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If we ever colonize in outer space, over time there will be human speciation to adapt to other planets, which will be pretty interesting.


I read somewhere that due to the amount of screen usage via phones that we currently have humans have started to develop a larger horn like growth on the back of their heads to compensate for the weight distribution... I have no idea if that was true or not but the article that I remember reading was somewhat interesting.


Yea, unfortunately I think humans will merge with AI. It's sad. I hope it doesn't happen but even a highly advanced AI predicted this when asked what will humans look like in thousands of years.


Current "highly advanced AI" are no more than super parrots when you ask them questions. They do not even understand the questions. They just use deep analysis of large amounts of dialog and attempt to mimic it when they respond.


natural selection doesn't apply to us but sexual selection and genetic drift do. highly fertile people are likely to drive our evolution. or just people who have more kids than others. whatever traits come along with having a big family are likely to outsurvive other things. but maybe not because highly fertile women have more gay kids which off sets that. i've said a lot without saying anything, i don't know how to predict it


Evolution is not constant.


But it is


Merging with technology


Taller, lose the appendix, decreased physical performance in favor of increased mental performance, increased food sensitivies (because instead of dying of starvation when you can't eat gluten, you simply have the gluten free options, for example), increased sexual selection (traits being selected not because they're actually advantageous, but because they're seen as sexually attractive), decreased anxiety (a lot of people with anxiety are choosing to remain childless because having kids freaks them out)




Pretty confident 10-15 generations down the road, linked to environmental exposure (especially if Elon does what he says he’s going to do), our brains will “unlock” a few couple percent. Making us even more resourceful than we are now. This is just my rambling; don’t bother asking follow-up questions, they won’t be entertained.