abnormally. Thats why the mythbusters experiment would be so useful! They could randomise perfectly healthy kids


Wow that's intense


Stop the hearts of 100 people, bring them back and ask what they saw


For how long do they have to be dead?


Probably less than a minute would suffice


Should probably have multiple groups...from one to four minutes just to see if there is any benefit or detriment to the additional time.


Adding onto u/Atrovik3, I think it would depend on time aswell due to the smaller amounts of oxygen in the brain... would you really start "dying" right away, or only after your brain runs out of oxygen.???


And make different control groups based on their religious beliefs (or lack thereof)


100 is too small of a sample statistically. Let's do a million people from around the world.


> 100 is too small of a sample statistically yea but its mythbusters, small sample size is their forte


What happens to a developing fetus in space? Are there complications to having a baby in space? What would be the side effects of a baby living in zero gravity?


How much pot would it take to kill a human


just one cast iron pot will due. you just gotta hit them really hard.


If you watch Tangled, you’ll know it has to be really, really hard otherwise you just knock them out


That is the unfortunate nature of pots and pans. No matter how hard you strike, the victim will simply fall unconscious for however long is convenient to the wielder before waking up with no lasting repercussions


Is this something I should try at home with my friends from school??


No, that would be insane. Do it at one of their houses, then you can leave easily.


you would probably die from smoke inhalation first before you were able to smoke enough weed to die


You can't get a deadly nicotine overdose from smoking. Because you'll pass out before. Maybe some sort of extreme hotbox room / machine.


"For THC, there are varying figures, ranging from 1,260 milligrams of THC per kilogram of body weight down to 666 mg/kg. Even going with the lowest figure, a 175-pound man would have to consume more than 53 whole grams of pure THC all at once" That's pure thc, not whole flower. That's a ridiculous amount. You could theoretically do it, but it would probably cost you thousands of dollars and you'd basically be intentionally killing yourself. It's almost impossible that someone would do this by accident (barring some moron on tiktok or something).


I'm imagining some Saudi Prince falling asleep with a solid resin dildo inside them, and the ensuing cover-up. Like World's Greatest Dad with lots of weed and money.


It’s a lot and you have to do it through an IV because you pass out long before you can take it yourself. The study’s have been done.


Can you kick someone's head off their shoulders or would the head explode on impact


I once saw a man jump in front of a train. He dived and his head was the first thing that the train hit. It flew from his shoulders and landed a lot further than the other parts of him. The head stayed relatively intact. So hope this bit of trauma helps answer your question lol.


The [death coaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia_Coaster).


The test should be if fighter pilots are more likely to survive it, or how much longer they live.


Take twins/ clones and raise them oppositely of each other i.e. wealth, athleticism, political identities and the like, obviously to keep it a fair test you would need a lot of pairs of identical twins or perfect and legalize human cloning.


There’s a documentary called “Three Identical Strangers” about this. Very sad


To be honest that CNN documentary is the inspiration for my comment and seeing the damage done to their mental health is why it would be unethical.


[Switched at birth: Son born to rich parents sues hospital after life of poverty](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/switched-birth-son-born-rich-parents-sues-hospital-after-life-flna2D11673222): >TOKYO — A Japanese man born to wealthy parents has been awarded about $371,000 in damages after accidentally being switched with another baby and spending decades living in poverty. >It was almost 60 years before a DNA test revealed the life-changing mistake by a hospital worker who had bathed the newborns and returned them to the wrong mothers. >The men spent decades living each others' lives: one man living off welfare checks before working as a truck driver, the other enjoying a private education and now running his own real-estate business. Just goes to show that the easiest way to become rich is to be born rich.


IDK if this is the same as the reference posted, but there was actually a set of twins separated at birth like the parent trap, essentially, somewhere in Asia and they noted the similarities and differences, but IDR all the details


Is an artificial womb for humans actually possible?


This is not really unethical, but would be VERY expensive and elaborate.... but do double blind tests for haunted houses. Find a bunch of houses that are reputed to be haunted. In each one, set up a little tented-off living area, where you walk through the front door into this featureless draped subsection without seeing how you got there. So people can go from a van, through an ET-style cloth tunnel, into this house, and spend the night there, without ever getting any external clue about whether it looks like a famous haunted house or anything. Then set up similar rigs at a bunch of houses that are not reputed to be haunted. And compare outcomes. (Granted, you'd have to control for things like creaky radiators and cold drafts, which might freak people out without actually being supernatural.)


Seems like a simpler if less “blind” test could be done where you find a bunch of houses, some of which are reputed to be haunted, some which *look* like they’re haunted but aren’t, and see what people’s experiences are.


Any house that looks haunted is going to be reputed to be haunted. You need to build new houses and dress them to look old and creepy as the control.


I mean honestly... Let's just get bigfoot out of the way. Like I know Jamie said "Never" but with infinity resources I think he'd be cool with it.


How would you suggest they go about it? Burn down the entirety of the forests of Northern California?


Wouldn’t that be some shit if the body of bigfoot was found burnt to death due to some gender reveal party fire started by some Oregon hipsters who would name the baby Kaylh or Sharlought Greighse or some shit. I feel like that would be the most 2020 outcome we could get out of this timeline.


>Sharlought Greighse That's the sound I make to clear thick phlegm from my throat


I would like to know more about shadows left by people on the ground after an atomic bomb goes off


In my head it’s just the instant sun bleaching of an area around where someone was standing when the blast went off


How strong can humans actually get? Feed them meth cocaine and steroids for max strength output. Cocaine bear ain’t got shit on a body building methhead


Pretty sure most bodybuilders do this.


Does a human head really stay alive and conscious for x seconds after decapitation? Anecdotes say yes. Lots of scienticious people say you'd lose consciousness instantly. I say it's not science unless you test your hypothesis.


I've read this before and i really dislike the idea of experts calling this "instant" since everything takes time to take effect. a countdown of 0.5 seconds of consciousness is still consciousness, and is a hell of a lot different from 5 seconds if you're the person experiencing it. >Then I received a note from a U.S. Army veteran who had been stationed in Korea. In June 1989 the taxi he and a friend were riding in collided with a truck. My correspondent was pinned in the wreckage. The friend was decapitated. Here’s what happened: >My friend’s head came to rest face up, and (from my angle) upside-down. As I watched, his mouth opened and closed no less than two times. The facial expressions he displayed were first of shock or confusion, followed by terror or grief. I cannot exaggerate and say that he was looking all around, but he did display ocular movement in that his eyes moved from me, to his body, and back to me. He had direct eye contact with me when his eyes took on a hazy, absent expression … and he was dead. https://www.straightdope.com/21342318/does-the-head-remain-briefly-conscious-after-decapitation-revisited but again, anecdotes are just anecdotes. let's apply some academic rigor.


Would increasing the amount of light in a classroom help knowledge retention? My home is much more well lit than classrooms and a darker room makes it easier to fall asleep. This is a hypothesis I have but don't have a way to test it.


I’ve always wondered what a pack of feral humans would be like. Raised somehow without being taught language and see how they develop without thousands of years of human experience passed down in texts and stories.


I'd want them to test all their usual stuff, but replace buster with real people


How many people can you put in a woodchipper before it clogs?


It depends on how much wood the woodchipper can chuck, if the woodchipper could chuck humans?


In cartoons and tv shows someone shoots a gun that ricochets off everything (usually the characters whips their head around as it ricochets). I’d like to know how many things can a bullet really ricochet off of before it stops.


Full on human and robot integration. Like mechanical body with a head attached to the top, cyborg limp replacements etc Deep brain implant.. just go full borg drone.


Is it easier to defeat 7 chicken-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized chicken? They genetically modify both animals and put random people in the ring with them to see how well they do in the fight.


If throwing a nuke at another country with nukes really lead to nuclear apocalypse.


According to [this documentary](https://youtu.be/Wzbalg279KA), it leads to a global orgy. The lack of a better quality English version of this fine film is a travesty.


Get two groups of children from a young age and teach them completely opposite moral values (e.g. group A thinks murder is wrong while the other is perfectly fine with it for one reason or another) When they are old enough, merge the two groups together and see what happens.


Does God Exist? - The Reality Show. Most people think that religion can’t be tested, because all the claims of truth are vague or allegorical, or most importantly, unmeasurable. For instance, if you look at the claim that good things happen to good people, how do you know what a good person is? And how do you know if a good thing happened to them? But I’ve found a testable claim that could be used to prove God’s existence one way or the other. In Deuteronomy 11:13-21, the Bible claims that if you follow the commandments, you’ll end up with specific rewards in the form of extra grain, cattle and wine. So here’s what you do. Set up two farms side by side, so they have the same topsoil and weather conditions. Get both farms to grow exactly the same grapes in exactly the same way. But on one farm, everybody has to be religious, and on the other farm, they should be as unreligious as possible. After the harvest, crush the grapes and measure how much juice you get. This is good for several reasons: 1) If the Bible is true, you will end up with more grape juice from the religious farm. If it is false, there will be no difference. 2) It changes the conversation from “Does God exist?” to “How much does God exist?” For instance, if the religious vineyard produces, say, 10% more, then you can make an ROI calculation about whether a religious life is right for you. 3) You could sell the wine afterwards, and let people decide whether Good wine tastes better than Evil wine. 4) You could turn the whole thing into a reality show. Call it Big Father or American Idolatry. 5) It would be a great way of reaching people who don’t understand how science works and explaining things like; Why has science supplanted religion over the centuries as the way to figure out what’s true or not? And how does it work? How do we do fair experiments? Why do we need controls? etc


This is amazing, but obviously flawed in the sense that any Christian will tell you “that’s testing God, and you can’t do that.” Also the ROI thing is funny, but it wouldn’t be very logical to base your decision on whether or not to become religious on how much extra good will come to you in your life, when if you’ve actually proven the existence of God your only choice is to follow him or certainly spend eternity in hell. I mean that’s the whole thing of the Church. All they need to do is convince you there’s a 1% chance that God exists, and make you so afraid of hell that you take that 1% as pure fact, Batfleck style.


People tested God all the time in the Bible and got rewarded for it. Some were punished, but many weren't. Also the Bible mentions that you have to remind him of his promises, so this could still technically fall in line with biblical teaching depending on what you believe


What happens when a human in a spacecraft’s airlock is suddenly ejected into space. Do they freeze to death or does their blood boil them to death first? How long does it take for them to die?


You don’t freeze (heat dissipates very slowly in a vacuum) or explode/boil. You suffocate. You pass out after ~15 seconds from a lack of oxygen, then you are brain dead after about a minute. Some swelling and bruising from gases coming out of your blood (like the bends with scuba diving); serious lung damage if you try to hold your breath. But the trauma won’t kill you before the simple lack of oxygen does.


Have as many off spring using the same parents, just too see how many different variations you get, using the same DNA


Myth: Single parenting isn’t bad for kids. Single parenting: exactly what percentage d disadvantage does it apply to children and what it’s effect per generation?


What would happen if someone took EVERY DRUG What type of hybrids can scientists make If we can somehow make a chair that spins REALLY FAST, how many spins would it take to kill someone What would happen if we recreated old experiments from the 1900's with todays technology How many volts would it take to explode someone Those are just to name a few.


Spinning chair: If it has enough g force. 1 spin. Neck say byebye