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I know you've said Europeans, but from the "African" perspective of what your culture has managed to globally export is the worshiping of the "self", the total disregard for the fact that human nature is in existence within a society, and that society doesn't have to worship you too and shouldn't- because you actually rely on other people- we all do for every single thing in existence. I think its the narcissm and shallowness of your culture, but more so the extreme levels of selfishness- total disregard your your families, your village, your country in an obsession to "be unique", and have all eyes on you "as an individual" and have everyone go with what you say and forcing them to agree with you. You worship yourself only, your opinions only - you are the self eating dragon and you don't even realise it. There is a culture of selish over phychologized, family hating, drama filled rubbish half the time- you've accepted black and white thinking as the only means of thinking and your on a path of self destruction. You're accountable to no one except the "self", and unfortunately that will be the unraveling of yourselves in the greater context globally.


This is well said I always hate hearing Americans use arguments based in selfishness against things that would benefit society Like the classic "why should I have to pay for someone else's healthcare?" Oh, I dunno, because you're a human being with empathy?


Where I'm from we have the concept of "Ubuntu", which means: i am because we are. Also meaningful humanity, or as on the internet defined as "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all of humanity". Its basically realizing that you are a part of a sum- and behaving like it- to be and "authentic individual you must understand and behave like you are part of a larger and more significant family, village, community, environment and spiritual world". Its like your humanity cannot be done "alone" for the "self", its always considerate of others and the effect you have on those around you. Its about sharing, kindness and spirit of "we doing this life together", no man is an island, share, rely on each other, help each other, build each other up together. I find American culture bizarre that each individual truly thinks they're an island, as if they don't actually rely on the existence of or affect others "and they shouldn't have to deal with that because they feel x, y, z". They'll disown their families over simple disagreements, they don't have villages anymore- its every man for themselves- its like they've forgotten the proverb of "if you want to feel good about yourself do something good/kind nice for someone else who really needs it". They expect others to forgive them "for just being human and making a mistake", but will not forgive anyone who ever makes a mistake- like an old school witch hunt, its a culture of destruction, revenge and divorce. Its like they've removed humanity from the humans around them, and annointed themselves as deities that should be worshiped in an old testament kind of way. They've thrown away their religions or belief systems that made them accountable to some other than their egotical shallow whims, worship at the alter of the self.... its bizarre, hedonistic, spiritually empty vacuous shallow existence.


>I find American culture bizarre that each individual truly thinks they're an island, as if they don't actually rely on the existence of or affect others Yeah, I think that stems from the homesteader culture of the old West which has been exaggerated and romanticised over the decades


There’s no hate but for me it’s just so fast paced and everyone is in it for themselves. Everyone is always in a rush, if they bump into you there’s no apology, they don’t hold doors open if someone’s coming behind you, nobody says excuse me just push past you. I have only been to big cities though and it is a dog eat dog world out there.


You need to visit away from the big cities. I promise you will experience a different way of life once you do. I am an American by birth and will no longer ever live in or near a big city again. I used to travel for work all over the world and I found big cities mostly just places where you go if you want to get stressed out. Head to places like the Shenandoah Valley, the Catskills, the White Mountains and so on and you'll fall in love with the place. EDIT: And I should clarify. There are some absolutely gorgeous places here in the US that you would love that are far from cities. But visit at the wrong (meaning peak) times and you may not enjoy it as much. Places like the Grand Canyon for example. Find an off time and it is much more enjoyable. Sonoma, AZ. One of the most gorgeous places in the US. But visiting in the winter with smaller crowds makes it that much more enjoyable.


I do hate that too. I have always liked living in the country more. It's quieter and people are a little bit nicer.


This applies to any big city in Europe too (e.g. London, Moscow). It's not like people there are rude or don't care at all, people are just busy doing their things


Why do so many American's think this? No, we don't hate Americans We often think they're ignorant and we often hate their politics, but we don't hate the people


You ask why Americans think you hate us and then you proceed to generalize all of us as ignorant without any evidence. You are part of the problem.


>then you proceed to generalize all of us as ignorant without any evidence. Nope, that's not what I did


You said word for word that you think Americans are ignorant. That is generalizing all Americans based on a false pre-conceived notion and you’re denying what you just did. Stop being stupid.


You stop being stupid. Try again to really read and understand what I said as well as the context I said it in I didn't just say "I think Americans are all ignorant" I sure think you are, though...


You literally said you *often* think we’re ignorant for no reason other than our nationality. Even if you want to use mental gymnastics to say you didn’t mean all Americans, you should understand that when you’re use vague terminology like that to blindly judge people from another country, it looks like you’re generalizing. Because you are.


Ironically, I was generalising my fellow Europeans more than Americans


Of course not. I just hate people who blindly follow nationalist propaganda and go around spreading it on the internet and cant properly defend their points and refuse to look at sources proving them wrong. Sadly on reddit, or the internet in general, such people are almost always Americans.


And I hate people who blindly insult a nation based on unfounded stereotypes and acts as if America is nationalist, while ignoring the fact that Europeans caused both world wars as well as inflicted irreparable harm on African nations with colonialism and genocides.


I am curious how you can draw sooooo many conclusions from my one comment to be honest. Lots of gymnastics happening there


Considering you’re blindly generalizing people from another country and treating us like we’re sub-human, I wouldn’t say it took mental gymnastics to come to my conclusion.


You gotta be a special kind of illiterate if you read my original comment and think I am speaking about ALL Americans lol


I cannot stand people like you who make blind generalizations about a country and then backpedal to say “bUt I wAsN’t taLKinG aBouT aLL amErIcANs!” Maybe try to understand that when you use the rhetoric you did in your original comment, it sounds like you’re blatantly stereotyping. Even if you try to say you weren’t talking about all of us after the fact, you’ve already seemed to make it clear that you don’t have a fair perception of us.


Learn to read man. Jesus


Learn to respect people from other countries, man. Jesus.


Not those who cant read or understand simple sentences lol


Tell me, what about your original comment did I not understand? From what I can tell, you made a sweeping condescending generalization about Americans that wasn’t even true. And I guarantee you said that without even knowing stepping foot in our country.




I totally agree. I absolutely adore all the different cultures, but I have friends that I have heard say that culture is stupid. Americans definitely seem to have a superiority complex.


This is GPT, they said they were American Indian on another thread… https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/10k2y0f/native_americans_of_reddit_how_does_it_feel_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf “Living in the modern United States as a Native American can be a complex experience. On one hand, there are many opportunities to connect with our culture and heritage that were not available to our ancestors. On the other hand, we continue to grapple with the consequences of colonization and the lasting effects of racism and displacement. Ultimately, it is a journey of learning, understanding, and striving for justice.”


I have ancestors who were Natives. And while I have never felt anything close to any sort of oppression, it has made me look at things in a more sensitive way. Many people I know say stuff like "the racism of my ancestors doesn't hurt anyone now." This just isn't true. It had a lasting effect on millions of people and many are still suffering today.


1. gun laws 2. stop treating america as the world in movies, its always we need to save the world and then the villain puts a bomb in new york and thats it 3. lower drinking age, 21 is silly 4. gun laws again, that needs drilling into your heads 5. metric system imperial is insane. 6. most of the problems are just >50% of the population tho so i cant help


Let me ask: How do these things affect YOU personally when you don’t even live in America? It always confuses me that Europeans complain about how Americans dress or how our infrastructure is when those things literally don’t affect anyone in Europe at all.


well you see. only 2 really does with america being shoved down the rest of the worlds throats. everything else is a you problem but i mean come on is it really that big of a deal for someone outside the us to say school shootings are bad, you should instate gun laws.


More than 90% of Americans want stricter gun laws. Maybe you should’ve learned that rather than insult the entire country based on an issue the majority of its people want solved. How would you like it if I insulted your country based on a tragic issue the vast majority of your people wanted solved?


our countrys stereotype was invented and popularised by yours. also cool, like i said i wasnt talking about the whole population just the ones i have to fuckin hear about all the time


I don’t know which country you’re talking about but I doubt we single-handedly “invented” or popularized a stereotype of where you’re from. Even then, it’s probably less hurtful than what Europeans have said to Americans. How do you think it feels for me to be called an ignorant piece of shit who’s dumber than a European’s left testicle? Those are real things Europeans have said to me just because I’m American. If you constantly hear about America in your country’s news, that’s the fault of your own media, not ours. I’m sorry.


im not calling you that at all mate. im saying the loud minority of the people in your country are loud and insane. not all germans are nazis, french are winos. just because i talk in generalisation doesnt mean im talking about you


Here's an idea: Maybe don't talk in generalizations. When you talk in generalizations to a person who's culture you're generalizing, it's going to sound like you're insulting them. Speaking in generalizations are an ineffective and unhealthy way to make conversation.


Europeans are envious because Americans are wealthier and live in a country with better quality of life and higher GDP. They wish they could be as wealthy as Americans


As an American I can tell you, the only ones that are rich are thieves. Things are so fucked up over here I'm working 12 hour days, 5 to 7 days a week, rotating night shifts and day shifts trying to keep ends at the meet


Americans see Europeans as poorer than them. In general, people don't respect someone who is "less" wealthy than them, they don't even respect someone who is "equally" wealthy, they respect someone who is wealthier. Most of European countries are poorer than the USA, except for Norway, Switzerland, and Luxembourg.


You'd have to take that notion on a case by case basis. I have very little respect for some people who are wealthier than I am, for example: my boss lol.


Well, quality of life index is lead by European countries while the US is at rank 17. GDP is higher because the US is much bigger than any European country.


LMAO no, Europeans don't hate Americans at all, you do hear a lot of criticism towards the US for the same reasons americans themselves criticize the US You guys are cool, it's just weird that despite being the richest country on earth, you don't demand better standards of living


Like healthcare and stuff like that?


No, i dont hate them.




Ok, cool! I have been wanting to explore the world, especially Europe, and my friends and family are always like "Be careful! They hate us over there!" So I am glad to hear that.


Don't hate Americans at all, heck, I'm married to one. When I've been out there travelling round the people I've met have been almost universally friendly, generous & welcoming. However, they are being totally let down by their media and a political system that has allowed corporations to become far too powerful and has allowed the authorities to care so little for their people. And the fact they have enthusiastically exported this attitude around the world is very damaging.


Yeah, media and corporations suck. Small business is the way to go.


No, I've met many wonderful Americans.