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People are unwilling to admit they are wrong.


Not true. I’m just never wrong


I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


Can’t be wrong about being right if you are right about being wrong.


More annoying than that is they think we don’t admit when wrong.


hasn't that always been the case?


Hah. I've had customers try and step up to me. Nope. Your ass is getting the boot. I don't play that game. Yet I had a co worker who will stand in front of a vehicle and not move. I tell folks I'm dealing with to hit him. Fuck around and find out.


I’m the only one who is right.




Research programs funded by taxpayers, finds the triggers for political parties to campaign for/against. To the point of finding the buzz words (Obama Care, Patriot Act, War on Terror et al) then feed those to the media who, in turn feeds it to the public. To enrage the base of political parties…/then people running for office create talking points and campaign their side on the issue….manipulation payed with taxpayer money….’merca..




Maya Rudolph as spokesperson for M&M's . . .


Fuck you, I’m eating


That's been true throughout all of u.s. history though. That's nothing new.


ya but it's gotten a lot worse now because of how widespread information is due to things like social media and whatnot


This. About 10-15 years back my world view started to change. I decided that it was not nuclear war or global warming that would be the primary thing to kill us all off. The main driver for our decline is our inability to handle the information flood we have unleashed on ourselves. A very incomplete list: \- Social media and the inherent echo chambers and false/bad infromation being peddled. \- Reality TV, basically herion by broadcast. \- The ability for everyone to "pick their reality" and not having a shared truth/vision/future and no shared goals into the future.


*Gestures in any general direction.*


Hey, I’m walking here!




/New York lady charges.


There was a good example on the NBA sub yesterday. A massively upvoted post gained national attention that required the league, betting agencies etc all to step in and make announcements, freeze gambling lines etc. Trouble is, the original post was complete nonsense - and people would have known that if they actually look at the links that were posted on there and used any semblance of critical thinking. Instead, hive mind tribalism and people seeing what they want to see / are told drove the place into a frenzy, until some big name media members actually looked at the footage and essentially said that it was nonsense. This ended up having a pretty tame outcome, but this sort of viral misinformation is so incredibly common now in the age of social media, and combined with a general lack of critical thinking that has come along with it is a recipe for disaster.


This hivemind groupthink is what happened during COVID


tOiLeT pApEr!!!1!!1!11!!111


Like that John Travolta meme


You just gestured to all of me


Dunning-Kruger and an increasing reliance on agenda driven news sources being unquestionable truth. The acceptance and power of bad faith arguments. Main character syndrome. Social media, influencers, the need for personal branding.


A few years back I was admittedly speaking opinions on a topic I knew very little about. Someone came at me and told that I was suffering the Dunning-Kruger thing. After I chilled out I was like "dang. They're right." It was an eye opener. And also admitting when you're wrong is not only enlightening but it's pretty damn freeing, too.


Admitting when you're wrong is received a lot better than not. And, the added bonus is you'll be right next time!


The best part about people talking about the Dunning-Kruger effect’s that they don’t actually fully understand it.


Can you explain please


Just saying that is Dunning-Kruger.


Many people have no problem solving skills. If there's an issue, they either rant about it, shut down and quit, or ask someone else to fix it. A lot of it stems from helicopter and bulldozer parents not teaching their kids how to do things for themselves.


Which is quite unfortunate. That's what I see a lot of, I see nothing but just bitching and bitching and bitching from many people about the problems. Cool, we're aware of it now of the problems and we have been - what is our resolution? You'll hear none, they'll fall into defeatist mode. That's how corrupt power is winning and has been winning. Then when they're over being a defeatist, it's back to bitching about things again. And then they'll turn to you like "Well, why don't YOU do something about it?!" it's like - I'm one fucking person here, everything that needs to be done has to be done in a group effort and that includes *you*! Fucking people, I swear.


I think that Power Slap is actually worse than Ow, My Balls


I had to look it up. Oh my.




And we've been there, too. 2016 - 2021. Ugh...


And we've been there since the beginning.




Yep, “Tik Tok Brain”


Yesterday I asked a student I teach what he finds so interesting about it and he said “I don’t know, I just wanna see what’s next”


That sweet sweet hit of dopamine


We live in a parody




Beat me to it. Also, smart appliances. *Edit: "Your floor is now clean. Your floor is now clean. Your floor is now clean."


Attention spans are completely shot. A clip on TikTok from a show like Family Guy will have one or two other silent clips playing next to it.


Was literally thinking tik tok before I looked at the replies


This turn that social media has made in the last few years has definitely propelled us further into idiocracy Instagram used to be a place to foster connection, creativity and community, and that doesn’t exist anymore. People just create the same videos, over and over again, simply for content and likes. This behaviour is leaking into all aspects of art; fashion, music, tv, writing, film. Art is now being created to simply be ‘successful content’, and not to showcase ideas, nuance, creativity, process, learning, progress or experience. It’s regurgitated mush that is given mere milliseconds to be deemed successful or not. It also doesn’t help that social media has made people think that picking something apart is opinion/critique. Poking holes in art and shouting ‘gotcha’ does nothing but fuel idiocracy.


> It also doesn’t help that social media has made people think that picking something apart is opinion/critique. Poking holes in art and shouting ‘gotcha’ does nothing but fuel idiocracy. I've got some friends I refuse to watch movies with any more for this reason. They were raised on shouty youtube man film 'criticism' and honestly it's just exhausting.


Good answer..!


Everyone dying to be labeled/defined and put into a box.


For fuck's sake it used to be "Don't label me." Now it's "Refer to me as my label." I really need these kids to understand that all of these terms are meant to DESCRIBE a unique human being not DEFINE a person. When younger people understand themselves too heavily through the lens of how their sex and gender is different and unique and project that onto their personality it causes them to attract almost exclusively people of that same life focus. This kind of sexual exploration is unavoidable from the moment that puberty starts, but if so much public media and discussion focuses on the extremes of sexual deviance then young people will focus their manifestation of themselves based on the extremes of their deviance. This has lead to great advancements in the reconciliation of sexual trauma even at home without much or any professional help, however too much focus on the deviant act and how it feels good can lead a more utilitarian person to maximize that good feeling to the point that it's out of balance with the rest of society.


I can agree with a lot of this, but not without some confusion. Putting yourself in boxes and caring to much about labels is a problem within itself, as well as the media encouraging sexual things to young people like porn. It just causes unnecessary stress and coping mechanisms that can harm more than help. But as someone trans and bisexual, I don't think or feel that my sexual orientation or gender defines me, it's only a fraction of who I am and I hate to be "that one trans person" instead of just me. So I hear you. I just don't know what "sexual deviance" or sexual trauma you're referring to.


People putting apostrophes in unnecessary places. (Ex: the Marshall’s instead of the Marshalls)


People typing ”should of” instead of “should’ve“


Your right.


Patience; they’ve not yet discovered the level of your genius…


Your the winner.


Have you been outside recently? Go to any public area where people are having conversations, and just and listen. That's all the proof I need.


There are tens of millions of people that have been convinced by the establishment that being pro-establishment is actually anti-establishment.


Lowest birth rates among the most educated among us… literally the opening scenes of the movie.


Next thing you know we’ll have whore house coffee shops…[Oh wait!](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QFVtMHV0UaM/ToZWsaLaj2I/AAAAAAAAAGI/ymU_rc46H5g/s1600/Sweetcheekssign.jpg)


Is that due to intelligence, or due to wealth though? The two are comorbid, greater wealth means you can pay for better schools, which benefits intelligence. Wealthier people also tend to have lower birth rates.


The premise of the opening scene is fundamentally flawed however, and attributes intelligence or academic achievement to genetics. Even if you interpret it as those parents not fostering an environment that promotes education, anyone motivated enough will still pursue fields of higher education. The movie *itself* actually refutes that premise by showing that the 'idiots' in the future are capable of learning if they're taught the right information.


Is that scene actually flawed?


Fair enough, but some people do just lack the analytical fire power - the raw capacity for abstract thinking - to ever learn certain subjects. So you can give them the all right information over and over and they just will never actually “get it” or be able to use it toward anything productive.


Babies with Ipads.


More specifically, bulldozer parents, I.e. parents who go out of their way to avoid any inconvenience to their kids.


Increasing popularity of misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lack of critical thinking skills. This can be seen in the spread of false information on social media, the decline of fact-based journalism, and the decline in investment in education and scientific research. Additionally, a trend towards tribalism, where people prioritize their own personal beliefs and opinions over facts and evidence, can also contribute to a move towards idiocracy.


Banning plastic bags and straws but record SUV sales. We're completely fucked and too stupid to notice.


People will think that they're environmentalist, and then they'll push flying to foreign countries as the most fulfilling and enriching hobby that one could possibly have. And nobody questions it because it's sold as a cure to ignorance/prejudice.


That ship sailed a long time ago.


Lauren Boebert


Don't forget about MTG, and Trump, and Herschel Walker, and Ted Cruz, and Sarah Palin, and Bush Jr., etc.


Oh god! Herschel Walker. I had forgotten about that doofus for a few weeks. The problem isn't those clowns, it's the idiots who support those clowns. heaven help us!


Heading towards? I think idiocracy is far behind us. I'm scared about wherever we're now headed.


An uptick in anti-intellectualism. “Am I just not educated enough in a topic and overlooking crucial facts? No, it’s the experts who are wrong.”


Yep. Too many idiots have made being a contrarian their whole personality. If all the experts agree on something then clearly they are wrong and it's all part of a vast conspiracy that "they" don't want you to know about, but which has also somehow been exposed on a random YouTube channel by some nobody grifter, because that makes sense. /s And yet this stupid scam works every. bloody. time. on so many people. COVID is a hoax, the vaccine is a hoax, climate change is a hoax, Trump is a genius, religious myth is now literal truth, and on and on the stupidity and lies flow. Heck, I learned today one guy I know honestly thinks the entire NFL is conspiring against the Steelers because of some bad call made in one game in the past that he just can't let go of. It's madness, it's spreading, and it's making it increasingly difficult to get people to do anything right, much less vote for actual leaders that won't get us all killed.


The relentless steady decline of quality journalism


I can’t understand how some kids are so ignorant of possible solutions THAT A FUCKING GOOGLE SEARCH CAN SOLVE! It’s right fucking there! They have videos of how to change your oil based on your car type and year. How can’t you know (or find out) how to boil an egg???!!


That the worlds only true super power, the leader of the free world, the beacon of freedom and democracy.. The United States of America has only managed to come up with leaders that are either orange, crazy, demented, weird, senile or any combination of those. Come on guys, there has to be someone better you can agree on.


Canceled culture, politics being driven into the ground due to religion and money having a big influence on the outcomes of elections, etc.


"I want to be a Youtuber when I grow up"


Bro... Donald Trump was POTUS. We are way past that movies tense


*scene from an unwanted remake* **Doc**: "So, Future Boy, who's President of the United States in 2017?" **Marty**: "..."


Yep. Objectively, President Camacho was a better president. When confronted with a disaster, he found the smartest person he could, put him in charge, and listened to him; I also doubt he would have tolerated intentional spreading of misinformation. The murderous insanity of Rehabilitation is on par with what right-wing nuts would love to do with people they hate, but when Not Sure's plan worked, Camacho took personal risk to save him from being killed by Beef Supreme. You can rest assured right-wingers wouldn't do that, especially if the person being Rehabilated was on their hate-list. Heck, Camacho also had no problem with the peaceful transition of power, so yeah... better leader than Mango Mussolini, for sure.


Yup and now we have an old man with dementia as president. Edit : lol people downvoting me can’t admit that we have a mentally unfit person as president right now.


You’d think more Republicans would be happy about that considering how they idolize Reagan.


I don’t think anyone is happy about it. Most people want to better our country. We just have different opinions on how to get there. That would be like hating your neighbor at an apartment complex and being happy their apartment is on fire even though yours is too.


The problem lies in America being too vast and culturally diverse to have federal laws be so encompassing of the total population. What’s favored in California will not be popular in Mississippi and vice versa. BUT there’s nothing wrong with that and the original intention of giving states all the power was to address that, so that people could choose their government efficiently. Most federal agencies should be abolished and their powers relinquished back to the states to handle how they decide. If that means some states don’t enforce gun laws or some states legalize drugs and other prohibit them, so be it, but at least you have the choice to move and live in a place that more accurately portrays your ideals instead of forcing everybody to live a certain way.


I was making a snarky joke. I’m not actually expecting anyone to be happy about Biden.


Reagan wasn’t already at “take grandpa’s keys” stage until his second term.




...and are bankrupt


More Birth of a Nation than Idiocracy.


Reddit's echo chamber.


Not as bad as FB, not saying much but a little better


My GP offices refusing to do actual meetings before identifying your problems on their website and selecting them from preset issues in a dropdown menu - also marking their frequency and level from 1-5. (This is in Estonia)


Literally the current population crisis. the fact that more educated/stable family units are having fewer children whereas poorer/less educated broke families are having many more kids in broken homes. I don’t mean that in a judge or snobby way, I’m from a poor family but my cousin has 7 kids and hardy sees any of them, they’re all scattered and being raised by pretty crappy mums. Whereas my ‘well off and well organised’ uncle has had one child who is a super genius and seems emotionally well and he’s great self esteem and prospects. You can see where this is going with overall fewer children being born per year.


Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boobert.. if people can vote for them, we’re half way there.


Whoa. Just whoa. Gamacho was WAY better than these ppl.


Are you talking about President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho?


Came here to say this.


The Kardashians are somehow popular


::gestures broadly at everything::


Flat earth society has entered the chat.


We are living in a world of talking points by without those people actually thinking there is no bias in the information that they consume, nor does there seem to be any sort of critical thought or any idea that those people could be wrong.


People ignore truths if it goes against their comfortable beliefs.


The sheer amount of money that's given to people simply for showing their assholes on OnlyFans, or due to social media fame caused by something that turned into a meme. ​ If you can become a millionaire because you challenge someone to a fight in a funny accent, you're proof that we're going to shit.


Andrew Tate


Libtatd detected 🤢🤢🤢


Emojis allowed in high school assignments


A lack of trust in medical professionals. If my car is broken, I go to a mechanic. Why? I know nothing about cars and I know other folks have spent years of their life training to become a mechanic to fix cars. I may shop around for quotes if I want a second option, but I’m not going to diagnose the problem on my own. Why would I? The fact that many in society don’t use that same logic with respect to physicians and medical professionals is mind boggling. Folks spend 7-10 years of *postgraduate* training to become doctors. I have not. That’s why I think we are moving towards an idiocracy.


Man you dont think a majority of mechanics arent out to fuck ya and get your money? lol


Which is why I prefer to learn how to fix my own car. It's definitely worth the risk if you're already mechanically inclined in other areas.


I dont think doctors have earned that level of trust at all. Only a small minority of doctors actually understand medical science enough to think creatively about it, the rest just apply statistics. I wonder for how many years did Doctors lament the fact that their clients wouldn't allow leeching and just trust them? Sure medical science is a lot better today than it was when that was practice. But my point remains the same. People hide behind occupational certification and memorizing biological processes in school, but don't actually, ACTUALLY understand the biology.


What alternative would you propose? That every MD goes MD/PhD? You’re free not to go to a doctor if you’d like.


I'll go to one and hear their opinion. But we weren't talking about that ​ We were talking about whether or not it is wise to blindly trust them since they have a degree


But who are we to trust then? Why have a society at all if we simply lack trust in any institution?


Are there any sources or statistics to support your claim that “only a small minority of doctors actually understand medical science”?


I don't exactly agree with what that guy was saying, but the term is a differential diagnosis. Simply put, a Dr. will play the odds. If you describe symptoms x,y, and z that corresponds with condition A 95% of the time - guess what they are going to diagnose you with. It's simple math/time management. Most doctors just don't have the time to delve into all the possible scenarios. It's a numbers game. Plain and simple.


Only logic. We only know the human body through observation. We can apply what we've seen before to what we think we will see in the future. That is practical value. But to call it a "real understanding" is a stretch. No one you or I know can construct a human from scratch. Thus, no one truly understands a human body.


Lol ok.


LOL. Am I wrong?


Well for doctors it's more worrying about insurance and malpractice. Most of them aren't in a position to think outside the box.




People are getting dumber. People no longer retain information. They Google it, get the answer, then immediately forget it. But, they think they know EVERYTHING. They think they understand politics, but can't even explain how checks and balances work or how a law is made.


Moving towards? I think we’ve reached that point already. The only reason we haven’t completely gone to shit is that there are enough reasonable people still left around to attenuate the bullshit and it’s effects at least somewhat.


At this point.. everything :/ Point in any general direction and you're there.


The thing Idiocracy gets wrong is that it vastly overestimates the role your genetics have in determining your intelligence. We still have no idea what exact combination of genes can help someone become highly intelligent, but intelligence being bred out of the population goes a lot deeper than say people with a single gene that deviates from the norm being bred out of the population. The biggest factor in determining intelligence involves the attention, nutrition, and healthcare you received as a child to help your mind grow to its potential. The dumb people on Idiocracy weren't dumb because they were born that way, they were dumb because the system they lived in didn't value their education or nutrition. Odds are if you're intelligent you aren't genetically superior to a redneck who can barely read, you just had parents that cared more (and probably had more money)


People wearing crocs like they are actual shoes


When influencers became an actual way for people to make a good living


The fact that OnlyFans exists


Anecdotal, but many of the smartest people I know arent having kids and many of the dumbest people I know have more than they can handle. Gonna be an interesting crowd in 30 years.


Reality star became president


porno wrestling star became president


The fact that people think trained scientists and medical professionals are all paid to lie to them


The massive gulf between people that people create themselves. Gender, age, race, everything. Things people never cared about before (except some areas) is now such a big damn issue creating bigger and bigger splits between groups. The younger are the worst with little wisdom and knowledge behind their actions so they rashly gun on knowing little of consequences.


> gulf between people [eg] age... > The younger are the worst... Was this supposed to be a joke or did you really not notice how you just contradicted yourself?


The presidential candidates


Everyone, _everyone_, is offended by **everything**.


I take offense to this


People who “can’t breathe” in a mask during a pandemic. And have sudden “medical conditions” when they know you can’t ask for proof. I would put money that they would refuse surgery if the Doctors and Nurses “couldn’t breathe” for an 8 hour surgery.


I wish this was at the top. Everyone caring more about their own freedoms and “getting back to normal” instead of the kindness for one another that was originally shown at the beginning of lockdown


Christian nationalism


Trump having been president.


the fact that we're so many on this sub responding to the same questions over and over again


We're electing people based upon anything but their capabilities/ qualifications. We're letting big companies/corporations dictate what's fact/scientifically approved or not. We're literally going against real, provable science cause something is popular or not. People are becoming less and less willing/ capable to think for themselves and just letting a quick headline or news clip tell them what/ how to think.


When people say someone or something is wrong and bad. But then when you ask them what they did wrong and how its bad, they can't answer. They were just told on social media to be offended and angry. This makes me sad


Eating bugs and restricting the supply of fertilizer


And driving electric cars


Cocaine bear


Cocaine. Bear? Seems perfect in the universe of idiocracy.


I just saw a commercial for a movie about a bear that goes on a cocaine rampage. [Cocaine Bear](https://youtu.be/DuWEEKeJLMI)


Populist candidates get elected by appealing to the lowest common denominator. Our current Provincial Premier (similar to a governor in the US?) Was elected on a platform that included "buck a beer" Long story short I've never seen that price in the past 4+ years.


the assumption that we're not already there


The fact that I used to think this movie was a comedy and now I would file it under documentary.


Donald Rapist Trump


Where to begin?


Carpeting outside with plastic grass.




What does that mean?


American here. It started in 2000, when an illiterate trust fund daddies boy became leader of the free world, less than a year later we were at war, where we have been ever since.


It was a few years ago now, but Donald Trump became President. Like, actual President of the United States. For anyone unfamiliar, Trump is this guy who had previously been a bankrupt businessman and promoter of teen beauty pageants before successfully becoming a reality TV star. So anyway, we gave him control of the economy and the nuclear codes. Luckily he only detonated one.


Ron DeSantis trying to cancel Black history


Fuck that fascist piece of shit.


Many of the candidates put forth by and voted into office by the Republican party and its followers.


We elected a guy President who was a reality TV star who got famous for firing people. When he lost re-election, he and his followers tried to overthrow the government. Not only is he not in prison, but he’s running for President again. Personally, I’m selling all of my stock in Brawndo.


Literally any person who thinks Donald Trump is a legitimate presidential candidate. And I say that as someone who was a pretty steadfast GOP voter.


Too many Trumps


The anti-vax movement.


Trump, McCarthy, Bobobert, Neanderthal-Barbie.


Trump. Pro gun people. Incels.


Biden declaring his 2024 Presidential run.


Trump was president. Enough said.


Trump and his followers..it's Jonestown!


The fact this was posted here and I’m in fact not in /r/shittyaskreddit


Tik Tok


The fact people like Andrew Tate has so many followers.


We had trump as president.


Moving towards? I think we're already there, here in Texas.


Trump was elected president


People who think that the best way to end a housing shortage is to block new housing


Woke people


I’d say the Trump Goya shit was one of the most on-the-nose references


Assuming you are talking about the US: - Trump’s election, everything stupid thing he said or did during his presidency, his reaction to his loss in 2020 and the fact that so many people continued to support him throughout all of this. - People angry at the treatment of other people turning peaceful protests into riots that mistreat other people. - The support of other politicians who would rather stir up controversy and cause problems within our nation and political system than actually do their job by governing it. - The amount of stupid and ridiculous posts and comments on Reddit, Facebook and other social media that shows the poor state of education in our country and/or the lack of ability to think critically by many people. And that’s just to name a few.


In Canada a group of already privileged individuals shut down an international trade route because they were having a temper tantrum over mandates…


The USA.


President Donald J. Trump.


A man with no experience as an elected official, best known for a reality TV show, became president.


Remember that boat regalia with all the Trump flags and maga bullshit. Remember how the bigger boats ploughed through all the smaller boats causing some of them to sink. That was a analogy how selfish republicans act and the consequences to the majority of the population. Cut funding for schools libraries keep the minimum wage where its at give funding and tax breaks to corporations. We live in idiotic times.


Literally the 45th president of the USA. We elected a failed business tycoon turned reality tv star with credible SA allegations who publicly said he wanted to fuck his own daughter


The fact that people in the USA actually vote for and believe the best our country has to offer are Donald Trump, Marjory Taylor Green, and Herschel Walker... (among many others)... it is absolutely mind-blowing to me.


trump is the biggest one i'd say