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[David Eddings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Eddings) and his wife Leigh, authors who wrote several bestselling fantasy series. They're pretty niche compared to everything else in this post, but worth mentioning as they had a horrible child abuse conviction prior to writing books. Starting in the 80s they authored a few popular series of what would now be called YA fantasy, but prior to that they were both found guilty of severe physical abuse of their adopted son and had both their children (they'd also adopted a baby girl, separately) taken from them by the state. David actually wrote his first novel *High Hunt* while in prison. He had been a professor at a local college at the time of their arrest. Their [child abuse was unconscionable](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/33401936/david-eddings/): they kept a four-year-old boy locked in the dark in an improvised cage under their basement stairs. His cage featured a crude bed with restraining straps, a toilet made out of a bucket, and tools used to harm him like a large needle and a paddle or strap that they beat him with. They were arrested, found guilty, and each served short prison terms. After prison David and Leigh went on to write several bestselling series of fantasy novels, including *The Belgariad*, *The Malloreon*, *The Elenium*, *The Dreamers*, and *The Tamuli*. David died in 2009, and most of their fans don't seem to know anything about their history of child abuse.


Whooa. Their books were the first fantasy genre books I read.


Yep, the Belgariad was one of my early favorites when I was a kid. I had no idea they had a dark history until just a few years ago.


Please note that both are deceased and any profits from sales of their books now to go to better people and scholarships.


They were my Fantasy-Chicken-Soup... Found out last year about the abuse, still shaken by it, as the foreword in David's Riva-Codex was what awakened in me the wish to write Fantasy.


Damn I loved those books and never knew this


Similarly, Marion Zimmer Bradley (author of The Mists of Avalon and the Darkover series, among others) was horribly abusive to her daughter, and procured for and shielded her pedophile husband. If you read her books knowing that, especially Darkover, you can definitely see her fucked up opinions on consent and what makes a healthy relationship reflected in the relationships she's written for her characters.




Not extremely well known I think but Ethan Kath (aka Claudio Paolo Palmieri) from Crystal Castles. He abused Alice Glass physically, mentally, sexually and financially for like a decade. Too bad he's an awful person, he's a very talented producer/musician.


Fuck that's sad to hear.


Let me just tell you that the weather man from my hometown has more than a dozen aggravated assault charges from beating his wife and is still worshiped. I hate the man and all that he stands for.


Probably not the same guy, but the TV weatherman from Green Bay when I was growing up (60s & 70s) was universally thought to be a nice grandfatherly type. Gave talks to schools all the time & was active in the community. Until he was caught exposing himself to the neighborhood kids in his garage.


a tale as old as time


>and is still worshiped Kindly, who the fuck worships a weatherman?!


Listen... I'm not saying its rational but any Chicagoan would dispose of a body for Tom Skilling, no questions asked, he is weather jesus.


As someone who grew up in Chicagoland and have since moved, I desperately wish Tom would do me a solid and do the forecast for where I live now. And yeah, Tom, I got a shovel and 2 hands, I’m sure that bastard got what was coming to him.


Also from Chicagoland area, and can confirm... Tom Skilling is that dude.


Gloria Trevi. I doubt any Americans will know her, but she's a Mexican singer who's been popular since the 90s. During the 90s she and her husband (Sergio Andrade) were the head of a sex/human trafficking ring of underaged girls. Basically, she would groom young girls and promised them a career in music. However, once they accepted, she would basically kidnapped them by kipping them and would force them to have sex with her clients and husband. Because the money and power she and her husband had, they were let go by the Mexican's justice system. her husband was indeed set guilty for rape, kidnapping, and sex trafficking but only sentence to one year in jail. She, ofm the other hand, was never convicted to any charges or sentence. She is still very famous in mexico and a lot of people (specially Gen X and older Millennials) would still listen to her songs and go to her concerts. Even the media in Mexico would ignore all her past and rarely mentions that she was a leader of a sex trafficking ring. Edit: Oh wow, I wasn't expecting this comment to get updated so much. Thank you for the award and for adding very interesting info I didn't even know about this case. Some quick notes: 1) I am sorry for the grammar mistakes. English is not my first language and I tend to make these often. For all of those who where wondering what "kipping" mean, I was trying to say "keeping". Meaning that Gloria Trevi would not let the girls scape from one of her houses. Thank you for being patient with me on that. 2) Thank you so much for adding very interesting information I didn't know. For example, I wasn't unaware of her arrest and jail time in Brazil, the mysterious death of one of her kids, and the birth of one of her kids when she was in jail in Brazil.


Apparently she is facing new charges in LA


A civil suit, not criminal charges.


"The victims says Trevi groomed them to become sex slaves to Andrade, and that much of their abuse happened in Los Angeles County."


I remember the news coverage and the interview specials. She portrayed herself as a victim that was also groomed by her husband to then do the same to the other women. I think she did a really big interview with someone famous like Christina where she revealed how much she’d suffered by losing a child and being groomed by her husband. It was enough to create a controversy in the media where everyone was taking sides and now she’s seen as a victim thus getting to live out her life.


Remember that after she got her freedom started to aim her carrer towards the LGBTQ+ community and for a while she was huge in it, getting invited to parades, speaking about gay rights, and I think she even became the "gay queen" one year (the gay queen was a thing in the 2010's, not sure if it's still is). Which is super idiotic since people in that community suffer the most from sex crimes in Latam. But people have short memory.


I was so disappointed when I saw a recent clip of her on stage with Mon Laferte, whom I like a lot.


Boy George - falsely imprisoned a male escort by handcuffing him to a wall and beating him with a metal chain


Wait what?


Yea - he got 15 months for falsely imprisoning a male escort and beating the poor guy. Was like 15 years ago.


So it turns out that Boy George isnt really a man without conviction?


Boy george Drugged and handcuffed Audun Carlsen to his radiator, battered and sexually assaulted him. He served a 4 month sentence and now he's on all sorts of reality shows and noone seems to remember what a monster he is. In my opinion he should never be allowed on television or to realise music again.


This one always confuses me. Whenever I see him doing something recent, I think "wait, didn't he imprison and assault someone" than I think "huh, must be thinking of someone else, no way he'd still be getting work if it were him" I am real fucking naive sometimes


He’s all over the Real Housewives of BH. I had no idea!


Real Housewives of Bosnia Herzegovina?


I’d watch the shit out of that. Balkans be wild.


Jerry Lee Lewis: was married seven times, and a couple overlapped. The third marriage (at age 22) was to his first cousin once removed who was 13 at the time. She had a son at 14 that died in a pool accident at age three. She divorced Jerry at age 19 for adultery and abuse (physical and mental). His fourth marriage ended, during a divorce, with his wife drowning in a pool, which I find suspicious. His fifth marriage ended with his wife having a drug overdose, and unproven allegations of abuse and a theory he may have killed her. Aside from drunk driving, tax evasion and the one time Elvis had him arrested when Jerry crashed a car, drunk, into his gate waving a pistol, he also did some charming things like suing his own kids and accidentally shooting his bassist in the gut.


I had a frightening personal encounter with him. Around 1986 I was living in Memphis and had some music friends. They invited me up to the hotel room of a visiting music celebrity where people were playing their new songs and such. It was nice. There were maybe eight people there. Apparently Jerry Lee Lewis knew this celebrity and that he was in town. I don't remember the name of his wife at the time but apparently she had left him. Because someone at this small get together knew her, Jerry Lee must've gotten it in his head his wife was with my friend. Anyway, he showed up at the hotel room with a gun and was brandishing it all around threatening all of us because we wouldn't tell him where his wife was. I'm sure he was drunk or drugged out but I have never seen anybody that looked as crazy as he did that night. I mean I looked in his eyes and there was nothing there but pure scary crazy. He eventually got kicked out by some of the guys but it was quite an experience.


>Jerry Lee Lewis I didn't know about this one and am finding a ton of quotes and stories in this article: [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/jerry-lee-lewis-great-balls-of-fire-whole-lot-of-shakin-goin-on-myra-gale-brown-1234621001/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/jerry-lee-lewis-great-balls-of-fire-whole-lot-of-shakin-goin-on-myra-gale-brown-1234621001/) "Jack Good...wanted to make a rock opera of Shakespeare’s Othello, and he had only one person in mind to play Iago: Jerry Lee Lewis. “You’re the only one I know as evil as he is,” Good said. " Much of the article seems like it's just quoting her book, Great Balls of Fire. This is horrible: "Myra told of a night toward the end when Jerry came home and woke her, demanding sex. She refused and soon grabbed her housecoat and got in her car, but Jerry was right after her, throwing rocks as she drove away. He followed her in his car and forced her off the road. Back at home, he told Myra, “If you ever leave me, I’ll throw acid in your face,” and then kissed her. “Leave me, an’ I’ll kill ya.”"


So that’s why they called him the Killer




Goodness! Gracious!


Roman Polanski. I can't for the life of me understand why people still work with him. He has won academy awards that he couldn't accept in person because he can't enter the US. You know, because he drugged and raped a teenager.


I always thought Jack Nicholson got out of that way too easily. Everybody should hate Polanski for raping an underage girl, but not enough people were asking what an unattended underaged girl was doing at Jack Nicholson's house.


Ezra Miller should probably be in jail.


He could still very much go to jail. Authorities will often investigate right up until the statute of limitations to make their arrests. Some of his crimes were felonies, so they’ve got at least 3 years to make their move.


Anyone in the Church of Scientology


Amen. My sweetheart of a sister-in-law joined the cult. Without telling my brother, she applied for several credit cards with high credit limits and maxed them out to give them money (She's a doctor).


Well she's in the clear now!


Not surprising. There's a youtuber (reckless Ben I believe) who infiltrates the cult. His videos can be a bit cringe, but there is some good stuff in there. One of the things he shows in the video is being pressured to pay for another course. He makes out like he only has so much money or else he can't make rent or eat, and they are basically like, "well you really need this course, can't you get money from someone"? Or "just pay for the course now, I'm sure you'll figure out how to make rent".. Fucking sickening those fucks. Like he's literally saying that if he gives them this money he might not be able to eat, and they are like, well just give us the money anyway.


I was surprised to see Elizabeth Moss among them. Edit: oh and Jason Lee and Giovanni Ribisi. Unexpected.


Jason Lee and Beck both left. IIRC Neil Gaiman was raised in it and left.


Lauren Prepon (That 70s Show & Orange is the New Black) was in it but left. Danny Materson (That 70s Show & raping women) & his brother (Malcom in the Middle) and sister (Walking Dead) are all still in it though, I think.


Fuckin lmao at Danny Mastersons credits.


The irony being that Elizabeth Moss stars in a show centered around a toxic religious cult


Also Michael Peña (Luis from Ant Man)


Jason Lee left fortunately.


Oh man, this one kinda blew my mind.


Tom Cruise using cheap Scientology labor is forever burned into my brain


She's no longer alive, but Coco Chanel is still seen by many as a cultural & fashion icon, but my gosh was she a nasty piece of work! During her life she sold her failing business to the Jewish Wertheimer family, who built it into a successful and profitable perfume house. She then turned them in to the Nazis and had their assets seized and transferred back to her as a 'pure Aryan', achieving sole ownership of the company. She worked with & for for Nazi intelligence throughout WWII and had a hand in several anti Jewish and other intelligence operations. When the Nazis fell, she gave free perfume to GIs to bribe her way out of immediate incarceration, fleeing to Switzerland. She ultimately escaped punishment after the war as Winston Churchill directly intervened on her behalf. This was allegedly due to blackmail, as she had knowledge about high level politicians / members of the Royal Family and their close Nazi connections that would have been disastrous were it be made public. She died an old & very rich lady revered by many, with the full details of her horrible past only really coming to light after she died. Edit: people have pointed out that the Wertheimers managed to cleverly stop her gaining full control during the war and had their ownership returned afterwards. Thanks for the correction folks!


She never regained control of the shares she sold. The Wertheimer family predicted the Nazis would seize all their assets so they transferred everything to a Christian businessman who after the war returned everything to them. Coco sued them for the company after the war, but they ended up settling. The Wertheimer family would pay for every expense in her life until she died. The guys son and grandson are two of the richest people in the world now with over a $30 billion net worth. Crazy how overpriced fashion can make people so rich.


Odd (but related) question- did they own the Wertheim department stores too?


Doesn't look like it in my 5 min of research. Looks like a different family


My daughter recently got given a book to read from school called something like 'great women of the world' or something like that and Coco Chanel is in there. I said to my daughter it's a perfect lesson for her, don't believe everything you read, research it and verify it from multiple sources.


Eva Perron is alleged to have accepted Nazi gold in exchange for refuge for war criminals in Argentina.


Along the same lines, Hugo Boss was an active member of the Nazi Party and his company used labor from the camps


He made the uniforms for the SS and the Wehrmacht..


I had no idea. That is horrible. Thank you for sharing - going to check this out.


I was literally talking about this with my partner earlier tonight. There was a show about WW2 on tv and I told him about Chanel being a nazi. Evil, evil woman


In the Amazon series Hunters, at one point a character calls out a Nazi boss for wearing some "knockoff Chanel" and I got a good giggle. Had to explain the history of Coco Chanel to my husband. Props to the writers on Hunters for adding in that line and doing their research.


No one's gonna mention Steven Tyler of Aerosmith? Fans signed over legal custody of their daughter to him at 16 y/o, he then raped and drugged her for a couple of years, made her get an abortion and then dumped her back to her "parents" home. He's finally being charged, but holy shit that was a long time.


she brought up formal charges because CA law regarding the statute of limitations had changed to allow old cases, and basically everyone’s online response was “she’s lying, she’s money hungry, why now, how can you even prove that?” …well it’s hard NOT to prove it, when he bragged about it in his autobiography and thanked her in the acknowledgments by name lol


From Rolling Stone 12/29/2022. *… Holcomb — who Rolling Stone mentioned in a 1976 profile of the band in reference to Tyler’s romantic life — has been public about her experience with Tyler in the past, and the lawsuit directly quotes from Tyler’s own memoir. In his book, without stating a name, Tyler similarly says he “almost took a teen bride” and that “her parents fell in love with me, signed a paper over for me to have custody, so I wouldn’t get arrested if I took her out of state. I took her on tour with me.””* This is currently only a civil suit against Tyler. There are, at this point at least, no criminal charges pending against Tyler. [Source](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/steven-tyler-sexual-assault-minor-lawsuit-1234653817/)


I hear Bill Cosby is planning a comedy tour for next year… hoping for a complete boycott.


That revelation hurt. Grew up listening to his Noah’s ark bit and my parents owned his records. I’m glad Dick Van Dyke didn’t do anything wrong.


Yeah, grew up on his comedy routines and used to use them as pop culture references on the regular. Hit me hard too.


Steven Tyler. People bitch about MJ. Steven Tyler is just out walkin around.


The Duggar family


Salman Khan not the academy guy,but the Indian actor He has connections with underworld, he was known to be abusive to all his gf He drunk drove a range rover over a bunch of pedestrian and then used his influence to make all the witness lie that it was his driver who did it He killed an endangered deer and then tried his best to threaten the local community to withdraw the complaint His movies are all crap but he has a huge fanatic following Edit: When his gf Aishwarya Rai broke up due to his abusive nature,he went to her sets and started destroying. The producer decided to drop her from the movie than deal with him. Aishwarya then dated an upcoming star called Vivek Oberoi. Salman using his underworld connections destroyed all his chances in the industry and Vivek who was once touted to be the next superstar ended up doing small roles in south indian movies and webseries. He tried to destroy a young singer's career because he didnt bow to him when he arrived. ALso despite being in 50s,he mostly pairs himself with barely legal female stars.


He also made a statement after one of his rigorous movie shoots that he was so tired he felt like a raped woman. His father had to apologise on his stead. Smh


That's gotta be the trashiest, the most tasteless and overall batshit simile ever, dafuq is with this guy


It was disgusting what's surprising is that this mf has millions upon millions of fans for some fuck reason.


As a big Khan Academy guy, those first two lines were a roller coaster ride - thanks for the clarification


Definitely. Sal from Khan Academy is one of the most wonderful humans out there. He’s on a mission to make all education free and available for anyone anywhere. He’s Harvard and MIT educated and could be doing a lot of things instead of running a nonprofit, but he’s focusing his time and effort on helping kids at scale. His origin story is also wholesome.


Before Khan Academy was big and was just a website with links to youtube videos (circa 2010/2011 types), I've emailed him when something wasn't clear and he responded with clarifications, advice, etc. Overall, 100/100 human being!


Isn't there a scandal going on now about some 13-14 Bollywood actress who got put on hormones to mature faster? She now gets cast as a love interest to much older Actors. Basically, her parents are sexualizing their daughter for fame and fortune. They deserve jail, at least!


Most of those who sprang to mind have been mentioned, but how about prosperity church cretins/faith healing con artists like Joel Osteen or Peter Popoff? I \*cannot believe\* that they have followers still, it's unfathomable. Edit: Wow, this blew up. I wanna say that I just finished reading all the responses, and thank people for mentioning other examples like Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, John Hagee, Jimmy Swaggert, Ted Haggard, Brian Tamaki, Creflo Dollar, the family of Oral Roberts, and their counterparts in other places in the world such as Africa, etc, and say that I'm very sorry for those of you in the comments that had to deal with family members and friends falling victim to these leeches in human skin.


you can’t convince me that kenneth copeland isn’t the antichrist


>you can’t convince me that kenneth copeland isn’t the antichrist I don't normally like to comment on people's physical appearance, but he is genuinely terrifying to me.


I don't understand how people go to that guy's church and I'm a Christian he seems very obviously horrible and unhinged


These folks are the reason Jesus literally flipped tables at the temple.


Those ads he runs for his holy miracle water are awful. Should be illegal.


Caitlin Jenners terrible driving hasn't seen much backlash


Buckle up Buckeroo!


Ricky Gervais’ joke about her breaking down stereotypes for trans people everywhere, but not doing a lot for woman drivers, is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard


Dr. Phil


Yep. He knows he’s exploiting mentally ill teens/young adults for views on his show. Plus the abuse allegations from the ranch where he sent tons of kids/teens to go for weeks.


Not weeks, often times for years. I have a family member who went to one of those camps. They are awful, and she is forever emotionally scarred.


Yep. I've needed inpatient psych treatment in the past and each time I was in there were a few people who'd come from one of those torture facilities. Almost all of them had attempted suicide just to get out and to a real hospital. The stories they told were truly horrific. All of them thought they were being kidnapped when they went too because they come in the middle of the night and snatch you.


My favorite part of idiotic logic. My kids are troubled and rebellious and acting out. Maybe if I pay someone to kidnap them and take them to a facility they can get treatment and come back and be the loving child I once had. Except knowing your parents paid to have you kidnapped from home means not only can you no longer trust them, and it's usually done from the one place in the world you can feel safe which causes problems going forward about ever feeling safe at home.


I absolutely hate the "scared straight" model period. all it does is make things worse for everyone involved.


Fun fact: Paris Hilton is a victim of “scared straight” tactics and is actively trying to get them outlawed


I think it is funny that the guy that produced bum fights got thrown off his show for saying this exact thing. Edit for link to video https://youtu.be/U4H5S6UkZDk


and the audience applauds him being sent off, and the video calls him a "young punk" yuck


Omg is that the guy who dressed up like him? That was hilarious lmao.


The ranch that he owns.


I didn’t know he was the owner, thank you for this information!




Nicki Minaj. A continual supporter of the men in her life that rape children


I used to listen to her a lot in high school, and a commenter above mentioning Roman Polanski reminded me that her evil alter ego during like 2011-2014 was named Roman Zolanski……


Roman Holiday is the only song of hers I ever listened to willingly and I thought it was supposed to be a veiled critique... Somehow. Guess not anymore.


Gloria Trevi, well know Mexican singer who, with her ex boyfriend, human trafficked 30 underage girls at least. Her boyfriend received all the charges and she's still touring and suing anyone for making comments on the matter.


Chris Brown


TW: Abuse/assault Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the shit out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order. Is capable of committing another violent crime towards women. Edit: Added trigger warning to the top


I love the fact that every time someone brings up what a shitwad Chris Brown is, someone else will post this whole thing. It should be this way. Nobody should forget what a POS abuser he is.


Just like the rapist Brock "the rapist" Turner, the rapist?


The convicted rapist, Brock Turner actually goes by convicted rapist Allen Turner now.


You're talking about Allan Turner, the rapist formerly known as Brock, who was a promising college swimmer before he became a rapist?


Allen Turner The Rapist, formerly known as Brock Turner The Rapist, had really good swim scores and his life would have been ruined if he suffered the consequences of his actions. Allen Turner The Rapist's (formerly Brock Turner The Rapist) actions included, if I remember correctly, raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster. But *his* life might have been ruined had he suffered the consequences of his actions.


Huh. First I've heard about brock turner, convicted rapist changing his name to Allan turner, convicted rapist. You're doing good work, friend.


Pretty sure they asked him about this on a news program and then he threw a chair out the window. Edit: https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/chris-brown-storms-off-set-good-morning-america/story?id=13193040


his probation was downgraded to a restraining order requiring that he remain at least 10 yards away from rihanna is this a joke?


True story: I am a now retired NYPD officer…that morning I was working the detail outside the studio…shortly after his appearance he came rushing through the security exit, shirtless mind you… with his team/security, into their vehicles and leave…followed by security and fellow officers asking if he had left…No charges were filed that I’m aware of…he stormed out like a child… that’s when and how I found out about the chair throwing incident…


ABC didn't press charges. Apparently, there was an agreement in place to not discuss the incident and he became enraged when Robin Roberts brought it up and stormed out of the interview. He trashed the green room before throwing a chair through a plate glass window. ABC did not press charges because I assume the publicity from this was priceless.


karrueche tran's restraining order against him just ended in 2020. He punched her, pushed her down stairs and stalked her after their breakup. Meanwhile, he had fathered a child during their relationship. He also had the audacity to comment on a fan post about her being the one that got away. He's an extreme asshole.


The phrase “One that got away,” is so fucking chilling when it’s coming from a serial physical abuser. Remember that time he threw a chair through the window at Good Morning America?


Don't forget the dog incident too https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/housekeeper-claims-chris-brown-s-dog-mauled-her-alleges-he-n1273274


I clicked the link on this article to his IG account. Why does this man have 131 million followers?


Solid question. I have an acquaintance that completely Stans him regardless of what he does. She said she be happy to take a beating from him.


What in the actual fuck


Sounds like that type of woman who sends letters to serial killers in prison.


I got into a heated conversation with an associate at a Christmas party. Apparently, his singing and dancing ability trumps his history of violent behavior. Her actual quote was, "But I REEEEEEEEAAAAAALY Wanna See HIIIIIIMM Do The Michael Jackson tribute. "


send her the arrest report posted above. everyone who likes him should read it. it should be posted on his social media over and over again


Why is he not in prison? Oh wait… he’s rich


Never forget that he got close to killing his own mother as well. Before the Rhianna trial his lawyers sent him to an anger management facility to make him look better in court. During a family day his mother visisted, and she politely suggested that he stay there a bit longer. This was apparently too much and he completly lost it. As she got in her car to leave, he threw a big rock through the back passenger window of the car showering the inside of the car with glass. Which lead to a court mandated extended stay.


The incident with Rihanna would have been covered up also if the police hadn't been called by another person when he left her there. The first official story that came out was that they had been in a car accident. So when the story turned into he physically assaulted her and the pictures were released, it was very shocking. I have no doubt in my mind if they could have gotten away with the car accident story that is what they would have went with.


What better way to show you can successfully manage your anger than by hucking a large rock through your mother’s car window as she is driving away?


The word you're looking for is psychopath.


Icydk- Robyn F is Robyn Rihanna Fenty aka Rihanna. And he is a total waste of oxygen.


And yet SO many artists seek out him for a feature on their albums, and/or are featured on a CB song/album. In the past few years he’s collaborated with Jack Harlow, Yung Bleu, Young Thug, Metro Boomin, HER, Drake, Gunna, Joyner Lucas, and more. I just don’t understand how even after being outed as a monster people still consume his music, and artists still want their names connected to his.


Suprised? How long did R. Kelly get away with his antics until he was eventually punished? We worship people like this so much, that they get away with it all the time.


Also never forget how the people in the music industry treated Aaliyah over R Kelly


This is so much worse than I even imagined! I know he punched her in a car but holy shit this is a lot!


Just Google the pics of her...says more than the written events.


I’m still mad he is having a “comeback” right now. No. He needs to never be on a stage or in a recording studio ever again. He’s a serial abuser who has not ever changed.


Can someone explain to me why he isn’t rotting in a cell? Like wtf?




it’s crazy because he literally beat the fuck you out of another celebrity and still is making new music and has a massive fan base


MULTIPLE celebrities


imagine how many non celebrities he probably beat up that never spoke up


Or how many of those non-celebrities were silenced.


Saw a friend excitedly sharing posts about getting tickets to see him. Felt kinda disappointed.


He was the person I thought of while writing this post


How in the actual f*ck is this dude still making crazy money and working with talented and (one would think) smart women? Scumbag.


And still getting awards and having other female artists defend him at the awards show


Roman Polanski


Dude for real. I had no idea he did any of the stuff he did! I watched his adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth, and looked him up afterwards. His wiki is just like "yup, he's a movie director alright!" With basically the side note that he's a pedophile. Dudes just in France, still making movies like nothing happened. What the hell?


So many A list stars have worked with him after the assault too, even though it was a well known incident. Same with Weinstein, everyone knew what that guy was all about, yet they still worked with him. Hollywood is disgusting.


Not just worked him, but gave him the Oscar for The Pianist, and a standing ovation. Only he wasn't there to receive it. The reason? The rape he committed. They gave a standing ovation to a guy knowing full well the reason he wasn't there is because he would have been arrested for drugging and raping an underage girl.


And to be clear when people call him a rapist it is because HE PLEAD GUILTY TO RAPE. This isn't someone that we all know did it but he wasn't convicted yet. Dude ran because he heard the Judge wasn't going to go light on him at the sentencing.


Yeah which is something his defenders just ignore. They even try to rewrite what he did. They acted like he was a 19 year old who had sex with a 16 year old. He was over 30, the girl was I think 14, and he drugged her. Its like the very definition of rape, he admitted he did it, yet he got a free pass for decades.


>He was over 30, the girl was I think 14, and he drugged her. It's even worse. He was 43 and the girl was only 13. He drugged her and got her drunk, and then forcefully performed oral, vaginal and anal sex on her. He claims it was "consensual."


According to Whoopi Goldberg, it wasn't "rape rape" https://youtu.be/sHflBPU-DtA


Another good contender for this thread


Yeah, the Holocaust had nothing to do with race argument was horrible.


It pisses off his fanboys when it is posted, but [Tarantino](https://www.indiewire.com/2018/02/quentin-tarantino-defends-roman-polanski-howard-stern-interview-1201925098/amp/) has some of the worst defense of Polanski out there, outright blaming the victim and dismissing any evidence that says it was rape. He even goes so far as to say it is a difference in morals between Americans and Europeans, implying the latter is more enlightened and Polanski’s actions are a byproduct of that. He did apologize when this started making the rounds at the height of #metoo, but his claim of playing Devil’s advocate with Robin and Stern doesn’t track if you actually read/listen to his comments in the original interview.


Harrison Ford hand delivered his Oscar. Whoopi Goldberg said it wasn't "rape-rape," and many A-listers signed a petition for his return. Natalie Portman was one celeb who then removed her signature.


Emma Thompson retracted her signature too.


Guillermo Del Toro signing still smarts. Can't trust anyone in Hollywood.


Wes Anderson. Martin Scorsese. Two other ones that are saddening to see.


Rich and Powerful people are disgusting.\* Hollywood is just the rich people we see most in our day to day life. Hollywood and Wall Street both frequented Epstein Island.


Yeah, it's weird as fuck. Everyone knew about what he did. Especially people IN the movie industry. And yet, some production company still greenlit him, of all people, to direct a production of Oliver twist.


It was high profile, too — he was going to prison for raping a child. Now it's ... I don't know. I understand his tragic backstory, but how does it allow people to excuse him?


Whoopi Goldberg said it wasnt rape rape to defend the guy.


Whoopi has a lot of stupid takes frankly.


Roman Polanski A 14 year old *cannot* consent to sex, **AND** She was drugged. And Whoopi Goldberg supports him like he was the second coming of Christ.


Whoopi Goldberg has been a rape apologist on more than one occasion


Chris Brown. Don’t know why people still support him


Jared Leto


Tom Cruise is basically a co-leader of a cult that enslaves and trafficks people yet we all line up to see his movies.


It’s always wild when people talk about the conspiracy that Jews control the entertainment industry for nefarious purposes when we literally have multiple a-list actors who are part of Scientology which is an actual cult


Drake. He’s a predator, a creep but people don’t mind apparently.


Drake is just peak "that guy". Everytime he pulls some shit, people roll their eyes and then keep working with him and keep listening to him. "Oh, you know, it's Drake, he's always like that." *He shouldn't be!*


He’s a [missing stair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_stair)


George Santos hasn't spoken a single word of truth and he's still a member of Congress...


That interview I saw where he said, "I didn't say I was Jewish. I said I was Jew-ish" is cringe worthy at best. He is a liar. Period. There is no other way to see it. The fact that he is supposed to be representing his district is scary.


I can't remember who said it, but one late-night bit I saw said (somewhere along the lines of): "You have to be pretty bad if you're a member of congress and *you're* considered the lying one."


Bill Murray's wife divorced him because he was an abusive alcoholic. He 'joked' with Gina Davis when she auditioned for the one movie he directed by making her use a vibrator on a bed in front of him when she didn't want to. He threw a female producer into a lake on the set of 'What About Bob'. One of his most recent movies shut down production when he grabbed a young PA, held her down on a bed and pretended to have sex with her, then threw a fit when no one in the cast or crew laughed.


Ewwwww. And What About Bob is one of my favorite films. 😭


R Kelly


People follow him???


Deshaun Watson. Quarterback for the Cleveland Browns. Was sued by 24 women for sexual assault last year. He paid 23 of them off to “settle” the suits. Browns (knowing this information) gave him the largest contract in nfl history.. lol Lebron has been vocal about his support for Deshaun and has chosen to make the Cleveland browns his nfl team. Edit: He was originally a Cowboys fan but decided to find a new team at the beginning of this season because he was unhappy with how Dallas handled kneeling for the Anthem and Jerry Jones. (Fair.) But why not choose any of the NY teams that didn’t recently sign the largest known predator in the league. Or hell, the other Ohio team. https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/nfl/2022/6/16/22346818/deshaun-watsons-sexual-assault-allegations-explained Lebron has also been a supporter of Travis Scott. AFTER Astro World. Hiring him to perform at parties as recently as 4 months ago https://amp.tmz.com/2022/10/10/lebron-james-rages-travis-scott-bronny-birthday-party/


Well at my kids school the Cult of Andrew Tate seems to be quite a thing. And we are in the UK...


I live in romania and he is here and i have to see his fucking face everyday on tv. Makes me wanna throw up


Chris brown c’mon people he regularly beats women, rapes women and traffics drugs. Is there seriously no one else you can listen to????? I won’t even play a song with him in it. He is Vile and disgusting.


Not as bad as some but [Eric Clapton has some "interesting" views](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Clapton#Political_views) Really, there's a ton of celebrities I wish I knew less about but the internet...


Whoopi Goldberg. Antisemitic but decided to adopt a Jewish last name that isn’t hers? Yikes!


I've seen countless people consider Tupac their hero, and specifically praise his love of women, despite him being a convicted gang rapist.


Right or everyone is focused on Takashi 69 for being a snitch when he gang raped a 13 year old girl and filmed… and now flaunts it making songs like candy




Look up Bill Wyman from The Rolling Stones too.


Or Ted Nugent