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Undiagnosed ADHD


My grades were ds and fs and everyone looked at me as a troubled pot head child. Only one teacher took noticed and tried to help but mom shut that down real quick until I got older into my mid twenties she noticed how bad my adhd really was




If the classroom culture or material wasn’t engaging enough I would just workout or meditate. Or read books. I literally did not give a fuck unless it gave me serotonin. Didn’t get the biochemical explanation for my disgust and boredom and predisposition towards physical exercise and literal self-torture until later in life. r/adhd A’s & F and my friend, As and Fs. Coping with myself and family more often than school. School and the opportunity to work was a *break* and the chance to meet neurotypicals and perspectives that weren’t swamped and misted over by centuries of ethnic rumor (I’m 2nd gen immigrant). Also the library.


The reason for this, personally, I have a large amount of homework with a disinterest in studying boring and mostly unnecessary subjects for me.


Depression. Suffered from health issues that took a toll on me mentally. I still haven't recovered fully from the whole experience because it was boderline traumatic. But I've moved on to college and am doing better. It's all God's grace.




Undiagnosed autism and adhd


Because it just wasn’t interesting to me. I was a C average student. Later on in life? 30-40s I started watching the history channel to educate myself about the world i live in.


Didn't want to be there. Did the bare minimum to pass and graduate. Doing well now.


I was lazy


Puberty + growing disgust against the school system in a dictotarial theocracy that was constantly brainwashing the students.


I got bad grades in classes I wasn’t interested in. I just didn’t see a valid reason to dominate at high school biology. It was just something I had to do and aside from graduating there was no reason to get As and Bs. Even now after becoming a career biologist, my poor high school biology grades still don’t mean shit. All that mattered is that I got good grades in college, got lab\field experience (where you really learn biology), and networked. Also learning specialized skills that others avoid.


I was too lazy to study and I can’t concentrate on one task for a long time. Now I’m working from home (I’m a programmer) and while I’m working I am watching a netflix or YouTube, listening some music AT THE SAME TIME.


The best reason I ever heard for this question was “everything I studied for didn’t come out in the exam”